My Ideas

Combined spinal epidural(CSE) or 2-in-1 block is a useful regional technique for inpatients,outpatients and painless labors. It needs a special kind of equipment which costs more money. Having realized this limit,I modified the routinely used IV needles,namely Jelco@ # 16,spinal needle B-D@ # 25-27 and epidural catheter Portex@ # 16-18 as in Figure 1.

Figure 1

5% Hyperbaric Lidocaine,2% plain Lidocaine,2% Lidocaine with Epinephrine 1:80,000 ,epidural catheter Portex@# 18,IV catheter Jelco@# 16 and spinal needle B-D@# 25

The procedure is done like a normal block : after positioning the patient in lateral decubitus either right or left,cleaning the lumbar area with antiseptic,and putting the drape,I infiltrate the skin with local anesthetic agent [enough for large-bore needle] at L2-3 or 4-5 as Figure 2.

Figure 2

Local infiltration at L2-3 or 4-5 midline

I put in the IV catheter Jelco@# 16 as Figure 3 [make sure that the plastic sheath can be passed over the metallic stylet smoothly before insertion].

Figure 3

Jelco@# 16 insertion gently

Connected with a 5-ml or 10-ml glass syringe,the needle is advanced further until the epidural space is reached by loss of resistance technique as Figure 4.

Figure 4

Using loss of resistance to find the epidural space

Then the needle is pushed a little deeper for plastic sheath cannulation. Do not be too afraid that it will penetrate the subarachnoid space. Withdraw the metallic stylet while insert the plastic sheath into the epidural space as Figure 5.

Figure 5

Cannulation the plastic sheath into the epidural space and withdrawing the metallic stylet

Test loss of resistance again via the plastic sheath. To do spinal block,pass a spinal needle B-D@# 25 through the plastic sheath [ this will encounter the resistance of dura only]. After CSF appearance,inject 5% hyperbaric Lidocaine 0.9-1.5 ml [dose varies depending on expected level of blockade,epidural dose and experience] as Figure 6.

Figure 6

Passing the spinal needle B-D@# 25 through the plastic sheath of Jelco@# 16

After spinal block,thread the epidural catheter through the plastic sheath as usually done with Touhy needle as Figure 7.

Figure 7

Threading the epidural catheter through the plastic sheath with the curve of the catheter upward

Withdraw the plastic sheath and tape the catheter securely on the patient's back as Figure 8.

Figure 8

Withdrawing the plastic sheath while inserting the catheter

Before epidural injection,aspirate and test 3 ml 2% Lidocaine with Epinephrine 1:200,000 and wait for any accidents. I can halve the normal epidural dose in CSE.