Abuse must stop Now!
      I have no sympathy for abusers. We claim we are against abuse, we act outraged about it, yet this society has condoned abuse through every generation and continues to do so today. We seem to break our backs protecting the rights of abusers, yet we make no effort to acknowledge the suffering of survivors; in fact, we act as though the survivor is the flawed one. Perpetrators spend a minimal amount of time, if any, paying for their crimes. Their victims pay literally with their lives, lost to years of dissociation, post-traumatic disorder, or depression. Physicians, friends, co-workers, mental health professionals -- Wake up!!! When you see abuse is happening speak up. Quit tolerating it!! Quit enabling abusers to get away with their selfish, cruel, and damaging acts. Do your part to stop abuse by acknowledging and challenging the abuse you see. You may literally save a life by opening your eyes and doing what you know in your heart is right.

      I survived, but I am still struggling to recover the memories, the substance of my life. You who also have survived know the price we pay for the violence inflicted by others. We survive emotional and physical suffering, suicidal depression, and decades of horrendous emotional struggle to overcome the wounds. There are no excuses left for abusers to use. No longer can they look back with regret, claiming they didn't know their actions would hurt us. If we can overcome the myriad of shortcomings we suffer because of abusers, they have the ability to overcome their own shortcomings as well.

I picture us all, the survivors, standing at once one day, finally able to speak against abuse and in support of ourselves. I see us standing at last, united and strong. We have the right, the responsibility, and the duty, to heal.
If you know of places on the Web that are helpful in healing from trauma and abuse, or living with and learning about dissociative disorders, please e-mail us.
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