Welcome to my Guestbook! I'm so happy you're signing it!
Zoe - 12/27/00 00:17:08
My URL:You're here
My Email:mizoe@chickmail.com
Favorite Movie: Crime and Punishment in Suburbia - an obvious bias.
Advice: Sign my guest book and all your dreams will come true.
Favorite Vacation Spot: New York City
Dear Diary,
No on signs my guestbook anymore. I'm all out of paper so I must write my journal here since it is the safest place on earth to write my deepest, darkest secrets! No one will ever read them!! The last person to write here was my boyfriend (man of few words) back in July. And he has to use the word "swell" the most overused word in his vocabularly. And that's all I have to complain about. Not to shabby. Cheers and good night. Zoe
Zoe - 12/27/00 00:16:29
My URL:You're here
My Email:mizoe@chickmail.com
Favorite Movie: Crime and Punishment in Suburbia - an obvious bias.
Advice: Sign my guest book and all your dreams will come true.
Favorite Vacation Spot: New York City
Dear Diary,
No on signs my guestbook anymore. I'm all out of paper so I must write my journal here since it is the safest place on earth to write my deepest, darkest secrets! No one will ever read them!! The last person to write here was my boyfriend (man of few word
) back in July. And he has to use the word "swell" the most overused word in his vocabularly. And that's all I have to complain about. Not to shabby. Cheers and good night. Zoe
rob - 07/24/00 07:35:23
My Email:r@robschmidt.com
Your site is the swellest!
Jugs McGinty - 07/19/00 02:01:59
My URL:http://morone.net
My Email:dmorone@hostpro.net
Favorite Movie: Corn Pone Brigade 2001
Advice: Use dial
Favorite Vacation Spot: Davy Jone's locker
I think it is fine, this here web site. So fine. Soooo fine. Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! ahhhhh AHHHH!
Jinx Malone - 07/18/00 02:11:17
My URL:http://the-saucy-girl-lagoon.com
My Email:jinx@the-saucy-girl-lagoon.com
Favorite Movie: yikes! can't say just one!
Advice: When in doubt, always mutter "what the hell." This always produces the desired end.
Favorite Vacation Spot: my new bed
Hello lovely Zoe,
I didn't even know that you had a website! I feel ashamed. Do you still like me? I love you. You are tres fantastique, mon cher.
PBK - 07/02/00 01:04:51
I feel remiss if I don't periodically check in, so here I am.
Louis Pine, Jr. - 06/20/00 06:12:00
My Email:Lou_Pine_Jr@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: The Company of Wolves
Advice: Stay home
Favorite Vacation Spot: Well air-conditioned super market
To Whom it May Concern,
I have attention span deficit issues.
Yours truly,
Allan Brent - 06/09/00 16:26:52
My URL:http://dsd.com
My Email:alb@dsd.com
Favorite Movie: The Seventh Seal
Advice: Take wooden nickels!
Favorite Vacation Spot: Paris
Hello Zoe:
Long time no see.
I am your long lost virtual uncle. Remember me?
Love your site. Hope your life is as good.
Peter Avellino - 06/05/00 23:22:11
My Email:Peter.Avellino@creativeplanet.com
Favorite Movie: Brazil
Advice: Never stop fighting 'til the fight is done.
Favorite Vacation Spot: Some place in Italy that I have never been to before.
Zoe. That's right, Zoe. Zoe, you are without a doubt the coolest person in all of L.A. What is cool? My neighborhood. My James Bond DVDs. And of course, Zoe. It is truly a pleasure to be able to leave this message here for you. Thank you, Zoe.
zoe - 05/29/00 08:15:13
My URL:http://right here
My Email:mizoe@chickmail.com
Favorite Movie: Video's that I'm in
Advice: be nice
Favorite Vacation Spot: my pool
I sign my guestbook way too often. But I decided to write back to "me" since I know who you are and I love you too. You don't call me on the phone except from other continents! Also you are right, I have a lot of fly by night pals but its OK because I onl
care about the ones that matter, like you.
me - 05/26/00 18:47:55
My URL:http://elookgreat.com
i love zoe more than any of these flyby night pals. and one day me and the cat ARE going to write that sitcom...
