Words of wisdom...Please feel free to leave any comments on my guestbook. Even saying hi will make my day. Thanks for visiting! |
Beni - 02/08/00 11:59:20
My Email:hotrain@netvision.net.il
Does anybody have good/bad experience taking acupuncture in cases of sciatica ?
Mike - 02/07/00 19:22:14
Thanks Mary. I'm 51 but feel more like 91 whenever my Sciatica acts up. The mental anguish is worse than the physical pain. I'll get started on the exercises tonight and let you know how it works.
ian carter - 02/07/00 06:05:28
My Email:iancarter_onon@hotmail.com
Neil - 02/06/00 19:39:55
My Email:neil@neilcon.fsnet.co.uk
Hi, I seem to be a lucky one as I have only been suffering since christmas day `99. I have seen a local doctor who just dismissed my excrutiating pain as "sciatica" and take ibuprofen and it should be fine (very helpful...not). I stumbled across your si
e and have found it very informative and it has put my mind at rest, hopefully by following the exercises I will be able to put the pain to rest too. Thank you
Amy Roush - 02/06/00 02:00:20
My Email:alr9599@yahoo.com
It's relieving to hear that you were diagnosed at 19. I was told this information after having back surgery at the age of 17. I am now twenty three and have been trying as hard as I can to alleviate the pain I get. I read as much information on the subjet
as I can, and your sight is very informative and helpful. Thanks for understanding what we go through!
- 02/05/00 20:05:49
Karen - 02/05/00 02:31:49
My Email:kdick@ohio.net
Thanks for the info. and support. Reading the experiences of others helps me put up with my own pains. Thanks for the encouragement to stretch!
Roy A Calzada - 02/04/00 23:06:10
My Email:Ragcalo@hotmail.com
Glad to find a source of info on this painful subject. Briefly, I 've had sciatica off/on since April 99. been to Internist, had an MRI, Physical Therapist and now a Chiropractor. Contemplating a lumbar epidermal injection next, but unsure. looking for a
vise. also curious on Wedgy??
Fritz Warden - 02/04/00 19:06:03
It's a wonderful website. Thanks for taking the
time and effort to get it going. I appreciate
all the info, and am sharing some of it with
an elderly friend who wanted to know what causes
sciatica. Thanks again.
yeves - 02/02/00 22:30:11
My Email:yevag@hotmail.com
hello, livly page wond
Sandra Bentley - 02/02/00 08:03:53
My Email:SAN.MAR@xtra.co.nz
Thank-you, great, and your right about the age
I am 36 years old, have had problems on and off for about 7 years,and have just had a physio figure out it is sciatica.
maps56 - 01/31/00 02:48:55
My Email:maps56@gateway.net
KATHIE - 01/31/00 02:28:11
Donna Glynn - 01/30/00 01:39:53
My Email:Donahg1@cs.com
Lots of good information, thanks
Jamie Barut - 01/25/00 04:25:26
My Email:j.barut@worldnet.att.net
thanks for the information...I've seen a doctor but I'm still in alot of pain.
Sherry Moncrief - 01/23/00 23:33:43
My Email:marcm@rose.net
Thank you for your informative web page. I have been suffering from sciatica pain for about two years now. Some times are worse than others. Right now, I'm in a good bit of pain. I'm so glad that you addressed the question about exercising. I've been
walking regularly and I don't won't to give it up because of the many health benefits. I'm going to try the back exercises that you listed. I'm printing them out as soon as I finish this note. Thanks for the info. Your friend in pain, ~Sherry
james trocchi - 01/22/00 14:06:18
My Email:jtrocchi@capecod.net
what is the best exercise for sciatica and will ice or any herbal medicines help; thanks
alex sassoon - 01/20/00 20:13:38
My Email:juanarosetti@hotmail.com
I have never been in such pain in all my life. Does chiropractic treatment help.???
Doris Cheyovich - 01/20/00 09:26:14
My Email:voy@goldrush.com
I have horibile sciatica for last 4 months . Nothing helps. I visiteted 4 doctors.,Acupucncure, Chiropactorsand physical Tyherapy. Nothing works. Any sugestions.
- 01/18/00 07:25:42
Dennis Eicholtz - 01/18/00 06:01:21
My Email:eicholtz@aol.com
Just found your site. Looks great. Thanks. I will be happy to contribute to message board discussions, etc.
Liz - 01/17/00 20:48:01
My Email:pchefliz@earthlink.net
I woke up this morning and was unable to walk. My right leg was numb and weak. I have had mild to painful back pain for about a month. I called my PCP and he sent me to the ER. I am in the nursing profession and immediately thought the worst. After b
ing diagnosed with sciatica I called a friend (who is also in nursing)and she suggested the internet. I am glad that I stumbled upon your web site, most if not all, of your information describes me completely. I am going to start the excercises right awa
. Thank you for the time you put into this it is wonderful to receive this information! Liz
- 01/17/00 05:07:03
Mia - 01/14/00 05:12:08
My Email:mnagle@spacestar.net
Just wanted to check in for a moment. It has been a year now that I have been sciatica or piriformis free. I did end up getting a cortizone shot in my butt and it took 3 weeks to take but when it did the relief was wonderful. As I read the messages boy
t brought back a lot of painful memories. As I wrote over a year ago the magnets did help the pain. It made it so I could at least walk a bit. But because I am a bit on the lazy side, I have not kept up with the exercises and recently my lower back has
started to hurt a bit. So I am now back on the exercises. I want all of you to know that I will say a prayer for you. I certainly understand the pain you are in and I know at times I felt like I was forsaken by God because of the pain. I have learned
o appreciate the little things in life, like being able to dress myself, put my walking shoes on and and being able to tie them, to be able to get up from a chair and to be able to get in and out of a car, to know that when I start to walk somewhere I can
actually get there without having to plan on sitting, or squating because I could not walk. It can and does get better. I had it for 7 months. And then I had to start all over learning to walk up stairs, just to walk down the street and try and rebuild
he muscle I had lost. I wish each and every one of the best of luck and you all have a place in my prayers.
Jane Heinz - 01/13/00 19:52:42
My Email:heinzj01@aol.com
I feel very fortunate after reading through many of the messages. So many young people with so much pain and no apparent relief in site. I am 55 and just began having sciatica problems a few months ago. As many of you have suggested, orthopedic doctors
are of no help and I am now contemplating my next move. My pain is tolerable and has not kept me from my work but like so many others, sleep can be very difficult. A couple of things I've found to help: first, to relieve the burning pains in front of m
lower leg, I put a pillow between my legs and only sleep on my side. Second, I have a Select Comfort bed, which is basically an air bed for those who don't know, and I've found that if the bed is too soft, my problems are worse. Even if it's the same p
essure I normally use to keep my arthritis quiet.
Let's all keep sharing info and maybe some will get relief.
- 01/13/00 12:38:03
- 01/12/00 21:53:13
- 01/12/00 21:42:13
Lyndsay Genest - 01/12/00 21:39:27
My Email:squeaky33_7@yahoo.com
Good website! Keep up the good work!
Lyndsay Genest - 01/12/00 21:38:55
My Email:squeaky33_7@yahoo.com
Good website! Keep up the good work!
paul methven - 01/12/00 20:49:01
My Email:paul.methven@virgin.net
Very informative! I'm a new sciatica sufferer living near to Cheddar in England. I'm still at the "painkilling by pills" stage ahead of going for an MRI scan to check disk damage and a possible operation. I think it's fair to say that sciatica on a bad da
is the worst pain I've ever experienced (and I've had two heart attacks!). Good luck with the site - Paul
Shiela Robertson - 01/11/00 23:49:02
My Email:shielarobertson@excite.com
I am on ice as I write this and have just finished my second set of stretches today. I have a job (teaching) which requires that I be on my feet most of the time. I am miserable!
GP - 01/11/00 14:46:01
My Email:guycar@portalnet.com
niki - 01/11/00 02:49:53
My Email:nbritton@sprint.ca
Hi guys
It is Niki again..I hope u are all feeling a little better. My mom has her first physio appt tommorow..I hope this helps as she is now getting very depressed..Just wondering if anyone just has leg pain.My moms lower back pain went away and now all the pai
is just in her leg from her hip to her knee at the front..She has another doctors appt on Thurs as well..I hope something can be done..She can't even get in the car long enough to come to my new house..She is still experiencing the burning feeling. She s
y her leg just feels like it has been burnt in a fire..Please let me know if anyone else has this feeling..It kills he to even have her jogging pants on.Her doctor aslo said the she has bersitis in her hips..Have any of u had bersitis??.Aymore suggestions
would be great..Has anyone gone for acupuncture???Her doctor advised that it is a waste of time...Well I hope u all get a goods night sleep tonite..Please if anyone has any advice or info please email me at nbritton@sprint.ca...Thanxs Niki
Melissa Hunter - 01/10/00 22:29:44
My Email:melissachunter@yahoo.com
I've enjoyed your sciatica web site very much. I
have lots of bouts it seems, or maybe one really
long one. My 3 pregnancies and graduate school
were REALLY bad on my sciatica. I'm an avid
exercisor and not anywhere overweight. So why has
this happened to me? Does it affect tall people
more? I'm going to try your exercises and add it
to my 1.5 mile swims I do often.Though amny of
your suggested exercises are similar to swimming
movements.I hope I don't have to give up my
exercising. Thanks for your suggestions and your
free i
ME! - 01/10/00 16:46:14
My Email:???
