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 About Me
Firstly, thank you for visiting my homepage. Its gre8 that you took time to know me.

I'm Padma Priya, born in south part of India, Andhra Pradesh in a town called Vijayawada in the year 1969. Among 4 daughters I m the second one in my family. Well, I was born perfect, but at my 3rd year, I was infected by Polio to my right leg. I was always left away in the life run since then. I had to stare at the kids playing in my school age. I missed all the fun & hated myself. Kids and elders used to give only sympathy not real friendship or love. Please don't give sympathy to anyone. It's not exactly what they need. It's better to hate instead of sympathy.

The only thing in me which I liked a lot was my voice & sang well as my other 3 sisters. We were a good band in school/college for concerts and plays. Otherwise, life was hopeless, nothing was thrilling. I hardly remember anything of my childhood.

At the age of 20, I somehow completed my studies and came to Muscat, Oman just for a holiday. My parents were here since few years. After spending some days over there I got a job. After 2 years I got married and got settle there itself. Hey! This changed my life. My hub, so understanding who always inspires me. Swami Sri Sathya Sai Baba came in my dream and said "Child! I am with you". Believe me! Since then I never felt myself hopeless. Days were gifted with pleasure and happiness. Swami blessed me with 2 lovely sons. My elder son Sai Ravi Theja (1992) and my younger son Sai Adhithya (1996), they brought in my life Sun Shine (Ravi Teja) and then my life was ever brighten (Adhithya). That was the meaning behind their names. I shined out from my dark way and brought with in me a confidence to live!

Once a noble couple Mr. Moorthy & Mrs. Madhavi, in a shopping center just casually suggested me about a treatment for my leg. They asked me to visit in Andhra Pradesh, Vishakapatnam, PREMA HOSPITAL, 14-3-18, Maharani Peta, Vishakapatnam, Pin Code 530-002, Tel. No. 0091-891-526791 or 92. You too can check out the hospital details in this site ,Doctor/Surgeon to consult is Dr. S.V. Adinarayana Rao, M.S. (Ortho), Director General, Prema Hospitals. Email ID: He is a great man who takes lots of efforts going around all places in India and help the poor people who are suffering from any Orthopedic problems FREE. There are many people who donate to this organization. Please let the needy know this details for their recovery from this horrible disease.

I underwent the operation in the year 1999, which was very painful though the results are 100% positive. Medically I can't explain much but it's a long process. It takes 2 years for a complete recovery. My parents, kids , husband and moreover my company where I'm working now in Oman have helped and supported me to get this revolution in me. Without them it would have been absolutely impossible.

By God's grace, I can now walk without any support of any shoes or calipers . So what if I have lost my youthful 30 years due to my health prpblems. At 32, I enjoy the company of my lovely kids who remind me of my childhood . The credit goes to my Swami for giving me such an understanding husband , caring parents and wonderful kids.All of them have given me an unconditional love and have come along with smile on their lips always in my ways which were at times painful & unpleasant.

Thank you once again for visiting my page and I request you to help your friends, neighbors or even strangers if they need any Orthopedic help with the above information. The treatment could be free on financial grounds. This is my contribution to that great Organization. SAI RAM J

Now, I aim to obtain a Driving Licence, so that I could drive my kids all around the world and await for an opportunity as professional singer.

Dear friends, please make few more minutes of your time to sign the guest book. You can check my family and parents pictures in my photo gallery.