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A compendium of herbs and some of their uses


Herb List
A -B -C -D -E -F -G -H -I -J -K -L -M -N -O -P -Q -R -S -T -U -V -W -X -Y -Z

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Viola tricolor

Simmondisa chinensis
Time of administration: afternoon.
Use for arthritis, dandruff (all scalp problems), warts, acne, pimples, mouth sores, chapped skin, athlete's foot. Jojoba has a high natural iodine content - 81.7%. (Let's Live, Oct. 1977, pp. 11-14).

Juniperus communis
Juniperus species
Time of administration: early morning, late afternoon, late evening.
Use for antiseptic, urinary, stimulates hydrochloric acid production, cramps, internal infections, removes excess fluids, gout, arthritic pains, good for kidney troubles, helps remove waste from the blood. Excellent preventative of most diseases. Juniper berries contain a volatile oil, resin and other compounds. The oil amounts to about 0.5-1.5% of the berries. Oil of juniper contains certain terpenes, which gives it a turpentine characteristic. This makes the oil quite antiseptic to say the least. While Italian berries give the highest yield of oil per berry (1.0-1.5%), Hungary is the world's largest producer of the oil (Hungarian berries average between 0.8-1.0%). The oil extract saturates the kidney causing increased muscular contractions, which causes more urinary poisons to leave the system. Because of its strong antiseptic nature, the oil also disinfects that area of the body and keeps an important organ of elimination free from disease. Juniper is seldom taken alone, but generally combined with other herbs for maximum and safe efficiency in the system. Juniper is very compatible with queen-of-the-meadow. Juniper berries are so rich in natural sugars that they are used in the fermentation and distillation of the well-known liquor, gin, which owes a great deal of its characteristic flavor to the oil of juniper. Juniper berries contain about 33% invert sugar, a bitter principle, organic acids and their salts and wax. Oil of juniper has certain terpenes (turpentinelike compounds) which gives it an antiseptic quality. Juniper berries afford a natural immunity in the system against contagious diseases. Some of the general constituents just cited also contain a certain amount of protein. The turpenes in the oil aid sufferers of respiratory disease to clear their lungs of accumulated sputum. The terpenes have a decomposing effect on this unwanted substance and break up chest congestion very nicely.


Herb List
A -B -C -D -E -F -G -H -I -J -K -L -M -N -O -P -Q -R -S -T -U -V -W -X -Y -Z

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