Tiffany's X-Phile Heaven

I am a loyal, devoted fan to this wonderful phenomenon called "The X-Files." Started back in 1993 by Chris Carter, it was only a matter of time before it became an internationally known and loved television phenomenon. There are countless sites on the Web devoted to the wonderful show, and to the two main actors, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. I am a proud Obsessor of David Duchovny, and I love Gillian Anderson just as much. I cannot imagine what I'd do without them to watch every week! In case you were wondering, I am a BIG TIME SHIPPER! A "shipper" is a person who not only feels that Mulder and Scully share a deep, special bond as friends and as partners, but that they are also meant to be together romantically, and they are in love with each other. I believe Mulder and Scully are soulmates.

I put this little site together, to show my devotion and enthusiasm for the best show on television! I hope you like it!

Would you like your banner featured here? E-mail me with the banner and the link!

What's New

The Haven has a really great cause up today, which is called Preserve the Partnership: Amnesty for Mulder and Scully. They need 3000 fans to donate at least $8 each. Go to the Preserve the Partnership page to learn more. I know that as soon as I receive my checks in the mail, I will be donating my share! =)

I made my first slideshow using the RealSlideShow. You can see it at, here. It is a Gillian Anderson slide show, just cause I love her so much! *g*

Also, Trelawney, from the X-Design list, has made an awesome banner supporting Robert Patrick's character this season, John Doggett. I think it's really stupid that some people are getting so worked up over the new guy. There are people wishing him death threats and saying other horrible things, and it really bothers me. I, personally, am giving Doggett a chance, and I think he's going to be a great character. There is no need to worry, he isn't *replacing* Mulder. Well, anyway, the banner is down the page a bit, and it is linked to Trelawney's site.

OK, hopefully I can get my butt back in gear and start updating this site more sporadically. I think my creative streak packed up and left a while ago, and I'm not sure when she'll be back. I tried making some things, but they just aren't that great. I have a new so-so collage up, called "Fight," and you can see it here or on the collage page, as always. Then, I have an image I made in the spirit of the Halloween season. ;-) You can see that here. I just *love* October. It is one of my very favorite months. It's such a beautiful time of year, I get so excited! Even though I wish it wasn't raining here, because I detest the rain....

Also, thanks to everyone who voted for me, I tied with another person for 3rd place in Katie's September Collage Contest. You can see my award on the awards page.

Well, it's been over a month since I updated this site! Yikes! I haven't been busy, really, I just haven't found the inspiration to want to do anything lately. Oh well, right? I added some awards and stuff to the awards page. I also uploaded this manipulation that my very good friend Katie made. You can see it here. I thought it was excellent! Speaking of Katie, you should head on over to her site, and enter her collage contest! Deadline for voting is September 27th.

Happy Birthday Gillian!! She turns 32 today! Yeah!! In honor of this great day *g*, I have made a Gillian Birthday collage, which you can see here. Hope you like it! And since I didn't update on David's birthday (the 7th) (oops), let's give a big "Happy 40th Birthday" to him too! Whoo-hoo!

I added a new collage today, a sort of birthday card for David Duchovny, who will turn 40 on August 7! (He's just 11 days older than my mom!) You can view that here, or on the collage page, as usual. Does anyone actually read these updates, I wonder?

I have redone my collages section. I put all the collages on one page, and I thumbnailed them. When I get more collages uploaded (as I make them), I might create more than 1 collage section. But for now, there aren't too many, and they can all go on one page. Speaking of collages, I really want to thank everyone who gives me the wonderful feedback for my work-- you know who you are. I get really frustrated sometimes, and feel like I am just not producing anything worthwhile, and it's people like you guys who keep me going and believing that people actually do like my stuff. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. :)

Today I added a new section, where I display other people's website banners. If you'd like to submit your banner, just e-mail me.

Oh wow, I'm sure most of you have heard the very sad news by now. Apparently while filming today, 1 member of the X-Files crew died, and another 6 were injured while working on the set. It involved an electrical charge that went through some scaffold they were using. You can read the article here. I am so very sorry to hear about what happened, as I'm sure you all are, and let's keep these people and their families in our prayers and thoughts. :(

Thank you to everyone who's signed my guestbook-- it really means a lot to me! :) Today, I added an awards page. I only have 1 award so far, but it's one that means a lot to me, cause it comes from my friend Melanie! (Hi Melanie!)

Wow, I've had like 120 people here in the last day and no one signed the guestbook! I am so sad!! :(

I added 3 new collages, one David, one Gillian, and one Mulder & Scully, although it's not a very good one-- I am not happy with it at all.

Finally! I got the pictures of Gillian at the SF Aidswalk uploaded, and you can see them here. I took 2 rolls of film, but, unfortunately, most of the second roll was majorly blurry, which was due to my taking pictures with my sister's camera, which I am really not used to. *sigh* But oh well, at least I got a whole roll that were good! Got to look on the bright side! :) Oh, and btw, you can read my story about the event here.

Well, I got back from the San Francisco AIDS Walk this afternoon, and I got Gillian Anderson's autograph, and was able to hold her hand for a second, and I got TONS of great pictures of her at the event!! DO YOU KNOW HOW FREAKING ECSTATIC I AM?!?! Of course you do, you must be an X-Files fan if you're here right?? *g* Anyway, it was my very first time seeing Gillian in person and stuff. Seeing ANY X-Files star, for that matter. I am in heaven, seriously. *sigh* Anyway, check back soon for a full-detailed report from me, and I will be posting the pictures up as soon as I get them back. I also put a link to Dantzi Jean's fantastic fanfic site, My XF Voice in the links section.

I added 4 new collages to my collage page. There are 2 Gillian ones, a David one, and a Shippy Mulder and Scully one (what else? *g*). I am so envious (in a good way of course!) of people like Kimpa and Erin and Amy from the Haven who make such wonderful collages. *sigh* I keep trying, and trying, but they aren't exactly how I'd like them to be. Oh well, I guess I'll have to keep going at it-- as if I'd ever stop! :)

I support John Dogget!

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DISCLAIMER: The X-Files, Mulder and Scully, and everything in relation to them does not belong to me. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and FOX Television. I mean no infringement. And by the way guys, I'm not making any money off this in any way, shape, or form so, c'mon! Be a sport will ya? Think of it this way: I am spreading endless gobs of wonderful X-Files joy to millions of people around the world! Hey...[nudge, nudge, wink, wink] Free advertising anyone?!