Fan Fiction

     Well, I'm slowly gathering some fan-fic, but it's taking a while. I've got some that I've taken off the X-Angst mailing list, some that I've taken from the gossamer Archive, and some that I've written myself. If you have written any, could you please mail it to me.Anyways, enjoy!
Dare To Dream
  • Prologue-The beginning of my loooong story, it introduces the characters, and the problem.
    *Written by Macspooky,Eowyn, and Juliett*
  • Generations-Mulder and Meg's reactions to Scully being near death during 'One Breath'
  • Dana's Birthday-Mulder attends Scully's birthday party, and meets her family.
  • Sinead's Wedding-Mulder and Scully attend her cousin's wedding.
  • Grief-Mulder deals with the loss of his father.
  • Wonderful Day-Mulder and Scully attend the Irish Folk Festival with her family.
  • The Ring-Mulder and Scully shop for an engagement ring.
  • A Day Out-Mulder and Scully go on a picnic.
  • Amusement Park-Mulder and Scully go to the amusement park with her family.
  • Wedding Story-Mulder and Scully...get married!
    Various Stories
  • As When I Wake-An excellent character vignette about Scully's thoughts on her cancer, and how her death will effect Mulder *Written by Rachel Nobel*
  • Reunion-An ER/X-Files crossover.  
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