Transcripts, Page Two

| Thanksgiving | Paris | The Kiss | Confrontation | Reunion |
| Jax and Brenda | Anniversary |


Robin comes back to her dorm room in Paris. She sets her stuff down, sits at her desk and begins writing Jason a letter.
Robin: Dear Jason, it's the night before Thanksgiving. Actually it will be Thanksgiving here in another hour which is another six hours in Port Charles. Do you remember last year in New Haven? I kept you awake half the night trying to explain the Protestant Reformation, the concept of religious freedom, and what any of it had to do with a holiday where everyone eats too much. You're probably alone this Thanksgiving like me....I wish we could spend it together.
Robin looks up and her thoughts drift to Jason. Jason is standing on their bridge, Robin walks onto the bridge Jason doesn't see her.
Robin: Jason?
Jason: (he turns around, smiles) You came.
Robin: (smiles) I had to.
Robin runs into his arms, he picks her up hugging her, she kisses him on the cheek.
Jason: Oh man did I miss you! (they keep hugging)

Jason is sitting at the penthouse eating a sandwich and looking through papers. He looks up, and the scene goes back to Robin in Paris.

Robin: (writing letter) I told you once that I could feel you when we're apart. I feel you now, stronger than ever. I remember how you hold me and how you smile. I wonder if you ask yourself the questions you can't ask me. I miss teaching you Jason and learning from you. And knowing that you know me straight through to my heart.
Robin looks up, her fantasy of Jason & her on the bridge continues
Robin: Were you waiting for me?
Jason: Yes
Robin: I said you didn't have to.
Jason: Uh, you were lying.(smiles) Everything you said about forgetting me in Paris and hoping I find someone was just, it was just a lie so you could leave.
Robin: If you knew that why didn't you say something?
Jason: It's not up to me how you live your life.....but you knew if you came back I'd be here.(takes her hands) Now, look. All we have to do is decide where we're gonna go, together.
Robin: (smiling) I'd like to go for a ride. Not in the back of Sonny's limousine, no driver, no guards, just us.
Jason: Good. Cause all I've got is my motorcycle. Come on.
They walk hand in hand off the bridge to Jason's bike.
Jason: Is it gonna be warm enough?
Robin: I'm fine
Jason: Look, just take my jacket (starts to take off his jacket) Here.
Robin: What, I get two jackets and you get nothing?
Jason: Yeah, I don't...
Robin: (interrupting) I know you don't get cold but that still doesn't make you immune to frostbite. Now put your jacket on, please.
Jason: (puts his jacket back on) Man, you're bossy.
Robin: (smiles) Only with you.
Jason: That's not what I hear.
Robin: What? Who else thinks I'm bossy?
Jason: (picking up helmet) Helmet first.
Robin: (takes the helmet) Jason, who else thinks I'm bossy?
Jason: (smiling) No one.
Robin: (smiles) But you do.
Jason: I think you're perfect. (Robin smiles) So where are we going? (Robin whispers something in his ear, and he gives her a funny look) Why?
Robin: You'll know when we get there.
Jason: Ok. Let's go (Jason gets on the bike. Robin puts the helmet on then gets on)
Jason: You ready? (they leave)

Scene goes back to a sad Robin in Paris.

Robin: (writing letter) Paris is different than I thought, not that I was thinking much when I left. I was running, in a way I guess I still am. My grades are excellent, a sure sign that I'm filling my head with new information to avoid dealing with what I already know. Living half a world away from you doesn't make me love you any less.
Robin, sad, looks up. Her fantasy continues. Mac is putting chairs up at the Outback
Robin: Uncle Mac..
Mac: Robin? Well, what are you doing here?
Robin: (smiles) I decided to come home for Thanksgiving.
Mac: Well, what about Paris?
Robin: It's, beautiful. fun, interesting, everything everyone promised. But it doesn't have you.
Mac: Am I supposed to believe that you crossed the Atlantic just because you missed me?
Robin: And Felicia, and the girls, and Brenda, and the rest of my life. Uncle Mac I want you to be proud of me. I want to take advantage of all the opportunities I've been given, but just because I have to the chance to study in Paris or New Haven doesn't mean I should.I know how much it means to you that I graduate from Yale.
Mac: Robin, the worst way you could live your life is live it the way you think I want. You're the only one who can decide what to do and whatever you choose I'll support.
Robin: Even if I want to stay here? Live at home and enroll at PCU?
Mac: Well, PCU's a good school. I mean it's not Yale, be a little harder getting into med school.
Robin: I can still do it though. And it might even be better living at home around the people that I care about.
Mac: Does that include Jason?
Robin: Him most of all.
Mac: He hurt you, Robin.
Robin: Not on purpose.
Mac: He chose his job over your love. He endangered your life. He's part of a world that you know is wrong.
Robin: I love him anyway. Please Uncle Mac, if you can accept my right to choose everything else, can't you accept that I choose Jason? Can't you see how much he's given me?
Mac: The question is can he see how much you've given him.
Mac looks over at Jason standing in the background.
Mac: You love her?
Jason: Yes I do.
Mac: Will you protect her?
Jason: With my life.
Mac: Well that's not good enough, because if you die she loses you and that's not what she wants.
Jason: I know.
Mac: Then quit for her.
Robin: Only Jason and I can decide that. Will you love me either way?
Mac: Of course.
Robin: And accept him either way?
Mac: If I have to.
Mac: (Robin looking at him) Yes.
Robin: I love you so much.
Mac: I love you too so much. (Robin smiles, Mac looks at Jason) You take care of her.
Jason: I will.
Robin: (smiling) Thanks, Uncle Mac.
Mac: Just be happy,
Robin: I am. (smiles)

Jason is at the penthouse looking through papers. He gets up, picks up a book about Paris, sits in front of the fire and tries to read it.