Micky - 01/09/00 05:08:56
Yes, I have that when I take a step. In fact it's happening to me again right now. I am having another problem too. My left arm seems to be numb. outside of hand next to pinky and out side of arm up to elbow. Does that ever happen in sciatica or am I look
ng at a new condition for which to seek help?
Hazel - 01/09/00 04:18:48
My Email:hz.r@prodigy.net
Great Job!
Liz Austin - 01/08/00 22:29:36
My Email:theaustins@jpda.karoo.co.uk
Hi Mary, Thanks for your web site. I've had sciatica on and off for the last 5 years. I am the Deputy Manager of a children's nursery and so my job is very busy and involves lifting small wriggling children - I think this is the cause of the sciatica in t
e first place! I am 25 years old and was pleased to here that I am not the only young person to suffer with it. I'm going to try and overcome my laziness and exercise more to try and improve my back muscles so that I can lift better and perhaps not cause
ciatica so often. Does anyone else experience a kind of 'giving way'feeling when they take a step during a bout of sciatica? Thanks again, Mary.
lori horne - 01/08/00 16:27:24
My Email:erllhorne@uswest.net
Thank you for having a site where I can find some
answers on my sciatica. I just had a major attack
last night; the first major one I've ever had and
could not walk this morning. Am going to try the
stretching exercises.
Micky - 01/08/00 07:01:28
A friend of mine just suggested that I seek S.S.I. because of my sciatica. I was planning to look into it on Monday. My condition has caused the muscles in my calves to disappear almost. When I try to flex them, there seems to be nothing there. No muscle
one what-so-ever. My legs have lost their curve. I'm glad it's winter so I don't have to worry about wearing shorts. Ha Ha Ha. After all the pain is gone......Tae'bo here I come.
nancy - 01/07/00 18:11:38
So many people out of work because of sciatic
pain. Has anyone applied for social security
disability benefit
nancy - 01/07/00 18:09:12
Kai Au - 01/07/00 17:53:43
My Email:au_kai@hotmail.com
Very informative.
Your former experience in sciatica is very valuable to someone who starts getting affected by sciatica.
Celina Sloan - 01/07/00 13:39:10
My Email:sloan000@bellsouth.net
I found your web site to be informative and comforting. I am 34 years old and have sciatica since I was 14. Thanks!
joe walsh - 01/07/00 02:38:31
My Email:joe81victo@map.com
I read most of your site and so I do not believe I have sciatica. My pain started in the kidney area and at that time if I hit a bump while driving it felt like I got hit with a baseball bat. the pain has since moved to my side between the lower rib cage
nd the hip bone. It now runs down my groin into the left testicle and can be through the whole area, or in one area. It pains when i walk, sit, bend, or put pressure on my left side. It does not hurt if any area is pressed. To date I have had a CT scan an
an MRI with both showing no problem. My next trip is to a neurologist and hopfully he will find what my problem is.
- 01/06/00 22:07:01
Micky - 01/06/00 08:56:51
Hi, It's Micky again. I am still in the battle. Although it has gotten better, I am still in an awful lot of pain. I had therapy today and it helped some. Traction and TENS. Most of my pain is at night also. I'm having a very hard time sitting here writti
g to you guys now, but life must go on. I'm praying to Jehovah that this pain will continue to lessen. For you and for me. My therapist says that it seems that there are either 2 herniated disks or the one has a very large bulge in it. (how exciting for m
).My calves cramp up and my feet hurt at the top above the ankles. Buttocks and thighs are in cahoots to keep me uncomfortable. I am walking with a cane now and my wheelchair stays within close reach. soaking in water as hot as you can stand it helps also
Please try it. Heating pads and hot waterbottles are my friends. Keep your backs straight. don't lean over to pick anything up, bend at the knees and squat.Be careful getting in and out of bed and a chair. DoNot sit more than 30 minutes at a time, too mu
h bed rest is not good for your back. You need to move to keep control of the pain, don't let it take control of you. I will keep you all in my prayers. Talk to you soon.
Roxanne Pieper - 01/06/00 02:03:22
My Email:pieper@epivax.epi.umn.edu
I'm in the middle of a really bad bout right now - it is somewhat comforting (in a perverse way, I guess) to know that there are lots of other people out there who suffer from this.
roland - 01/05/00 18:15:12
My Email:rogo@marketcom.com
I've enjoyed reading your pages.Very to the point and true>I was diagnosed with acute sciatica last September.I haven"t been to work since. The pain is controlled by exercises and medication.I am advised not to go back to work until fully recuperated.My q
estion is when is that going to end? I am getting a lot depressed these days as I see time go by.Is there a time limit for this thing? Where is the light at the end of the tunnel.No one in my entourage has had it.I have no one to talk to about this,I mean
no one that has or had sciatic problems.It would be nice if there was a chat line to exchange ideas and info. Thanks for your help.
- 01/04/00 19:31:24
Brian Akers - 01/04/00 17:12:52
My Email:akers@voyager.net
Having just experienced my first bout (on-going) with sciatica, I was pleased to find your information packed site. My first attack occurred on Christmas Eve, just two week ago. My wife is a nurse and amazingly quickly, she diagnosed the problem as scia
ica . . . some lower back pain but shooting pain in my left buttocks and down my left leg, especially pronounced at the front of my left shin. I talked to my doctor (MD) who agreed with the diagnosis and recommended aspirin/tylenol in combination every 3
4 hours. This was the morning of Christmas Eve and after a painful and sleepless previous night, I wanted more relief than this. I contacted the only open chiropractor in the area and she worked me into her morning schedule that day. This was also my f
rst visit to a chiropractor and frankly, I was initially impressed. She did a spinal adjustment and it helped enough to get me through the Christmas weekend with all of our family. The following week, she took X-rays and I am still going to her for adju
tments three times per week through this week. Unfortunately, I still have considerable pain at night and cannot get a good nights sleep.
This all sounds very familiar to you, I am sure, but it is new territory for me. That's one reason I was happy to find your site with its wealth of information . . . not all optimistic unfortunately. The exercises confirmed those that the chiropractor h
d prescribed . . the COX series for the management of low back pain. I will continue with the chiropractor unless there is no relief and in the meantime, I will stay "tuned" to your site. Thanks again, very much!
Rachel - 01/04/00 09:22:24
Just visiting. Great web site!
Matt McEwen - 01/04/00 05:15:49
My URL:http://www.monki.com
My Email:matt@monki.com
Hello, I found your page very informative and want to thank you for taking the time to put up your experiences. My sciatic nerve is affecting my right leg and lower back. Your definition of sciatica was of great help in diagnosing my disposition. I h
ve been to 3 chiropractic appointments and they really haven't helped at all. I'm currently trying to decide whether or not deep tissue massage is the way to go. My pain is becoming so intense that coughing, laughing, sneezing are becoming no no's. This
orning I couldn't even put on my own shoes. I was so embarrassed in front of my girlfriend. Coming from a 26 year old, sciatica struck me good and hard. Any recommendations for therapy? I really appreciate your time Matt McEwen
Adrienne - 01/04/00 03:54:03
My Email:whistler@aznet.net
I have been having lower back and sciatic problems for almost a year now. I have seen 3 different primary care docters through Kaiser (I'm learning why people hate Kaiser so much!) and have been told that i am just getting old (I'm 24!!!), that I just nee
to learn to live with it, that it doesn't matter what's causing it, and that I need to simply not stress (Ha!). I am about to see a new docter on 1-6-00 and I want to know how I should be advocating for myself. All that my docters have done so far is aut
orize an x-ray, prescribe ibuprophen, and send me to physical therapy (it took me 6 months to get that referal) where I have been given stretches to do and lumbar pillows. Should I demand (for the third time...) an MRI? Should I demand (for the third tim
...one docter told me that in Kaiser, orthopedists don't deal with backs unless it's for surgery) to see an orthopedist? What should I expect this new docter to do for me (besides patronize me and make me feel stupid and get annoyed when I ask questions
ike all the other docters I've seen). This affects me in some form or another every day and I want my life back. I had never in my life really been very physically active until thet last few years when I've suddenly realized that i actually enjoy it, and
ow i can't even clean my own bath tub without being in pain. I can't do karate, go camping, clean my house, or sit through my graduate school classes. I am dreading having to sit at the computer tonight to write a term paper. I fear what the pain and disc
mfort will be like 10 or 20 years from now if it is like this when I am 24. I fear the day that my husband and I decide to have a child and I have to carry around that extra weight. Will I be bed-ridden for 9 months! My father has irreversably lost all of
the muscle in his hand (his dominate hand at that) from a pinched nerve in his neck. My aunt died in her sleep at the age of 45 from a build up of morphine in her system from taking too much for too long for her back problems after her back surgery left h
r more crippled than before. So it infuriates me that none of my docters are as interested as I am in trying to prevent my problems from getting worse ( I was in the docters office the week I started feeling pain along my knee, and every step thereafter a
ong the way. It didn't do any good though because it took until I couldn't drive or work for a week 6 months after the initial pain for them to begin to take me seriously! So much for prevention). My emotional and physical well-being feed off of each othe
and I feel that I am caught in this downward spiral. What should I do, especially this Thursday when I go to see this new docter? It's hard to argue with your docter when you don't know what you should be arguing. Please help!
lynn - 01/04/00 02:20:28
My Email:fghweb@netdoor.com
I've enjoyed your website, and I hope we can all find something to help relieve this pain! I am 33 years old and have been diagnosed with arthritis and a "connective tissue disorder" for which no one has a name or special diagnostic test. I have also been
plagued with sciatica off and on for several years, which flares up with no warning. I am a nurse, and for 11 years I have been used to walking a lot on the job, standing on my feet, etc. I have recently started a new job that requires sitting all day and
working on a computer. I think this is what has aggravated this current bout of sciatica. It is the worst it's ever been. I'm taking Naproxen twice daily, and I'm going to see my uncle, the chiropractor, for help. So far, nothing's working. I have had a M
I in the past year or so, that says I have degenerative arthritis and some "protruding disk material" at L5-S1. Could this be the cause or source of my pain? Sorry this is so long...I'll accept any advice!!!!!!
