Calvin For President! The Cast The Main Page A Day in the Life...

The Author

A Self Portrait
A Self Portrait
Click on the Cartoon Bill to see two real pictures.
Meet Bill Watterson...
Articles About Calvin and Hobbes
HONK Magazine Interview
Festival of Cartoon Art Speech
Kenyon College Commencement Speech

Here is compiled as much information on Bill Watterson that you could possibly desire. However, if you are seriously thirsting for more, I suggest buying The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book and reading the inroduction written by the man himself. It is really quite extraordinary.

The first two links above are property of the United Press Syndicate (UPS), the publishers of Calvin & Hobbes. The information posted on their site is excellent, so instead of copying their articles (which is against copyright laws anyway) I will simply send you to them. Just hit the 'Back' button on your browser when your finished. Enjoy!

This page was created on March 30, 1998 and is © Goodrich Productions Ltd. Calvin & Hobbes is © Universal Press Syndicate and the work of Bill Watterson.