Ok, thought it was time for abit of an update on the friends, so here we go. If your not on here, and you feel you should be, please let me know!! And please note, these are not in any particular order!!!

May -MAY is back in Sydney. She's going to Uni of NSW cause she finished school in China like 6 months earlier than us. So she's there, and she's been back for a while now but i just havent seen her. YAY for Mayz! Luv ya girl! *hugs*

Becca - Bec is going to be a lawyer running her own firm with "Trepezanov" down the side of the building!!! With her own personal mail man so she can check him out whenever he picks up heavy parcels! hehe. Luv ya darling! *s*

Michael - We've been chatting since year 10, so thats around three years! Can u believe iT??? My darling is from California and is wonderfuL!!! Keep those forwards coming! *s* and *Huge hugs*

Tom!!! Tom is the biggest sweety, and i've known him for a while now. I'm So glad you like your dog tags, getting yours made, made me wear mine again. =P *hugs* Stay cool babe!!!

Toby -Toby was just mean to me on icq, but i thought i better add something nice about him somewhere, or he'll kill me!!!! He's a great friend, thankyou for those incredibly long conversations we've had. I've enjoyed them!!! =)

John- Hey my darling, hope you are able to do well in your trials, i wont say to you, like you said to me that you failed your trials. cause i know that you wouldnt have anyway. Mr 3 Unit english over here!!!!! *l* See ya soon gorgeous! *s*

Hale - Here you go hale! Your here. and i told you i would put you on here, but you didn't believe me! =) Well thanks for coming to Mistero Buffo, hope you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed directing Slaughter!!! CYA soon :P

Harry So whats goin on, the dood who can do really good Russian accents? *l* Harry is doing a very interesting IP performance in drama. I know it will be great cause, well, its coming from harry's warped imagination! *s* Keep making me laugh babe cause you do it well! *L*

Peter - hey, whats been happening? Some how we don't have that much to say anymore? but then we still talk. Lucky huh? *s* Hope your going well...speak to ya soon.

Bekky - strange, meet one guy on the net. Now when he's not online i meet his sister! Well *s* thats how Bekky and i met! Glad to have met ya babe! I'm telling you, you need your own ICQ so we can talk alittle bit more often than when Michael's not online!!!

Kimmy - Hey Kim, long time no chat, we should go up to Norton St one day, or you could come in and see me after i finish work!! hehe, i now work at Shearers, near the movies.

Cold Fire - Hey babe, long time no chat. and dont forget to send me some pics, cause i'm still waiting!!!!! Where have you not been online? its been sooooooo long, i'm having confusing sentences withdrawls!!!!

Jack Whoooo! its jack, the man with the only mission, hehe, beer. oh wait, let me rephrase that, get pissed. your so funny!! *LOL* tata

Flea! Flea is a very good friend, and i appreciate all he's done for me. and i hope that when i've talked to him, we've helped each other!!! My helper! THANKYOU! *s*

Carmel ~ Wasn't the Big Day Out fabulous? i had the best time, and got a couple of great pics of you and i. I'll send you a copy. Hope school's treating you ok!

Ben - Hey Ben, i'm adding you now cause i know i'll forget tomorrow. U were overly mean to me before, and dont say i deserved it cause i didnt!!!! Sorry about missing you at the art expo, i couldnt help not being able to answer my fone!!! I'm getting those BDO prints done soon. and then you'll get yours! =)

Dan -Well Dan has two little brothers and they are soo cute. but dont worry that doesn't take anything cutiness away from your funny self! hehe. Gotta get together more often, cause i want to drive in your funky car with the remote control sound system!

Barnaby(other wise known as Chris) - U didnt come to Tom's party, and you missed out on a fabulous night! tsk tsk!!!! Ok, well Chris luvs star wars and i know that cause he's told me off for not seeing any of the films (minus the one i saw in italian).. i promise i will, maybe you'll just have to hire them out for me so i actually do it! *s*

Georgia (no not myself the other one) - Georgie, hey sweety, well you'll be amazed to know that i kinda like that music that you listen to now. but only in moderation. hehe. gotta get together soon, and hope everything is goin well! =)

Cat - We've been to Italy together, and when you put us together we can make complete sentences!! hehe, isn't that right bella? Just think Yan and for me, i'll think Yan and Matteo!! hehe.

Ned- how's it going? for everyone who doesn't know ned, ned and jack are twins. hehe. but they aren't all that similar (well i dont think so anyway) totally different! hehe. see ya soon man!

Noz- he's my Bud. Great to have u as a friend, luckily you were online when i couldnt get into my page to do this fixing up. i would have gone apeshit! *g*

Karl- hey Karl he's starting his prelim exams on monday. so i wish him the best of luck in those! And remember, u gotta get a plan for your fone, so we can send messages, k? Cause its boring otherwise!!!

Lonewolf - So which state are you in now? i mean your always moving about, i'm sure you've settled in what canada now? or have i made a big mistake? oh well you betta tell me!!! =)*g*

Kaz* - THANKYOU SO MUCH for helping me with my page. I would be so lost (CF, dont even think about saying anything to do with lostness!!) that i would never be able to find my way back to geocities. Thankyou again *hugs*

LUCAS! - Now how often is it when we both are online when we don't have some crap to tell each other? I mean it could pure and utter shit, but we can still chat and chat for ages! Glad to have met ya!!! *s*

Locky! Hey Mr Southie. Actually, Deep Southie! hehe. Good to see you when i did! =) see you soon!!! your cool dude, and keep up the skanking! *s*

Prue - Not a southie anymore, Prue's moving east. to Surry Hills, YAY! we say, cause we'll be able to have more adventures. luv ya!

Bev!! Hey Man, the guy who's in TWO BANDS! and he's also a really good actor as well. Congradulations on the record deal as well, thats amazing!!!!!! I'll see you soon!!!

Emilie!! Your Deb was fabulous. you looked a MILLION dollars, and as well since then you've been to France aswell. So lucky!!!!! =) *hugs*

Jono - JONO!!!!! HEY HEY! where have you been man?? I haven't "seen" you in ages... look if you can make an effort to reply to my gawd damn email so fast, get onto icq ok budd? luv to speak to ya!

Mouse-Hey Mouse, your trying to teach me how to do some MP3 weird stuff that i dont know anything about. Cause i have no idea how to use an MP3 player!!! Good luck in the rest of your trials! GO and study for Modern History tomorrow!!!!!

Tim hey Tim. anytime for a DnM, we seem to have alot of them. but i enjoy them. hope you feel the same. =) hope its all well for you! *s*

hey Karl, your 18 thats like SO not fair. And you've played paint ball. Like even more not fair!!! Hope your having a blast, and will catch up with you soon. we need to go dancing!!! *l*

hey Andrew, hehe i just got told andrew cut all his hair off for his IP performance in drama (at scots) and i find that very amusing. Good on ya! I hope its great, sorry i missed it at your evening the other week, i guess its fair cause you missed ours!!! =) *s* Cya