Niki Britton - 01/04/00 01:48:40
My Email:nbritton@sprint.ca
Thanks for all the information..My mom has suffered from sciatica for the lasr couple of years. She never had it so bad as she did in Oct 99. It lasted 6 weeks, with severe pain down her right leg..She was on her back for the entire 6 weeks. She has had a
ct scan and it showed some nerve damage.We also took her to a Orthopedic doctor and he advised that she will never get an attack like the last one.Well he was wrong because she was just off for another week..We went back to the doctor and they also told h
r that she has bercitis in her hip. She also has a severe burning sensation all down her leg. She hates to even put jogging pants on as it just absolutely kills her. She can't even touch her leg at times.. Has anyone else's leg had a burning sensation lik
that? She also has heart problems so alot of the muscle relaxers that patients have she cannot.My mom can only take tylenol 3. I don't know what else she can do but live with this insaine pain. She did try physiotherapy at the end of oct and i think that
has helped abit. Now when she walks she has to drag her leg because that is where all the pain is..She actually has burned her buttox so bad from the tiger balm and heating pad, she has a burn mark for life now..Of coarse her doctors just tells her it wil
take some time.but how much pain can someone take. She also gets most of her pain in the night time. Why is that? If anyone would like to email me back and let me know if they have had these symptons that would be great.I hope u all feel better soon..
Niki Britton - 01/04/00 01:48:14
My Email:nbritton@sprint.ca
Thanks for all the information..My mom has suffered from sciatica for the lasr couple of years. She never had it so bad as she did in Oct 99. It lasted 6 weeks, with severe pain down her right leg..She was on her back for the entire 6 weeks. She has had a
ct scan and it showed some nerve damage.We also took her to a Orthopedic doctor and he advised that she will never get an attack like the last one.Well he was wrong because she was just off for another week..We went back to the doctor and they also told h
r that she has bercitis in her hip. She also has a severe burning sensation all down her leg. She hates to even put jogging pants on as it just absolutely kills her. She can't even touch her leg at times.. Has anyone else's leg had a burning sensation lik
that? She also has heart problems so alot of the muscle relaxers that patients have she cannot.My mom can only take tylenol 3. I don't know what else she can do but live with this insaine pain. She did try physiotherapy at the end of oct and i think that
has helped abit. Now when she walks she has to drag her leg because that is where all the pain is..She actually has burned her buttox so bad from the tiger balm and heating pad, she has a burn mark for life now..Of coarse her doctors just tells her it wil
take some time.but how much pain can someone take. She also gets most of her pain in the night time. Why is that? If anyone would like to email me back and let me know if they have had these symptons that would be great.I hope u all feel better soon..
Tyler Nay - 01/03/00 20:08:32
My URL:/soho/museum/3828/
My Email:tynay@eudoramail.com
Great site! I always like to visit the sites of those who've signed my guestbook, though, they usually turn out pretty... what's the word.. plain? I've always wondered what this sickness was. I've seen it in books many times, and now I know what it is!
Mary Christine - 01/03/00 19:54:50
My Email:robertc37@prodigy.net
Just what I've been looking for. Thanks for the help.
- 01/03/00 11:31:34
Micky - 01/02/00 19:16:11
Hi Mary, and all my fellow sufferers. I have been suffering for the past 3 weeks with my second bought with the dreaded sciatic dragon. Pain so great you just want to die and get it over with. While I have been diagnost with this and told that I have a he
niated disk I am still awaiting a MRI and conference with an Ortho surgeon. I have gone from being confined to my bed to crawling from bedroom to bathroom. I was finally able to sit in a wheel chair. After finally getting relief from most of the pain. I s
ffered a set back ONE DAY LATER! I have been so depressed just with the thought of what lies ahead. I have started physical therapy and TENS(which really feels good) My husband encourages and coaches me through the excercises. There is no comfortable posi
ion to sit stand or lie. Just to breath is a risk. I am 38 years old and have 3 children that I have to take back and forth to school. Driving is a whole other story. Please someone come up with a cure for this affliction so that those after us can find s
me relief with out feeling doomed for life. The numbness, tingling, weakness, sick feelings from the pain, the pills, the nausia from the pills, sleepless nights and days of exhaustion from the sleepless nights. I tell you I would rather have 3 more babie
with out any medication, than to have to go through this for any amount of time.
Let's keep up the good fight and keep looking up. Any help we find out there we need to share with one another. No-one understands us like we do.
Arnaldo Bannister - 01/02/00 11:04:37
Hi there everybody,
I am a victim for the second time in 9 years, i took six months to go last time (six damn months)and i didn't expect to experience it again. but i will say a little prayer for it to go.If anybody has any info please forword to janet29@tesco.net
muchos grasias amigoes
Ralph E. Maclean - 01/02/00 07:07:08
My Email:remfl@worldnet.att.net
My mother who is 75 just had her second bought with sciatica. I told her i would go out on the internet and find out about treatment. She was incapacited with pain and was taken to the emergency room. She was given tylenol 3 for the pain. I think that phy
ical therapy and eating fruit will probably help. She told me that the pain was unbearable and she could hardly talk. I think that the internet is great for people to share their experiences and help people suffering with the same problem, to avoid a lot
f unecessary running around. Thank you, Ralph E. Maclean
Carol - 01/01/00 21:59:10
My Email:crice@excite.com
It is a relief to find out what is causing this excruciating pain. Your site has been very helpful. I don't have much faith in doctors because of past experience, myself and other family members. I have found 600 - 800 ml Ibuprofen taken before bed hel
s somewhat.
donald gardner - 01/01/00 15:15:36
My Email:dglang@xs4all.nl
More a question than a comment. About is it advisable to exercize, to push the envelop of the pain a bit. In my case, swimming; felt a bit painful - like doing it but got extra pain that stopped me sleeping properly. As I'm just having my first bout of su
pected sciatica I don't know nmy way around and my GP is useless.
dottie roman - 01/01/00 12:43:03
My Email:dotsolr@webtv.net
need help for sciatic hip and knee problems
- 12/31/99 22:27:45
Lisa - 12/31/99 22:02:28
My Email:lisa7633@hotmail.com
Hi Mary...
I was looking up some information on sciatica when a search on ask jeeves located your site. Thank God there's a place where you can talk about this awful pain. I'm a 34 year-old woman in good health except for this pain in my back and left leg that comes
and goes, only this time it has been two months of pain. This time no back pain, only the left leg. I've really had a rough time of it because I'm a scientist and I spend a lot of time on my feet running around a laboratory. I've had a few days off becaus
of the holidays and I really need them. I really dread going back to work Monday because of all the running around. It really causes a sickening feeling in my stomach because I like and need my job. If worse to worse came to pass, I could get a desk job,
but I hate those. I want to work in the lab!! I just hope and pray that the pain goes away. I'm not taking anything for it, because I'm not a strong believer in drugs. I might try a little aspirin for awhile; ibruprofen makes me nauseous. I'm, trying a li
tle excercise, but that hurts, too. Just walking my dog is an effort. Thanks for your site, Mary, I'll come back and visit.
John A A Burns - 12/31/99 18:42:50
My Email:jockburns@ukonline.co.uk
Len - 12/31/99 16:33:59
My Email:kokanee@netidea.com
Susie - 12/31/99 05:01:37
Thom - 12/30/99 22:30:59
My Email:ThomBelasky@Prodigy.net
Thank you Mary for some very good and helpful information.
Andrew T Nulty - 12/30/99 20:32:12
My Email:anulty@email.usps.gov
I am experiencing my first acute, long-lasting attack of sciatica. Your site is the only one I have found so far that offers self-help and exercises instead of gadgets. Thanks!!
