Although the chance of an Alpha Flight movie being made are slim to none, there's no harm thinking up a dream cast of people who would be most suitable for the various roles, and that's the reason for this site. I've selected the actors mainly based on their physical appearance, and all are fairly well known actors. Apparently Wizard magazine ran their own Alpha Flight casting call, but I have never seen the issue and do not know who they chose. All these casting decisions were my own decisions. Just click on the character's name on the right to see my selected performers.
If the movie was ever brought to screen most roles would most likely be occupied by unknown faces, but since I'm never going to be making the movie I can have my dream cast. I'm sure my choices won't be agreeable to everybody, so feel free to voice your opinion in the survey where you can nominate your own favourite actor for various roles, with a new character being voted on every month.
Many thanks to Alpha Zone and Department H for lending me pictures of the characters.
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