What if I told you no diseases can exist in a body that is balanced; would you believe me? If I said the solution lies in digestion, elimination, and recovery; most of us would become skeptical. When we hear something like that, the first thing we think about ourselves or the people we love the most or just people in general. Someone has to live with pain because they are diabetic or your cousin hates the weight he/she gained over the years. Maybe our friends are so stressed out because of everyday life and it causes heart attacks, fatigued, etc. How about when you have a busy day at work, your stomach is begging to be fed, you eat, and you feel sleepy. What if I told you that everything you are going through in everyday life was because of lack of information, would you be at least curious to how? Here’s where it get interesting, this information is not available to the public in naked eye. You have to stumble upon it, be someone of status like a health specialist, or someone of importance/status .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70% of our body comes from the absorption of nutrients and the other 30% from exercise in order to have a balanced body called homeostasis. So now it’s a question of how your body is absorbing these nutrients. This requires enzymes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You have a chemical reaction every time you are in action which is every second. When you think, lift something, move, sleep, etc. is considered a chemical reaction which means you are casting off millions of cells every reaction. It takes about 1500 enzymes to make one cell and our food is full of them. If no nutrients is introduced to the cells, it cant work effective. Do scare you a little, this includes the most important cells in your body responsible for fighting off diseases to keep the immune system strong , the white blood cells. No nutrients in them means open season to diseases. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So its not just about the food you are eating. Most people are thinking or saying “Well I eat healthy, this don’t concern me.” Are you sure? You never got sick, or tired after you finished eating, or something didn’t sit right on your stomach? What about a cold or flu? Passing gas? Are you allergic to any kind of food? What about weight? How is that going? Could mention more, but you get the picture. Its not about being sick, these are signs from our body to give us feedback when something is not working out! Remember what I said earlier; no diseases can exist in a body that is balanced? Well, if you are absorbing your food because they are fool of enzymes you are ok right? Of course.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We get enzymes three different ways. One is through raw food. The second is through metabolic enzymes, third is through supplemental enzymes. Do you eat raw food? Good for you then, haha because of most of us don’t. Enzymes can be destroyed when we cook, process, freeze, microwave or altered in anyway. This makes are metabolic enzymes stop its functions (which is to control the organs) just to help digest the food because it has no enzymes to digest itself. The only other way is through supplement enzymes. No problem right? Its more!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone has different needs and wants because of their genetic body type. We don’t eat the same foods or want the same things. Because we don’t have enzymes in our food since its not raw, we are killing our immune system and shortening our life span. You only have so many metabolic enzymes in your body. Its like a bank account. You were born with a certain amount of enzymes that last you for a lifetime. As you get older or stressed they decrease. So if you are always taking from the bank more then you suppose to take, you are going to run out of money earlier then expected. If your body is always borrowing to help you digest food, then you going to eventually run out of metabolic enzymes and die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what can you do about it? Well, it depends on your body type. Its 4 body types that everyone fits in. Its like being a male or female. You either one or the other. Each types has different imbalanced issues because of poor digestion. If you have a difficultly digesting carbohydrates, you lack particular enzymes while another type might have a difficulty digesting fats and missing a different blend of enzymes. The other can have the same issue with protein while the last one has problems digesting carbohydrates, fats, and dairy products. So you would need to find a supplemental enzyme that can tailor to your individual body type.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next thing you would need to do is focus on elimination since you have years of undigested food built up in your colon and as hard as a rubber tire. It can be as much as 5-30 pounds of fecal matter that has been built up for years. This left in your body causes something called auto-toxification which causes diseases. These are signs showing us our body is not balanced through just a few of the symptoms I stated earlier. Our body is like a sewage system and should be flowing without residue on the walls. You can see this happening in your stool which should come out soft. Probiotics helps with this issue but you would need to find a Probiotics that has good bacteria in it that act as a soap to keep your sewage walls from having residue as well as help strengthen the immune system. If you find the right digestive supplement, it should have a blend of Probiotics with it already and specifically tailored to your body type.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, your immune system just needs to be recovered. Because it has been trying to regulate itself, the metabolic enzymes has to work harder to get itself back to normal status doing what its suppose to do with the 11 organs in our body. That requires more enzymes them normal. Thus, you need a repairing enzyme that makes it possible for the metabolic enzymes to focus on its purpose. This cause you to have more enzymes on reserve extending your life expansion. You need to find a repair product to do this.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, now the only thing left for you to focus on is the exterior things that physically affects our health because of several factors like weight management or anti-oxidant levels. If we want to control weight we need control our calories. Most people will control their weight through a Meal Replacement drink. You just have to make sure its worth your money and has enzymes in it to help you absorb everything and see the maximum results in very short time. Make sure it taste good to because some things that are good for you in just plain nasty….hahahaha---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then, to top everything off, to obtain optimum health, you need to control free radicals which is like 2nd hand smoke, water you drink, clothes you wearing, etc. as well as making sure you get your daily take of fruits and vegetables. Which means you going to need some form of super greens and/or COQ10 to help you perform in other ways.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So for those who are little curious where I am getting this information, I got it from an Advisory Board with doctors who are legends in their own rights. These doctors have dedicated their lives on this information as well as some of the prestigious people that utilize them for their expertise. I was fortunate enough to be introduced to people who were connected to these type of people and shared the information with me. I got so excited about it and thought the whole world should know this and decided to put this together and tell all my friends and family. So spread this around to everyone. I got it in email format too--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, I hope you enjoyed this information and that it has been very informative to you. I thought it I shared this with you, it will open your eyes to things you never paid attention to until now. If you have any other questions though, shoot me an email, text, or call and start off with what your health goals is and lets go from there. Love you guys and good luck with everything! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sincerely Yours,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawud Mawalin------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neutraceutical Advocate---------------------------------dnm089@yorhealth.com------------------------www.yorhealth.com----------------------------www.uscheaprent.com