The scene returns to Robin.
Robin: Sometimes I think I'm only honest in this notebook. Writing letters you'll never get and dreaming of solutions to problems that can't be solved. But part of me believes they can....part of me believes love can fix anything.
Robin's fantasy continues, Jason and Robin are at the Quartermaines'.
Jason: (just walking in to the Quartermaines') I still don't see why we have to do this.
Robin: They're your family.
Jason: Ahh.
Robin: Do you love Emily?
Jason: Yeah.
Robin: Do you care what happens to her?
Jason: Sure I do.
Robin: And Lila and the rest of them, even Edward?
Jason: Yeah, I mean I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. Well maybe the old man, but it's not like I want to hang out with them everyday.
Robin: No one expects that, but they care about you. You should let them say it to your face every once in awhile.
Jason: (interrupting) Whoa, wait, hold on. I visit grandmother, I see Emily around all the time. Now look the old man is gonna come in here and say "Oh he's gonna rip something off watch him." Now Alan and Monica...
Robin: (interrupting) Miss you most of all. So they try hard which makes you run. I'm just asking you to stand still long enough for them to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Lila and Emily come in.
Lila: Jason? Oh Jason.
Jason: Hello Grandmother.
Lila: When Sally told me you that you and Robin were coming I just couldn't believe it. (Jason kisses her cheek) How are you my darling?
Jason: I'm fine.(puts his arm around Robin)
Lila: Oh and Robin how lovely to see you dear.
Robin: Thank you. Hey Em.
Emily: Hi, how'd you get him to come here?
Jason: Twisted my arm.
Emily: Ah whatever works. So I guess that this...
They are interrupted by Edward coming in.
Edward: Reginald, where the devil...(sees Jason) Good lord, who let you in?
Emily: Grandfather, if you make him go home I'm gonna lock myself in my room for a whole week.
Lila: And so will I.
Edward: Well then let him stay only this time it's your family silver he can steal.
Emily: Grandmother gave him that bowl!
Edward: Why I'll never know. You probably pawned it didn't you?
Jason: Actually I gave it to Robin.
Edward: Oh, (looking at Robin) Well then give it back, Robin.
Lila: Edward!
Emily: Grandfather!
Jason: (starting to walk away) This is over.
Robin: Not yet. Edward, I would be happy to give the bowl back. But I was keeping it for Jason, I was hoping someday he'll see the importance of it and he'll want it for himself.
Edward: Oh well, when you put it that way, I um...Jason, you see it's a Quartermaine family heirloom. It belonged to your great grandmother.
Robin: Jason.
Jason: It's nice, I guess.
Edward: Nice! It's a Tiffany original, you Philistine! It's a damn good thing that Robin is keeping it for you because if not the government would be confiscating it when they arrest you. Which should be any day now. Sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.
Lila: Edward that will be quite enough. Now listen I want you to shake your grandson's hand and wish him a happy Thanksgiving.
Edward: Oh Lila! I...
Lila: (interrupting) Or my door will be closed for at least a week.
Edward: (puts his hand out to Jason) Happy Thanksgiving. (Jason looks at him like he's crazy)
Robin: Go on.
Jason: (shakes his hand reluctantly)You too.
Lila: You see Christmas, isn't the only holiday for miracles.
Emily: So can you guys stay for dinner?
Alan and Monica start coming down the stairs.
Robin: I don't think we should press our luck. (to Jason) You ready?
Jason: Yeah.
Alan: Hello, Robin.
Robin: Hi Dr. Quartermaine and Dr. Quartermaine.
Monica: (hugs Robin) It's so good to see you.
Robin: It's good to be seen.
Alan: (to Jason) Hello son.
Jason: Hi, Happy Thanksgiving.
Alan: Same to you. I'm glad you stopped by.
Jason: Ah, it was Robin's idea.
Monica: (to Robin) Thank you.
Robin: I can't make him do anything he doesn't want to.
Monica: (hugs Jason) I love you.
Edward: (interrupting everyone) I'd check my jewelry if I were you. He's probably a pick pocket on top of everything else.
Jason turns and walks away, irritated with Edward.
Alan: Father don't start.
Edward: Well, you just don't want to admit that your precious son is a common thief.
Robin walks over to Jason, puts her head on his arm.
Monica: Name one thing that he has stolen.
Emily: Besides the bowl because you know that was a gift.
Edward: Well, cook says that we're missing 2 salad forks.
Monica: Oh!
Alan: Oh, you think he broke in here in the middle of the night to steal forks?
Robin and Jason look at Edward like he's crazy.
Monica: Have you ever considered the possibility they're lost?
Emily: Besides he doesn't need to steal anything. He has all the money he needs.
Edward: Oh yes from the rest of his nefarious activities. I certainly hope that you are not using him as someone to emulate, young woman.
Emily: What?!
Edward: And I want to know what responsible parents would allow her to come within fifteen feet of that felon. He, he is a criminal, and he has no conscience, and he is without morals!
Emily: So are you, Justus says so.
Lila: (everyone still yelling in the background) Robin? (Robin bends down to her) Don't be discouraged dear, they really love him a great deal.
Robin: I know
Lila: And I believe that one day he'll come back to us. In fact I light a candle from time to time just to give myself hope.
Edward  is still yelling.
Edward: (mid-sentence) I will not have my business settlements compared to those of a racketeer!
Jason: (interrupting) Well, yours are a lot less effective.
Edward: You see? That's what I mean, no remorse what so ever! He is publicly trying to disgrace this family.
Jason: I'm not a member of your precious family.
Edward: You're damn right you aren't and it's a good thing you changed your name to Morgan because I was about to take legal action to stop you from using Quartermaine!
Alan: Over my dead body! He is my son and he can use the name Quartermaine as long as he wants.
Edward: He is not a child! He is a liability. Just like that other one! The only grandson I have that's worth a damn is Ned!
Jason walks away.
Alan: Oh, yeah, right, the golden boy.
Monica: Oh yes, a cheat, a liar, and a thief. Chip right off the old block!
Edward: Well at least he's capable. Not like Alan and certainly not like AJ.
Robin walks over to Jason, he puts his arm around her.
Alan: I want you to be quiet. If he's kind enough to walk into this house--
Edward: (interrupting) Don't tell me to be quiet. I'm the owner, I'm the lord of this house!
Monica: No you're not, I am!
The fantasy ends, Robin's face appears smiling.
Robin: (writing letter) Some families are more difficult than others. And yours is probably the most difficult of all. But they love you and I think if we were together I could lead you part of the way back to them. There! I've written it... if we were together. If it could happen, if you give me the one thing I need. It's Thanksgiving now, but in Paris it's just Thursday and I have class in the morning. Good night Jason, maybe someday you'll read this. I hope so.

Robin is getting into bed in Paris. She looks sad, her fantasy continues. Robin and Jason walk onto their bridge.
Jason: Ahh...
Robin: That wasn't so bad.
Jason: Yeah, it was.
Robin: Are you sorry we went?
Jason: I'd rather be here alone with you.
Robin: So would I. (Jason smiles) You haven't asked me how long I'm staying.
Jason: Well, I figured you'd tell me when you're ready to leave.
Robin: I'll never be ready, but I have to.
Jason: You're right you do....but not alone. I quit. I'm out of the organization.
Robin: (happy and shocked) How?
Jason: Well, you know I made some deals. I paid some people off. But look, we're gonna have to go to Paris first, but we're free. Ah, Robin I understand about the future now. Not what it looks like, but why it's so important and I have all the faith in the world that we'll get there together.
Robin: (laughing because she's so happy, hugs Jason) Oh, thank you. (she lets go) I promise this is the right thing. I promise you won't regret it.
Jason: I know. (smiles) I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Robin: (smiling) You will. I'm never leaving you again.
Jason takes her face in his hands, kisses her slowly and gently. The fantasy ends, Robin is smiling sadly.

Closing montage: Mixed in with scenes of Jax and Brenda, Katherine and Stefan, the song "Do I Ever Cross Your Mind" plays in the background. Jason is at the penthouse, turning off lights, and Robin is lying in her bed in Paris.
"Still have your picture in a frame
Hear your footsteps down the hall
I swear I hear your voice driving me insane
Oh how I wish that you would call."
Jason stands out on the balcony looking at the sky as Robin gets out of bed, goes to her desk, and takes out a candle and lights it.
"Do I ever cross your mind anytime?
Do you ever wake reaching out for me?"
Jason is leaning over the railing of his balcony as Robin sets the candle down in her window and looks out, as if they're are looking at each other across the miles.
"I miss you.... I miss you...."


Jason is talking to the guard that he has hired to watch Robin. The guy works at a little cart on the street.
Jason: How's it going?
Guard: So far so good. The fellow that is regularly at this cart told me that the young lady stops by mostly at this hour. Our people are in place now and in contact. I've been informed that the mademoiselle departed the library about 20 minutes ago. They will signal me when she has reached the metro station.
Jason: You have enough people?
Guard: Oh yes. Skilled professionals, as you requested. We are following the same procedure we used for Mr. Corinthos when Mademoiselle Barrett was here modeling. So far there has been no movement out of the ordinary.
Jason: Okay. Make sure it stays that way. I have enemies in the states who think the best way to get to me is through Robin and they're right.
Guard: We will keep the young woman safe, Mr. Morgan.(puts his hand to his ear piece) That's it, she's very close.
Jason: Okay, I'm going. I don't want her to know about the surveillance or that I've been here.
Guard: Then you'd better leave, now.
Jason walks away and hides behind a wall, Robin walks up reading a book. The guard and Robin exchange words in French. Jason watches Robin and smiles.
Guard: (hands her a crepe) On the house.
Robin: (laughs) Thank you very much.
Guard: They have good taste, no?
Robin: They have good taste, and they taste good too.
She laughs, Jason watches and smiles. Robin starts to walk away and says something in French, Jason tries to walk away before she sees him.
Guard: Ah, mademoiselle? (he hands her something)
Robin: Oh, thank you.
Robin begins to walk away and stops as she senses something, turns and sees Jason walking the other way.
Robin: Jason?
Jason slowly turns around, they look at each other. They run into each others' arms and kiss, then pull away.
Robin: (smiling) You look just the same.
Jason: (smiling) You don't. You're more beautiful than ever.
Robin: (gets a scared look on her face) Why are you here?
Jason: Business, how you feeling?
Robin: Good. Jason I've been here before, I know the signals. Something is wrong, right? Just tell me.
Jason: Luke threw a party at the club, someone sprayed the parking lot with automatic fire.
Robin: Who were they after?
Jason: Me. Pete, one of my bodyguards, was killed. And Nikolas Cassadine was wounded, but it looks to be as if he's going to be okay. Afterwards I got a call and they mentioned Paris, no threats, they just mentioned it.
Robin: Is this the same people who tried to kill you last time?
Jason: No, people have figured out that Sonny's not coming back. I'm in charge so..
Robin: You're right where Sonny used to be, right in the line of fire. (shakes her head) I have missed you so much. I'm not going to let our time together be about things that we can't solve.
Jason: Works for me.
Robin: (smiles) I can't believe you're here. I have so much to tell you about school, and Paris, about the things that you loved when you were still Jason Quartermaine. The places you visited, how some of them are the same, some of them are different. How long do we have?
Jason: I'm supposed to leave tonight.
Robin: Don't.