Todd Fleming - 12/29/99 21:46:26
My Email:Tjax8@aol
I'm glad to see a sight like this. I had a doctor visit and was given some anti-inflammatory meds I don't think my pain is over, my son is 8 months
dror - 12/29/99 19:21:07
- 12/29/99 18:39:15
David Neves - 12/29/99 17:46:39
My Email:studlydoright1@hotmail.com
Paul Merrett - 12/29/99 16:32:32
My Email:merrett1@juno.com
I have had recurring sciatica for several years which, until recently, responded to chiropractic spinal manipulation. This time it's not and the almost constant dull pain is getting me down.
Chris Wisehart - 12/29/99 15:12:47
My Email:Chris_Wisehart@hotmail.com
Seeking help for my wifes pain.
Pete - 12/28/99 14:30:58
My URL:http://www.legalmed1.com
My Email:cwdb@swbell.net
I believe that my sciatica stems from the pressure of the piriformis muscle. It overlies the sciatic nerve and attaches to the top of the femur (at the trochanter). When I cross my L leg over R (knee/knee) I can feel pressure pain over my gluteal area. La
t week, I reached too far to mail through car window and had to take 400mg IBUPROFEN. I started a 200mg/tid (3 pills)/dy to reduce inflammation and then I am going to get a softer chair to better distribute the weight because I think this started in '97 w
en I was on a boat for several days in a sitting position. Am going to med library this morning to check on what medical journals have on the subject.
Kevin Alexander - 12/28/99 03:58:48
My Email:kevin.alexander@worldnet.att.net
seeing doctor, no diagnosis yet, but sciatica seems the most logical
Dean Roosevelt - 12/28/99 03:37:18
My Email:dean.roosvelt@sympatico.ca
I just wanted to say that it's always nice to know that you have a lot of fellow-sufferers...sometimes, just thinking that you are on your own is one of the worst aspects of these things. I am really relating to a lot of the descriptive experiences I hav
been reading on the guestbook.
Barbara - 12/28/99 02:28:05
My Email:barern@directweb.com
Keira Fine - 12/27/99 23:00:04
My Email:keira@interlog.com
I believe that I suffer from Sciatica, though I have never been diagnosed with it. One question I have is how do I go about getting diagnosed correctly?
But so far what I've read on your site tells me that Sciatica is what I have, and I hope to find more info on your website. Thanks!
maureen - 12/27/99 21:43:27
My Email:reenie104@netscape.net
Hi, I haven't even looked through your site yet, only been through the guestbook, and I feel better knowing there are others that understand this PAIN!!! I am 18, and no one really understands someone so young having a back problem. I just had an MRI to
ay, and my doctor has indicated that if it shows what the cause is, he'd likeme to have surgery because I'm so young and he doesn't want me on painkillers all of my life. I have tried therapy with little success. The only thing that has really helped wa
a steriod pack I took for 6 days when it first started, along with a muscle relaxer and vicatin. Unfortunately, this isn't a permanent solution because it's unhealthy to be on steriods for too long. Id really appreciate it if anyone could give me infor
ation on surgical procedures and alternative treatments, anyone had successful surgery? I keep reading horror stories about botched operations! Chiropractic has helped either, it has been constant pain for weeks now, especially when I first stand up or
it down, any shift in weight puts my entire left side in terrible pain, I walk around bent over like my grandma! Does the pain ever let up for awhile, or is it cinstant once it has started? Any advice woulf be appreciated, thank you everyone for sharing
your stories, it's nice to know that someone understands. My email will be eileenks@gateway.net subject maureen until mid January, when I go back to school. The address at the top of my entry is my school email, after Jan 13. Good luck everyone!
PS anyone think we should all buy stock together in aspirin, since we give them so much business? They seem to take the edge off, but I'm sure my doctor wouldn't approve of the amount I use!
billy - 12/27/99 21:41:31
My Email:simpleman59@hotmail.com
i made it through christmas and my first experience with sciatica.the doctor gave me a steroid based shot and a 6 day presciption of prednisone.once the nerve is aggrivated does it usually come and go?
Thos. Marvin - 12/27/99 15:44:23
My Email:tomjoad@prodigy.net
Very informative and slihtly depressing, your site. I appreciate anyone who can share info and experiences so categorically, on the web and for free, without making it some yakky forum. the comments from others just show how deceptive and layered this
alady can be. Thank you.
Nitin - 12/27/99 00:33:37
My Email:niting@yahoo.com
Thanks for spending time to write all about this not so deadly, but painful disease. I am one of millions suffer from this disease. I read all of your pages on this and agree so much of what you have to say. I had my back surgery in March of 1997 by Neru
sergeon. He operated on my low back (L5) and also did the bone graph by taking a bone from my left hip.
Nothing has changed. I still have lot of pain in my left thigh and foot. I can not walk for too long, cant stand for too long and cant sit in certain position. I have tried exercies that you have written about, taken pain killers and still suffering.
I was reading the Sunday Parade section of the news paper and I found a little informacial kind of article in which they were trying to sell the book which cost about $14.95 + $3 s & H. I wonder what they have to say about this disease.
I read your resume on your website and I wanted to tell you that I am in computer field for 18 years. I started out as programmer/analyst and now I am Project manager. I worked with ALC and COBOL and RPG and PL1.
Thanks again, if you like to reply, please do so at my email address.
alan gotch - 12/26/99 15:28:55
My Email:alango@waitrose.com
thanks for providing such a useful site for sufferes of this terrible afflication. I'v had sciatica and lower back pain for 8 years now; since falling on my back whilst playing with my young son. I've had a discectomy and been through most of the convent
onal traatments. It's important to know that you are not on your own with this condition and to keep trying to beat the pain and discomfort and to lead a normal life. this site is invaluable in that. Thanks.
paul - 12/25/99 23:04:33
My Email:sunpaul2@hotmail.com
very informative sight have had pain for 4 or 5 months and getting worse trying to figure what it is and how to fix it have tried about everything that I can think of thanks
Iswarduth Sawaram - 12/25/99 05:25:49
My Email:isawaram@intnet.mu
James H. Carter - 12/24/99 00:12:53
My Email:ls161@prodigy.net
Good site, very informative I bookmarked it for future reference.
James H. Carter - 12/24/99 00:12:08
My Email:ls161@prodigy.net
V. Baggett - 12/23/99 00:02:38
BARBARA LEWIS - 12/22/99 03:25:54
Nancy - 12/21/99 22:01:48
My Email:ifixstaff@summit.net
I am a masssage therapist and haven't yet been to a doctor-- don't have a lot of faith in mainstream medicine-- but am coming to the conclusion that I have sciatica. My grandmother had it- does it run in families? Aspirin helps me. The thing about Tylenol
is, that it may work on pain but it is not an anti-inflammatory. For those who mention degenerated disks, has anyone tried Glucosamine and Chondroitin? I am a vegetarian and can't, as they are made from animal products. They were originally used for arthr
tis in dogs, then tried off-market in people; it is said to work wonders, help to restore, or at least keep from further deterioration, the cartiliage between joints which tends to become dry and brittle as we age, and if we do not drink enough fluids dai
y. Which most people don't. I'd also try another chirporactor, one who does not fall back on acupuncture. So many of them seem to have fallen in love with it, but it ISN'T chiropractic.
Elinda Dennis - 12/21/99 19:14:05
My Email:edennis@dhostetler.com
I also have a lot of pain/stiffness in the front part of my upper thigh, especially after sitting for extended periods. There are times when it is most noticable when getting in bed for the night. I cannot seem to get comfortable. Laying on my stomach
eems to relieve it for a time, but not for long.
Stephen Eriaku - 12/21/99 18:35:17
My Email:seriaku@airserv.org
Just been diagnosed with sciatica, complete with xray of a really thin lower disc. Can it grow back? Can I go on flying ( I'm a pilot), can I swim, can I jog, can't I bend over and do my own housework? Talk to me somebody.....!
Edwin Taylor - 12/21/99 17:25:07
My Email:sassy@provide.net
Hi, I suffer with pain sometimes I can't walk, the pain is down my left leg. I had two operation in the last eight years. I am 71 years old, well I guess that I will have to put up with it the rest of days here on the earth. I walk everyday for exercise t
inking that this will help, since the weather has turned cold is worst. I live here in Michigan and the weather changes every 24 hrs. Please send some information that will be helpful to me.
Thank you kindly,
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Edwin Taylor - 12/21/99 17:11:21
My Email:sassy@provide.net
Sally Esarey - 12/21/99 15:00:16
My Email:sesarey@lincolncapital.com
I have just completed 3 weeks bed rest - first time with sciatica. DR says I have classic case -
Tony A - 12/21/99 05:56:01
My Email:toeknee@myworldmail.com
Well, finding your site was just what I was looking for and immediately offered me some relief - but did it? The initial relief resulted from finding I was not alone but that was short-lived due to the realisation that this thing could stay with me foreve
. I thought it was just a freak occurance but now I know otherwise. Wow! And this thing hit me a week ago and I was expecting to wake up any day and be better. But now I know this is not the case either.
For a pain killer I have been using Panadiene Forte (paracetamol/codiene) and have had some satisfaction. I will try the Tyrwhatever as well. Also, I get quite a bit of relief with Feldene (anti-inflamitory). Other than that I am pretty pissed! However, b
ing pissed doesn't help.