Senior (spanish) Web Master - 05/12/00 18:40:59
My URL:http://cb.com
My Email:drewtopia@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: my stepmother was an alien
Advice: overreact and take it personal
Favorite Vacation Spot: as memory serves me...earth
zoe zoe zoe zoe zoe zoe...what more can a mere mortal utter at such talent, splendar and grace. We, all fortunate enough to view these electric pulses of the great goddess gangemi, shall look unto the future with a new light, a light as bright as all the
alaxies' suns throughout the universe in a union of infinite rays. Blinding, searing yes!, but the gentle warmth from such a synthesis of energy, power, transends the humble viewer into the realms of the lofty perch of pillowing clouds as if in the heave
s touched by the hands of the grand creator herself. Tears have no choice to run down ones face overcome with joy and a sense of divine grace.
linda pine - 05/05/00 07:24:48
My Email:hopeyglass@earthlink.net
Favorite Movie: Delicatessen
Advice: don't shit where you eat
Favorite Vacation Spot: Orgasm
hello, I am procrastinating. you are very bad for
letting me do this. you made me do it. pretty
pretty Zoe. bad gir
Zoe (Yes the author of this site) - 04/26/00 03:25:48
My URL:http://duh, like you're here already.
My Email:mizoe@chickmail.com
Favorite Movie: Matador, Diva - I like movies with lots of color.
Advice: Do everything I say.
Favorite Vacation Spot: NY
Since I visit my site most often, I figured I should sign it. Zoe, your site is the best site that ever existed or ever will exist. It's amazing, its really deep on multiple levels that most of you will never get. In fact you probably don't even get one o
those levels. HA!
Rusty Buckets - 04/21/00 00:55:53
My Email:ghostkitty@juno.com
Favorite Movie: Babe 1 & 2
Advice: Make sure you got your topsoil!
Favorite Vacation Spot: Granpa's farm
I really responded something awful to your photos of the garden! I'm an old farm boy, myself and will soon forward you several pictures of myself in the fields at sundown on Saturday. It's a beautiful thing to watch the sun set over the corn fields while
rinking beer.
Jonathan - 04/11/00 20:14:33
My URL:http://www.c-gate.net/~chulo/hub.htm
My Email:liam.c@england.com
Favorite Movie: Currently, "Grave of the Fireflies"
Advice: Always look from right to left when walking in West London traffic
Favorite Vacation Spot: UK/NW Florida/Smoky Mtns National Park
I honestly could not tell you how I happened upon your site. Interesting, to say the least...very interesting. :)
Linda Heichman - 03/22/00 05:30:18
My URL:http://idonthaveawebpageyet.com/
My Email:lheichman@email.msn.com
Favorite Movie: Logan's Run
Advice: everything happens for a reason
Favorite Vacation Spot: Italy
hey miss Z! loved the site! you are such a creative gal! i hope you're doing well.
talk to you soon!
Rusty Suede - 03/16/00 04:36:14
My Email:rustysuede@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Evil Kinevel: The True Story
Advice: Preserve freshness with Tupperware
Favorite Vacation Spot: Las Vegas
Your site changed my life. Before I came to it, I thought that all there was in life worth living for was a triple blend of Tupperware, Vegas style gambling, and all the lovely ladies.
Thank you zoo,
Internally yours,
Rusty Suede
Paula A Wright - 03/13/00 21:54:38
My Email:4pwright@home.com
Favorite Movie: TARZAN
Advice: Blink
Favorite Vacation Spot: Purgatory, Durango Co.
COol site ZOe I REally LIke it.
Steve - 02/28/00 05:31:00
My Email:normalism@netscape.net
My URL:http://www.sites.netscape.net/normalism.com
Hi Zoe. An excellent site! Vibrant, funny, congenial, and warm. Congratulations.
Mika Wakahara - 02/14/00 04:19:18
My Email:m-wakahara@mm.neweb.ne.jp
Zoe,I signed yours.