Later, they walk into Robin's room, laughing. Jason has his arms around Robin.
Jason: Wow, this is a lot nicer than your old room at Yale.
Robin: I was so lucky to get it, all the dorms were full and so I answered this ad, and it said attic room. I expected to be sleeping on a hammock up on the rafters.
Jason: (looking at a picture on the wall) You know, I like that picture a lot.
Robin: I can take you to see the real thing tomorrow if you want.
Jason smiles, turns to Robin's desk and picks up the pearl necklace that he gave her. Robin smiles. Jason puts his hand on a book on the desk.
Robin: That's supposed to be my journal, but it's full of letters to you. You can read it if you want.
Jason: Maybe I will.
Robin: The view's the best part. (walks to the window) The Luxemburg Gardens are right there and its across from this beautiful palace. There's this place in there, this pond and there's chairs all around it. That's where the students go when the weather's good. In fact, Jason Quartermaine told me that when he was in Paris that's where he went to eat and try to meet French girls.
Jason: And did he meet any?(sits on Robin's bed)
Robin: He was too polite to say, cause he knew I had a crush on him.(gets a serious look on her face) If this was a bad idea, you don't have to stay.
Jason holds his hand out to Robin. She takes it and sits on his lap, they hold each other as the scene fades out.

Jason and Robin walk into her room. They are carrying lots of boxes.
Robin: Do you think we should rest for a few minutes?
Jason: Do you?
Robin: Um, I don't want to waste a second of my time with you. But I dragged you all over Paris after keeping you awake all night talking about my friends and everything. It wasn't that boring, right?
Jason: (shakes his head) You sounded happy, which makes me feel good.
Robin: You know, usually when people first come to Paris they're totally overwhelmed. But you seem really comfortable.
Jason: (looks at his watch) I liked most of it. Especially the cathedral.
Robin: You know, if someone would have asked me what I thought you would like best about Paris, it definitely wouldn't have been a church.
Jason: What I like best is you. But Notre Dame was interesting. It's different seeing a place than it is to read about it.(Robin looks confused) There's a history of the cathedral in this guide book I bought.
Robin: When did you get that?
Jason: After you left. I wanted to learn everything I could about where you had gone.
Robin: I think about you all the time. Especially at night.(she looks sad) Have you been eating well? I mean, you look kind of thin.
Jason: Yes, I eat. Usually.
Robin: What?
Jason: Ah, piece of pizza, piece of pie, sandwich.
Robin: That's what I thought. Are you ready for your surprise?
Jason: What is it, healthy?
Robin: One thing the French are not concerned with is cholesterol.(she picks up something off the desk, Jason takes it)
Jason: (wipes his finger over the wrapper) Yes.
Robin: (smiles) Go on, try it.
Jason: (takes a bite) Mmm, mmm.
Robin: Do you like it?
Jason: This is so good they shouldn't even call it food.
Robin: (smiles) I knew you'd like it.
Jason: (laughs) Why, because Jason Quartermaine did?
Robin: (smiles) No, because I know you. I've dreamed about this. Showing you the city, watching you experience it for the first time. It's like ever since I got here I've been wanting to share it with you.
They look at each other sadly.
Robin: There's more cookies if you want them.
Jason: (shakes his head) Full. I haven't eaten this much since Sonny left.
Robin: You must miss him a lot.
Jason: Yeah.
Robin: You know, it's weird. Since I'm here and not in Port Charles, it's like he's not even gone. Maybe if he would have said goodbye it would seem real.
Jason: You know he couldn't.
Robin: I know.
Jason: He left you some money. Stocks and properties in a trust. I can tell you about them if you want.
Robin: Right now I'm interested in what Sonny left you.
Jason: I'll handle it.
Robin: Jason, they're already shooting at you with automatic weapons.
Jason: They missed me.
Robin: (yelling) Yeah, well they didn't miss Pete.
Jason: That's true. (sad)
Robin: I'm sorry. Was Joseph okay?
Jason: Joseph's dead too. He was killed before Sonny left.
Robin: (shakes her head) I don't know how Sonny did this to you.
Jason: It was my decision, Robin. He told me what could happen.
Robin: Yeah, and you took it anyway. The same life that cost Sonny everything he loved. You know what, in spite of what he did, he still loved Brenda.
Jason: Look, I made my choice a long time ago and once you're in...
Robin: (upset)'re in. I know the rules and I hate them. That business took my stepfather away from me, it took Sonny, and now it's taking you too.
Jason: See, this is why I wasn't gonna let you see me.
Robin: (yelling) Do you think it makes me less afraid not to see you? Did you just stop thinking about me once I left Port Charles? No, you flew all the way over here and hired guards to protect me because of a phone call. What am I supposed to do, Jason? I mean who am I supposed to hire? How am I supposed to keep you from getting killed?
Jason: I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. (gets his jacket and goes to the door)
Robin: Wait. Look, I have a late class, as long as you're leaving just let me walk you out, okay?

Robin: He's a crepe vendor?
Jason: You want to meet him?
Robin: (shakes her head) I learned early on, the best thing to do with guards is to pretend they don't exist.
Jason: That's good. I don't want you looking over your shoulder worrying all the time.
Robin: I'm not the one in danger.
Jason: I will be okay.
Robin: Can you promise that?(she starts to cry) I told myself I wasn't gonna do this. I'm sorry I have to ask you. Jason stay with me please, please.
Jason: We've been through this. Nothing has changed.
Robin: Yes it has, Sonny is gone, okay? He was the reason that you went in the organization. He was the reason that you stayed there.
Jason: (shaking his head) No.
Robin: Yes! You were friends. He needed you. He doesn't need you anymore, okay! I need you! I need you here. I need you alive. I need you safe. Please.
A man walks up, almost bumping into Robin, and Jason stops him. The man yells something and Jason yells back at him in French.
Jason: (to Robin) I'm sorry.
Robin: I told you you could speak French. Your accent is better than mine. We could have a life here together, Jason, please stay.

Jason is in a plane, remembering what happened. Jason and Robin sit down on some steps.
Jason: Paris is your world, not mine. Whether I like the food or I speak the language isn't the point. How I live my life is. Sonny's territory is my responsibility. I can't walk away.
Robin: It's a business, you leave, someone else takes over.
Jason: I gave him my word. Robin you already know this, I made my choice, I can't change it.
Robin: Not can't, Jason, won't. Do you have any idea how much I love you?
Jason takes her face in his hands and kisses her.
Robin: (sad) I'm gonna be late for my class. You can stop me, you know how.
Robin gets up and walks away, while Jason sits there with a stricken look on his face. Then, Jason is sitting in the plane, silent and sad.

Later, Robin sits at her desk and opens her journal.
Robin: (writing) Dear Jason...goodbye.
She starts to cry.

The Kiss

Robin walks up to the bridge and leans against it, putting a letter in an envelope. She sighs then closes her eyes and kisses the envelope and throws it in the water. She leans over and and looks at the water.

