.........Special Military Detachment German States, intimate of "Donna Maria de Dolores de los Montez" Countess of Landsfield {"Lola" b'gad!} Munich, mistress of King Ludwig of Bavaria, met Count Capt. Rudi von Starnberg, Fit right well with the rest of the "Plungers" of the "Countess’s Court, after a brush with what they call their "Legal System" I was taken to Prussia by Rudi at the behest of Count Otto von Bismarck {if I would have known we were going to see Bismarck they would have played HELL getting me there}. Otto & Rudi give me special training in how Royalty is supposed to act, in Prussian views on the unification of German states, the expansion under one "Iron Hand" and Schlager lessons {as promised as promised at the Boxing match twixt "Old Jack" Gulley and he} at Schonhausen castle. Otto regularly target practices on the rats that infest the inside of the castle from his chair in the study. von Bismarck-Flashman Duell, Hapsburg style {head-cuts only, acquired two}.

.........Foreign Court Service, intimate & advisor of Duchess Irma of Strackenz {supposed Ice-Princess} during Schleswig-Holstein Question {so complicated it was understood by only three men: one who died, one who went mad thinking about it, and Lord Palmerston, who never could remember the answer}a Royal Flash. Escaped Prussian assassins, found by the Sons of the Volsungs & helped them free the imprisoned Prince Carl of Denmark who is being held in the dungeons of Jotunberg castle. Flashman-von Starnberg Duell, Sabre's {slashed forearm & almost drowned by Rudi}his motto being "He who fights and runs away, etc.", Rudi escapes, having some what thwarted Bismarck's expansion plans. Left the Duchy of Strackenz & arrived back in Munich just in time to escape with "Lola" during the revolt that dethroned King Ludwig. Abandend by "Lola" shortly afterwards & having left a note for me explaining why, ending it with her favorate phrase "Courge and Shuffle the Cards". Found by Rudi who has been told by Otto to kill me when he see's me, Rudi insests we play a game he's invented called "Hungarian Roulette", While he's tries to talk me into a hair-brained scheme he's concocted.

ADVANCING; Keep Formation

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