Aye mates,
For many years, this Sailor stood the watch ...
While some of us lay about our bunks at night,
This Sailor stood the watch.
While others of us were attending schools,
This Sailor stood the watch.
And yes, even before many of us were born,
This Sailor stood the watch.
As our families watched the storm clouds of war,
brewing on the horizons of history,
He stood the watch.
This Sailor looked ashore and saw his family ...
Often needing his guidance but he knew he must stay,
Because he had the watch.
For many years he has stood the watch,
So that we and our countrymen could sleep soundly, in safety,
knowing that a Sailor would stand the watch.
Today, we are here to say "Shipmate, the watch stands relieved.
Relieved by those you have led, trained and guided.
Shipmate, you now stand relieved, We have the watch."
Bos'n, standby to pipe to side, shipmate going ashore.