(Flashback to R & J before she goes to Paris)
Robin: You're the only one who knows strong, brave Robin's an act.
Jason: (crying) You're a lot braver than me.
Robin: Jason, if you hadn't done this, if you hadn't come here, I would've gone to France thinking I had ruined everything between us. Thank you.
Jason: I didn't do anything.
Robin: You always say that and it's never true.(both crying, they kiss)

Flashback ends. Robin sighs, shakes her head. She hears something and stops moving. She turns around and sees Jason.
Robin: Oh my God.
She laughs nervously. Jason walks towards her.
Robin: What made you come here?
Jason: I was thinking of you.
Robin: That's what happened to me too. You told me a long time ago that, uh, you weren't going to come here anymore, that it hurt you too much.
Jason: It does, it does hurt too much.
Robin: (nodding) Me too.
Jason: (sighs) Well,uh, what was that you threw in the water?
Robin: A wish. (Jason looks confused) There was this custom in the Middle Ages, they would wait till the longest night of the year and make little boats out of paper, put a candle in it and uh, watch it float away and if the candle stayed lit then that meant your wish would probably come true.
Jason: It didn't look like a candle.
Robin: No, I ...(laughs) Well, it's way too windy tonight to keep a candle lit and, I mean, the longest night of the year is months away and I have no idea how to make those paper boats so something just made me write a wish down on a piece of paper and throw it in the water.
Jason: Well, whatever it is I hope it comes true.
Robin: It won't. (shaking her head) I wished that things were different.
Robin turns away and leans on the bridge. They both sigh.
Jason: Does the ache ever go away?
Robin: I thought it would, but running doesn't help. Neither does being here. God, it makes me so angry sometimes and then I feel guilty for the anger and ... (sighs and shakes her head) I mean, why can't I just be happy with what we had. (turns to face Jason) But I can't help it, you know? Sometimes all I can think about now is what we don't have anymore. Sometimes all I can think about is this.
Robin puts her hands around his neck and kisses him passionately. She walks away into the darkness. Jason stands there and looks after her longingly as the scene fades out.


The courtroom, where Carly has confronted Robin.
C: (in a rather low voice) Do you understand what you did up there? Do you?
R: (forcefully) Yes! I gave my testimony.
C: I see. (sarcastically) So it's your testimony that it's okay for anybody to just steal my baby?
R: I never said it was okay! And don't put words in my mouth!
C: said that poor misunderstood Tony was so distraught that he needed to steal my baby to make up for the one that he lost? Robin, do you have any idea how many people you have hurt? That you could do this to me I can understand. But how could you do this to Jason? Do you know what it did to him when he thought that Michael was lost?
R: I swore to tell the whole truth as I know it.
C: Okay. But I'm sorry...but I thought you went up to the cabin in the first place because you knew that what Tony did was wrong.
R: No. I knew that Tony wasn't thinking straight so I thought that I would....
C: (cutting Robin off and leaning in closer) .....He thinks my baby belongs to him!
R: Oh, really? And where'd he get an idea like that? (raising her eyebrows) Gee, could it have been you?
C: (eyes wide in surprise) Oh....oh, please!
R: The whole truth here is...that this isn't all Tony's fault! The blame starts with you, Carly. You created this!
C: So...(more sarcasm)....somebody kidnaps my baby and that's my fault?!
R: Well, who really started all this, Carly? Who suckered Tony into caring for this baby in the first place? You! And it just didn't happen overnight. First you had to break up his marriage. Then you got pregnant-- which I still haven't figured out if that was on purpose or just a mistake. But you told the whole world that Tony was the father. He was buying baby gifts! I mean....he was picking out names...and Brenda said he came this close (gesturing with fingers) to buying a house.
C: (nodding) Yeah...and then he dumped me! And that's my fault?
R: He dumped you! Not that baby....who you made him believe month after month was his. Tony never gave up on the baby....not even when you did.
C: (furious) Oh, shut up! I never gave up on my child!
R: Oh, sell it somewhere else, Carly!! You left a baby that was hooked up to tubes and machines in a hospital. You didn't tell anybody where you went. You didn't tell anybody anything!
C: I told Jason!
R: Well you didn't tell him when you were coming back! Or if you were coming back! Did you call....once?
C: Robin, Jason was okay with it.
R: Well, Tony wasn't!
C: Well, it wasn't any of Tony's business, was it?
R: Tony thought it was! Because made him fall in love with that child.You turned those feelings on. And now you're stuck because they didn't turn off just like that (snaps fingers in Carly's face).
C: (with her face starting to get twisted) Okay, so that gives him blanket permission to steal my child...and scare the hell out of me?
R: No, but this doesn't mean that this is all Tony's fault.
C: (sarcastically) Do you understand something here? Tony is upset because he's not Michael's father! Which means that he can't take him away from me...legally.
R: Well, if you want to get into anything about Michael's father... I'm game.
C: (nodding as if she understands something) You're doing this purposely to hurt Jason.
R: It's all a bed of lies,'re building Michael's whole life on it. From day one you lied to your son.
C: (voice trembles a little) You listen, okay....Jason is Michael's father. He loves taking care of him. And he knows the truth. We are a part of his home. And I know that because every time I ask him if he wants me to leave, he makes it clear that that is the last thing that he wants. (Bobbie and Jason enter the courtroom, walking up behind Carly, just in time to overhear) Now let me ask you something. Just because it's not safe for you and Jason to make a baby, are you jealous of mine?
Jason walks up behind Carly.
J: What did you say?
C: (surprised) She's trying to sell us out, Jason!
J: Never speak to Robin that way again.
C: (getting loud, protesting) All I'm trying to do is put the man who kidnapped my baby behind bars! Now I thought that's what you wanted, too! So don't take her side against me!
J: It's not about sides, Carly.
C: (cutting him off) Yes, it is about sides! Did you hear her up there? (gestures toward witness stand) She's letting Tony off the hook. Now if that wasn't taking sides, what the hell was it?
J: (to Carly) C'mon, let's go.
C: (looking at him in disbelief, angry) Fine!
She and Jason walk out of the courtroom. Bobbie walks up to Robin.
B: That was unpleasant. But Robin....the truth is that your testimony disturbed a lot of people. And in this case, I share Carly's upset. If you can get past her completely mangled delivery, I think you'll realize that she's trying to make a valid point. You don't know what it's like to be a couldn't possibly, because you've never been one. Or to know what it's like to look into an empty crib at night, and know that your baby's not there. You know I love you, and I admire your kindness. But I hope that when the defense recalls you, that you realize just how much your generosity could cost the rest of us. (Robin's eyes have filled up and we see her wiping away a tear) If I call you one day, and say that Lucas has disappeared on his way home from school, are you honestly going to be able to convince yourself that you played no part in that? I'm appealing to you for my son's safety, and his future. Think about what you're saying up there. Please. (Robin nods silently) Please.
Bobbie walks away, leaving Robin standing there. Robin sighs and turns to face the witness stand. The scene fades out.

The penthouse. Carly is lifting Michael out of his crib. She begins to pace, talking softly to him. Jason watches her for a moment.
J: Look, I'm not agreeing with what Robin said, but she has a right to say what she wants in court. (Carly continues walking, starts to bounce Michael) ....and Carly, put Michael down before you upset him.
C: (rolls her eyes) Fine! (puts Michael back in the crib) You don't tell Robin what to do, but you sure don't mind telling me what to do, do you? You know what, this is crazy, Jason. I mean, I'm not gonna let Robin jeopardize my son's safety! And if you're so hung up on her that you can't see that... I dunno, maybe I should question your loyalty to Michael.
Jason takes his hands off his hips, take a couple of steps towards her, takes her by the arm and "moves" her away from around Michael's crib.
J: Now you listen to me. That's the second time you've said that. And I want to make the bottom line here so clear that you can't miss it. I accept that you have a right to be upset about Robin's testimony. But don't try to turn me against her. Remember that you were worried about me kicking you out? That's the one thing that could do it.
C: You'd be kicking Michael out too. You ready for that?
J: Don't get us to the point where I have to decide. We're living together. We're raising Michael together. Look at don't speak for me. You leave Robin the hell alone. Now if you can live on those terms, I won't ask you to leave. Understood? (walks toward the penthouse door, then turns back to her) Don't question my feelings for Michael.....ever again.
He turns and walks out the door. The scene fades out.

