"Welcome to the Bridge I am Lt. Commander Lisa Hayes"

"This is the control center for the the SDF-1. Many battles have been fought, and many good people lost but before you can take your postion You will have to talk to the Captain Gloval."

"I am Captain Henry Gloval you will be reporting directly to me or to Comander Hayes." "Since our fold into deeep space we have been with out new recriuts for so time I am so pleased that you decieded to sign up." "You should take some time and meet the other people you will be working with."

"Hi I'm Claudia Grant, I've been here since before the old girl could even fly." "Me and Lisa a very good friends." "Well I got to get back to work so I can get out early and cook a pineapple salad for my boyfriend Roy Foker."

"Oh hello my name is Sammie, I'm the person who takes over when Commander Hayes is not here." "I hope that we will be able to be good friends so we can go hunting for boys together."

"Hi my name is Kim I'm very pleased to see you here on the bridge." "Things can get a little hectic now and then but it's te best place to be."

"I'm Vanessa I run the radar and handle of few of the other small things perhaps you can go into town with me and the other girls latter for some dinner." "I know a great Chineesse place!"

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