Welcome to the Great Smoky Mountain Recovery Campout
The 36th Edition of the Great Smoky Mountain Recovery Campout is scheduled for September 23-26, 2004, at theGreenbrier Island Campground in Pittman Center, Tennessee, adjacent to the
Great Smoky Mountains National Park

The Great Smoky Mountain Recovery Campout began as a small event hosted by
recovering people for recovering people whoenjoyed the great outdoors and camping,
swimming, hiking, golf, motorcycle and bike riding, tubing, shopping and just having outdoor fun. Fall of 2004 marks the 36th such
semiannual event, and the festivities begin whenever the recovering camper arrives at the Greenbrier Island
Campground (on Thursday or Friday) and ends on Monday.

The Recovery Campout is always held on Memorial Day weekend and on an appropriate
weekend in the early fall. The Campout is for one and all and features a speaker meeting
on Saturday night and AA and Al-anon meetings as announced. Families are encouraged
to attend and enjoy the festive nature of the event, for the entire weekend or just for
one day.

The resort town of Gatlinburg is nearby­with lodges, Inns, and motels for those who are
not the camping type. There are many Smoky Mountain attractions in the vicinity.

Park 40 Club of Knoxville, the Serenity Club of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the Knoxville Flatiron Club­together
with our many recovering friends and families­sponsor the Campout.

Tom Mabry hosts and organizes the Recovery Campouts, and encourages all to attend the next Edition. The Host can be reachedat 865.237.9030 or email me at tnrecovery0428@aol.com for more information.

Special Thanks to the Founders of the Recovery Campout, Randy and Carrie Sykes, for without whom many great recovery stories would not be told,

and Vic W.
Recovery Available Again in the new Millenium !

The Serenity Club of Oak Ridge Park 40 Club of Knoxville

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