Back at the courthouse. Robin walks into the empty courtroom and sits at one of the tables, facing the stand. She appears deep in thought, unsettled. Jason walks in, briefly looks back out in the corridor to see if it's clear, then walks to stand behind Robin.
J: I saw your car still parked outside. Are you okay?
R: Do you know why I did what I did today?
J: You have a right to call the truth the way you see it.
Robin gets up, then sits leaning against the table facing him.
R: But do you understand it...I mean, does it make sense to you?
J: No. Do you want me to understand?
R: Okay...I'm not saying that Tony should be set free. He took me. And he took Michael. And he held us in the cabin. That's wrong...I agree with that. But I can't understand why he'd do that. (disbelief still in her voice) He thought that baby was his....for so long. I don't think this was as much about you and what you do as it was about Carly, and how she lies to people. I honestly believe, that if she hadn't lied to him so much, Tony would never have stolen Michael.
J: He almost killed you, Robin!
R: It would never have come to that! (shaking her head) He's a neurosurgeon. He saved your life two years ago. I just can't forget all that and say he deserves forty years in prison!
J: (still not quite getting where she's coming from) What... what do you think he deserves?
R: I think he needs help. He needs to be in a mental health facility, for two or three years. Or for however long it takes! And then when he is back to who he used to be.....before Carly......and when he's not a threat to anybody, including Lucas, I think that he should be able to be let out into the world to help people.
J: (angrily) It doesn't matter who he could be! The point is, he stole Michael! He locked you up and almost let you die of pneumonia!
R: But don't you see, that in a way, you stole Michael, too! Couldn't AJ call what you did kidnapping, if he knew the truth?
J: I don't see how it's kidnapping when I am helping Michael stay with his mother. The Quartermaines would use their leverage to take him away from her and make him think he belongs to them!
R: That's exactly, exactly how Tony justified taking Michael. He thought that if he stayed with you, he would be warped into something that he didn't approve of.
J: You think that Dr. Jones and I are the same?
R: (softly) No....I think Carly's put you in a situation that's impossible. And that there's no way out without hurting everyone. Jason, if I said something on the stand that hurt you....I'm sorry. (Jason sighs deeply and looks upward, taking a deep breath, Robin continues) I know Bobbie's worried that Tony could do all this again.
J: I'm not blaming you, Robin. And what you said on the stand doesn't really matter. What's gonna happen to Dr. Jones, is gonna happen anyway.
Robin looks at him, questioning the full meaning of his words. The scene fades out.


Robin arrives at the penthouse and Leticia lets her in.
R: Is everything okay? There was no guard out there.
L: Everything is fine, Mr. Morgan just sent Johnny home early.
R: Oh. How was Puerto Rico?
L: Wonderful for Michael and me. We stayed in a beautiful hotel. Mr. Morgan took Michael in the pool and he laughed the whole time.
R: Are they upstairs?
L: They're asleep. The plane was late. We spent all night at the airport. Mr. Morgan gave me the evening off and he took the baby monitor into his room, but I don't think Michael'll wake him for a couple of hours.
R: Okay. I'll wait, then. You enjoy your night off!
L: Thanks.
Leticia leaves. Robin takes off her coat and walks back to Jason's room. She enters quietly and looks at him sleeping, then crosses the room to sit next to him on the bed. She gently caresses his face and he smiles in his sleep, then wakes up, surprised.
R: Hi.
J: (sitting up) Johnny said you came by.
R: I know, I got your message.
J: Why are you here?
R: (looking down for a moment, then straight into Jason's eyes) Because I love you, and I always will. (as Jason listens to her, his eyes fill up with tears) I know that I hurt you. You never said anything, but I could see it on your face every time I saw you. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being a coward. I'm sorry for thinking that pushing you away could hurt me less if I lost you. But most of all, I'm sorry for making you think you did something wrong, because you didn't. You were just being true to yourself, you always have been. Jason, I love you, and I want to be with you, if that's what you want.
Jason looks overwhelmed and stunned by what she is saying, as if he can't quite believe what he's hearing.
J: It won't be different. I mean, I try, I have guards all the time now. But it's still the organization.
R: I'll never think this is the only job you can have. But we've lived different lives, and they've taught us different things. What I can say now is that I accept your life. I do.
Jason lets out his breath as if he's been holding it all these months.
J: You know, when we were in the woods, Brenda asked if I ever hoped for anything. And I said only when I was with you.  But I never hoped for this. I never thought it could happen.
R: I am so sorry--
J: (interrupting her) All that matters is that you came back.
Slowly, they reach out to each other and kiss. Laughing and smiling in relief to be together again, they continue kissing with increasing passion.
R: (breathlessly) Wait, wait, wait, wait...
J: Are you okay?
R: Yeah, yeah... I brought something.
She picks up her purse and brings it over to him, opening it and showing him something inside.
J: (shocked) You want to have sex?
R: (in a small voice) If you want to.
J: (smiling) I've wanted to since the first time I kissed you, Robin.
R: The first time you kissed me, you weren't a father.
J: I've done the research, I know the risks.
R: The protocol has reduced the viral lode to a point where it's undetectable. I have condoms, I have spermacide with nonoxynal nine...there's still a chance, though.
Jason stops her with a kiss, then looks into her eyes.
J: Do you want to?
R: I want to make love to you as completely as I can. I'm still afraid of giving you HIV, but it's your decision and I don't have the right to make it for you.
Jason smiles and kisses her again. Robin returns his kiss and the passion between them builds to a level it's never been before.
J: (tearing himself away from her for a moment) Tell me if you want me to stop.
R: (smiling and kissing him) I don't.
They continue to kiss and embrace each other passionately as the scene fades out.

When the scene begins, Robin and Jason are lying in bed together, Robin's head resting on Jason's chest as he strokes her hair.
R: (looking up at him) Hi... I'm really here with you.
J: That's what I was thinking. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Waking up and having you here, knowing that you love me... Which I always did, but it was hard for awhile because it was like you were trying not to. Look, Robin, I meant what I said on the bridge. I'd rather be away from you than hurt you.(he pauses, thinking) You know, this life's going to be hard... Guards around all the time, you have to leave when I tell you to, you never ask questions-- Brenda thought she could do it but she drove Sonny crazy. Look, it really wasn't her fault because she was afraid all the time. She didn't understand how things work and you do. That's why you wanted me to get out. I can't, but you can.
Robin sits up and looks at him.
R: I get it. Now that you've finally had sex with me, you don't want anything to do with me?
J: (laughing) Are you crazy?
R: Crazy in love with you. Jason, being with you is my chance to take. You're not going to start making decisions for my own good, are you?
J: I'd never do that.
R: Neither will I. That's why we're going to be okay.
Jason smiles and kisses Robin.
R: When you came off the helicopter and you walked right by me without saying anything, I thought I was too late. I thought I'd pushed you too far away and that you could never come back.
J: I was waiting for you to say something.
R: I knew that! (Jason laughs) I knew that when you went to the elevator and looked back at me. I was going to run up to you right then and say that I loved you and that I wanted to be with you forever. but I really didn't want to do that on the GH helipad, so that afternoon I came over here with my pharmacy bag of condoms and spermacide (they both laugh) and they said that you weren't here.
J: I wish that you would've called, I would've waited for you.
R: Well, I think it's better this way. I've had two days to think about how presumptuous it was to assume that you wanted to be with me.
J: I always want to be with you.
He reaches out to caress her hair and they begin to kiss again. Michael is heard crying on the baby monitor.
J: He's awake. (Robin laughs) He's awake and he's going to want to eat soon.
Jason kisses her one last time and gets out of bed, starting to get dressed. Robin watches him from the bed.
R: I cannot get used to you wearing suits.
J: They're just clothes.
R: I should have known better. I should have known that you wouldn't change. Crime Lord of Port Charles still sleeps in the maid's bedroom.
J: It's got a bed. Do you want to come see Michael? Then we can eat, there's some pizza left over from lunch. Oh, Benny's supposed to come over but I can... Yeah, Ican call him and tell him not to.
R: I'll be right there.
J: Okay.
Jason smiles at her and leaves. Robin watches him go, smiling to herself, as the scene ends.

