Attention! News Flash!

Dear, Fellow PTK members,

The Zeta Omicron Chapter is leading an effort to protest the 7% budget crunch that is affecting us all. The following is a letter concerning the Texas budget crunch that will continue to affect the higher education system for years to come. Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society made up of the boldest and the brightest that the community colleges have to offer. We have an obligation to stand up for what's right. This is why our chapters must join together. There are fifty community college districts in the State of Texas, which educates more than one million students. Governor Rick Perry, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst and House Speaker Tom Craddick ordered the seven percent budget cut. The cuts would cost two-year colleges a combined $64.3 million in state funding. The cost to international students will raise 12% for next year! And if any of you are planning on attending the University of Texas or Texas A&M there is a bill, that has not passed yet, that will allow these schools to set their own tuition. This is not a good thing. Please read the following letter and sign individually the roll sheet. This letter is going to be sent to the Governor, Lt. Governor and the House Speaker. Please further research this issue and how it will affect your own colleges. The following website will help aid you: WWW.TACC.ORG

Governor Rick Perry
Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst
House Speaker Tom Craddick,

The following letter is attached with a petition of the signatures of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society of the two-year college. Our honor society is greatly concerned about the budget crunch. The budget crunch may affect some students more than others, directly or indirectly. The bottom line is that all will suffer from this pinch. Not all community colleges are as fortunate as others. As you all are aware; many are raising taxes, others are cutting their workweek, unessential as well as some essential travel, putting off plans for expansion, all are raising tuition, and even more drastically cutting the faculty numbers. Times are already difficult, with our slumping economy; now with the State of Texas unloading this extra burden upon us affects all students. It's unfair that Comptroller Carole Strayhorn waited so late in the fiscal year, which for most colleges starts in September, to inform the institution of higher education of this budget crunch. You are asking for 7% from what the colleges had at the beginning of the school year. The State of Texas had to know for some time that it were in trouble. The $9.9 Billion revenue doesn't easily get unnoticed.

The Government doesn't understand how this budget crunch does, indeed, trickle down and Impacts College plans for students. Choice of a particular college will be jeopardized. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and places to cut are not to be found in the institution of higher education. Many students who had planned on attending college this upcoming fall will have to refigure their own budgets, and many may have to put off dreams of higher education. Enrollment is soaring and now college administrators have to cut costs while accepting these new students. Without the budget crunch it was difficult enough to keep up with the increasing enrollment. Students are going to be turned away and recruitment efforts will be halted. Greatly needed expansion will also have to wait. Many students work full time; have families, house payments, car payments, and other expenses. Even the smallest increase in tuition will hurt those who are trying to better themselves. It is obvious that with an educated work forces, comes a flourishing economy.

We are pleading with you. The students' point of view has not been heard on this issue. We feel that it is very important.

{The signatures}

Notice: Mr.Solis and Dr.Stranger will also be joining us in the meeting this Friday (3/21/03)

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