- **1/2 I think this movie was over-bashed, along with the director himself. He wanted a return to the raunchy r-rated teen comedies that were so popular in the 80s. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TOo! THAT'S BEEN THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF MY PAGE!- almost So, I think this movie should be given a chance. I praised Clerks and Chasing Amy, but this was funny, too. It could've been better, and he should take his stab at it again in a few years. I want those kind of movies to return. It's not worth explaining the plot to this movie, but I'll give a slight, short plot synopsis- Two teenagers spend day at mall thinking about how their relationships with their girlfriends went wrong. They embark on many adventures in the mall in an attempt to win them back. Pretty cool stuff! So there! I'm not trendy! I'm sticking up for this movie! YOU SHOULD TOO!

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