Welcome, Member!
Stafford Volunteer Rescue Squad Members
Member | Status | Certifications | Home Phone | Pager
Mark Aitken-Cade | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 854-1509 | N/A
Junior Berryman | Associate | Driver | 659-6870 | N/A
Gertrude Bojonny | Life | CPR | 659-9894 | 361-3004
James Boswell | Active | EMT-B | 752-1305 | N/A
Joy Boteler | Life | EMT-B | 371-3945 | N/A
Leann Craven | Active | EMT-B | 659-3317 | N/A
Mike Cross | Active | Driver/EMT-B | N/A | N/A
Robin DeBord | Life | Driver | 659-0562 | N/A
Pat Derr | Active | Driver/EMT-B | (703)491-7392 | 361-0992
Judy Devan | Active | CPR | 373-5346 | N/A
Kevin Dooley | Active | EMT-B | 659-1687 | N/A
Patti Dooley | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 659-1687 | N/A
Tricia Dooley | Active | EMT-B | 659-1687 | 361-0813
Steve Dove | Active | Driver/CPR | 582-6956 | 361-0079
Robert DubuQue | Associate | EMT-B | 657-1660 | N/A
Terry Edens | Life | Driver/Paramedic | 361-0328 | N/A
Darrell English | Life | Driver/CPR | 659-5032 | N/A
Debbie Foltz | Active | EMT-B | 659-8838 | N/A
Mike Foltz | Active | Driver/CPR | 659-8838 | N/A
Leroy Gardener | Life | EMT-B | 659-2285 | N/A
Marty Gardner | Active | EMT-B | 372-7538 | N/A
Vista Gillespie | Active | EMT-B | 659-0037 | 899-8213
Chad Hine | Active | EMT-B | 371-6114 | 361-0976
Tisa Honeycutt | Associate | EMT-B | 659-3044 | 361-0978
Mike Kenner | Associate | CPR | 898-5275 | N/A
Jimmy Kingman | Associate | CPR | 720-8541 | N/A
Ellen Lewis | Active | EMT-B | 659-9894 | 361-0940
Scott Marshall | Associate | N/A | N/A | N/A
Machell McDonald | Associate | CPR | 659-3692 | N/A
Aubrey McDowell | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 752-7606 | N/A
Fran McInerney | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 659-3742 | N/A
Megan McInerny | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 659-3742 | N/A
Robert Minteer | Associate | CPR | 288-8442 | N/A
Dorothy Minteer | Associate | EMT-B | 288-8442 | 361-3740
Rachel Myers | Associate | CPR | 657-0744 | N/A
Miguel Palma | Associate | CPR | (703)971-4534 | N/A
Carrie Papajohn | Active | EMT-B | 310-4963 | N/A
Frank Rachal | Associate | Driver/EMT-B | N/A | N/A
Dennis Reichert | Active | Driver/EMT-B | N/A | 361-0001
Susan Short | Active | Driver/Paramedic | N/A | 361-0059
Deanne Singer | Active | Paramedic | 720-6879 | N/A
Suzi Stratton | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 720-8553 | N/A
Lisa Taylor | Active | Driver/EMT-B | N/A | 370-2930
Trudy Taylor | Active | Driver/EMT-B | 752-1036 | N/A
Dawn Vaillancourt | Active | EMT-B | N/A | 361-0262
Wes Vickroy | Active | EMT-B | 288-1576 | 374-5745
March 06, 2001 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order by Gertrude Bojonny at 7:02 p.m.
Membership - Dawn Vaillancourt
1st Reading
- Brian ?
- Jim Stafford
2nd Reading
- Scott Marshall - Voted In
Chief's Report - Dennis Reichert
County has set stipulations on use of fuel for Units and equipment used by fire and rescue departments in the county. Stipulations dictate the amount of fuel vehicles and equipment are entitled to in a given day.
Hazmat 6 is now Hazmat 1 and will be staged at Falmouth Volunteer Fire Department.
A letter will be sent to Hartwood Volunteer Fire Department seeking their interest in purchasing Unit 1-7. Hartwood did not make the deadline in the last fisical budget year to purchase a new ambulance.
The Unit to replace Unit 1-7 has been ordered and should arrive within three months.
1st Lieutenant - Dawn Vaillancourt
Thank everyone for coming out to assist during the last snow storm, the paid personnel wished to thank everyone for their dedication and cooperation during the storm.
141 Calls were ran during the month of February
Please sign up for duties for March, schedule has been posted.
Members coming off of Probation are:
- Tisa Honeycutt
- Robert Minteer
- Rachel Myers
2nd Lieutenant(Vehicles) - Pat Derr (Not Present)
Report by Dennis Reichert
Response 1-1 was inspected
Unit 1-4 has been repaired
3rd Lieutenant(Supplies) - Tricia Dooley
Please check out Units correctly. Members have found that there is to much of some equipment and supplies in the units and not enough of other supplies.
4th Lieutenant(Training) - Susan Short (Not Present)
No Report
Treasurer - Lisa Taylor (Not Present)
No Report
Secretary - Ellen Lewis (Not Present)
No Report
House Committee - Darrell English (Not Present)
Gertrude Bojonny gave report.
Kevin Dooley informed membership that an Electrician had came by the building to inspect the electrical fixtures and wiring. Electrician has given estimate on making electrical work around building code compliant. Kevin asked that the Electrician be paid to fix the problems as the membership had previously voted on. Gertrude Bojonny advised she would speak to Darrell English.
Kevin Dooley asked that the Vehicle Lieutenant look into repairing the bay floors and to find out what it would cost to seal the bay floors. He asked that the estimates be presented at the next monthly business meeting.
Steve Dove informed membership that he was seeking donations for new linens and pillows for the bunk rooms. He said that he hoped to have these items within the month.
Public Relations - Steve Dove
Web site is up and running. Members have recieved e-mail informing them that the site is up. There are still many adjustments to be made. The member web page requires a password (Ab1416). Membership was asked if Meeting Minutes could be posted on the member site for members to review, membership approved.
Public Relations e-mail site is Rescue1PR@aol.com.
B101.5 will be airing recruitment ads on the radio, begining soon.
Currently seeking grants for recruitment through radio ads and billboards. Will submit these grants by the end of the month.
By-Laws - Patti Dooley (Not Present)
No Report
Banquet Committee - Dawn Vaillancourt
Steve Dove has been appointed to head up the Banquet Committee this year.
Old Business
No Report
New Business
Steve Dove asked that members do not give out his home or pager number to anyone that may call the building requesting it.
Steve Dove stated that he was currently trying to enroll in Rescue College to become and E.V.O.C. instructor. He stated that if he was excepted he would like for the squad to pay for his lodging while at Rescue College. Kevin Dooley made motion that Steve Dove be paid for lodging and the use of a Response vehicle to attend Rescue College, and that money be given to him one week prior to his departure. Motion seconded by Wes Vickory. Motion voted on and approved by the membership.
Meeting ajorned at 8:05 p.m.