[TV-PG] [Text version]  

Welcome to the new site for Season 5!  As you know, in fandom, people come, and people go.  Alyssa Mondelli, our original web mistress, has apparently moved on to other pursuits, and we wish her well.  But we hope to keep these episodes available in this enhanced form as long as there's interest, so Pam Jernigan has agreed to host this mirror page.  We hope this page is worth our efforts!


previously on...

propaganda central


baby poll



Characters in these episodes are copyrighted by DC Comics, December 3rd Production and Warner Brothers. No infringement is intended in any part by the Season 5 group, however, the ideas expressed in each episode are copyrighted © 1997 to the respective authors.

Kathy Brown
Pam Jernigan

Thanks to everyone who voted in the 1997 Kerth Awards for L&C fanfic!
Season 5 is the proud recipient of the Kerth for Best Series Continuation.

Read our Dreambook!
Sign our Dreambook!

Webpage and graphics designed by Alyssa Mondelli

Mirror site hosted by:

Link to the FoLC Obsession Page

FOLCs have visited since 1/31/00