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The reason I decided to created a web site devoted to Sunset Boulevard will be obvious when you examine this page. It was March of 1998, and I decided to search the web for sites related to this film classic. Much to my dismay, I found that although there were many sites, official and unofficial, devoted to the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical version of the film, there were none that centered on the movie itself. Considering that the film's 50th Anniversary was fast approaching, I felt that an Internet Tribute would be appropriate. The links on this page are mainly reviews of the film.

Before I let you go, I would like to request you to sign my guestbook so I can know what you think about the film and this site. I would also like to share with you the references I used, lest you think I made up the contents of this page on my own:
Text References:
  1. Sunset Boulevard: From Movie to Musical by George Perry, 1993. (Most of the images were scanned from this book)
  2. Cinebooks' Motion Picture Guide, 1995.
  3. Chambers Film and Television Handbook by Allan Hunter, 1991.
  4. Baseline's Encyclopedia of Film
Photo Credits:
  1. Paramount Pictures/The Kobal Collection
  2. Paramount Pictures/BFI
  3. Paramount Pictures/Marc Wannamaker, Bison Archives
  4. Paramount Pictures/Harry Ransom Humanities Center, The University of Texas at Austin
  5. Marc Wannamaker, Bison Archives
  6. Harry Ranson Humanities Reasearch Center, The University of Texas at Austin

"And now, Mr. Websurfer, I'm ready for my close-up."
Thank you for visiting my website.

This web site was created on March 15th, 1998 as a fan's tribute to a motion picture classic. It has not been endorsed by the creators of the film. Sunset Boulevard, its story, characters and images, are property of Paramount Pictures. If any copyrighted images have been included in this website, please inform the webmaster by e-mail, and they shall immediately be removed.

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