(formerly: Jackie Chan Fan Club Australia)
"Page 1"

First Name :   Lachlan

Comment :   I'd love to be part of the club.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   2 Years.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   Comedy Martial Arts.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   His personality.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   His comedy martial art tricks "First Strike" Movie.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   "First Strike," "Project A" and lots more.

First Name :   Christine: jcfans4eva@yahoo.com.au

URL :   /jackiechanfans/jcmembers.html

Comment :   Hi Lachlan, It's the President of the Australian J.C. Fan Club: If you want to be in the fan club simply go to the membership page on the Australian J.C. Fan Club web site for further details. URL is above here! Or, e-mail me on the address above listed!

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Lachlan

Comment :   You're Great! Hope you come to Australia soon.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   2 Years

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   Comedy and Stunts.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He must be Intelligent to do it all.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   His stunts and Humour

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   Lots !!!!!!! "First Strike", etc.

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Daniel (Daaryu)

URL :   Spain

Comment :   Jackie is the best. He is full of energy and has a total control of his body. I dream to be similar to Jackie. "Viva Jackie!"

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   I'm a martial arts films fan since ten years ago, and a Jackie fan since I saw a Jackie film three years ago.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   His speed and control.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   Because he makes easy things that are impossible to others.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   He gives me strength & energy to prove to make/do things that are difficult to do.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   "Police Story."

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   FOXY ROXY


How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   SINCE I WAS 14 YRS. OLD. SO 13 YRS. AGO.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   EVERYTHING....


In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   JUST BEING HIM.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? : Yes, a lot. TWIN DRAGON'S, SHANGHAI NOON, RUSH HOUR, everything...

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Mike Leach

Comment :   I think your movies rock.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   I have been a fan for 7 years and I am only 11.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   he rocks at stunts & Kung Fu

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He is so cool

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I have seen 22 Jackie Chan films. My favourite movie's are "Who Am I?" and "Project A."

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Keith: kbillingham@talk21.com

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   About ten years

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   The skillful mixture of martial arts, comedy and good story lines.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He does all his own stunts.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   Have seen most to date .

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Emil Harry D, pbe38a@yogya.wasantara.net.id

URL :   http://welcome.to/little.hideaway

Comment :   Great site...!!! I'm cruising it.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   Since 1990(??) - when I watched Operation Condor for the first time.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   (Kung Fu) Fighting scene's are amazing and and also funny.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   I always see him smiling!

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I can't count right now, but I believe more than 20. Many of them I watched on TV. Most Fav: "Project A"!!! Just watched "Gorgeous" on a local channel last week. I thought it was an old movie, and was surprised it was made in 1999!! More "drama" though...... (Ed Note: Rest of post was lost........)

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Daniel

Comment :   I think Jackie Chan is the greatest entertainer ever to come out of Hong Kong. A real role model.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   I have been a fan of Jackie Chan for around 6 years now. I know I will be for life too.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   I think his realistic style of action and comedy appeal the most to me. Also the fact that his characters are always on the good side.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   For his hard work in the movies and in real life with charities and helping the less fortunate, etc.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   To keep trying and never give up on your goal. I think the characters he portrays in just about all of his films think this way.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I think I've seen just about every J.C. film there is. Apart from some of his earliest. My favourite's would have to be firstly "Mr. Canton & Lady Rose" (aka "Miracles"). Then "Drunken Master 2". It's so hard to say though. If I didn't love all of his work I wouldn't be writing this here now.

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Paul: WeaponX_30@hotmail.com

Comment :   If there are any J.C. fans out there who want to chat about Jackie, then e-mail me at the above address.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   for over eleven years.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   his dedication to making the best films that he can. And also his stunts, fight scenes, and that he tries to combine them with action, comedy and drama.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   because anybody who risks his life every time he works on a film deserves the utmost admiration and respect. Also for his dedication to his fans, his charity work and the film business itself.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   He inspires me to go out there and put my heart and soul, my sweat and my blood, to anything I set out to do. I want to work in the film industry myself, and Jackie is the man I look to for inspiration. He also cheers me up when I am depressed.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I have lost count at the number of films of Jackie's that I have seen. MY FAVOURITE'S are "Project A". "Police Story". "Armour of God". "The Protector" (his own HK version). "Drunken Master". "Snake in the Eagles Shadow". "Who Am I?" and many others...

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Bryan

URL :   cvba19969@cableinet.co.uk

Comment :   One of the best action fighters I have ever seen.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   About 12 years.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   Comedy & action.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   Because he does all his own stunts, unlike many other stars these days.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   To take life as it comes and to do your best in everything.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I suppose about 18 to 23.

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Pauline: paddlepop38@hotmail.com

Comment :   This year is 2001, so that means I love "DAI GOR"- Jackie Chan - for a very long, long, time ago!!!! In 1984, I was only 9 years old!!!

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   Well, in my dreams - since in 1984, and in my real life from the end of 1995 to now (2001, and I forgot to renew my membership, oh poo!!! - oops!!!)

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   His crazy stunts that actually went good in the movies, his everything!!! For one thing, he is a better than me!!! <LOL> :O)

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   My male hero - friend, idol. Besides, HE IS REALLY A "MR. NICE GUY"!!!

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   IN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   YES... I LOVE ALL OF HIS MOVIES!!!!!! *hey, Happy Chinese New Year 2001!!! Jackie - DAI GOR...* If you are reading this, today is 24th January 2001...

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   mkm

Comment :   I think you are a wonderful human being and... what can I say? Who doesn't love you?!

