Here is my Titanic news page. I will try to update this as often as I hear news, rumors, etc. on the movie, it's stars and anything else that pertains to Titanic. Read at your own risk because some can be true and other stories turn out to be false rumors.


(6/1/99) Well rumors are flying that George Lucas is eyeing up Leo for the role of Anakin Skywalker in Episode II. If anyone has info on this please email me!

(5/31/99) Did you catch Billy Zane in Cleopatra - it was an ABC minseries that aired during May. He was looking very good in that skirt! :) (4/23/99) HBO has reported that the had record breaking ratings for teh noght Titanic premiered on HBO (April 10, 1999).

(4/20/99) Leonardo experienced a real "Titanic" sinking! While filming on a boat in Thailand the other day a storm stirred up from nowhere and sent Leo and film crew into the ocean. Everyone was safe and no one was hurt. AT least Leo had the expereince of what to do when a boat sinks!

(4/14/99) Kate's new movie "Hideous Kinky" opens Friday, April 16th in theaters. It has been a long awaited film that many critics say once again WInslet shines in another film. But don't expect to be a "Titanic" type film. You can check out the official website at www.hideouskinkymovie.com

(4/10/99) A "titanic" Hotel in Las Vegas is in the works! Yes you will not believe it! But they are planning to make it bigger than the real Titanic and the design of the ship will be as follows: In front of the "ship" will be an iceberg and at the back part it will be half submerged in a "water" tank and across the street from it will be a parking garage made to look like Southampton. This I am sure will be a huge hit in Vegas. The same people who designed other famous Vegas hotels such as the Excalibur are the ones who will be creating this Titanic like hotel.

(4/10/99) As you know today marks the 87th anniversary of the day Titanic set sail on its fateful journey.

(4/9/99) Leo a producer? Yup and ``Dreamland's'' the project.It takes place in turn of the century New York and follows the struggles of a large cast of characters, mainly Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants, as they eke out existences in the teeming Lower East Side ghettoes.It was published last month by HarperCollins. DiCaprio will produce the picture under his Birken Prods. banner, but the project will have to wait until after he returns from starring in his latest film, ``The Beach,'' in Thailand. Which filming should be ending this month.

(4/4/99) The world's first permanent Titanic exhibition, ``Titanic -- Ship of Dreams,'' will open in Orlando April 10, exactly 87 years to the day the ship set sail to sea in 1912. The exhibit will immerse visitors in this timeless story in a way never before experienced, and the christening party is set for Friday evening, April 9.Presented for the first time through state-of-the-art scenic environments, including authentic artifacts and movie memorabilia, this unique and innovative presentation will allow visitors to relive the drama as it unfolded. With the assistance of actors in period costume, they will share the inspirational stories of those aboard and marvel at the unparalleled magnificence and Edwardian splendor that made Titanic the finest ship ever built. Some features are,The only full-scale Titanic room re-creations in existence, including her world-famous Grand Staircase. More than 200 priceless artifacts and historic treasures from some of the most prestigious private collections in the world, many of them on public display for the very first time. Included among them are a deck chair recovered from the Atlantic following the sinking; First Class china and dinnerware; personal letters on Titanic stationery that survived the sinking; and a life jacket. Original movie memorabilia includes a costume worn by Leonardo DiCaprio in the Academy Award-winning motion picture, ``Titanic,'' plus items from ``A Night to Remember,'' starring Kenneth Moore, and ``The Search for Titanic,'' hosted by Orson Welles. The controversial letter of deceased Titanic survivor Nellie Walcroft, purchased at auction in England recently, will also find its home in ``Titanic -- Ship of Dreams.'' The letter not only sheds new light on the disaster, but stirs up fresh controversy. Walcroft pens a chilling tale of the alleged shooting of steerage passengers who attempted to board one of Titanic's lifeboats. ``We had 70ft to be let down in the boat when steerage passengers jumped in. Our officer,seeing our danger,jumped on the boat and shot the men to keep them from swamping us,`` she wrote. It had been previously determined in official inquiries that officers merely fired into the air over the heads of passengers, in an attempt to bring order to the chaotic evacuation. For more info you may visit the website www.titanicshipofdreams.com

