Welcome to my new Adventures of Sinbad page

Last updated June 17 2001

I am now turning this site into a clear season one tribute page (if you want to know why, click here) and will try to keep it as fresh as possible (something I wasn't very good at before, I know). The container of my site is about the same as before, although you will not  find any Bryn/Mariah Shirley page of mine.

Anyway, have a look around and check out the links (especially "The new season one"website). Will keep adding new stuff regularly, so have an eye on this site every once in a while.










The Maeve and Sinbad tribute

I have to admit that the pictures on this site are not my own. I have found them in so many different places, that I can't even separate from where each pic comes from. Although, most of them comes from either The Sinbad Pack, Merlin and Calvin's Adventures of Sinbad page, The official Jacqueline Collen Web Page, Caesar's Maeve gallery or Stormcat's site and Lady Sahara's Adventures of Sinbad website (I hope I haven't forgotten someone!).

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on this page since June 17 2001

The Adventures of Sinbad is owned by Atlantis Films and American Entertainment, this site is only a tribute to the series