These are a few links I have enjoyed or otherwise found occasionally helpful. As I find more interesting things they will be added to this list.

Claremont University Links

Claremont Graduate University--for all the grad schools
School of Religion--where I'm at
Claremont School of Theology--CST and SOR work very closely with each other
Claremont Libraries--for all your readin' needs

University of Kansas

KU homepage--a reasonable place to start
KU libraries homepage--another reasonable place to start
Dept. of Religious Studies--my alma mater
KJHK--the Hawk


Internet Movie Database--everything you ever wanted to know about movies
Urban Legends--including all the netlore you get exposed to in chain emails...
Recipes--new home of SOAR, the Searchable Online Archive of Recipes
Feast of Fear and Hate--just some texts that are interesting...


Google News--news sampled from around the world
Alternet--left-wing commentary and news
BBC--news from the old country
The Onion--America's finest news source


Warren Ellis' work blog
Heretic Spire, A Damn Lie--Cherie Priest's livejournal
Parenthetical Ellipses Redux--Mr. Pickens' blog
Boing Boing--hey, it's Boing Boing


Bible Gateway--online searchable Bible, with a variety of different translations
Five Gospels Parallels--searchable parallels of the canonical gospels and Thomas
Gospel of Thomas Homepage--Steven Davies' GThomas page
The Church of the Subgenius--Industrial Religion for an Industrial Age


Sluggy Freelance--The best comic strip ever...
Penny Arcade--webcomic about computer games and misanthropy
Order of the Stick--funny, if you play rpgs at all

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