(4/3/99) The only known Titanic ticket used by a Titanic survivor is to be on display at 'Titanic - The Exhibition' on Saturday, April 3rd, 1999 in Saint Paul, Minn. The ticket, which will be auctioned off in Washington within the next two weeks, belonged to a 19-year-old survivor, Anna Sofia Sjoblom, an immigrant who had pinned the ticket and the immigration inspection card to the inside of her jacket. This will most likely be the last time the ticket will be available for public viewing before it is auctioned off at a public auction in Washington. In addition to the ticket, a rifle chest which belonged to Major Archibald Butt, Military Advisor to President William Howard Taft will be on display. Butt died in the sinking of Titanic and the ship went down with seven similar chests. While Major Butt's rifle chest was not on the Titanic, it is significant because the chest was marked with the words ``Important Papers'' and belonged to one of the most notable public figures to have perished on Titanic.

(3/21/99) Just a quick note to let you know that Kate Winslet's dress that she wore to the 1998 Oscar's (the beutiful green and gold one) was the the third highest bid at an auction at Christie's in NYC last week. The dress was auctioned off for $52,000 and benefits went to AMFAR an AIds charity.

(3/12/99) Well if you have seen it yet you will - HBO started airing the coming attractions for their April movie line ups and on APril 10th HBO will air Titanic. And as all you Titanic fans know, the 10th is the anniversary date of when the real Titanic left SOuth Hampton and began its fateful journey.

(3/12/99) A personal damage lawsuit against Leonardo DiCaprio and four of his friends alleges that the superstar incited an assault on another entertainer. The civil suit, filed Tuesday in the Manhattan Supreme Court by Roger Wilson, claims the alleged attack severely damaged Wilson's throat and larynx and kept him from a movie assignment. It asks for $45 million in damages. DiCaprio emphatically denies ever ordering or taking part in any assault on Wilson, DiCaprio's lawyer, Paul Callan, said in a statement Wednesday. ``Mr. DiCaprio did not employ or direct the actions of '... a bodyguard/assistant ...,' as alleged in the complaint. These allegations are absolutely false,'' Callan said. Wilson is described in the suit as an actor, screenwriter, director and musician whose acting credits include the movies ''Porky's,'' ``Porky's II'' and ``Thunder Alley'' and the television series ``Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.'' Since 1996, he has lived in New York with the television and film actress Elizabeth Berkley. The alleged incident occurred in the early hours of March 4, 1998, at the Asia de Cuba Restaurant, a trendy East Side Manhattan watering hole that is named in the suit.

(2/28/99) Well Celine Dion did it again! She won Album of the year and song of the year at the Grammy this year. From what I know this is the last award Titanic can ever win. It has now come to an end.

(2/13/99) 20th Century Fox is close to a deal to pick up ``The Stanford Prison Experiment,'' a long-gestating project that would continue Leonardo DiCaprio's relationship with the studio for which he's already made three films. The screenplay is based on an actual experiment conducted at Stanford University in the summer of 1971, when a professor named Phil Zimburdo turned the basement of a psychology building into a mock prison. The randomly chosen subjects were 19- and 20-year-old students who were divided into camps of either prison guards or prisoners. What was to be a two-week experiment was cut short after six days because of the level of cruelty and sadism that erupted among the participants, mainly those playing guards.

(1/31/99) Leo has been offered $4 million dollars to appear in only one episode of the New Love Boat! But so far he has declined this offer. I guess we will not being seeing him on TV anytime soon.

(1/22/99) Linda Hamilton (James Cameron's now ex-wife) was quoted on the USA Today show talking about James and their marriage saying that it was a titanically miserable experience. She said she wanted tobe the one to do the fianl destructive act and that the only thing they had in common was their 6-year old daughter (whose name Josephine gave James the inspiration to throw in the Titanic movie the song "Come Josephine in my flying machine..."). Ms. Hamilton also said that at last year's academy awards when James shouted out "I'm the king of the world" that he was really an "absolutely miserable, miserable, unhappy man". And if you haven't noticed yet - James has been dating Suzi Amis (she played Lizzie Rose's grandaughter in Titanic)and have been showing up in public areas together fianlly. They have been seeing each other (it is rumored) since the filming of Titanic.