Bad-Kitty - 02/04/00 07:53:56
My URL:http://www.badkittygear.com
My Email:badkitty@badkittygear.com
Favorite Movie: Just one? hmmm....Life is Beautiful/Star Wars/Reefer Madness 2001
Advice: Don't use Charmin...
Favorite Vacation Spot: Echo Park
Hi Zoe....
See you at the party =)
Mark (Cat's friend) - 02/04/00 07:14:44
My URL:http://yarblek.com
My Email:demrah@pacbell.net
Favorite Movie: duh...BRAZIL
Advice: Pretend I'm your good friend and I'll bring drinks
Favorite Vacation Spot: MMORPGs
I'm going to crash your party tomorrow night.
I'll bring drink and the
golden key entry phrase of "Campion sent me..",
muttered low under my breath while scanning the
room with my eyes.
Please leave the address on my voice mail.
Mark Demarais
Ryan - 01/25/00 23:28:20
My Email:awed@earthling.net
Favorite Movie: Blade Runner
Advice: take mushrooms once a year
Favorite Vacation Spot: anywhere on the subcontinent
hey your web site is really fun.
liliput - 01/10/00 07:54:12
My URL:http://start.at/debut
My Email:peekaboos@ameritech.net
Favorite Movie: Run, Lola, Run
Advice: never settle for anything less than extraordinary
Favorite Vacation Spot: on the sofa, under the blankies, watching old b/w movies
you are so fun! i love this site - so much to see & do & visit! i've still many places to venture here, so i've bookmarked you for many happy returns!
Zach Hemmelgarn - 01/09/00 04:22:49
My Email:zhemmelgarn@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Fallen Angels
Advice: Tea is better than coffee
Favorite Vacation Spot: New York
I like the comics the best. And the pictures.
Peter Kaufman - 01/01/00 21:59:53
My Email:peter_kaufman@nospamml.com
Favorite Movie: Can't say just one.Maybe "Grand Illusion"
Advice: Play nice.
Favorite Vacation Spot: Italy
Zoe, you're a freak. A super-freak! Love the pics, babe.
*Rachel* - 12/25/99 23:15:22
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/fashionpassion/glittergurl16/open.html
My Email:silverglittr8211@aol.com
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Advice: ummm...let me think...the friends that really care about you are gonna be the ones that yell at you when you screw up...haha, sorry, i've been going through alot of that lately
Favorite Vacation Spot: Florida
you have a cool site! I love it! Your pictures are amazing...that'd be alot of fun traveling like that & taking pictures. Anyway, great page!
a *hug* frum me, ~Rach
Floyd - 11/30/99 21:57:53
My URL:http://www.cshore.com/floyd
My Email:floyd@cshore.com
Favorite Movie: Boogie Nights
Advice: Take what you can get
Favorite Vacation Spot: France?
I want to collect all the Zoe Cards!!!
DANA M VIEIRA - 11/27/99 07:09:27
Favorite Vacation Spot: CANCUN MEXICO
I liked your sight ,and added it to my favorites.
Looking foward to this weekend.
dt - 11/18/99 02:38:59
My Email:donna.tarzian@latimes.com
Favorite Movie: lawrence of Arabia
Advice: life is too short to waste time on stupid people
Favorite Vacation Spot: somewhere in italy
fun site zooooooooeeeeeeeeee!
Stephen Boursy - 09/30/99 03:45:20
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net
Favorite Movie: Gone with the Wind
Advice: Don't listen to advice
Favorite Vacation Spot: places I've never been before
Nice photography.
Rita - 08/18/99 02:52:06
My URL:/SoHo/Nook/5534
My Email:larrita@compuserve.com
Favorite Movie: Radio Flyer
Advice: Dance a lot
Favorite Vacation Spot: the mountains
Greetings! I certainly enjoyed strolling through your website! I'm continually amazed at how much alike people are no matter where in the world they are from. Especially if they love
good music. Its a small world after all. Just click on the picture to visit my homepage.... SLEEPWALK. I'll be looking for you! Rita aka Sleepwalk :)