the Beast

The Beast is the hero of "Beauty and the Beast". He's a great character and is animated superbly. His character evoloves from one of anger, bitterness and hatred to one of kindness, sensetivity and (okay, I'll say it) LOVE! His design was comprised of a buffalo, a lion, and many other animals. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally thought he was cooler when he was the Beast (they never really DID give him a name...).
The Beast is voiced by Robby Benson.

The beast's curse involves an enchanted rose that will bloom until his 21st year, and unless he learns to love and earn one's love in return, he's doomed to remain a beast forever...Good thing there's a certain brunette that walks into his life...
...She glanced this way,I thought I saw
And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw,
No, it can't be, I'll just ignore
But, then, she's never looked at me that way before...
from "Something There"

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