(1/16/99) Kate Winslet was number three for Mr. Blackwell's The Worst Dressed People List for 1998 - he quoted that her wardrobe should have went down with the Titanic.

(1/16/99) Titanic picked up more awards at the People's Choice Awards last week - it won for Favorite Motion Picture and All-Time Favorite Picture. Celine Dione won for facorite femal performer and the losers? Well of course once again Kate loses and so did Leo? Do I see a pattern here?

(1/16/99) Leo has requested to meet with the Prime Minister of Thailand, maybe he is trying to smooth things over due to the fact thatt he protestors have not let up yet about his movie "The Beach" - and speaking of Leo what has he been up to over there? Just swimming, sunbathing and of course partying in between movie filmings.

Well we all know the story by now that Leo's movie "The Beach" has had trouble with filming in Thailand. Well now a Thailand village near the location they are filming at is suing 20th Century Fox because they said the production crew has damaged the beach and coral reef due to the fact that they have taken down vital natural vegetation and replaced it with coconut trees. But filiming is still going on anyway and an investigation will begin shortly. Stay tuned for more details!

On Monday, December 14th Linda Hamilton filed for divorce claiming irreconciable differences with James Cameron. She is also filing for custody of their five year old daughter Josephine. And of course alimony.

Leo's movie The Beach got the okay to begin filiming again. It should start in January. Also someone bid on a shirt Leo worn in the movie Titanic and paid $10,000 for it. It was for charity.

THIS JUST IN! VOTE for Titanic once again! The People's Choice Awards will air on January 10, 1999 from Pasadena, California. ANd guess who is nominated? Leo is nominated for Favorite Motion Picture Actor (he is up against Harrison Ford and Tom Hanks) and Kate is nominated for Favorite Motion Picture Actress (she up against Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep) Also Celine is nominated for Favorite Female Musical Performer and of course Titanic is nominated for Favorite Dramatic Motion Picture. So go immeiately to www.cbs.com and vote today. Let's help Titanic win again and again and again!

Celine Dion is suing a French magazine that reported she was unable to have children. A decision should be reached in February 1999.

Kate and Jim were dicscovered by the press at their remote secret honeymoon location in the Scottish Highlands. They were seen bike riding in the rain not to far from the remote honeymoon cottage they are staying at.

KATE GETS MARRIED!! Yup it's been confirmed that on Sunday, November 22, 1998 Kate WInslet and Jin Threaplton were married at her family's church in Reading, Berkshire, England. Guests included Emma Thompson (Kate's co-star in Sense & Sensibility) but rumor has it there was no Leo there. So does this mean they were more than "just friends"? Anyway Kate and Jim planned there small intimate wedding without giving the press and gossip columists a single clue or hint. Kate and Jim invited only close family and friends. You will remember that only last month the two announced their engagement. CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES!!

Celine Dion had a TV special "These Are Special Times" on national television inthe United States. SHe sang a number of songs from her new Christmas album and of course sang "My Heart Will Go On" and as she did in the background they flashed scenes from Titanic.

Leo and Miramax films won a fierce bidding war against Paramount and Universal for the rightd to produce a film about Chet Baker, afamouse jazz player who died mysteriously back in 1988. Looks like this may be Leo's next project after The Beach. Paramount would have cast Jim Carrey and Universal would have dast Brad Pitt. But it was Chet Baker's widow who decided to go with Miramax and Leo saying they had a more "sensitive" approach about the film.

Leo's movie the Beach is postponed for filming due the activist in Tailand protesting the filmakers saying that they are destroying the nvironment by bulldozing down trees and therefore disturbing the wildlife, etc. So it looks like Leo will be in the states for an extra 3 weeks or so until this gets resolved.

