Info on Lita

(not me personally)

Common Name: Kino Mako

Name Meaning: Wisdom of the Trees; or Truth of the Trees

Aliases: Lita, Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Star Jupiter

Birthday: December 5, 1978

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Birth stone: turquoise

Age: 20

Blood Type: Positive "O"

Height: 5' 6"

Likes: Romance Novels

Dislikes: Cheaters

Hobbies: Bargain Hunting

Special Strengths: Cooking

Has Trouble With: Planes (‘cause my parents were killed by one)

Favorite Food: Cherry pie, meatloaf

Least Favorite Food: none

Favorite Colors: Sugar Pink and Forest Green

Favorite Animal: Horse

Favorite Subject: Home Economics

Worst Subject: Physics

Best Friends: Serena and Ken

Dreams: To become a bride and to own cake and flower shop

Favorite Gemstone: Emerald

Favorite Flower: Lily of the Valley




Jupiter Thunder Crash

Jupiter Thunder Dragon

Jupiter Thunder Cloud Zap

Transformation Phrases

Jupiter power!

Jupiter star power!



Supreme Thunder

Supreme Thunder Dragon

Sparkling Wide Pressure

Jupiter Oak Evolution

Transformation Phrases

Jupiter power, make up!

Jupiter star power, make up!

Jupiter crystal power, make up!



Flower Hurricane

Supreme Thunder

Sparkling Wide Pressure

Jupiter Coconut Cyclone

Jupiter Oak Evolution

Transformation Phrases

Jupiter power, make up! -Sailor Jupiter

Jupiter star power, make up! -Sailor Jupiter

Jupiter planet power, make up! -Sailor Jupiter

Jupiter crystal power, make up! -Super Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Star Jupiter

Physical Appearance:

I have long brown hair tied up in a high ponytail, and deep green eyes. I am about 5'6" tall. I wear her old school uniform which is white with a brown collar, sleeve trim and skirt with a ribbon laced and tied in a bow along her chest, since I haven't got my new school uniform yet. My fuku colors are white for the body and gloves, Sugar Pink for the front and rear bows, and Forest Green for my ankle high boots, glove trim, jewel on her tiara, skirt, and collar. During her attack she has an antenna out of her tiara.

Love Life: I am constantly gawking at any cute guy who comes my way.