Good on ya for putting in the effort for the rest of us.
Sydney Australia
scott - 12/20/99 19:20:01
My Email:nicniks@bigsky.net
Thanks for the info on sciatica. One thing you may want to add to this is info about physiotherapy. No problem though-I'll find out in a minute. Thanks.
clark Nichols - 12/20/99 13:11:46
My Email:cnichols@ci.phoenix.az.us
Thank you for this site! Had my first epidural
inj. a week ago (12-13-99), and was getting better until this morning. MY GOD I didn't know it could hurt this bad! Have noticed that if I keep the Ibuprophen going it helps ALOT.
Margaret - 12/20/99 12:57:06
My Email:vin887@nji.com
I started doing research on sciatica because my mother has had severe lower back pain for over 2 weeks. After reading your website, it sounds like a classic case of sciatica. She has had a bone scan and an MRI that were inconclusive (but the tests seemed
to aggrevate her condition!). As she had cancer 25 years ago, they are now sending her to an oncologist! She should have stayed home and taken asprin and not have had to endure all this worry. I will let you know what the result is.
Ernest - 12/20/99 11:53:33
My Email:Edspacey@aol.com
Christine - 12/19/99 21:00:22
My Email:cyberchic@nmo.net
I am happy that I found your page. I am 18 and was injured in a school sport and now I have continuous back pain. I went to a chiropractor who told me that I have a bulding disk. I am in alot of pain. I would hate to go to through this pain all my lif
. So, I am beginning my physical therapy and I am on medications which help somewhat. Sometimes the pain is too much for me.
Burt - 12/18/99 18:41:33
My Email:bnkidorf@worldnet.att.net
How do we get exercise info?
Anita Martinez - 12/18/99 02:53:51
My Email:ajmartinez40@prodigy.net
- 12/18/99 00:36:02
- 12/18/99 00:21:58
David Haynes - 12/17/99 19:58:53
My Email:haynd@ozemail.com.au
Thanks for an informative site!
Judy Mihill - 12/17/99 03:43:25
My Email:Mihilld@aol.com
Im not sure whatis wrong with me, but when I saw your definetion I am wondering if maybe that is the problem. I did have a back ache at first, actually it felt more like a catch in my back. It went away,but about a week later I started to have pain in my
left leg. I am taking cosamine DS
Judy Mihill - 12/17/99 03:27:37
My Email:Mihilld@aol.com
Im not sure whatis wrong with me, but when I saw your definetion I am wondering if maybe that is the problem. I did have a back ache at first, actually it felt more like a catch in my back. It went away,but about a week later I started to have pain in my
left leg. I am taking cosamine DS
rita o'connor - 12/17/99 02:02:20
My Email:tomandrita@home.com
Tank you so much for taking the trouble to do this. I'm recovering from a total knee replacement on my right leg, and started this sciatic pain on my left side just four days ago. Not feeling very mobile!
Geoff - 12/16/99 20:37:06
My Email:g@wynns.screaming.net
I first discovered this site a couple of months ago. It helped a great deal to hear that I was not alone, I can relate to so many of the experiences of other sufferers. I was at my wits end and totally racked in pain, gradually increasing the strength of
my painkillers and finally taking the largest daily dose of the strongest pain killers (KAPAKE) the doctor would prescribe, in addition to self prescribed ibuprofen and soluble aspirins when absolutely desperate.
I am 41 and used to have my own successful commercial garden landscaping and maintenance company. Due to my condition I was unable to keep the company going and I am now unemployed.
About four months ago I treated myself to a new mountain bike so that I could go riding with the kids. As usual I overdid things, and after the first trip out I found myself totally paralysed, and was to spend the next three weeks face down on th
room floor. I had to pee into a milk bottle, lying down, as I couldn't get to the toilet; barely any sleep for three weeks and with my screams of agony keeping the rest of the family awake most nights. It felt as if my left hip and the outside of my cal
had been smashed with an iron bar, with numbness and pins and needles in my calf and foot. Eventually I took large doses of aspirins, ibuprofen and paracetamol and struggled to the local Doctor.
The only incident that I could recall was a fall, that I had had at work, six months before, and that my leg had been numb for several hours. I had thought nothing more of it at the time, but I now think that was when the damage was probably done.
I had
een in such good health all my life, I had only seen the doctor once before, when I registered with him some fifteen years ago. The doctor did not, and has not to this day, carried out any examination. He told me that I had very severe sciatica, prescribe
ibuprofen and told me to "take baths with salt in the water?" I was told to make an appointment with the local National Health Service physiotherapist (I was told that I would probably get my first appointment in about three months time), a great help! I
was also to arrange an Xray.
I phoned the physiotherapists and told them of my situation and was surprised, that as my case was urgent they could fit me in the next day.
Up until two weeks ago I was seeing the physiotherapist at first twice weekly and then once a week. I had manipulation, exercises, acupuncture and traction all aggravated the condition . In the mean time I kept going back to the Doctor to try to
et som
painkillers that would actually work; every visit to be told "what do you expect me to do about it," eventually I ended up on KAPAKE which do help a little when the pain is at it's mildest.
My Xray showed a narrowing of the space between L4 and L5 and the physiotherapist has told me that I will most likely need to have an operation to cure the problem. I have been issued a small Tens machine that helps a little (don't those batteries
run do
n quickly), and I have an appointment to see the specialist in three months time. What an efficient Health Service we have in this Country! Ha Ha.
At present I take my first painkillers about an hour before trying to get out of bed in the morning and never really know what to expect; either, not being able to get out of bed at all, getting out of bed and limping around in the shape of a ban
na, or
on good days, getting up and just limping around. Some days I get up, just limping around, try to get in the car to take the kids to school and eventually end up back, face down on the floor, in agony again for the rest of the day, the cycle then continue
the next morning.
One thing that I have discovered, that works better than anything else for me, is to ride a stationary bicycle. Even If I have to crawl to the bike in pain, and slowly force my legs around, eventually I can cycle fluently and I keep going for half
an hou
or so at a time. I keep my back dead straight and when I get off the bike I find that I have usually straightened up completely, and can move around or even sit down in a chair, virtually pain free for several hours at least. I have tried to do at least
hree sessions a day.
The past few days I have managed to cut down on my painkillers and I will gradually try to cut down even more over the next few weeks. Obviously your body gets used to the dosage of pain killers so they will work much more effectively again should
the pa
n increase drastically, and I need to up the dosage again for a short period.
My new mountain bike is still sitting here as I still can't manage a second trip out on it! We are desperately struggling financially now that I have no work, but I am hopeful that some way, some how I will be able to work again come the spring.
Good luck to all sufferers I can sympathise, I wish that all can have a reasonably comfortable pain free Christmas.
donald gardner - 12/16/99 19:40:19
My Email:dglang@xs4all,nl
b.b. - 12/16/99 18:05:22
b.b. - 12/16/99 18:04:53
ely - 12/16/99 04:46:47
My Email:eefay@dellnet.com
thanks alot. I have been doing some of these exercises but will add the new ones. ely
Ken Heimer - 12/16/99 01:36:35
My Email:kenheimer@cs.com
gimpy - 12/14/99 13:03:39
My Email:samsade@northnet.org
thanks for sciatica info. agrees with my experience over the years. Caution! Long car trips, especially as the DRIVER, must be avoided.
The foot on the pedals doesn't get to move much, and it is like reverse traction -- the spine gets
compressed asymmetrically. I have been overconfident once or twice. If you must travel a
long distance, allow time to stop, get out, and
exercise. Better yet, find a part of the world you like and travel only by foot! I am 65 and injured a disk in my 30's. Since then, I have done much heavy work with NO problems. Once in a
while, I forget (especially early AM), and bend or
twist too suddenly (eg to pick up a sock!) and
BINGO. Two-three weeks of pain and slow back to
heal. good luck -- sam
Corrinna Kearsley - 12/14/99 08:13:41
My Email:corrinnak@yahoo.com
I am 26 (recently) and am a music teacher and 'Cellist in a school in Scotland. I started having severe pain in my knee about a week ago - eventually I was directed towards my sciatic nerve as being the problem. My main worry is that it might be a recurr
ng problem - the pain killers that do the trick are di - hydro codeine but they make me feel very blurry!!
I have found that putting a cushion beneath the small of my back so that my hips become raised, and slightly tilted, has helped to rid of some pain in my knee.
Please let me know if it is likely to be recurring - I haven't been able to play the 'cello for a week now and am missing it!
Thankyou in advance
Candy - 12/14/99 03:22:02
My Email:candy978@hotmail.com
Mary- you have done us all a great service. I am 21 years old. Finishing up my last year at college. About 7 weeks ago my right foot went numb. I was sure I had something growing in my back. I still am not sure. I have gone to see a Nrse practitioner...my
doctor was too busy. Ans now I am on a waiting list to see a neurlologist. I. however, feel that Sciatica is the cause of all my pain. I however, have excuciating pain if i stand. I am thinking It might be a slight case of scoliosis. Nevertheless, I have
ad this pain, less sever for about 4 years now. I really don't know what to do. As everyone has said before, it is unbearable. A cure must be found. Sciatica sufferers UNITE!!!