Kate has another project! She will be the voice of Brigid in a new animated movie called "Fairies" which is being put together by STARZ and Hit Entertainment (both cable networks) the cartoon will also feature the voice of Jeremy Irons. I'm presuming this cartoon will be on cable tv and not in the movies. The more I find out the more I will let you know.

Leo getting plump? Well some newspapers are saying he has gained 20 pounds in the last few months from partying and eating junk food. The director of his movie says he is in the gym getting ready for his part in "The Beach" that begins filming in Thailand in January.

Kate Winslet was nominated for another award. She is up for the European Film Award in the category Achievement in WOrld Cinema. She is up against Emma Thompson, who was her c-star in Sense & Sensibility. Good Luck Kate!

Rumors are flying about Celine Dion. Supposedly she may retire by the end of the year and never make an album again. It has been rumored that her and her husband want to have children and can't with her busy schedule.

Thailand protestors are against Leo's next project the movie called "The Beach" (I have more on this if you scroll down) The protestors are upset because the Director wants to removve some coconut trees from an island and they say it will destroy their environment.

James Cameron help raised $200,000 for Theatre Vision a service that is for the blind to experience the movies. He narrated the entire movie Titanic to an audience of blind men, women and children in Houston, Texas last weeekend.

James Cameron and Leonardo DiCaprio were spotted at Cape Canaveral for the launching of the Discovery that held Mr. John Glenn on it the other day.

It was announced today that James Cameron was chosen as one of GQ's Men of the Year. Also Leo was senn at the World Series game last night supporting who else but the Yankees. And more on Kate's engagement, apparently it is a simple ring and they plan to marry next summer. SHe is still currently filming her movie Holy Smoke.

BIG NEWS over the weekend, Kate WInslet is now engaged to Jim Threaplton. (the guy she brought to the oscars) and has been dating for a whie now. More details to follow as soon as I can get them.

Kate WInslet was announced as the winner of "The Body of The Year" survey/contest that was given by Nivea in a recent issue of Zest, a women's health magazine. She beat out girls like Sporty Spice and Mel C. It shows that most women would rather see a more "real" womens body in the media than those of the waif like types. Oh yeah and the magazine also said that a majority of men prefer this too. I say whay to go Kate! She was quoted recently about her weight saying "This is me, like it or lump it!"

Kate celebrates her 23rd birthday on October 5th. Happy Birthday Kate!

Well Leo is out on a rampage again. He had another "wild" mnight here in New York City. First he was seen at the premiere of Saturday Night Live, then headed out to a few NYC clubs and then was spotted banging his fists and singing at the top of his lungs "like a cat in heat". A tenant in an upscale apartment said he was acting wild, and drunk. Then after this he supposedly went the Kit Kat CLub in NY. (the name speaks for itself). Oh well, Leo sure does get around a lot!

Kate Winslet's current movie project "Holy Smoke" is in a lot of trouble with Hindus in India. They are upset about the crew and do not want them to use an ancient temple in India to film the movie that is about a young girl who joins a cult (played by Kate) and falls in love with the leader (Harvey Keitel).

Fortune listed the top 40 entertainers who made the most money this last year and here they are number 5 on the list was James Cameron, number 12 was Celine Dion and number 34 was Leonardo DiCaprio

The second soundtrack "Back to Titanic" is making record sells for one of the top selling soundtracks of all time. The first soundtrack has also made this record.

James Cameron is rumored to begin possibly working with Chic Eglee (NYPD Blue, Murder One producer) on ideas for TV series. I don't think we will be seeing a Titanic miniseries though.

Billy Zane was spotted at the Toronto FIlm Festival last week promoting a film he did called "I Woke Up Early The Day I Died".