Jax and Brenda

At the penthouse.
Johnny: Mr. Morgan's not in.
Brenda: Is Robin here?
Johnny: Is she expecting you?
Jax: Well, tell her that Jax and Brenda are poised at the gate, ready to storm the Bastille.
Johnny knocks on the door.
Robin: Hey.
Johnny: This all right?
Robin: Yeah, yeah. What's up? Come on in.
Brenda: Hey. We decided to stop by since you're never home anymore.
Jax: Yeah, we were going to charge in singing "The Marseillaise", but we weren't sure that Jason's minions would take it the right way.
Robin: That's right, Bastille Day. Gosh, Paris seems so far away.
Jax: Yep. Actually, I'm here on business, but I see Jason's not here.
Robin: No.
Brenda: Oh, well.
Jax: Oh, well.
Brenda: So what's up?
Robin: Nothing much. Just making plans for college.
Brenda: Not Yale.
Robin: No.
Brenda: No.
Robin: P.C.U.
Jax: From the apex of the Ivy League to a gangland fortress complete with goons. Is Jason really worth it? Before you answer that, is anybody?

Jax: (to Brenda) I don't know about you, but I'm encouraged. She hasn't tossed us out on our ears.
Brenda: Yeah, well, maybe we should change the subject of Jason.
Robin comes in with drinks.
Robin: You know what, you guys? If you have anything else to say to me about Jason, you might as well just say it now because it's not like I haven't heard it all already.
Brenda: He's just saying these things because he loves you.
Robin: Well, Jason loves me, too.
Jax: Well, no one's disputing that.
Robin: Would you give up Brenda for a Yale degree?
Jax: Not for the Nobel Prize.
Robin: Then how can you expect me to? Look, I have everything here. I have the man I love, a child that needs me, and a decent school.
Jax: You're right. I'm off base. This is not about credentials or broadening your horizons or quality of life. This a quantity issue, Robin -- cold, hard numbers, the bottom line.
Robin: What are you talking about, money?
Jax: Pick a figure. One-digit figure. Anything higher defies the probable. Five years, three years. One year? How long before Jason gets you killed?

Johnny gives Robin a bag of groceries.
Johnny: I checked it out. It's what you ordered. Had to open some jars.
Robin: That's okay. Thanks.
Jax: Did you happen to order melons? Did Johnny shake those to make sure they weren't ticking? What about eggs? How does Johnny check those? Does he have to crack the shell?
Robin: You made your point.
Jax: Have I? What happens when you go back to school, Robin? Will Johnny or some Johnny equivalent trail you across the quad?
Robin: If that's what it takes.
Jax: Okay. So, then you're doing research in the stacks and some helpful assistant comes up to you with microfilm. What does Johnny do then? Does he strip-search the person, or will a good frisking do just as well?
Robin: I don't know, okay? Jason takes care of that stuff.
Jax: There is no taking care of it, Robin. There's just waiting for the inevitable slip. And as long as you're with Jason, you're in the line of fire.
Robin: I grew up in the line of fire. Everybody I loved, everybody I knew was in danger-- my mother, my father, Duke.
Jax: Robin, they're all dead.
Robin: Well, Jason is alive and so am I, and we are going to grab every second that we can-- if it's 20 years or if it's 20 minutes.
Brenda: Don't say that.
Robin: Okay. He flies planes all the time, tiny planes.
Brenda: What are you talking about? What does that have to do with anything? He's a trained pilot.
Robin: Jason's trained, too.
Brenda: I know Jason is trained. He's trained by Sonny. I know that he knows all about bulletproof cars and bulletproof windows and secret codes and he has bodyguards following us around all the time. You know, really, what good do our bodyguards do anyway? I mean, look what they did for Lily and her baby. I understand and I respect your decision. You know that. But I understand why Jax is so upset because it kills both of us to see you in danger. Just like you, when I was a little girl, I always dreamed about having, like, the one man who's going to love me for the rest of my life.
Robin: What does that have to do with this?
Brenda: I'm just saying that I understand that Jason is that to you. But what Jax is trying to say is not only could you get hurt, but think about what would happen to Jason, how it would tear him apart if something happened to you.
Robin: I know that, but I-- I've already-- I don't understand. You've made your point. I don't understand why we need to talk about this anymore.
Brenda: I don't understand why we need to, either, but I'm trying to support Jax, and he can't give it up right now because he cares so much about you.
Jason comes in.
Jason: What's wrong?
Robin: Nothing.
Jason: They upset you?
Robin: No.
Jason: Yeah, well, Johnny told me they were here.
Robin: I'll tell you later, okay?
Jason: Okay.
Jax: Brenda and I have been rudely intrusive in an effort to keep Robin alive. It's clear to us that her continued survival entails washing her hands of you.
Robin: Jason, don't fight with them.
Jason: What, and say nothing?
Robin: They-- they can't change how I feel or what I do. (taking baby Michael from Jason) Come here, buddy. You look like you're tired.
Jason: Yeah, he wants to go--
Robin: I'm going to take you upstairs. Come on. (to Brenda and Jax) There's nothing more to say. (goes upstairs)
Jax: (to Jason) Robin thinks you love her. Why don't you prove it and let her go.
Jason: Why don't you go to hell?

Jax: Why don't I go to hell? Because I already have, Jason. This is hell-- this place, this world. I'm just on a short excursion in Hades to save a valued friend.
Jason: Did Robin ask to be saved?
Jax: That's not the point.
Jason: Yeah, that is exactly the point. Robin's here because she wants to be. She made the choice -- not you, not me, not some committee of friends-- Robin.
Brenda: Jason, he's just upset because he's afraid that Robin is going to get hurt.
Robin comes down the stairs.
Robin: I could get hurt. My body could fail me any day.
Brenda: No
Robin: I could get sick and I could die.
Brenda: No, don't start talking about that right now. Your virus is under control.
Robin: I could get in a car accident. I could get electrocuted. So could you. So could he. (points to Jax) But all we know about life is that it doesn't last forever. And you take what you can get,and you give what you can. And when you find love, you have to hang on. Why can't you just do the same thing for me?
Jax: Because you're making a deadly mistake.
Jason: You know what? Okay, you've had your say. You don't approve. We're clear on how you feel. Your mission here is accomplished.
Robin goes over to Jason and he puts his arm around her.
Jax: Not quite. I have business, and it could be unpleasant.

Jason: It's way past time you left.
Jax: I haven't finished.
Jason: You want to talk business, make an appointment.
Jax: Look, the docks project has become an ordeal. We're way over budget and months behind.
Jason: Maybe you should bail out.
Jax: Oh, I got far too much invested.
Jason: Am I supposed to care?
Jax: This can't go on.
Jason: It can and it will if you don't keep your partners away from my family.
Jax: Which family would that be, your blood brothers in crime or your spurned blood relations?
Jason: Jax, just tell the old man and the Quartermaines to back off Carly and Michael.
Jax: Now, see, this is what's known as extortion-- bartering union cooperation for personal favors. I think the Feds might like to hear about this.
Jason: All right, you get the government involved and you'll regret it.
Jax: Are we moving up to physical threats?
Jason: No. No, but if the Feds start collecting names, your brother Jerry will be first on the list.

Jax: Are you threatening my brother?
Jason: You want to turn my name over to the Feds? Go ahead. Just understand the investigation will expose Jerry's business arrangement with
Carlos. Your brother left a trail of illegal money that leads straight back to his personal bank accounts, Jax. If the feds find out, he's looking at serving 20 years in prison. I think we are finished.
Jax: So now you're blackmailing me.
Jason: Oh, no, you could call it whatever you want to call it, but as long as you're in business with your brother, you've got nothing to use against me.
Brenda: OK, can't you guys just come to some sort of conclusion, at least for our sakes? All he wants is the harbor renovation finished the way you said it would be.
Jason: This has got nothing to do with you, Brenda. It's business.
Brenda: Well, obviously Jax wants me involved in his business.
Jason: Well, that's great. Then discuss it with Jax somewhere else.
Brenda: OK. Do you really think that Robin is OK with you blackmailing Jax?
Robin: Don't use me against Jason. He is the one that started making threats. He's just defending himself.
Brenda: This is just wrong. You know what Jason does is wrong.
Robin: So I should just leave the man that I love? You didn't.
Brenda: This has nothing to do with Sonny.
Robin: I'm not talking about Sonny. I'm talking about him. Jax is an inside trader. Ned and Lois broke up because he tried to take over E. L. Q. He's covering up for his brother, who almost killed him and Sonny.
Brenda: It's not the same.
Robin: Are you saying that Jerry didn't light the warehouse On fire? I understand why he wants to protect his brother. I mean, Jason has to do everything he can to keep the Quartermaines away from Michael.
Jax: Well, he could always kill them. That would solve his problem. Are you saying you'd be OK with that?

