What God Is To Me:

In the Bible, God says that His name IS "I AM"

Father God, I thank you that you are my everything. I thank you that you have always been and always will be (Rev 1:17, 21:6).

How wonderful that you are my fortress and my shield, that in you I find daily protection from the enemy. I am so grateful that you are my hiding place and my refuge, the one to whom I can run to for protection and help in times of need. There you wait with open arms of love for you created one, who is precious in your sight, thanks to the precious blood covering of your perfect lamb Jesus. You wait there as my comforter to hold me in your arms of love, and being the perfect father that you are, you draw me to you and tell me just what I need to hear in your loving way, for you are the lover of my soul.

I thank you for being my rock. When everything else around me is chaotic and falling apart, you are my solid firm foundation. You are my unshakable and steady foothold. As long as I stand on your word I will not fall. I praise you for you are my strength in times of weakness. You are always there to support me in times of need, if I will simply reach out and take your outstretched hand. You make my spirit strong. In you I find hope because you are the provider of hope in desperate times. I thank you for providing that hope in times of need, and for being my peace during all the storms of life and the carrier of my burdens.

I praise you for giving me courage during times when others might have lost all hope, for you are my hope in times of tribulation. You are my righteousness, and it is through these times of tribulation when you mold me as a potter molds clay, into your image, making me more and more like you. Please continue to mold my heart, making me love that which is pleasing to you and helping me grieve over things which break your own heart Father. Thank you for healing my soul and cleansing my spirit from all unrighteousness, for you are the only one through which men can find peace and true joy in their hearts. Glory to you for being my healer, cleanser, and true joy giver!

You are my faith. My faith in other things means nothing, for all else passes away. But you are the Great "I am", the author of all faith, the one who was, and is, and is to come! All glory and honor, and power, and praise belong to you forever and ever!

You are my provider. You always provide in times of need. Thank you for not giving me what I deserve, or even what I want, but thank you for always coming through for your child and providing just what I need at just the right time: a phone call from a friend, just the right amount to pay the bills, a word of encouragement, or just the right scripture to get me through the day. You provide it all, and always at the perfect time.

Thank you, Jesus, for being the the gate through which I, your sheep, can come to the Father. I also praise you for being the Good Shepherd watching over, guiding, and protecting your sheep at all times.

Thank you for being my savior and redeemer, saving me from my own sin and disobedience, and redeeming me from death and hell.

Thank you for not only being my Savior, but for also showing me how important it is that you are the Lord of my life. You have everything under control and work all things (no matter how they may seem to us) you work ALL things for the good of those who truly love you. May I always put you first above all "things" in my life. Those "things" which appeal to the flesh, those trivial issues which can consume our thoughts and entice us away from your presence, are nothing compared to you Father! All else is vanity (King Solomon said it best)! As long as we focus on you, putting you first, everything else will fall into place.

I am so thankful that you are my master, always in control of everything in my life. When I choose to run my own life, things become so chaotic. But praise your holy name! When I humbly hand you the reins and bow at your feet releasing my pride, you take control and all things work for good according to your purposes.

In the morning when I rise I see the beauty of all you have created and I desire to praise you, my wonderful creator. You are my morning song. I will praise you for your power and your wisdom which is evident throughout all of your creation, O Loving Creator.

Praise your holy name! For you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are our just, righteous, and all powerful judge. All will one day answer to your holy throne for everything we have done. Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me, that when I stand before you, you will find my life pleasing in your sight. May all the days of my life bring glory to your precious name.

Thank you for being the living water and the bread of life. It is my prayer that you will always increase my hunger and thirst to know more of you and to act in obedience to your precious word. You are my life giver, the vine, the source of my life! Thank you for being my freedom from the curse of sin, freeing my spirit from the darkness it once knew, and drawing me into the Light of the truth, your Word. People all around are searching for the truth. When will they ever learn that your Word is truth!? Not only the scripture (word) but also The Word (Jesus) is the way, the truth, and the life. As you have told us, NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. May I become a saltier Christian, making others thirst for you, the living water of life!

Thank you Father, for being my God, the treasure of my life. For You are more "precious than silver" and more "costly than gold". It is true that nothing, no nothing compares to You, the Great "I AM", for You are all things to those who love You and long to obey Your Word!

Have you stopped to think about what God is to you? Take a moment to praise Him for what He has done, is doing, and will continue to do in and through your life on earth. It is my hope that you will "think on these things".

In His Love,


I AM Exodus 3:14; Mark 14:62; John 1:58, 8:58
Everything Isaiah 44:6
Fortress Proverbs 14:26, 144:2; Psalms 28:8, 31:2, 62:2
Shield Genesis 15:1
Hiding place Psalms 32:7
Refuge 2 Samuel 22:3
Protection Acts 18:10
Help 1 Chronicles 12:18; 2 Chronicles 14:11
Love Song of Solomon 2:4; John 14:23
Comforter Psalms 23:4
Father Psalms 68:5; Isaiah 9:6, 63:16: Matthew 23:9
Lover of my soul Jeremiah 3:14
Rock Gen 49:24; Deut 32:4,15,18,31; 1 Sam 2:2; 2 Sam 22:32;
Mat 28:20; 1 Cor 10:4
Firm foundation Isaiah 28:16, 33:6; Matthew 7:25; Luke 6:48
Foothold Matthew 7:24-25
Strength Exodus 15:2,13; 1 Chronicles 16:11
Provider of hope Romans 8:24; Ephesians 1:18; Psalms 25:3,5,21, 37:9, 42:5
Peace Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 10:34; John 14:27: Ephesians 2:14; Colossians 3:15
Carrier of my burdens Isaiah 53:4
Courage Isaiah 41:10
Righteousness Psalms 119:75,137; Isaiah 64:8: Jeremiah 18:1-6,23:6; 1 Peter 2:23
Healer Psalms 41:4; Hosea 14:4
Cleanser Jeremiah 33:8; 1 John 1:9
True joy giver Psalms 16:11; Matthew 25:21; Galatians 5:22
Faith Luke 17:5; Ephesians 4:5
Was, Is, and Is to come Isaiah 44:6, 48:12; Revelation 1:8
Provider Hebrews 11:40; Genesis 22:8
Gate John 10:7,9
Good Shepherd John 10:11,14
Savior Exodus 15:2; 2 Samuel 22:47; Isaiah 43:3
Redeemer Ephesians 1:7
Lord of lords Isaiah 43:11:Zechariah 14:9; Acts 10:36
Master John 15:20; 2 Timothy 2:21
Creator Ecclesiastes 12:1; Isaiah 40:28; Romans 1:25
Morning song Exodus 15:2; Psalms 40:3, 144:9
King of kings Isaiah 43:15
Just Daniel 4:37; Acts 3:14; 1 John 1:9
Powerful Judge 1 Chronicles 16:33; John 5:22: 2 Timothy 4:1
Holy 1 Peter 1:16; Isaiah 6:3
Living water Exodus 17:6
Bread of Life John 6:35,41,48
Life Psalms 119:50; Proverbs 8:35: John 5:21, 11:25
Vine John 15:1,5
Freedom John 8:36; Romans 6:18, 8:2; Galatians 5:1
Light John 8:12, 9:5
Truth John 14:6
Way John 8:24
God Psalms 46:10; Genesis 17:1
Treasure Colossians 2:3; 2 Corinthians 4:7

Anita Roussel
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