Name: Christopher Cunningham

Age: 22

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Weight: 140lbs.

Height: 5 foot 5 inches

DOB: April 10, 1977

Mariatal Statis: Single

Email Address:

Online Handle: Man_in_Black or MiB

Education: Currently erolled at Towson University

Major: Mass Communications

Drive: 1994 White Cavalier Convertible

Activities: Hanging out with friends, chatting on the web, listening to
music, writing, and riding roller coasters.

Favorite Drink: Screw-Driver or Rum and Coke

Typical Quote: "One of these days, my paranoia is going to pay off!"

Comments: "I'm a single guy, looking for a nice, intelligent, and
attractive girl. Hopefully Lady Luck will come my way. I listen to just
about any kind of music, yep even country. I enjoy writing and want to
write something movie worthy. I have won two awards for best music
video in my video editing classes. Nick Cave's RED RIGHT HAND and
Steve Miller Bands' TAKE THE MONEY & RUN. If you want to know
more about me, just email me."

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