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Sunset Boulevard: The Movie Web Site

The online tribute to Billy Wilder's classic tale of the Golden Era of Hollywood.

This site is divided into the following sections:

The Story: The complete tale of Sunset Boulevard, with pictures accompanying the detailed text.

The Cast: A list of the credited cast of the film, with mini-biographies, pictures and a complete list of credits of its major stars.

The Production: An in-depth examination of the film, including notes on its origins, casting controversies, filming anecdotes and locations, test screenings, reshoots, general release information, Academy Award triumphs, and its aftermath.

Related Sites: Links to other web sites related to the film, including reviews and other fan tributes, and a complete listing of the resources used in the creation of this web site.

The Guestbook: A place to share your opinions on the film and on this site, with entries from other Sunset fans from around the world. Please add your own entry before you leave, as I would love to hear from you.

Sunset Boulevard Movie Poster (1950)

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This web site was created on March 15, 1998 as a fan's tribute to a motion picture classic, and is intended for information and entertainment purposes only. It has not been endorsed by the creators of the film. Sunset Boulevard, its story, characters and images are property of Paramount Pictures. If any copyrighted images have been included in this website, please inform the webmaster by e-mail, and they shall immediately be removed.

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