Respectfully submitted,
C. Danziger - 12/13/99 13:43:18
My Email:keyroyal@gte.net
Hope it works
rob grant - 12/13/99 09:07:08
My URL:http://www.internetnorth.com.au/~robaria
My Email:robaria@internetnorth.com.au
Thanks for the information on sciatica.
Kathy - 12/13/99 02:19:21
My Email:plumberswife@cybrzn.com
This has been a helpful site. I'm going to try the exercise suggestions. I hope it works, right now I'm taking naproxen and carisoprodol. My doctor wanted to try this for a few days to see if anything gets better. It's been two days and the best posit
on is sitting on a hard chair. I even slept at the kitchen table for awhile. The pain sure makes life hard. With 3 kids and all their activities and Christmas I don't know if I'll be able to do it all. I feel like I'm disapointing everyone, because of
all this pain.
mark mason - 12/12/99 20:05:22
My Email:mmason@supanet.com
very informative. Personally, awaiting MRI scan and hoping that the pain will eventually stop!!
Joan - 12/11/99 17:05:46
My Email:jobob80@cvn.net
First time on your site. I have had sciatica for about 4 years now. Developed it from my job (sitting at a computer all day), I guess. Went through the MRI & orthopedic doctors. They said they couln't really find a disk problem. I don't understand what i
causing the pain. Everything I read says a back or disk problem. Today is Saturday Dec 11. I was up almost all night last night. That seems to be when my pain is at it's worst. It wakes me up at night, it is TERRIBLE!Can a person function without their s
iatic nerve? Sometimes I just want someone to remove the nerve from my left side. I have done the exercises and taken the pain killers & nothing works. It always comes back. Visiting your site & reading your guestbook has reassured me that I am not alone
it has given me new hope that I CAN get some relief from this "horrible beast" that has inflicted itself upon me. Thanks.
Jean Kendall - 12/11/99 16:57:07
As a first time sufferer of sciatica, I found your information extrememly helpful - thankyou
Kuba Tatarkiewicz - 12/11/99 13:23:42
My URL:http://www.apple.com.pl/kuba
My Email:tatarkiewicz@earthlink.net
Just wrote my wekly column to the Polish edition of Computerworld on sciatica and gave URL to your fantastic page. This column will be published on January 31st, 2000 - please check at http://www.computerworold.com.pl. Sorry, in Polish only...
Thanks for real help when my wife got sciatica and nowhere I could find reliable info - until I visited your page!
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year,
Kuba Tatarkiewicz
Boston, MA
Debora - 12/11/99 03:57:23
My Email:debora13@earthlink.net
I've had back pain for about three months now and I'm beginning to believe it's sciatica. Have you ever had an MRI? Do you feel it's necessary to determine sciatica? I went to one orthopedic surgeon and he made me feel like I was an idiot. I've had ph
sical therapy with many of the exercises you suggest and it did relief some of the pain. Sitting for any period of time is very painful. I'm on pain killers most of the day. Is there nothing else to do besides the exercises you've recommended?
Beverly Walton - 12/10/99 16:04:47
My Email:bjwalton@pacbell.net
I am not really sure what is wrong with me, but this seems the closest without actually going to the doctor. My left hip really hurts, but I have a pain which seems to go right stright down the middle of my leg, including my knee and then continuing on d
wn to my ankle.
I will try the exercises and appreciate you went to the trouble to provide this information.
g.sparrow - 12/10/99 13:29:22
My Email:g.sparrow@which.net
Found your information most useful.
- 12/09/99 17:27:43
Rose Cotton - 12/09/99 17:23:18
My Email:iamdrose@tampabay.rr.vom
i don't know how you got a ferniated disk but i had a history of slip disks once every tow years. i would go to a chiopractor and in a week or two i would be fine. the last chiropractor i went to made it worse after two weeks . i then went to a orthapedic
surgen and after xrays and mri and nerve test he stated i had a herniaded disk. i had no trauma to my back????he said i need surgery or i could try cordizone shots in my back well that worked fine forst one lasted nine monthe the second one lasted five mo
ths the third one lasted one month now i am taking neurontin 300mg one three times a day with no effect so i am taking pain killers to i am 64 years old and i am trying to avoid surgery. thank you for reading my story .
- 12/09/99 02:54:46
Allene Bradt - 12/03/99 21:15:17
My Email:bradta@tklaw.com
don salvia - 12/03/99 19:17:24
My Email:dsalvia@optonline.net
Chris H - 12/03/99 18:59:04
My Email:gentleo4@home.com
I am in my thirties, and have had sciatica for 10 years!! Been thru Xrays, physical therapy, chiropractor, physical medicine-rehab, and on medications. I am just plain living with it!
rhonda - 12/03/99 18:25:59
My Email:ronnie8901@msn.com
jeanna - 12/03/99 17:34:14
My Email:Antone@acninc.net
I am on my fathers computer. I have a question about my back problem. I have 3 herniated disks, juvenial epiphisitis, and scoleosis. I get shots in my back form my uncle who is a docter. He calls the shots "pro-lo therapy". He injects phenal,novacaine, an
sugar water into me. He puts them into my ligaments,in the lower region of my back and my butt. The pain hasnt stopped, and he cant really tell what is causing my pain. I sometimes have pinching that goes down my leg. I was just wondering if you would
uggest i try different treatment. I have been in the rest of my joints also like my fingers,knees,shoulders,and neck,but my back hurts the most. I am only 16 and cant play any sports. I cant even vacuum. I am on codine for the pain but it didnt work enoug
so i am not able to attend school now. What do you suggest? one thing i might want you to know is that i was in gymnastics for six years and then they found that i fractured a vertabrae. Maybe that will help you a little. Do you think ill be able to eve
work out again?
Marie Tyndall - 12/03/99 16:17:15
My Email:marielt@habitat.co.cr
jennifer trayner - 12/03/99 13:04:31
My Email:jennifer.trayner@talk21.com
Thank you for your help. I will be trying your pain relief suggestions - straight away!
Robin Marks - 12/03/99 05:04:21
My Email:robinm@iolinc.net
Going on six days now,very very uncomfortable,sometimes getting desparate! Robin
Thelma - 12/03/99 01:08:00
My URL:/heartland/oaks/6739/index.html
My Email:t.ricard@sympatico.ca
I found your site very interesting as I have suffered a severe sciatica attack two years ago.
Good Luck!
Thomas Traub - 12/02/99 23:29:17
My Email:tptraub@ix.netcom.com
Sciatica is a new problem for me. It doesn't happen all the time, mostly when I sit in one place for a long time, like driving a car. I haven't talked to my physician about it yet, but it sure sounds like the sciatic nerve is causing the problem.
Jeanne Gorman - 12/02/99 21:34:26
My Email:reg67@hotmail.com
Today is the first day I've read your website. It is interesting indeed. I will visit again. I left you an email. Hope to hear from you. Hope you are feeling better.
Cindy - 12/02/99 18:37:06
My Email:airelect@msn.com
Suffering from sciatica for approx. 2years (2 compressed disks in lower back) Severe pain in left leg. Been seeing chiropractor for approx 1 year. This has helped some but never total relief. The pain gets so intense that it consumes your life. I foun
that hanging from a chin up bar to stretch the spine helps. Sometimes I lie face down on the dining room table and hang over the edge. A rolled up towel (small kitchen or hand towel - roll it from end to end leaving a small gap in the middle for the sp
ne - place it the small of your back just above the hip region - place your legs over a rolled up sleeping bag; Try this anywhere from 1 minute to 15 minutes - no longer than 15 minutes). Also alternating heat & cold every 5 minutes helps the flow of blo
d/oxygen get to that area. Heat should be moist heat - Ice pack on the side of pain. I am now getting angry and fed up with the pain; I have every intention of overcoming this. I have researched and read just about everything I can get my hands on. Ti
e, patience, diligence, and most important keep a scheduled routine of stretches DAILY. You must take the time. Thank you for sharing. People who have never experienced this sort of pain just can't understand the toll it takes emotionally and physicall
Holly C. Clark - 12/02/99 14:59:18
My Email:hcc@uakron.edu
I have not seen a doctor---and after what I've been through recently with the doctor/insurance war---I probably won't until I've tried some things I can do on my own for relief. I described my pain to others and all gave me the same diagnosis.Thanks for
our web site.
Claire Bannerman - 12/02/99 14:34:30
My Email:bannerman.claire@mailcity.com
Dale Ross - 12/01/99 23:36:48
My Email:daleross@asu.edu
I believe my sciatica problem was caused by accidently doing the 'splits' while playing vollyball. It has been about three months now since my injury and I still experience pain mostly when I first get up in the morning and in the evening hours before go
ng to bed. Playing tennis, basketball and baseball has been laborously painful,, but I have been told that I should not stop being active and besides,,,, I love sports and playing with my children.
I am frustrated that I am not improving more rapidly and am concerned about the dosage of ibuprofen that I have been taking and what it might be doing to my internal organs. I am also frustrated by the fact that I don't believe my doctor is familiar with
this injury.