9/13/98 - Okay I have a lot to catch up on here I've been on vacation. First Leo will no longer be in the movie American Psycho, it is still unclear why but apparently he has changed his mind about playing the role of a serial killer. His next project is rumored to be "The Beach" which we will begin filming in Jan '99 in Thailand and Australia. I hear the offer for him is up to $21-25 million! Also after all the controversy a few months ago about putting Leo naked in Playgirl, it seems you will get to see him after all in Playgirl (naked). There was a very secret settlement between Leo and Playgirl and came to an agreement that they can publish nude pics of him that were taken of him when he made the movie Total Eclipse. So if you do catch the magazine (I think it will be out sometime this month) your not going to see anything different that what you saw of him in the movie Total Eclipse. Next thing is there could possibly be a director's cut version on home video of Titanic. Due out around Christmas which will have the missing scenes that we never saw yet. James Cameron is also possibly working on a n updated Planet of the Apes which could star Arnold Schwarzenagger. Oh and last but not least due out in theaters this month is Woody ALlen's "Celebrity" which Leo has a 12 minute slot int he movie and plays a famous rock star.

Just a reminder on Sept 1 Titanic is available on video! I'm hearing that aready an estimated 25 million copies were pre-ordered or reserved and they anticipate this to be one of the best selling home videos of all time. Currently The Lion King holds the number one spot selling a total of 30 million copies. Can Titanic break yet another record? I sure hope so! :)

Well yesturday (8/25/98) was the big day that Back to Titanic soundtrack was released and for sale in stores everywhere. Did you buy your copy? I have mine already and it is just as great as the first soundtrack!

Leo is shopping around, he visited the United Nations last week and wants to find a good charity or cause he can sponsor.

JUST IN!!! The second soundtrack to Titanic will be released August 25th! You can order it now thru CDNow (check my Links section) It is titled Back to Titanic.

The Discovery channel will be airing a LIVE coverage of the Titanic expidition Sunday, August 16th 8:00pm (EST).

Galoob Toys announced today (8/4/98) they will be making Titanic Dolls!!! The first doll to soon be released will be of Rose DeWitt Bukater in the crimson silk empire dress (dress she was wearing when she firsts meets Jack) and will stand 11 1/2 inches tall. I cannot wait for this.

Lawyers got together in Toronto during this week and staged a mock trial of the Titanic sinking as if it had happened in our present time. ANd one of the lawyers happened to be Johnnie Cochran.

The 1998 Titanic expedition has found a 23 foot "Big Piece" of the actual hull from Titanic in the northern ATlantic Ocean. The "Big Piece" was originally founded back in 1996 and they were trying to raise it out of the ocean when it was lost in a strom. Well they re-found it again and are now underway in maybe raising it again. For up to date info you should visit: www.titanic-online.com for more details.

Well Leo made Sang Lan's dream come true. He visited her last night at Mount SInai hospital here in New York. Celine Dion has responded to her wish with a note stating that her thoughts and prayers are with her and she hopes to meet with her in an upcoming trip to the big apple. Leo can you stop by my house? I have a tummy ache! :)

Well you all know of the Chinese Gymnast who was badly injured at the Goodwill games in New York City last week, her name is Sang Lan and she has one wish while she is in the hospital, that is to meet Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo's publicist said he is aware of it and has not decided yet what he will do in response. Also another wish of Sang Lan's is to meet Celine Dion or the SPice Girls. Their publicists have also said they are deciding on what they will do to hopefully make her wish come true. Remind me the next time I get hurt or don't feel good to wish to Leo's publicist that I need to meet him because it will make me feel better! :)

On July 30th at 10:00am exactly leaving from Boston Massachusetts, a new expedition to view the real Titanic sets sail. The scientific team will be capturing all new photos of the sunken ship and will try to go further inside the ship than anyone else ever attempted. Good luck boys!

A little gossip going around is that a 5 hour movie version of Titanic will be released in the winter, whic will include the scenes that were cut out from the almost 3 1/2 hour version we saw in the theater. If so you can bet on every running to see it again! (Thanks to SSrose1912@aol.com for the tip)

Leo makes some dreams come true the other day. The Make-A-Wish foundation (the charity for kids with cancer or leukimia) granted eight girls there wish to have lunch with Leo. Leo arrived and had lunch with them in Planet Hollywood, California. He even gave them tee shirts that his mom had embroidered there names on and every girl got a kiss from Leo. Isn't that sooo sweet.

