Character templates
This is not a complete list of character templates, that would be impossible.  This is merely a list of this that I have seen often in use, but not in books.  These come from many sources, few of these are from my own imagination, while some just pop up in a mission or conversation like...
Blasterfire, loud explosion...
Player 1- "Uh- oh, some one call the janitor."
Player 2- "Hey, great idea! I'll make a janitor who goes with the characters!"
Player 3- "Oh great!"
Player 2- "He'll be able to attack people with his mop or his toilet scrubber."
Player 1- "oh, god."
Player 2- "The toilet scrubber will do biological weapon damage!"
Or so it went.  If you have any ideas, as always, throw them this way.  I always give credit where it is due.  You make most of it, I make some, the rest comes from other sites that I've visited.  I then compile it all and make it look pretty.

Right now I have the following, and twice as many being converted to .html format and being made to look nice.

Blank Template
Bakur Template    Designed by Jamie Whitaker
Cygnostics Template    Designed by Jamie Whitaker
Human Template
Hutt Template
Jawa Template
Mynath Template    Designed by Jamie Whitaker
Ssari Template    Designed by Jamie Whitaker
Sheel Template    Designed by Jamie Whitaker

BioTech Warrior
Body Guard
Border Guard
Corporate Official
Cyber Warrior
Egotistical Gunman
Galaxy News Reporter
Gun Slinger
Hutt Hunter (very few, less than 100 in galaxy)
Law Enforcement Officer
Martial Artist
Melee Weapon Specialist
Space Knight
Space Samurai

Soldier Templates
These are playable and characters can even train to become rookies in these, but these can also be NPCs
Imperial Super Soldier
Rebel Super Soldier
Rebel Special Forces
Standard Rebel Soldier
The 1st Dathomirian Rancor Guard
The Urban Special Forces
I am working on many more.
You can also download all of these wonderful templates right here for the amazingly low price of 0 standard credits!!!