Jax: No one can compare him to me. Do I break the rules? Yes, I do. Do I make deals and bend the law? Every day. But murder isn't part of my business. I don't kill people. You do.
Jason: Then why are you here? Oh, I get it. You know that you're safe because you know Sonny wants Brenda happy.
Brenda: OK, you know what? My happiness doesn't have anything to do with Sonny, OK?
Jason: Yeah, you'd be surprised.
Brenda: Look -- OK, wait. Are you saying that if it wasn't for Sonny you'd kill Jax?
Robin: He didn't say that.
Brenda: You know what? I am trying to understand, OK?
Jason: No, you're trying to prove -- that she shouldn't love me, and it's not up to you.
Robin: He's right. I am going to love him no matter what he does. It's because I've learned to separate myself from his business. Now, I wish that our friendship could be separate, too. Do you think we could do that?
(knock on door)
Renaldo: Jason, your sister's here.
Jason: Hey, Em.
Emily: I'm sorry for interrupting.
Jason: No, it's OK.
Emily: I was going to call you, but I didn't think you were going to have anybody over. You normally don't. I can ask Renaldo for a ride home or I can go upstairs. I just need to talk to you.
Jason: What happened?
Emily: Dad hit A. J.
Jason hugs Emily.
Jax: My apologies for getting you involved in a business disagreement.
Robin: That's OK. It's over now.
Brenda: Listen, will you tell Emily that she can call me if she needs me?
Robin: Sure.
Emily comes downstairs.
Brenda: Hey. Are you OK?
Emily: Yeah, I'm fine. You know what? You don't have to leave because of me. I mean, I can just go in the den and watch some TV if you guys are going to have dinner or something.
Jason: Yeah, right. They came on business, and it's finished.
Brenda: Good night.
Jax: Good night.
Emily: Oh, Brenda? I wanted to tell you about something. You know Mr. Yergen?
Brenda: From Downtown Faces?
Emily: Yeah. Well, he set me up with a test photo shoot the other week.
Brenda: You're kidding. Why didn't you tell me?
Emily: Well, I was afraid that I was going to be really horrible, but -- I wasn't. I mean, they liked me, and they booked me for a two-week photo shoot.
Brenda: Are you serious?
Emily: Yeah.
Jax: Congratulations.
Emily: Thanks. Well, actually, I owe it all to Brenda. I mean, I'm a real model now because of you.
Robin: When are you supposed to leave?
Emily: Day after tomorrow. And because I'm a minor, I have to have an adult with me. So I think Ned's going to go because he's kind of like my agent, you know.
Brenda: Yeah. Maybe I should go with you for a few days to get you started.
Emily: Would you?
Brenda: Yeah, of course. As long as all the locations are reachable by train. Or even if they're not.
Emily: Well, the first one is in New Orleans.
Brenda: Oh, I love New Orleans.
Jax: Yeah, that's Brenda's favorite city. Make sure she takes you to a fortune teller.
Emily: I will. Thanks, Brenda. This is going to be the best time of my life.
Brenda: Yeah. Well, we'll see if you still feel that way after you have your first 6:00 a.m. call.
Michael cries from upstairs.
Jason: Oh, that's Michael.
Emily: Oh. Can I go up and see him?
Jason: Sure.
Emily: Sorry again for interrupting.
Brenda: It's OK. I'll call you tomorrow.
Emily: OK. (leaves)
Brenda: (to Robin) Listen, since I'm going to go out of town probably in a few days, maybe you could stay the night at home tonight so we could talk. We could rent a movie and eat microwave popcorn, whatever.
Robin: OK. I'll be there in, like, an hour or two.
Brenda: Yeah? OK. I'll get rid of Jax.
Jax: Hey. I happen to like microwave popcorn.
Brenda: Hey, shut up. Sorry about tonight.
Robin: Me, too.
Brenda: I promise that I won't let their stupid business get involved in our friendship again.
Robin: Cross my heart and hope to die.
Brenda: well, I cross my heart, too.
Jax: Still friends?
Robin: Always.
Jax: OK. We'll see you later.
Robin: All right. Good night, guys.
Brenda: Bye.

Jason: Hey, did Michael finish his bottle?
Emily: Yeah, Robin's giving him the rest. He's getting sleepy now.
Jason: Yeah, he'll probably wake up again around 11:00. I'll give him another one then while we look out the window.
Emily: What are you reading?
Jason: A book on the Caribbean. I got it for Michael. It's mostly about the islands, but there's a chapter on New Orleans.
Emily: Have you ever been there?
Jason: Once -- with Sonny for a meeting. I didn't get to see a lot of the city.
Emily: Yeah. I don't think I will, either, when I go there. I mean, I don't think they give you much time at those photo shoots. Actually, I'm making that up. I -- I don't really know what models do.
Jason: I guess you'll find out.
Emily: You think it's stupid, don't you?
Jason: No, not if you want it.
Emily: Yeah, but you wouldn't do it.
Jason: Well, I'd never try a lot of things. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try them.
Emily: Yeah. Dad hates the idea. I mean, he doesn't want me to be a model at all. You know that he's on painkillers, Jason. He's addicted.
Jason: I know. I was over there the other day, fighting with the old man, and Alan was stoned out of his mind. That's why I asked Reginald to tell you to call me as soon as you got back. I wanted to tell you about Alan and warn you not to get in the car with him.
Emily: I already did. And we were in an accident. But don't worry. I mean, I just hurt my neck for a couple days, and then it was fine.
Jason: What happened?
Emily: He hit a tree. But, Jason, the family can't know. It's going to make things even worse. I can't tell them. Do you understand?
Jason: OK.
Emily: And you won't?
Jason: Well, not if you don't want me to. Do not ever get in the car with him again. OK?
Emily: OK.
Jason: Now, if you have trouble at home, you know you can call me and you can stay here as long as you want to.
Emily: I know. You know, I was thinking on the way over that I had no place to go. But I do. I love you, Jason.
Jason: I love you, too.

Robin comes down the stairs, carrying an overnight bag.
Robin: Hi.
Jason: Hi. If -- if Brenda starts in on you --
Robin: She's not going to.
Jason: Well, I just meant when you said that you wouldn't defend my business? I'm glad because it has nothing to do with you. Jax should have never thrown it in your face.
Robin: If I wasn't here, would you still have listened to him?
Jason: No.
Robin: You would have thrown him out?
Jason: Yes.
Robin: That's what I thought. You know, when I watched you at the nurses ball and when I watched you tonight --I don't like to see you fight. I mean, I know you'd win. It's when you don't -- when you stop because of me, it's like a gift. And I just -- thanks.
Jason: I love you so much. I just don't want my life to ever hurt you again.
Robin: The only thing that could hurt me is if I left you. I've already done that, and I will never do that again.
Robin kisses Jason.
Robin: Love you. I'll call you in the morning, OK?
Jason: OK.
Robin turns to go, but Jason doesn't let go of her hand and pulls her back to him.
Robin: What?
Jason kisses her.
Robin: I have to go.
Jason: I know.
Robin: OK.
They walk to the door and Robin starts to leave.
Jason: Robin? (she turns around) You're welcome.


