I finally have a chance to update this web page. I will be updating you on my life. Our the summer, I left for basic training. Basic training was nine weeks long. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I got to meet so many great people from all around the United States. During basic training I ws trying to be anti- social, but it didn't work. This girl name Tasha kept on bugging me. She was like you never talk to anyone. I really didn't want to talk to anyone. Tasha and I became really good friends. I started talking to Felicia because she was my bunk buddy. It was funny because she lives in Florida and I was moving to Florida. That was the foundation of our friendship. She lives so close by right now. I don't really get to see her but she still calls me. During basic training I met this really great guy. It turns out that he likes me. We had our miscommunication, but finally figured out what the truth is. He's a cowboy from Texas. He's always claiming that he's going to turn me into a country girl. Right now, I really don't mind, but don't tell him that. Things are going great between us. I recently came from Texas. Texas was so much fun. It was so nice to spend so much time with him. Currently, I am attenting the University of Tampa. It's a small private university. I met some really cool people here, but I don't want to come back next year. I want to go to school in Texas. It would be nice to be close to my cowboy, but it might not be a good idea. One more semester of Tampa and I might go back home for college. I would like to go to another state, but I hate apllying for college. There's always a chance of rejection. The school that I wanted to go to was the University of Denver. The sad thing is that the University of Denver isn't even that high ranking. Rejection sucks!! I might join ROTC next year.