Random BsB Thoughts


OK, I was watching the Beastie Boys video Intergalactic (luved it) and don't you think it would be hilarious to see the Backstreet Boys do the exact same song and video, dancing/rapping robot and all? Why doesn't Howie straighten his hair more often?

Why don't the BsB ever slap nick upside the head?

Why exactly is Brian best friends with nick? I mean, come on, who would be best friend's with that loser unless there was more than just a friendship...

What's the real story behind Kevin not getting any solos?

Is Brian partially deaf, or can he really just not follow beat while dancing?

Does AJ have anything pierced you can't seen when he's fully clothed?

Are Kevin and nick virgins? (Go to yahoo and then find chat transcripts for yahoo chats, and find the one with AJ)
Some one has told me that Kevin is in fact not a virgin. He lost his virginity at age 16. Morals, Kev, what about your morals? (This is not a completely confirmed fact, but it does come from a reliable source)

Who made Howie, Brian and AJ lose there virginity?

Is Kevin really wearing platforms in INBYH?

Why does the official BsB site exist? We could find that information on any teenybopper site, plus fifty billion more pics and so much more than you even wanted to know.

Would the Backstreet Boys really never break your heart?

Does nick have something medically wrong with his chest, or is he just embarassed?

Who really sings the part that AJ doesn't on Set Adrift On Memory Bliss?

Will any of the BsB ever come out of the closet?

You know when Brian and nick sing Anywhere for You, and look at each other so lovingly, it's got to be more than just a song...

Brian and nick singing to each other in "Anywhere For You"