The penthouse. Robin sits at the table, working at a laptop computer. There is a knock at the door, and Rinaldo opens it.
Rinaldo: Robin, your uncle's here to see you.
Mac: Am I interrupting?
Robin: I just-- I have some work to do for L&B. Look, if you're here to talk about me and Jason, I really don't think it's a good idea.
Mac: It's Stone's birthday. I came by to see how you're doing.
Robin: Oh. I didn't think you'd remember.
Mac: Look, Stone meant a lot to me as a person I came to love and admire, Robin, and as a reminder of how quickly people can slip away. I'm sorry about the other night.
Robin: Thanks.
Mac: Oh, you. You know, it's not easy watching someone grow up, realizing that you're making your own decisions and my opinion is just an opinion. But I want you to know that no matter what you do and no matter how much don't like it, there's no way I'm ever going to let you go.
Robin: And I know that you want to protect me, but you can't do that by hurting Jason.
Mac: This may not be what you want to hear, but whether or not Jason gets hurt is really no concern of mine. What's most important to me is that you're safe. I know that you think Jason's doing all that he can to protect you, but there is another kind of danger involved with him that he just can't protect you from.
Robin: What's that?
Mac: Robin, I watched you nurse Stone in his final months and I saw what that did to you, how it drained the life out of you and wore down your spirit. With Jason, there's a potential for dying every single day.
Robin: The pain that I felt over Stone's death was because I loved him so much. And if anything-- if anything horrible were to ever happen to Jason, my pain would be coming from the same place. You can't protect me from love, okay, and I don't want you to try.
Later, Robin comes out of the kitchen, bringing Mac a cup of tea.
Robin: It's this new blend I got from this teashop over on fifth street.
Mac: (sipping it) Mm-hmm. Oh.
Robin: Good?
Mac: Very good. Very good, as usual.
Robin: Yeah, you know, I do what I can.
Mac: Mm-hmm. Look at you. Seems like yesterday you were just sneaking out of the house to date Stone.
Robin: Yeah, because you were doing everything you could to keep me from seeing him. That summer was so exciting. Stone and I were falling in love and it seemed like the whole world belonged to us. And then, in what seemed like a heartbeat, he was battling AIDS and I found out that I was HIV-positive.
Mac: And I somehow forgave him and kept on loving him in spite of everything.
Robin: I know how hard that was for you.
Mac: I don't think you could. But I saw how much you loved him, Robin, and I did my best to support you.
Robin: I know. I remember one night you brought us food at the hospital because I refused to leave Stone for even a minute. What was that horrible soup that you brought us that night?
Mac: Horrible? Mulligatawny, I think. It's Indian for "tastes like socks."
Robin: Exactly. You know, you said before that Stone's death took a lot out of me. Do you want to know how much?
Mac: Absolutely.
Robin: For a long time afterwards, I was numb. The pain was all while he was dying. But for a long time, it was like there was no feeling at all. I figured that I had 10, 15 years, I would do something worthwhile, and then aids would bring me to Stone. But then one night, I was standing on this bridge by myself. And that's when I met Jason -- a man with no past and no comprehension of a future. I mean, the man feared nothing, including the virus in my body. Whatever I needed whenever I needed it, he gave it to me. You know, Jason always says that I taught him how to love. But the truth is he taught me.
Later, Mac stands to go.
Robin: I'm really glad you came by.
Mac: It's good to remember Stone together-- and to clear the air between us.
Robin: Is there any chance you're going to stop worrying about me?
Mac: You're my brother's daughter. Having your life entrusted to me was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received, and your health and your safety are as important to me as my own. So, no, I'm never going to stop worrying about you.
Robin: What Jason and I have is what most people dream about. And as long as I have a choice, I am going to treasure it and nurture it and do everything I can to hold on to it. (Jason comes in) Hi. My Uncle Mac came to visit me.
Mac: And to apologize for letting things get out of hand the other night.
Jason: That's nice of you.
Mac: I felt I owed it to Robin. I'll talk to you later.
Robin: Bye.
Mac: Love you. (leaves)
Jason: You okay?
Robin: Yeah. Yeah. It was a nice visit. He apologized for what happened the other night and he told me how much I meant to him. We reminisced about Stone a bit, too.
Jason: It's his birthday.
Robin: You remembered, too.
Jason: Why shouldn't I?
Robin: Well, dates are not exactly your strong suit.
Jason: Well, I remember everything about that night in Montauk-- what you said, where you were standing. (remembering) We were out on the patio when you told me it was Stone's birthday. You were looking away, trying to pretend you weren't sad.
Robin: And you told me that I never had to lie to you. I turned around and you were standing there, and I knew that you were right. You know, today isn't only Stone's birthday. It's the anniversary of the moment that I fell in love with you.
Later, Jason stands in the living room, listening to Robin's voice over the baby monitor.
Robin: (singing) "If that horse and cart fall down, you'll be the sweetest little baby in town." Good night, Michael.
Jason hurriedly begins lighting two candles on a chocolate cake, as Robin comes downstairs.
Robin: What's this?
Jason: Uh, I -- hmm. I didn't know if you were supposed to put candles on an anniversary cake or not.
Robin: Our anniversary cake can always have candles on it. I love you. Happy anniversary. (kisses him)
Jason: Happy anniversary. Oh, the candles are dripping on the cake, so--
Robin: Yeah, you want to blow out the candles. Okay, make a wish?
Jason: Okay.
Robin: Okay. (both close their eyes, then Robin opens hers) Okay, um-- ready?
Jason: (still thinking) Wait. (opens his eyes) Okay.
Robin: Okay. Go.
They lean over and blow out the candles together.
Jason: So, what, you going to tell me your wish?
Robin: Nope.
Jason: What? Well, I know you're not supposed to for birthdays, but I think for anniversaries it's okay.
Robin: Oh, yeah?
Jason: Yeah.
Robin: Why?
Jason: Well, because a birthday belongs to one person and an anniversary belongs to you both.
Robin: Okay. I wished that you and I would be together forever and that we would love each other as much as we do now.
Jason: I wished for the same thing.
Robin: (disbelieving) No.
Jason: Okay, I-- I already have everything I want, and all I could think to ask for is that it would never change.
Robin: It's not going to because we're not going to let it. (licks frosting off one of the candles) Mmm.
Jason: Oh, really?
Robin: Mm-hmm. (giving him the other candle)
Jason: Mmm.
Later, Robin and Jason sit at the table, eating cake.
Robin: Mmm. I still can't believe that you did this.
Jason: Well, it's not like I made the cake myself. Actually, I got it from the bakery where you got my birthday cake, which is why I thought you might like it.
Robin: I don't just mean the cake. I mean remembering our anniversary and surprising me with a celebration.
Jason: This night last year, you were in Paris. I rode my bike out to the bridge. I didn't even get off my bike. I just sat there and looked at the place where I last kissed you. I never thought I would have you again. I thought that you were gone forever.
Robin: That same night, I was out looking at the water, thinking about Montauk and how you changed my life. This afternoon, I told Mac that you taught me how to love, and you did. I mean, you taught me how to love the way that you do-- with your whole heart.
Jason: I didn't even know I loved you in Montauk. (when Robin looks surprised) No, hold on. I didn't even know what love meant. I mean, I knew that you were beautiful and that when I was with you, I never felt stupid or damaged. I knew you were sad because you loved Stone. And I thought it must be the best thing anyone could ever feel to be loved by you. And then you said I was in your heart. Not second to Stone, but separate. That's the moment I loved you. You taught me how.
Robin: (compromising) We taught each other how.
Jason: You want your present or what?
Robin: I get a present, too?
Jason: Well, yeah, see, I never really gave you anything except for that necklace two years ago for Christmas. But you never tell me what you want, so I don't know what I should get-- except for, like, this chocolate cake or flowers.
Robin: I love chocolate cake and flowers.
Jason: Well, Stone gave you a ring that you never take off. And I thought you might like one from me, too.
Jason pulls a ring out of his pocket and gives it to Robin, a wide gold band with a diamond in the center.
Robin: Wow. It's-- it's beautiful.
Jason: As long as you like it.
Robin: I love it. I love you. (kisses him, then gets up to sit on the table, Jason standing in front of her) Will you put it on for me?
Jason: Which finger?
Robin: Uh-- this one. (Robin takes Stone's ring off her left-hand ring finger) I'll always keep it to remind me of Stone, but the most important thing to him was that I was happy, and I am.
Jason: (putting the ring on her finger) Here you go.
Robin: I love you.
Jason kisses her, leaning her back onto the table, as the scene ends.

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