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   For a couple of years.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   His comedic actions and good acting.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   Because he is optimist and he fought for everything he has nowadays. I think he is the happiest man in the world.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   I must have his persistence to chase my dreams and get success.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   Yes, many. I want that one that has "Bronx" in the title, but I don't remember the name very well, cause it's in Portuguese. (Ed Note: It's "Rumble in the Bronx").

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Laura: Nun1719@aol.com

Comment :   This may sound kind of silly, but, I've been in love with Jackie for years! Since I was a baby! And I still am!

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   Practically forever! I'm on on quest to see every one of his movies.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   His sense of humor and the fact that he loves his fans just as much as they love him. He always shows the out takes after the movies.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   His fearlessness.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   To lose the weight. I'm a large woman. Seeing how he keeps fit, makes me want to do it too.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   A lot. I don't have any favorites. I love them all!

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Essel: kiara113@hotmail.com

Comment :   I really love Jackie Chan, but it bothers me so much that he puts his life on line every time he do a new movie!

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   Since I was 16 years old, and now I'm 20.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   His death defying stunts and his funny lines.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He's cute and he's got such a great body.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :  He inspire's me to protect myself in terms of danger, and so I've studied the martial arts.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   Yes!!! I love "Who Am I?", Mr. Nice Guy," "Project A," "Double Dragon," Super Cop," "Police Story," & "Operation Condor," etc...

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Chris: wickedways@hunterlink.net.au

Comment :   I haven't spoken to any fans for a while. I'd love to hear from other fans 25-30, especially from Hong Kong. I was at the set visit & I'd like to hear from other people who were there.

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   No idea, a LONG TIME.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   Funny. Entertaining. Good clean FUN! He gets better with age.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He is who he is & there is no bull about him. Also, he's a loon. Gotta love that!

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   Strange question. Makes me want to live in Hong Kong.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I've seen most of them & recently got "Shanghai Noon" on DVD. Laughed my butt off. Owen Wilson is perfect with Jackie.

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Melissa: melissa.m1@sk.sympatico.ca

Comment :   Hi Jackie! How are you today? My name is Melissa. I am turning 6 years old on Feb 9. My dad and I watch your new and older movies lots. After my birthday my dad is going to put me in karate. He told me you were in an accident, I hope you get better soon. - (Ed Note: Rest of the post was lost.......)

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   Melissa and I have been fans for about 4 years.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   He does his own stunts.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He has got all the right moves.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   He has got my daughter wanting to take karate, and she is only 6 today, and she's running and jumping around. She was very lazy, didn't want to go play, and now she is a totally different kid...

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   They are all her favorites! "Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu," "Dragon Fist," "Snake Fist Fighter," "Fearless Hyena 2," "The Killer Meteors," "New Fist Of Fury," "Spiritual Kung Fu," "Shaolin Wooden Men," "Police Story 1 & 2," "First Strike," "Rumble In The Bronx," "Twin Dragons," "Who Am I?." - (Ed Note: Rest of the post was lost.......)

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Lynne

Comment :   The only REAL ACTION HERO!

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   About 2 years - (since I saw first "Who Am I?").

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   Unique blend of martial arts, stunts & intensity, sincerity, acting, singing etc. & his gorgeous smile!

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   All of the above. He also loves his fans, has created his own charity & WORKS HARD.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   To do the best I can at whatever I am trying to do - even if I don't succeed.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I've seen all of them except his child ones. (I've seen all of them but "Crime Story" & "Heart of the Dragon," his best acting ones).

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Angela: AngelaJ_38301@hotmail.com

Comment :   I want to first wish you a Happy Birthday! (For April 7, 2001). Also, I want you to know that I am sorry. I don't want to make the reason public. Just know that if you look at the past letters sent to Willie, that if I upset you, I figure that it is the reason you haven't responded..... - (Ed Note: Rest of the post was lost.......)

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   For over 20 years.

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   His abilities. He seems to be a really nice guy too. I will always wish him the best!

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   He does the most amazing things.

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   I guess to always get ideas and put them to work. Work hard and honest.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   Most all of his movies. "Shanghai Noon" and "Gorgeous." He should know why.

First Name & E-Mail Address (Optional) :   Jasmin Haskovic

URL :   buddy-eddie@gmx.de

Comment :   For me is Jackie Chan, the greatest, best, star, actor, stuntman, singer of the world. That is fact, because he is it. Nobody is as good as him! Not Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Chow Yun-Fat and the others). JACKIE CHAN YOU ARE THE BEST OF ALL TIME FOR EVER!!!

How long have you been a fan of JACKIE CHAN? :   Since I was born, and I'll ever be Jackie Chan's greatest fan in my life. I know ALL about him because I'm his greatest fan! And I think he will make films when he will be 100 years old!

What attracts you to JACKIE CHAN and his movies? :   Everything that Jackie Chan does in his movies is perfect.

Why do you admire JACKIE CHAN? :   Sorry that I can't answer that question, because I don't know the word admire...

In what ways does JACKIE CHAN inspire you? :   Jackie inspire's me with his fights, stunts and whatever he makes in his movies.

Have you seen many JACKIE CHAN films? Favourites? :   I saw all of his films, but not the films when he was a child. My favourites are all films I saw from him, but my absolute favourite films are "Drunken Master," (c.1978), and "Police Story," (Pt. 1), and many more. JACKIE CHAN YOU WILL BE THE BEST FOREVER! YOU ARE THE ICON!..... - (Ed Note: Rest of the post was lost.......)

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Page By: Jackie Chan and Friends of Australia
E-mail To: jcfans4eva@yahoo.com.au

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