More Leo news, he will be starting to film his next movie "American Psycho" in September. Supposedly in NYC. Scroll down below for more details if you are new to this area.

Kate is still currently in India filming her next movie too. (again scroll down more for previous news stories on this) and it was rumored that she cannot stand the heat (they are filming in a desert) and could not stand the bugs, etc. so she drove about 100 miles to the nearest hotel to stay there comfortably instead of the movie set. Can't say I blame her.

Did you know you can order Titanic for a special low price at $9.95? Well what are you waiting for go directly to www.reel.com (this link is in my Titanic Fan Link section) and reserve your copy now! I did. Only one per customer. :(

Well it is official September 1st willbe the day Titanic is released on home video for sale. I hear they will be charging 19.95 (US dollars) but this can change. Also along with the release of the movie, Max Factor will be coming out with a whole line of cosmetics that were inspired from the movie.You will be able to buy the same shades and colors that Kate WInslet sported in the film and the other actresses. The movie is expected to be one of the top selling home videos of all time. Is this yet another record Titanic can break?

This just in!! Titanic will be released on home video in September 1998!! There was some kind of announcement from James Cameron yesturday (the more details I get I will post it here). Also being released on July 28, 1998 is the second soundtrack from the movie titled "Back To Titanic" it will feature the remaining music that was left out the first soundtrack. Can't Wait for Both!!

Well Leo didn't show up to the MTV Awards and neither did Kate (she is in India filming her next movie where she plays a young woman who becomes involved in a cult in India titled "Holy Smoke".) But Leo did make a nice acceptance speech for the well deserved Best Actor Award he received. Who did show up from Titanic? Only Billy Zane & Jon Landau (Producer. James Cameron had a role in one of the short films during the show, but was not at the award ceremony. Anyway, it was nice to see it took home Best Movie of teh Year.

Okay you're about to here something your not going to like! The MTV Movie Awards was filmed on May 31, 1998 and they will be showing the taped version on June 4th, but guess what? Titanic only won 2 awards. Yup only two - Best Film and Best Performance by a Male Actor - Leonardo DiCaprio.I don't understand how it could have only won 2 awards - this is more disappointing than the Academy Awards! KATE didn't win again and how could the best kiss award not be Titanic's? Well the only thing to do is watch it June 4th and be let down again!I'm still not sure if Leo or Kate shows up for this award show but I'm working on that.

Don't forget to watch the MTV Movie Awards on June 4th! Kate and Leo are up for awards and Titanic is up for several scenes awards too. Maybe Leo will show up to this award show and hopefully Kate too!! Hope you voted online for everything Titanic was nominated for because now it's to late vote.

Leo is has signed a contract for a new movie to begin shooting in the fall. It is called American Psycho and it is based on a true story about a man who worked on Wall Street and then turns into a serial killer.He is supposedly getting a wopping $21 million for it!

LEO IS ON THE COVER OF PEOPLE AGAIN!! He was chosen as one of the most beautiful people int he world! I repeat - LEO IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD!!! Click HERE for a peek at the cover My Opinion: I already knew this!

I usually don't like to repeat things like this but there is a nasty rumor about Linda Hamilton and James Cameron's marriage that he is filing for divorce because it is rumored that she is a lesbian and has a "lover." Well if you seen them at the Academy Awards and all the other shows just last month, they seemed to be very in love with each other and happy. My Opinion: I really don't think this one is true. But we'll all soon find out one way or another.

Leonardo was rumored to be in Disney World the weekend of April 18-19 to visit the new Disney's Animal Kingdom. My Opinion: Was he one of the main attractions?

Leo is being sued by a now "ex" friend that he did a short film called "Don's Plum" with. Apparently there was never a contract just a verbal agreement between two friends to do this. Also Leo's friend Toby was in the short film and he is being sued also. My Opinion: It seems once you become famous everyone tries to make money off of you, and unfortunately you find out who your real friends are.

Well we all know that April 14th exactly 86 years ago was the day Titanic hit the iceberg and begain it's descent to the bottom of the Atlantic. Please take a moment of silence and remember all the unfortunate people who went down with the ship.

