The Matt Stone
This site is brand new, so some of the links are broken. That's what happens with sites that are under cuncussion... construction, sorry... anyway, enjoy what's here!
You may notice how the color scheme is the same three colors of the Denver Broncos, and if you don't, you pretty much suck. Anyway, the reason for that is because the Broncos happen to be my, as well as Matt Stone's, fave football team. So this is not just some shenanigans, it is not a Broncos site, just a tribute to a man who loves the best team in the world! BTW, I got the idea for the color scheme at Kam's Cannibal Lovers' Site.
Succumb to Matt Stone's glory!!!! Say, come to think about it, I don't think you've bowed down before Matt recently. *you say 'Yes we did, just last week'* No, no, I think that was more of a curtsy than a bow. So why don't we all just bow down right now? *Pulls a lever that makes everyone bow down before Matt Stone, messiah of all* OK, I'm fine now. Here's the schmegagy little links to the rest of the page:
Pics of Matt | Info on the genius | Links | Cannibal | Orgazmo | BASEketball | South Park | E-mail
Well aren't you special? You're the
person to be here.