Cultural Weapons And Such

Cultural Weapons

Gamorrean Dueling Knives
Iotran Police Force Special
Ryyyk Blades
Mandelorian Armour
Mandelorian Light "Scout" Armour
Mandelorian Standard "Trooper" Armour
Mandelorian Heavy "Commando" Armour
Mandelorian Powered "Engineer" Armour
Mandelorian "Boarding" Armour
Cultural Weapons

Gamorrean Dueling Knives

    The traditional knife of the Gamorrean boar, the dueling knife is a wicked cutting tool. Utilizing a 50 to 60cm long blade and weighing in at around a full kilogram and a quarter, it has a forward curve to maximize cutting potential. The heavy blade is usually between 4 and 7 millimeter thick piece of ice-tempered carbon steel. If properly sharpened, in the hands of a skilled user, it is capable of cutting though a human leg at mid- thigh.
    The traditional material for the handle is turned and lightly ribbed piece of bone from your first enemy killed, but with these days of "cultural advancement" on the minds of many a sow, any kind of bone or stout wood is acceptable. The handle's end cap is a simple piece of steel plate that has been riveted on. The sheath is a simple affair, made of three pieces of hand fitted wood. These are assembled with pegs and glue. This is then wrapped in wet leather, and allowed to dry. As the leather dries, it shrinks, further strengthening the sheath. Typically carried and used in pairs, they combine to form awhirling field of death and devastation for anything that gets caught in their way.

    Due to it's devastating power, many non-Gamorrians have become conscious of their existence. Many is the scout who carries one on his belt instead of a vibroblade, as there are no moving parts to fail and no telltale humming noise. Acapable brush clearing tool, they have replaced a wide variety of chopping and slashing weapon with a number of scouts and mercs. To capitalize on this, unscrupulous traders soon set up shops on equally primitive worlds to make replicas. While the best traders will tell you that you are getting a copy, many are not so altruistic. These replicas are usually of inferior quality materials, and have thinner, harder to sharpen blades.

Type: Heavy fighting knife
Availability: Real: 3 (Gamor); Replica: 2
Cost: 400+/pair of originals; 30/single replica (from an honest trader)
Skill: Melee Combat: Gamorrean Dueling Knife (single); Gamorrean Dueling Knives (plural)
Difficulty: Easy (single); Moderate (pair)
Damage: Original: Stength+2D, Max 8D; Replica: Strength+1D+2, MAx 6D+1


Iotran Police Force Special

    A good, solid, hard hitting slug pistol, the Iotran Police Force Special is the standard issue sidearm to the Iotran Police Force, the service arm of the Iotran government. Since every Iotran who is physically and mentally able to serves in the IPF for at least six years, it is a truly rare and crippled Iotran who is not intimately familiar with the Special. Since the entire population is considered part of the reserve to one degree or another, almost every Iotran owns at least one of these weapons, and not only is carry legal, it is encouraged.

    This is also one of the more common exports from Iotra. Large enough for belt carry, yet small enough to be easily concealed, the IPF Special is almost as popular among slug thrower affectionadoes as the Coruchal "Dagger". Theexternal hammer may be raised from it's forward position with the first trigger pull, but has a long enough spur to alloweasy "cocking" or raising. Repeat shots are made with it in the raised position, allowing a lighter trigger pull. Located oneach side of the frame is a lever, that is connected to a mechanism that gently lowers the hammer, allowing the carrier to return the hammer to the forward position with safety. There is no manual safety, as all Iotrans are taught weapons safety from the time they can walk- "Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire". It is felt that the added mechanical complication of a mechanical safety is not needed, as the heavy trigger pull of the first shot is enough to prevent most accidental discharges. It is also part of the Iotran way of thinking- "machines break, your mind doesn't: think safe, act safe, be safe". Dependence on mechanical safeties leads to carelessness and accidents.
    Using a simple, spring powered box magazine, the IPF Special has a capacity of twelve rounds, plus one in the chamber (this first round must be manually loaded). And it is a potent round, too. It uses a metal case to hold the propellant and slug together. This case starts about 10mm in diameter, but it has a bottleneck shape to it, giving us a slug that is about 9mm in diameter, that leaves the barrel at around 500m/second. This translates into almost two tons of impact force per square meter! That will leave a nasty little mark. Special extended magazines are available, holding twenty rounds, but they are a little unwieldy.

