What is "Talk", you say? Talk is the sequal to "Fries" (see The Films). Not only does this film feature "Fries" actors Sam and Gary (see both The Films and The Staff), but also has two new people who are arguing, played by Becky Scott and Hayden Bursk (see Miscellaneous). This one was also written and directed by Andy. We've filmed half of this movie, but had to stop because of technical difficulties and because Hayden's mom came early to pick him up because he had to go somewhere. But don't worry, we'll be done soon enough, and there will be yet another piece of Low Key garbage floating around.
This is a script Andy wrote over the period of three and a half weeks, and is really damn cool. It's about thirty-five minutes long. Anyway, Gary has decided that he wants to direct "Lightning Bugs" and have Andy as the producer. But since Gary won't pay Andy a fuckin' thing, Andy is sending the script off to Mirimax (because through some miracle they asked to see Andy's stuff -- he has connections with the Weinsteins, lucky bastard). If Andy can't get any money any place else for this script, he's just going to have to give it to Gary and the'll make a bad-ass movie. But Andy would rather have money.
That's it for the new stuff, so go to a different page.