If you happen to see Titanic on April 14th you may have been requested by the movie theater to share a moment of silence in remembering the crew and passengers whose lives were ended 86 years ago. Many theaters joined together in doing this.

In recent news (4/15/98) 20th Century Fox had to make a donation to a small town Dailbate, England? or Ireland (not sure) because the town was upset on how Officer Murdoch was depicted in the movie (in the movie they show him shooting a gun, killing Tommy and then killing himself) the town has a memorial in it's town square to Murdoch and cherish him as a hometown hero. So Fox donated roughly $8,000 to the town's high school. My Opinion: where's my $8,000 I'm upset Jack dies at the end!

Well it seems that several investors are getting together to build an exact replica of the Titanic and have it set sail from Southampton to New York in the year 2002. My Opinion: where do I buy my ticket? Does Leo come on this ship? :)

People Magazine dated April 20, 1998 is out and on the stands. While it does not have a full cover of Leo there is a small picture on the front of the magazine. Inside is an article and pics all about Leo and how he supposedly is handling his success. It's confirmed in here that he did have a black eye and that's why he didn't show up at the Oscars. My Opinion: The pics are great!

Unforutnately this isn't a rumor: Lost in Space beat out Titanic at the Box Offices last weekend. Titanic came in 2nd. My Opinion: Oh my God! They killed Titanic! You Bastards!

It is rumored that James Cameron is being criticized by some people for saying "I'm the King of The World" the night of the Oscars. These "people" were people who did not see the movie (if you can believe that) thought he was being very arrogant. What did James Cameron say about this? Nothing. But his wife, Linda Hamilton was quoted the next day after the Academy Awards "He can sometimes be a jerk". My Opinion: I think he meant it as a joke and it should just be left at that.

Speaking of the Academy Awards, we all know that Titanic took home 11 Oscars out of the 14 they were nominated. Congratualtions! What categories that didn't win was Best Actress (Kate Winslet), Best Supporting Actress (Gloria Stuart) and Best Make-Up. And did you know that the only 2 categories that Titanic was not nominated for was Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, whic would have been Leonardo DiCaprio and Billy Zane. My Opinion: I guess us Titanic fans couldn't have it all :)

More Oscar news! Where was Leo? There were many rumors but it seems he was in NYC (where I live) at a hotel and was seen around town partying at clubs (no - i did not get to see him) and that he supposedly had a black eye! No one knows if the black eye part is true but he was definately in NYC and sources say he even watched the awards on TV in his hotel room. My Opinion: Let Leo do whatever he wants, so what if he didn't go to the Oscars he wasn't even nominated and if he had a black eye do you really care? I just hope it didn't leave any damage to his otherwise gourgeous face! :)

Leo is on the cover of this months Teen People Magazine!! Click Here to see a picture of it. My Opinion: OOH BABY!

I heard and don't know how true this is but that they will be re-releasing Titanic as a Directors cut. They will be putting all the scenes that were cut from the final movie we seen. My Opinion: Now there really goes my Friday and Saturday nights if I have to sit in the movie theater for 4 hours! But I don't mind!

Leonardo DiCaprio is suing Playgirl for putting nude pictures of him in the upcoming July issue. My Opinion: While I wouldn't mind taking a peek(i'm only human), I don't think this is right at all, I hope Leo wins this one. I'm not going to buy this magazine at all (I don't anyway) because I believe some things should be private.

People magazine dated March 16, 1998, has a nice artivcle on Titanic (the real passengers) and a short news article on how Late and Leo are the hottest stars rising right now. Click Here to see a picture of it. My Opinion: It was a great article!

In case you missed it, Kate Winslet was on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine dated March 5, 1998. She talked alot about the ongoing antics between her and Leo on the set of Titanic. You know the stories already, him passing gas on her, them just clowning around, etc. and also how they became great friends through this whole experience. Click Here to see a pictures of it.My Opinion: Again, great article!

If you have any news, rumors or anything you can add to this please e-mail me at: Send Me News!

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