The Box
Part one

The box was up to Torizo's knees, and somewhat wider than it was tall.  It  was just a light brown color, like a regular box, and she heard faint noises  coming from it, sort of like talking.

Her friend, who had been walking with her, walked up to  the box and opened it. "Stop, TC!" Tori yelled, but to no avail, for he had  disappeared. Tori stood there in bewilderment for a few seconds, then walked up to the  box. She peered in and saw what looked like a little village.  As she watched, it seemed to grow around her (or she shrank) until it was what a regular size would be. (You  know, the trees and the village.)

She looked around some.  Spotting TC, she saw that he had become a Cat-man and that she herself had become a Cat-woman.  They were now Torizo and TC,  Queen and Tom.

Taking this all in quickly, and not minding the fact that they were  Cat-people, they looked around this strange new place and saw a hard-packed dirt road.  They walked alongside it until they came to the village that Torizo had seen.

Seeing someone, they ran up to him.  But when they saw him up close, they stopped, for he was a black, white, and gray tabby, very serious looking Cat-man.

He saw them, though, and spoke, "Oh, hi.  I'm Munkustrap, second in command here.  I see you're more newcomers.  Well, go over in that hut."  here he gestured toward a small hut which we hadn't spotted on the side of the road.  "Hope you have  fun here."

Knowing that they had to, they walked to the hut and stepped in.  Looking around, they saw a few others talking.  When they walked in, all heads turned  towards them and a black cat-woman walked up to them.  " 'ello.  I'm Myst and this is the  newcomers hut. Welcome to the land of Jellicle. (With a few Pekes and Pols of course, of course.)"

TC and Torizo looked at each other sort of confuzzled, but they both said  hello and then went to sit down and chat. Surprisingly enough, Tori recognized two of the others and she called out  to them.

"Mevima, Rubyfire!  How'd you get here?"  They stood up and walked over to  them. Vima was the first one to speak.  "Hi, Tori!" She then became slightly embarrassed, "I... oy... I fell in an old box up in my attic and found  myself here a couple days ago." A small grin.  "That a good enough explanation?" Tori gasped, "We were walking in a dessert and fell in a box too!  Whoa,  this is weird."

Ruby held an imaginary microphone to her mouth and pretended she was a reporter, "That's right, folks.  Ding-Ding-Ding. CATS fans all over the  Earth are disappearing mysteriously by falling into ordinary boxes.  What are your feelings on the matter?"  She held the 'microphone' under TC's mouth.

TC grinned "I like it." he said, "It's fun!"

Ruby dropped the reporter act and we all fell over laughing.  "Silly kit! Maybe we should try finding Sillabub, she'd teach you!" Mevima giggled, playfully punching Ruby on the shoulder, which just made them all laugh even more.

After they got over our fits of laughter, they talked about what they were going to do.  "Let's go explore." suggested TC, eyes lighting up at the prospect. "All right, this way.  C'mon, kits!  Hup - two - three!"   Mevima said with  a gesture and they all followed her.

They went over to Myst and asked her if we could explore. She grinned, saying, "Sure, but just be careful." Excitedly, they ran outside and looked around for a place to explore. There were more Jellicles (Cat-people) on the streets than before and Tori walked up to  a handsome black and white tom.  "H-hi Lonzo." she said, cautious of the chance that AJ might be around.

Startled, he shushed her, "Don't DO that.  I don't wanna get locked in that cupboard again."

Tori grinned and said, "Okety-dokety," rather happily. Mevima looked over at her from scanning the crowd for Mistoffelees or  Kodiak.

"'Okety-dokety'?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.  "Where in Heaviside'd that come from?"

"Ummm...... my head?" Tori replied with a giggle. TC came up and said suddenly "Hey, where's that tom that always acts like Michael Jackson?"

Ruby burst out laughing at that remark.  "WHO?!"

"I think he means the Rum Tum Tugger." Tori said, sort of embarrassed.   Then she looked around. "Well, I don't see him. He's probably with his 'little' fan club."

"How big is this fan club?"  Mevima asked, raising an eyebrow. (again) "Five.  Tugger, Lanna, Etcy, Bomby, and Tugger." Ruby replied counting on  her paws.


"That's Tugger twice!" objected TC.

"Well, he probably joined twice to try to get more people to join.  Either  that or there's two of him."  No one wanted to believe the second one so they all  agreed for the first.

"Let's go in that alley." said TC, pointing quite suddenly at a dark  bystreet.

Tori grinned and looked sideways at Mevima "Okety-dokety." she said, than followed  TC into the alley.

Mevima glared after Tori for a moment, then followed Ruby into the alley  also.

It was unfortunate that they did follow though, for they bumped into a wild colored, striped tom and three black cats.  "Macavity!" Ruby yelled, as Dem  had done so many times on the video.

Macavity laughed his evil laugh and they dragged the four kits away. Suddenly Torizo woke and sat straight up in bed.  She pouted for a moment,  then got out of bed to get ready for school.  Strangely, she could remember every detail of the dream, and the world seemed vague and unreal.

Later, however, she found that all of the others - Vima, TC and Ruby - had experienced the same dream. The next night, she had the continuation of that dream...

But that should be saved for later.

On to the next part......

Take me back