Anyway,,, enough about me! Thank you for your information, it has been most helpful and I am anxious now to incorporate more fruits into my diet like you suggest to see if I can improve any faster!
Dale Ross
Glendale, Arizona
b - 12/01/99 17:53:05
Candida Mundo - 12/01/99 01:47:28
My Email:cmundo@mailcity.com
I am 36 years old and I started having the sciatic pain when I was 23. Actually, right now I am taking Celebrex to alleviated, but for two months I have been on PAIN....
A. Smith - 11/30/99 23:38:02
My Email:smitha@netcom.ca
First time visiting. Thanks for all the info, as I'm trying to cope with this frustrating and recurring problem.
peggy kovalcheck - 11/30/99 18:27:44
My Email:earston@helicon.net
- 11/30/99 16:32:22
- 11/30/99 08:44:41
Kent Schaefer - 11/30/99 05:26:27
My Email:schaefer@rockisland.com
A friend of mine is experiencing a lot of pain in his left side lower back, thigh and knee. The pain begain after several days of wheel barrowing gravel. The pain has been bad for three weeks now and he refuses to seek help. I suspect Sciatica.
Thank You.
m. patrick - 11/29/99 23:29:41
My Email:mpatric6@bellsouth.netTh
Thank you for all your help.
Vanessa Difranco - 11/29/99 23:21:14
My Email:Difranco@zeus.bwh.harvard.edu
I visited your page to find out information about sciatica because my teacher for Internet Business Applications is out tonight bedridden with sciatica. I hope that both you and him feel better and find a way to get rid of the pain once and for all. Goo
Todd Zinsmaster - 11/29/99 22:31:38
My Email:toddzins@aol.com
I've been having pains in my left leg. A friend suggested that it could be a Sciatica Nerve. After doing a quick search on the Internet I found your site. I appreciate the info & I'll start taking aspirin & stretch accordingly. Thank you!
Fay Striker - 11/29/99 06:20:21
My URL:http://magicaldreams.net
My Email:sotherngal68@netscape.net
My name is Fay. I too have sciatica, and I strongly agree with you on its less painful to stand than to sit. I have never felt pain like this. It is like my whole left side won't ever wake up from my hips to my feet. The pain is definitely excruciatin
. It's especially painful when I'm driving down the road, and I get an attack. Ouch!!!!
It all started on Nov.1st. I distinctly remember the date well, because it was right after Halloween. I went trick-or-treating with my kids, and I walked an awful lot that night for 2 1/2 hours. But I didn't feel no sort of pain until the next day.
nd boy let me tell ya, It was unbearable. I didn't know what it was. I thought my muscles were stretching because of all that walking I did the night before. Because I'm not used to walking that much for that long. I let this pain prolong for 2 weeks
hoping that it would go away. To my dismay, it never did. So, then I went to see a doctor, for I could not bear the pain any longer. He told me I had sciatica, that my sciatic nerve was irritated. He recommended phsical therapy. He also gave me pain
killers. They did not help me any. The pills are called methylprednisolone. They are so small. They don't even look like they would be effective. They are only 4mg/tablet.
I can't even do some things with my kids. It hurts even to walk sometimes, but it's worse when I sit, as you may well know.
I just wanted to share this with you. One sciatica sufferer to another. I too am an exception with sciatica. I am only 31. I just wish this AWFUL PAIN would go away. I am to the point of tears everytime I have an attack. I just don't know what to d
Thank you very much for listening.
Frank Lomas - 11/28/99 23:47:48
My Email:FrankLomas@aol.com
Thanks for the helpful site. I was Diagnosed with two herniated discs 11-4-99. I had minor leg numbness but no severe pain. All the pain was in my lower back,buttock area.This past week starting 11-20-99 the pain in my leg was getting worse. The 23,24&25
he pain worsened to severe. I could not move any position was painful. The Pain is less today 11-28 but seems to be going into my calf.I am a male 36 years old.
Thanks for the info,
Frank Lomas
Dan Wisor - 11/28/99 21:43:21
My Email:danl2@webtv.net
still suffering pain past three years and several epidurals later.Ive had accupuncture,hands on,sacro wedge,chiro,PT,yoga,swomming.Im running out of ideas.How about outpatient surgery?I hope this page takes off.There is a great need to share this info. Th
nks Dan
Dan Wisor - 11/28/99 21:41:32
My Email:danl2@webtv.net
still suffering pain past three years and several epidurals later.Ive had accupuncture,hands on,sacro wedge,chiro,PT,yoga,swomming.Im running out of ideas.How about outpatient surgery?I hope this page takes off.There is a great need to share this info. Th
nks Dan
- 11/28/99 15:51:16
Marcia - 11/28/99 05:05:38
My Email:1steinm1@tampabay.rr.com
Your website is the most informative I have found. My husband (53 yrs)is currently experiencing severe pain in both sides (hip, leg, calf, etc). He developed this after a fall 2 wks ago and is now going through the 'routine'...tests, rest, various medic
tions, etc. So far, no relief. I appreciate all the comments from others as it let's him know he is not alone, altho he became more depressed realizing how long some people have suffered with this. He is not able to exercise at this point due to the sev
re pain, however, we are taking note that most of you have stated this WILL get better, even if not permanently. Again, thank you so much for all the information.
Elizabeth - 11/28/99 03:27:52
My Email:Psiwacket@aol.com
I'm new to this problem, but not new to chronic health troubles. I have Addison's disease brought on by an autoimmune reaction. I've been wondering if this latest problem isn't from autoimmune problems again. Thanks so much for sharing all this info . :D<
Ed Pujol - 11/27/99 19:54:09
My Email:ed.blagrave@worldnet.att.net
Bob Oskandy - 11/27/99 18:05:14
My Email:roskandy@ix.netcom.com
I am grateful for your site. I am 52 and have pain only in my left calf area. It is worse in the AM and seems to lessen as the day wears on. I have been diagnosed with Sciatica but do not have the normal symtoms - no back, hip or thigh pain. I have tak
n no medication yet and use moderate exercise to stretch my left leg. I am not sure if what I have falls into the general category of Sciatica, yet pain is pain no matter what you call it. I just want some relief and would prefer to exercise it away rat
er than consider and kind of surgery. I once read somewhere that if the pain is below the knee it indicates that the source of the pain is not releated to the lower back. I don't know - does anyone else have a similar problem? Thanks again for your sit
Wanda Fleming - 11/27/99 13:43:46
My Email:wfleming@cmc.net
Thank you for the helpful information. I'll try your suggestions on exercise, pain killers, etc., and will check back for more suggestions from time to time. Thanks again for your efforts!
irma mascorro - 11/27/99 03:04:48
My Email:franie1@ccosmo.net
I'm really enjoying reading your site about
sciatica. I have severe sciatica on my right leg,
plus I just recently had neck surgery for a
herniated disk(double whammy)!! I'm currently
in physical therapy. Your site has some additional
remedies that I haven't learned about in physical
therapy-- thanks!
Feel free to e-mail me back.
Thank you.
Gaby Travaline - 11/27/99 02:55:48
My Email:gabytrav@hotmail.com
Your site has been very informative----THANK YOU! I hurt and I'm 28! I agree that including the age range most likely to be tortured by the "Evil" sciatica nerve to be the 40's and 50's in its definition,is misleading to us gals(OK,guys,too)in our 30's,2
's, and even teens!! It's been only within the past year that the word Sciatica has been introduced into my vocabulary and with steadily increasing frequency. Thanks again for all your info! I will most definitley benefit from the generosity of your webs
te as I'm sure will many others of all ages! OUCH!!!!!
irma mascorro - 11/27/99 02:31:00
My Email:franie1@ccosmo.net
I'm really enjoying reading your site about
sciatica. I have severe sciatica on my right leg,
plus I just recently had neck surgery for a
herniated disk(double whammy)!! I'm currently
in physical therapy. Your site has some additional
remedies that I haven't learned about in physical
therapy-- thanks!
Feel free to e-mail me back.
Thank you.
JCTBenner - 11/27/99 01:47:09
AMY - 11/27/99 01:32:14
My Email:AGemini66@aol.com
Hi! I've just discovered your web page. I went to the doctor ONCE. He ruled out sciata as the pain did not radiate to my low leg. It remains in my but and thigh, usually on the left side and after strenuous excercise. I am self diagnosed and only 33.
've noticed it's gotten worse with the gain of weight. I'm concerend that if i get pregnant it will be excruciating. ANY ADVICE IS WELCOME.
Steve - 11/27/99 00:08:42
My Email:steve.is@iname.com
Hi ya Mary. I'm fairly new to the wonderful world of Sciatica, so fining your website has been very useful to me. As you mentioned, most other sites seem to be mainly trying to sell something or other to sufferers and haven't been of any help. Please keep
the site going and updated and let's hope someone somewhere comes up with a real solution to our shared problem.