    It is typically issued with a hard carrying case, two magazines, a flapped belt holster with a pouch for a spare magazine, and cleaning kit. The standard, issue Special uses semi-soft, black synthetic grips a matte black finished metal frame and slide, and adjustable iron sights with tritium inserts for night shooting. More exotic models are available on special order, including long or short barrels (those can be had with a shorter frame and magazine), a silvery finish (with or withoutengraving) by itself or mixed with the black, wooden grips, and whole range of other options, for a price, and that price is steeper for non-Iotrans.

Type: slug pistol
Skill: Firearms: pistol
Availability: 2
Cost: 600 for issue set; 10 for magazines; 15 for extended magazines; 25 for 25 round box of ammunition.
Range: Double action: 3-7/20/75 (+5 past 50m); Single action: 3-7/25/75 (+5 past 60m)
Ammo: 12 (+1 in chamber); 20 with extended magazines
Damage: 4D
       night sights: +1D to hit in low light conditions (based of the theory that the first 1D of darkness penalties is based of the fact that black-on-black sights suck at night.)
       Length: 17.75cm
       Height: 13.5cm
       Width: 3.75cm
       Weight, w/o magazine: 0.7812kg


Ryyyk Blades

    The Wookiee Knife, or Ryyyk, is the traditional knife of the wookiee people. The actual design of the Ryyyk varies from clan to clan, but some generalities can be made. The handle is almost always of wood, with wroshyr being the most popular, to remind the wookiees of their connection to the mighty trees of their world. Of the other handle materials used, bone is the most popular, often those of the kroyie bird, or the powerful katarn, with layers of organic resin impregnated leather washers following in a very close third. If made off Kashyyyk, local materials would be used. For example, on Tattooine, a piece of Dewback rib could be used. About the only materials never used are synthetics. This is because polymers and carbon fiber and so forth have no connection with nature.

    The blade design varies from clan to clan. Some clans use a utilitarian, single-edged, curved blade. Others use wickedly sharp chisel- like tips, "clip"-patterned blades, partial false edges, even dagger-like blades. Some clans even use a wavy dagger design, called a kkryyys. There are even combinations of all the above. Blades range in length anywhere from 20 to 40 centimeters, depending on the clan, and the wookiee him or herself. The blade itself is usually made from a high-carbon steel, but more advanced alloys, such as stainless steel, titanium alloys, and even organic ceramic blades have been made. Blades that are totally synthetic, such as carbon fiber or synthetic diamond crystal, are never used, and the thought of using virboblade technology is utterly horrifying to many traditionalists. This is because the blade reminds the owner that he was once a part of the ground, and shall return to it at one day.

    The guards are very slender or non-existent. The sheaths are made of a wide variety of materials, with natural leather being the most common, but sheaths of fitted wood are popular in some sections. Many clans decorate the sheath, with it taking a nearly ceremonial appearance. These are carried in a wide number of places, including the baldric and strapped to the forearm, where it is often well concealed by wookiee fur.
    Many wookiees carry several, so that they may be used in pair. Again, the style of fighting often is based on the wielders tribe of origin. Most ryyyks are balanced for throwing, and when used in that manner, making them a convenient middle ground between the bowcaster and close quarters.
    The ryyyk is a personal weapon. Even if another forges the blade, or makes the sheath, the final finishing process is done by the owner. They were often improvised out of smuggled materials in the slave camps, and because of their slimness, they were readily concealed. They are rarely found in the possession of non-wookiees. To be given one by a wookiee is even rarer, as it is a sign that they trust you with a part of themselves. Among Imperially backed slavers, it has become a badge of honor to carry a ryyyk. Among the less scrupulous (remember, this is among slavers), counterfiet ryyyks have been made and sold to increase one's prestige. Among collectors, they can fetch quite the pretty price.

Type: Traditional edged weapon
Skill: Melee Combat: ryyyk blade (single)
        Melee Combat: ryyyk blades (double)
        Thrown Weapons: ryyyk blade
Availability: 3
Cost: 1000+ each for originals from collectors as little as 50 each in slaving camps for the fakes (double for originals)
Difficulty: (melee) Easy
Range: (thrown) 1-3/6/12
Damage: Melee: STR+2D+1, max 7D+1
               Thrown: STR+1D, max 6D
Notes: If used without the ryyyk specialization, damage only STR+1D (max 6D), increase the difficulty of using by +3.


    We also wish to make a point of not thanking Mr. Fett and Mr. Kast, the only people known to have Mandelor armour outside of a museum, for not assisting us with our article, rejecting our offers to pay for their time, and putting our personnel in bacta tanks. We do understand the meaning of the words "No Thank You". You didn't have to shoot at us. First, a note should be made about the Mandelor. No one really knows where they came from or what they were. There are many conflicting stories and legends, but they all agree on three points: they were mercenaries, they were elite and they were good enough to hunt down and kill many of the Jedi. They used several different variants of the same suit of armour for several different units. The issue notes are included with each suit's description.

