
April 2, 2000 - Another new Friends survey!
March 23, 2000 - Five new Friends surveys up!
February 25, 2000 - Picture Page has once again been updated. These pictures are older than my latest updates, but this was the first chance I had to scan them. They're from the month of December. (Because I keep my pictures in chronological order, these new pictures will not be at the bottom of the thumbnails).
February 5, 2000 - Picture Page has been updated with pictures from Adam's birthday party and when a bunch of us went to Bugsy's after the school formal.
I suppose its time for a new message here...

Well, welcome to Lyndsay's Locker. This is my (Lynn's) personal webpage. Some people say I have too much stuff for a personal webpage, but I don't really care. Everything on this page has something to do with me, or my interests.

You can check out my picture page, which includes pictures of myself as well as my friends.

A newer addition is the Lyndsay's Friends page. I made up a silly survey for my friends to fill out, and surprisingly, many of them did!

The newest addition to my page is the lyrics page. I have all of Metallica's lyrics up. I have a few others, but more will be added.

So, browse, enjoy, and please sign the guestbook.