Anthony Pirelli - Ventrue Prince of Baltimore
(Played by Dave Lazerek)
Regan Capelli - Toreador Harpy of Baltimore
(Played by Ginny Smith)
Miranda - Malkavian Primogen of Baltimore
(Played by Megan)
Renard Breausue - Nosferatu Primogen of Baltimore with Pierre his ghoul
(Played by Chris Cunningham)
Abe T. Nos - Clan Nosferatu
(Played by Jason Bowser)
Stryder Watson - Clan Toreador
(Played by Brady Singleton)
Don Michael Giovanni - Clan Giovanni
(Played by Eddie Milham)
Aurelius III - Clan Setite
(Played by Chris Kyc)
A member of Clan Gangrel
(Played by Frank)
Visitors to the Domain of Baltimore
Gonovin Landrake and Toreador Primogen of D.C., Zane Whelin
(Played by Kevin Grezich & Martin Bosworth)
Zane & Gonovin in a Telepathy conversation with a fellow Toreador.
Scourge of Washington D.C., Kurren De Slyva Looking his most formal.
(Played by Chris K.)