My Valentine's Pressie....
from one that wuvsssssss me
and wants me to be veryyyyy

~~norwegian elkhound~~

...just a sample...hehehe

....hehehe...this is just a sample of what my new puppy looks like..full grown...her name is Nikita....kita for short...she is a toughy....*snickers*

~*~ this is the real thing...kita and inchessss...~*~

....Kita is about 3 mos old right now....she has a "working" pooper realllllllllll gooooooood.....ugh!!!....but she is making her way to the door...hehehe....getting closer everytime...she is stubborn...*innocent look*...i just got she couldn't have gotten that from me.....*shakes head* noppers...not me....*lil eg*...kita is silver and black and grey..with a tiny bit of tan ....she weighs about 20 lbs so far...she will be about 65 lbs when full grown..*G*...i weighed 98 lbs two days ago....sheeeeesh....i can see we are gonna have someeeee funnnnnn.....wonder who will win....*weg* hmmmmmmm...hehehe....i may be lil..but i'm a feistyyyy wench ya know....*WEG*...hehehe i just wanted to share this....cuz deez was so insightful....i never asked for kita....he just "knew"...*S*....ya know....he just wants me to be happy...and he'll do anything to make it'm such a lucky woman....*smiles*

....will put some links regarding this species....coming soon...when i get more time....

....."sit kita...sit!!"....geeeeeeeeez......defiant she is....*giggles*

Norwegian elkhounds...

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*note....please do NOT steal this music....but rather, ask for written permission to use it...this is the RIGHT way to do it....*smiles* k....i have placed a link to little leaf's site....where you will find muchhhhhh peace and contentment there...and also info on copyrights to this music....please do it right...*S*

*written permission from Redwood Productions given for the use of this music on my site...please visit their site*