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The aim of Hollywood Central's features section is to bring cutting edge, exclusive, or just plain amusing film-related facts to you, our visitors. Reviews of all 1996's movies can be found here, plus information on the page's authors, and a comprehensive preview of films coming your way in 1997.

We'll also have shocking exposes, such as the fact that Kenneth Brannagh's much hyped 4-hour reworking of Hamlet exists in only 10 prints in the UK, which means that showings will be confined to London and the luckier multiplexes. Sheffield, for instance, a city with a population of nearly 600,000 is only scheduled to get the film for one day in April!. Anyway, more of that in the article.

Coming soon we'll be putting famous films on trial, picking holes in the plot and characters and then defending them. If you have anything you'd like us to investigate on your behalf, don't hesitate to e-mail us.

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