December , 1997

I hope this finds you well and calmly preparing for the Holidays. I know they can be stressful buy I have always thought that the human race was quite brilliant to provide for holidays. Time to disengage from the daily grind and celebrate our friendships and whatever the spirit of the particular holiday. Holidays are like built in steam valves and like vacations, very necessary to our well being. We can’t be 100% productive 100% of the time or we would burn up! To that end the essay included in this issue has to do with our perceptions of productivity.

Just remember, no matter what the Holidays offer you, how you relate to them and your friends and relatives is totally up to you. And without sounding too preachy, remember that the greatest gift you can give someone is yourself- your time, your love, your friendship and of course all those qualities that are uniquely you!

Gift Certificates for the Holidays

And, speaking of gifts. Not sure what unique and special gift you can give the person on your list who has everything? Give them the future! (I always like saying that). You can purchase a gift certificate for an hour or half hour session for your friends and loved ones. It’s easy to do, just call me at 818-763-3877 and we’ll arrange it. If you have access to the World Wide Web you can even print out a gift certificate (see below). And here’s something special. Why shouldn’t you be awarded for your generosity? If you purchase a gift certificate you’ll receive a discount off your next reading though March of 1998. Fir example if you purchase a one hour gift certificate you’ll get $25 off your next reading, and if you purchase a half hour gift certificate you’ll receive $10 off your next reading. The standard rates for readings will remain the same at $150 per hour and $65 per half hour.

E-mail and the World Wide Web

More and more of my clients have e-mail addresses? Are you one of them? would you like to receive all the newsletters promptly by e-mail? If so simply send me an email with SUBSCRIBE in the subject to peaceful@ix.netcom.com. You can also access the newsletter and much more including information on readings, excerpts from books, gift certificates and past newsletters on the site on World Wide Web at Http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/2540/index.htm.

Intention and Clarity

Just a little reminder that being clear about what you desire and writing it out helps in the process of manifesting it. So as you come up on the New year, maybe you’d like to make a new "wish book" Then you can refer to what you wanted to create throughout the year.

Here’s wishing you Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year filled with personal peace, clarity love and prosperity.


For this months essay on UNPRODUCTIVE DAYS click HERE!


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