Creation in Scale:

The Art of Resin, Vinyl, and Plastic Figure Model Kit Building

The Frankenstein Monster vinyl kit from Horizon. Built by Clayton Sayre.

Welcome to the Model Page, where I want to show off some of my modeling work and discuss the fast growing hobby of garage kits! I will be spotlighting different new kits from time to time as I obtain them, and also post helful tips for you other builders.
I also would, in the future, like to post examples of my visitor's built-ups, so email me your photos and descriptions. I will post the best ones!
Creature from the Black Lagoon vinyl kit from Horizon. Built by Clayton Sayre--Ist Place Winner 1996 IPMS National Convention.
(I always approach my kits with a singular idea, usually summed up with one word, and for this one it had to be about water! I took a big chance with this kit in submerging him in so much resin, but I feel the effect was achieved. I resegmented the arms for better positioning, painted the figure with a combination of washes and drybrushing, coated him in ClearCote and mixed a quick-drying clear resin for the water droplets. The diaroma base features him waist deep in murky resin water with reeds and weeds growing up through as he pushes through them.)

Bride of Frankenstein plastic kit from Polar LIghts (Reissue of the classic Aurora kit). Built by Clayton Sayre
(I built this for a friend, and from the outset I wanted to create a feeling of the cramped working space of the laboratory. I scratch built all the machinery from odd model parts and weird pieces I found around my junk boxes. The stonewall was created with seperate bricks, each carved and sanded out of polyfoam. You can't really tell by the photo, but there are lights in the machines, as well as colored lights specially placed out of view for dramatic effect. The only change to the figure was the addition of a cloth gown and repositioning the arm.)

Wolfman resin kit. Built by Clayton Sayre
(Like I mentioned earlier with the Creature kit, I try to express an idea with my kits, but sometimes I'm not as successful. This kit and the diaroma base disappointed me once I was finished, but I am not entirely sure why. I didn't have a lot of work to do in putting this kit together since it was only 5 pieces, however.)

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