Early Years Archive Index

Last up-dated July 10, 2002.

Lycos won't take my password so I can't read Private Guestbook notes now, I only get the normal ones. If you want to ask me something use email (at bottom of all page).

Sign My Fic Journal Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Fic Journal

Feel free to use this banner on your sites to link back here. Let me know you're addy to I can go enjoy your site. Thanks Eil.

This archive is dedicated to stories about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's early years together. This started as the same idea as Scholastic's Jedi Apprentice series, but kept growing.

The stories range from the boys births to the events of "The Phantom Menace". The stories that included "Phantom Menace" events, have parts, like memories, from the early years.

These stories are all SLASH and SMUT FREE.

You can see these stories listed one of two ways:


What Was Up-dated This Time?

HELLO!!!! YES, the site is back. I know it is terrible that it took almost a year but with the help of some VERY generous and patient people there are a lot of up-dates coming this month. First we have a page made by Kathi, with about 100 stories and parts on it. That should keep you busy for a few more days until we get Sherley's section up and running. LOVE you guys, thanks for all the emails and promting. And thank these kind ladies for all their hard work in getting this done. This archive really has become big. Thanks everyone.

New update page:

UPDATES July 2002



I'm on some fanfic webrings. You can see them at the bottom, and they DO work now. I have also created a new web ring for people who like us, who want just pages with NO SLASH and NO SMUT on them. It's called the SSF ring (SLASH SMUT FREE). It is below. Come join us.

I think it's great that so many people like this site. I'm getting lots of hits everyday now, and LOTS of ppl sending me fics to post. I LOVE it.
Thanks for the support.

I hope everyone is enjoying their personal copie of TPM. I know I am.

If you find a problem in the editing of a page or a broken link let me know. Thanks.

If you would like to be notified when this page is updated, join my mailing list at eGroups (was OneList). You can chat about the stories or submit your own to be added to the archive. It's all free. And we love to talk so don't be shy!! :)

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Submission Instructions

Feel free to send your own work in. Here's how:
  1. open a blank mail
  2. send it to heather.lively@ns.sympatico.ca
  3. Subject: FIC: the name of the story
  4. In the body, if you want to tell me something put it first with your name
  5. copy and paste the story into the body of the mail
  6. ***please*** no attachments, I've been having A LOT of trouble with them
  7. MY personal preference, keep the stories about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's adventures together (as the first line of this page says). I, personally, think Anakin is an interuption in their relationship. So IF you must mention Anakin in a story, please keep it brief
  8. it's ok to send stories in parts, just have them clearly marked
  9. please include the standard disclaimers:
    title, author, email (feedback), **summary** (must), rating, time period, spoilers (if any), and disclaimer for Lucas.

The Archives founding on September 27, 1999.

***Disclaimer: All these stories belong the authors', but the Star Wars characters, and places belong to the origional Master Jedi George Lucas, and his company Lucusfilm. No infringment is intended. This is for fun, not money. You know the drill.****

© 2000 heather.lively@ns.sympatico.ca

AWARDS the site has won

Master's Yoda's Choice award

The Fan Fiction Support Society

THE FANFICTION UNIVERSE - Spanning the Galaxy Don't worry I'll get Kathy to fix the pic

WEBRINGS (mine included)

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