HTN Products
Coral Calcium Mined Coral from Okinawa, Japan... Distributed in the USA, Canada and Mexico --- Exclusively by HTN
Assimilator Digestive Enzymes with Minerals
OPC Oxi-Genic Cellular Health Well-Being
Omega 3/50 Heart and Circulation Health Balance
Gold Stic Stimulant-Free All-Natural Energy Booster
Endura-Max Energy Endurance
Melatonin With Optizinc®
Health Aids Immune System Health Promoter
Metabolizer 2000 Energy, Endurance and Weight Loss Vitamins and Minerals
Metabolizer 2000+
Metabolizer 2000XTRA
Golden-Max Total Body Health Benefit
Silver-Max Anti-Bacterial Formula
Eliminator Intestinal Health Support
Dental-Max Oral Health Reinforcer
Golden Re-Leaf Topical Spray Application
Pro-Max Progesterone Cream

Our drinking water may contain waste products and impurities, representing considerable health hazards. By drinking 1.5 liters of good water per day treated with a single bag of coral calcium, it is possible to help your body:

Cleanse the Kidneys, Intestines and liver
Achieve an Alkaline Balance, Neutralizing Acidity Level
Increase Muscle and Joint Mobility
Combat Arthritic Conditions, Heart Disease and Digestive Problems

Assimilator is a combination of rare natural plant enzymes with a special formulation of 77 essential minerals which may help to:

Digest Processed and Cooked Foods
Digest Proteins, Reducing Allergies
Increase Blood Flow and Dissolve Bad Fats
Dissolve Cholesterol Deposits
Increase Energy and Reduce Bacteria
Break Up Crystalline Deposits
Break Up and Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals
Carry More Oxygen and Nutrients To The Blood
Increase White Blood Cell Size and Activity
Increase T-cell Activity and Production
Reduce Problems Associated with Sickle Cell Anemia

Stress and free radicals are scientifically proven to reduce well-being and compromise cellular integrity. The OPC Oxi-genic formula may help:

Diabetics and Hypoglycemics
Increase Natural Antioxidant Defenses
Strengthen Ability to Adapt to Stress
Balance Blood Sugar and Reduce Cholesterol
Improve Endurance and Recovery
Support Intestinal Health and Function

OMEGA 3/50
The Metabolizer Omega 3/50 is a 50% concentration of the essential fatty acids from deep cold water fish caught off the coast of Scandinavia. It contains the highest ratio of EPA fats available and may help to:

Improve Circulation
Reduce LDL (bad) Fats
Improve HDL (good) Fats
Reduce Inflammation
Reduce High Blood Pressure
Reduce Cholesterol
Reduce Blood Clotting
Reduce Platelet Aggregation

A highly invigorating powder pack containing 120mg. of coral calcium, 100mg.of Vitamin C, plus other additives, that helps the body to:

Reduce That Sluggish, Run Down Feeling
Reduce Heat Exhaustion
Increase Energy Levels
Revive In Just Minutes!

Poor sugar and fat metabolism can lead to imbalanced blood sugar levels which promote fatigue and reductions in endurance. The Metabolizer Endura-Max formula may help to:

Balance Blood Sugar
Reduce Mood and Energy Swings
Increase Endurance
Build Muscle and Burn Fat
Reduce Appetite and Cravings

MELATONIN Melatonin is secreted from the pineal gland at night which seems to produce many health benefits. As we get older, less Melatonin is naturally produced. This nutritional supplement may help to:

Support Anti-Aging
Reduce Jet Lag
Restore Immune Efficiency
Increase Sex Drive
Resist Viral Infections
Increase Energy Levels
Reduce Panic Attacks

This unique homeopathic formula, containing a 300% concentrate of Whole Leaf Aloe Vera, Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold, may help ot nourish the body with the following benefits:

Balance and Enhance the Immune System
Provide Pain Relief
Act as an Anit-Bacterial
Relieve Stress Levels

If your goal is to become healthier, increase energy and/or reduce weight, the METABOLIZER 2000 products may help you to:

Increase Metabolizm to Burn More Calories
Increase Energy Levels
Suppress Appetite to Decrease Calorie Intake
Reduce Craving by Balancing the Blood Sugar
Reduce Cholesterol Levels
Improve Muscle and Fitness Potential

A colloidal suspension of Gold in de-ionized water may help the body to:

Balance Emotional Stress
Improve Circulation
Rejuvenate Organs and Digestive System
Improve Nervous In-Coordination
Decrease Alcohol Craving

Pathogenic bacteria and fungus can cause infections and a long list of problems which reduce overall health and well-being. The Metabolizer Silver-Max is a colloidal suspension of Silver in de-ionized water and may help to:

Reduce Baterial Infection
Improve Resistance
Detoxify Germ Organisms
Support Natural Immunity
Decrease Colds and Flu
Remove Parasitic Eggs

Toxin accumulation and intestinal putrefaction caused by slow bowel transit time can lead to a reduction in overall health and well-being. The Metabolizer Eliminator formula may help to:

Decrease Bowel Transit Time
Gently Detoxify Intestinal Tract
Improve Nutritional Absorption
Remove Adult Parasites
Increase Dietary Fiber Consumption

A natural anti-bacterial tooth gel and concentrated mouth rinse developed to help control periodontal diseases. It contains no alcohol or fluoride and is made with a natural whole leaf aloe vera 300% concentrate. It may help the following:

Gingivitis and Pyorrhea
Sensitive Teeth and Gum Problems
Whiten Teeth with Low Abrasion
Reduce Pain
Reduce Plaque and Tartar Build-Up

The main ingredients for this product are rare and exotic mentholated oil extracts derived from plants that grow in the steamy rainforests of Brazil, and used by the natives for pain relief over the centuries. For temporary pain relief and treatment of debilitating conditions such as:

Muscle Aches
Joint Aches
Simple Backaches
Minor Rashes and More

Your skin easily absorbs nutrients or use by internal organs. For example, sunlight on our skin is redily converted to Vitamin D, and essential component for good health. Both Male and Female Pro-Max formulas now contain an HTN exclusive, all-natural, completely safe preservative, making HTN the only source for Progesterone creams with no carcinogenic ingrediants. Pro-Max may help with the following problems:

Hot Flashes
Weight Problems
Depression/Mood Swings
Foggy Thinking
Loss of Weight and More

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This page is by: Justin Rogers in conjunction with and for Rick Rogers.
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