The Meeting : We make Contact
(October, 1997)
Directed by Ethan Griffith
Live Action
1 minute 22 seconds long
Computer Animation: John Dowell
Starring: Kory Woods
© 1997 Stone Visage Back to main
This short curious film written by the Radio-Television
department at Eastern Washington University, is an interpretation of a
simple script which is one line "Is that you?", and a simple premise. The
Picture involves one person waiting or walking somewhere, when he/she reconizes
someone from their past. When the other see's him/her, the other quickly
runs away. A fun film to watch, Dowell's computer animated flying sauser
steals the show. Also, great strength from acting thanks to Kory
Woods, not to mention Jeremy Vrablik's puppetering, and Jeff Russell's
can crushing preformance! This is suitable for all ages.
Upper right, Kory Woods as the Lucky Schmuck. Upper Left the craft,
Below special appearence from the Jedi Master
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