Da Movie

My Newsie Experiance

In 1992, Disney released a great musical called "Newsies". I saw the movie a year after it came out of the theater when I was eleven, but thought it was boring. Six years later, I found a Newsies website that inspired me to rent the movie (If you’re a Newsies fan, go visit Raindrop's webpage called Brooklyn ). I never thought after six years I'd have any desire to see the movie, but I saw it and fell in love with it. It took long enough! The songs are brilliant. You’ll never get them out of you’re head. The choreography is spectacular. The guys are pretty cute too. The movie is all around a fun movie to watch over and over again. That’s why I have made this page devoted to one of the greatest movies ever made.

Newsies the movie

Newsies is about the newsboy strike of 1899. It’s a true story. The owner of The World, Joseph Pulitzer, decides to raise the price of the newspapers a half a cent which was a lot back then. The newsboys go on strike with the leadership of Jack Kelly and Davey Jacobs. Together as a union, they battle Pulitzer, and in the end, win the war against The World.


Me Newsies Sanctuary