    With the fame of Boba Fett, and the appearance of Jodo Kast, the interest in the armourerd battle suits of the Mandelor Warriors have received a great deal of public interest. We, the staff of Men at Arms datalog would like to thank his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Palpatine, for allowing us to use his private collection for research into this file. We would also like to extend our thanks to the Curators of the Galactic Museum, particularly those in the Clone Wars and Arms & Armour departments, and his Majesty's Royal Guard for assisting us with our research, allowing us to actually handle these priceless suits and even providing demonstrations of their capabilities for us.

Mandelorian Light "Scout" Armour

    Following the typical pattern of the Mandelor Warriors, the light suit covered only the torso, head and arms. While heavy for its day, the light suit is about equal to the suits worn by Stormtroopers today. Based on the surviving records, it seams that these were issued to members of training cadres, vehicle and starship crews, and non-combat support units. It contains a short range defensive laser and flame projector, light weight sensors and broadband transceiver. It is believed that Jodo Kast's suit is a modified specimen of this armour.
    These new recruits were roughly as efficient as the Desert and Arctic Stormtrooper legions. Personal equipment is believed to have consisted of a survival kit, a blaster pistol and a knife. They remained in the training cadre for an unknown period of time, were they acted as sweepers and beaters, messengers and emergency reinforcements. Ship and vehicle crews were similarly equipped.

Model: Mandelorian Light Battle Armour
Type: Personal battle armour
Cost: not for sale
Availability: Nearly unique
Game Effects 

basic suit +2D phys, +1D energy, no DEX penalties. Head, torso and arms
wrist laser 5D damage, 3-5/15/25m range. Right forearm. Armour Weapons skill
flame projector 5D damage, 1m diameter, 1-5m long. Leftforearm. Armour Weapons skill.
IR/motion sensor +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.
sensor pod +2D Search, 50-100m
macrobinoculars +1D Search, 100-200m
broadband antenna Can intercept and decode most comm frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

Mandelorian Standard "Trooper" Armour

    Worn by almost everyone in the Mandelorian legions, the "trooper suit" provides a great deal of protection, and a large quantity of firepower. Issued to line troopers, junior NCOs and Officers and starship command crews, these suitsexpanded on the light armour. Having 50% greater armour, they also contained a basic jump pack (deleted for ship board personnel), a second arm laser, more powerful sensors and an atmospheric filter. They were common teamed with a light environmental or climate control body suit for ground side operations, or with a light vac suit, similar to those worn by fighter pilots, for boarding operations. Although more of these suits were made, they are no less rare than the scout suits.
    A standard Mandelor trooper was roughly as effective as the elite Storm Commandos, making them far from commontroops. They carried all of the equipment used by the probationary trooper, as well as grenades, a blaster rifle and a variety of melee weapons. 
basic suit +3D phys, +2D energy, no DEX penalties. Head, torso and arms
wrist laser 5D damage, 3-5/15/25m range. Right forearm. Armour Weapons skill
flame projector 5D damage, 1m diameter, 1-5m long. Leftforearm. Armour Weapons skill.
IR/motion sensor +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.
sensor pod +2D Search, 50-100m
macrobinoculars +2D Search, 100-300m
jetpack 70m horizontal, 50m vertical range. Has 10 charges, may expend one charge every other round. (Deleted from suits worn by ships' command crew.)
eviromental filter Blocks most harmful molecules in the atmosphere, or seal with 30 minutes air.
broadband antenna Can intercept and decode most comm frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.

Mandelorian Heavy "Commando" Armour

    Made for the Mandelorians' best troops, these suits were issued to senior NCOs and officers, commandos, snipers and recon troopers. Twice as strong as the light suit, and more than twice as heavily armed, these suits would have cost a fortune to make. Today, the few remaining specimens would sell for as much as an Imperial Star Destroyer. They contained the best sensors of any of the suits, a grapple, a very fine jetpack and a vertically fired grenade launcher.
    Surprisingly, the grenade launcher used the long standard 35x40mm shells, the same as used in the popular Zone Control line, which should be familiar to all our readers. It is widely believed that Boba Fett uses one of the suits.The Mandelorian Super Commandos were among the best troops ever, almost as, if not as, good as His Majesty's Royal Guard. They carried and used whatever the mission called for and was available. It is a pity that the Jedi exterminated these noble people. Their assistance would be greatly appreciated in these times of open revolt against the lawful government of the galaxy.

Model: Mandelorian Heavy Battle Armour
Type: Personal battle armour
Cost: Not for sale
Availability: Nearly unique
Game effects:

basic suit +4D phys, +3D energy, no DEX penalties. Head, torso and arms
wrist lasers 5D damage, 3-5/25/50m range. Both forearms.Armour Weapons skill
flame projector 5D damage, 1m diameter, 1-5m long. Leftforearm. Armour Weapons skill.
grenade launcher 1-50/200/300m, 4 shots. Damage varies with grenade type. Fire Rate: 1/2. Uses Missile Weapons skill.
turbo-projected grapple Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple. 0-3/10/20m range. Mounted on the right arm. Missile Weapons skill.
winch Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his equipment).
IR/motion sensor +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.
sensor pod +2D Search, 25-100m
macrobinoculars +3D Search, 100-500m
sound sensor +1D PERC in quite situations only.
broadband antenna Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.
environmental filter Filters out most harmful particles from the air, or can seal with two hours of air.

Mandelorian Powered "Engineer" Armour

    This is the least well known of the Mandelor suits, as it had the lowest production run. Meant for combat engineers and limited issue with heavy weapons units and commando units, these actually covered the whole body. Many of their sensors came from the heavy suit, while the weapons systems came from the scout suit. They also included high-intensity work lights mounted on each shoulder, servo-systems, a cutting/welding laser and a climate control body suit.
    These troopers had to be as good a solider as his line brethren, but he also had to know how to fix and use almost any piece of machinery in existence, build field fortifications, prepare landing sights and handle explosives. All under fire. It is believed that in addition to combat maintenance and construction, they also were tasked with fire fighting and ground transportation duties, making them some of the most well rounded troops in the Mandelor Order.

model: Mandelorian Powered Battle Armour
type: personal powered battle armour
skill: Powersuit Operations
cost: not for sale
availability: nearly unique
game effects:

basic suit +2D phys, +1D energy, arms and legs. +3D Physical, +2D Energy, head and torso. -1D DEX and all related skills
servo systems provides +2D to the Lifting skill and all STR based damage rolls.
wrist laser 5D damage, 3-5/15/25m range. Right forearm.Armour Weapons skill
flame projector 5D damage, 1m diameter, 1-5m long. Leftforearm. Armour Weapons skill.
cutting/welding laser variable damage (3D Character scale to 5D Walker scale), 25cm range. Mounted on the right arm, uses Melee Combat, Moderate difficulty.
IR/motion sensor +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.
sensor pod +2D Search, 50-100m
macrobinoculars +2D Search, 100-500m
high-intensity worklights mounted on each shoulder.
broadband antenna Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.
environmental filter Filters out most harmful particles from the air, or can seal with two hours of air.
climate control body suit provides comfortable operatingconditions in extreme heat to moderately cold environments. May be pressurized for vacuums operations. (treat as pilot's vac suit.)

Mandelorian "Boarding" Armour

    We are most gratefully in the debt of our beloved Emperor for allowing us a chance to examine this so-far unknown specimen of Mandelorian armour. Believed to have been in the final stages of evaluation at the time of the Order's destruction, these ten powered armour suits are based on the engineer's suit. Carrying a powerful sensor suite, thrusters and heavy weapons, these would have been murderously efficient in space boarding. There is little doubt that these suits would have been reserved specialized missions only.

model: Mandelorian Powered Battle Armour
type: personal powered battle armour
skill: Powersuit Operations
cost: not for sale
availability: nearly unique
game effects:

basic suit +3D phys, +2D energy, arms and legs. +4D Physical, +3D Energy, head and torso. -1D DEX and all related skills
servo systems provides +2D to the Lifting skill and all STR based damage rolls.
wrist lasers 5D damage, 3-5/25/50m range. Both forearms.Armour Weapons skill
2 mini-missiles speeder scale, does 5D damage. Range 0/1/2 (25- 50/100/200). Carried on either side of the thruster pack.
turbo-projected grapple Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple. 3- 12/30/100m range. 
Mounted on the left arm. Missile Weapons skill.
winch Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his equipment) (in 1G).
cutting laser does 2D+2 starship scale damage, 25cm range.
Mounted on the right arm, uses Melee Combat, Moderate difficulty.
thruster pack provides space move of 1.
sensor pod uses Sensors skill. Passive 1/0D, Scan 2/1D, Search 4/2D.
macrobinoculars +3D Search, 100-500m
high-intensity worklights mounted on each shoulder.
broadband antenna Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies.
Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.
environmental systems Provides air, power and climate control for up to 5 hours.
This article was first published in Men at Arms datalog, Volume CCXXIX Number 42f, dated 35.11.19. author: Major Johan Starfire