Thanks ! :o)
Bonnie Shurtleff - 11/26/99 19:35:55
Just trying to find something to help relieve the
Shirley - 11/26/99 13:24:47
My Email:921103@ican.net
Hi Mary. Thank you for the information you have put together on sciatica. I just had x-rays done for it and until now I thought the pain may have been related to Lupus of which I have. Like everything else with Lupus I took it in stride to do the best I c
n with living with the pain. In one respect I feel relief of somewhat, because even though I have mild lupus I was never sure of when anything I endure was related to it. Now I am waiting for the results and my doctor has suggested physiotherapy to help a
On a different note. When I was with my doctor I mentioned other pains (elbow, shoulder, ankle) and he said that was related to a mild form of Lupus arthritis. So going to my doctor for one thing, I got help with another. I have a lot of respect for my d
ctor and he has always steered me in the right direction of doing what I had to do. I do not go to him for ache/pain as my Lupus is at a mild stage (hope to keep it like that for quite some time). I do what I feel is right for me and am able to cope.
You web site was very informative as I have never heard of sciatica until now. The symptoms you described for yourself I have also. I have even walked on the balls of my feet for a short time to alleviate the pain. Sometimes I feel like a spiral coil unwi
ding just to get my body mobile again after sitting, (being a student can be painful at times, lectures for instance):)
Keep up the good work you have done with your web page. I am sure to visit more often now that I have your page bookmarked and know of its existance.
arlene gifford - 11/26/99 02:03:19
My Email:graywolf82@juno.com
- 11/25/99 15:37:14
laurie Pierleoni - 11/24/99 23:42:34
My Email:lwpierl@a-znet.com
Kim Filipas - 11/24/99 19:51:43
My Email:modtec@crown.net
Sent you an email...thanks so much
Deborah Boutilier - 11/24/99 15:37:58
My Email:dboutili@spartan.ac.brocku.ca
my sciatica developed after being in a coma for three weeks. i have never had so much pain in my life. right now, i'm sitting in my office with the door closed, crying and wishing i were dead
Paula Herrero - 11/24/99 08:50:39
My Email:p.herrero@wd.vnu.com
Mary, thank you so much for your information on Sciatica. It was a great help to me to have more information because my husband has been suffering for quite a while now and I didn't really understand what he had. Once again, thanks and good luck to you.
mitch - 11/23/99 18:07:26
My Email:mostrom@redbird.net
i have been having sciatica for 10 plus years. some flares r worse than others but all r very painful! i was pleased to b able to come to this site for more info. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 11/23/99 15:42:38
- 11/23/99 15:42:21
John Rakoske - 11/23/99 13:46:10
My Email:jptr@aol.com
Paul R, Bair - 11/23/99 11:34:26
My Email:pbair@csrlink.net
KEVIN THOMAS - 11/23/99 11:06:10
My Email:leoniet@bigpond.com.au
Have suffered with severe left leg cramps for
5 years, continued standing or slow walking seems
to be the worst.A short sit down and the pain
goes away. The whole thing is a bloody nuisance.
Sheryl Ward - 11/23/99 00:39:32
My Email:wardoznz@starwon.com.au
TOM - 11/23/99 00:14:26
Pat Carter - 11/22/99 22:09:49
My Email:pcarter@megalink.net
Danielle le Gear - 11/22/99 18:17:24
My Email:dlegear@lqa.com
I think I had something like a trapped nerve in my back years ago , it went away by itself after a few years. Last Friday it returned with more intensity than before. i am in agony, especially trying to sit or sleep. My left leg is sore & my arms & hands
re weak too. I'm seeing a doctor today to get help - your page was inforamative & gave me things to ask my doctor - I will try the excercises ASAP. I am disppointed to hear this could be a chronic disorder - I'm hoping its not. I feel very angry, weepy &
xhausted. Wish me luck!
Rachel Guzman - 11/22/99 17:49:21
Thank you for your time & effort.
John Braghini - 11/22/99 14:37:08
My Email:johnbraghini@att.net
Bob - 11/22/99 13:40:53
My Email:r.cripps@bham.ac.uk
brenda field - 11/22/99 12:20:37
My Email:bfield.
thank you so much for your help on sciatica very much appreciated
Dina Barnes - 11/22/99 06:09:24
My URL:http://www.yourhands.org
My Email:tdbarnes@enid.com
Just wanted to say Thank you for your sight. Very informative. I have been suffering for more than a year and have recently suffered from muscle spasms in the butt and hamstrings on both sides. Massages help with that, but have had dificulty releaving
he pain caused by the sciatica. I have been to doctors and chiroprators and even was getting chiropractic adjustments three times a week. He thought that I have a bulging disk and that is what is causing the nerve to be pinched. Some other folks I have
spoke with that also have suffered say it also could be die to emotional stuff or stress. A nerologist prescriped Darvaset and muscles relaxers for the pain, but they didn't work much. He also prescriped an anti depressent. That is suppose to help keep
me calm I guess and over a period of time taking it will maybe take it away. I haven't been able to do any exercises for a month because of the muscle spasms, but I am going to start doing them again. They are the same ones that the chiropractor told me
to do. When the pain got real bad a month ago and I started to get spasms, the right foot and ankle area now have a numbness/tingling feeling. The chiroprator says that if left alone to long I could loose function of that foot. He already says that I h
ve what they call a lazy foot. Doesn't bend all the way or something like that. Well....I just wanted to say thanks and post what I am going through and pray that if anyone has any thought on it, they would write me. Thanks again for this sight. I am
o glad to know that I am not alone and there is some hope of this coming to an end!! God Bless <><
mike endsley - 11/22/99 04:29:21
My Email:msendsley@redshift.com
Beverly Jackson - 11/22/99 03:59:50
My Email:softsit@aol.com
Hi, been in bed 3 weeks with 2 ruptured lumbar
disks. Sciatica NOT going away after two
nerve blocks in the hospital, and 1 chiro treatment and 2 acupuncture treatments (5 to go).
Any ideas how I can get out of bed again? I
am out of work, et al. 3 weeks of cortisone too,
and where do I go from here? HELP!!!!
Kerri Coleman - 11/22/99 03:05:37
My Email:dmc@molalla.net
I am looking for information on this condition to help my husband. Thanks for your help!
Kerri Coleman - 11/22/99 03:02:48
My Email:dmc@molalla.net
TOM - 11/22/99 00:13:42
TOM MC CANN - 11/21/99 23:50:43
Mary's daughter - 11/21/99 14:52:37
Hi Mary! My 81 year-old mother, also named Mary,
has just recently been diagnosed with Sciatica.
With the help of my daughter, age 11 (and you) we are putting together a Sciatica reference book to give my mom on Thanksgiving. THANK YOU & GOOD LUCK
Sondra Widland - 11/21/99 13:53:47
My Email:Sonie310@indy.net
I have a herniated disk that is pressing on my sciatic nerve causing a tremendous amount of pain. I am trying to keep from having surgery. I am reading Dr. Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain the Mind Body Connection. I really think what he says about stre
s and repressed anger is right on the mark. I am trying to think pschologically instead of physically but sometimes it is hard when the pain is so overwhelming. Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks.
Sondra - 11/21/99 13:49:27
Thomas Smith - 11/21/99 13:39:15
My Email:tomson@eisa.net.au
I've Just found your page.I'm very new to computing. At age 69 I've just developed what has been described as sciatica. It apparently resulted from deterioration of the spine. I do Tai Chi regularly and after each session the pain resolves for some hours
so I intend to try some of your exercises. Sitting here is getting painful again so will stop right now. I'll visit this site again before long.By the way I live in Melbourne Australia.
David Shingleton - 11/21/99 12:54:41
My Email:David Shingleton@Hotmail.com
Thanks for your very informative web page paticularly the excercises.I dont feel im suffering this by myself.
Hilda Horvat - 11/21/99 02:35:00
My Email:hhorvat@earthlink.net
My husband has been suffering not from any back pain but sciatica down his behind, leg and heel to the point where he cannot move because of the severe pain. This has been going on for almost a month. Anti inflamatories seem not to be helpin. He is otherw
se quite healthy and strong, but this has him baffled. He likes to be physically very active and often take Vicodin so he can get some work done. I want him to visit a chiropractor. He is with an HMO and of course his doctor is the kind that will not give
him a referral because that could do more damage according to him. So now my husband is scared to go. I will read up on more of the subject and perhaps get a little more educated. Myself I always prefer alternative before I will ever go to a medical docto
If you have any input, it is welcome.
Joye - 11/21/99 00:52:05
My Email:law_john20@juno.com
I found your web site very helpful. My father suffers from severe sciatica pain, With out any help from Dr's I"m at a stand still I will inform him of things i read on your site. Thank you Joye Kane
David Shingleton - 11/20/99 09:02:04
My Email:dshingleton@hotmail.com
steve douglas - 11/20/99 03:36:59
My Email:topspin256@aol.com
Hi...my name is steve and I live in Virginia Beach, Va. I am currently suffering from what I believe is sciatic nerve pain (2.5 weeks now) and came across your site. I am a 45 yo male and somehow hurt something while just beginning to run after a tennis
ball. I was just 2-3 steps into my persuit of the ball when it happened....I will now browse your site...thanks
Doug Whichard - 11/20/99 01:15:19
My URL:http://www.nikken.com/pages/019736200
My Email:Doug_Whichard@5Pillars.com
I just found your site and it has been very helpful and informative. I had a discomfort similar to those described while training for a marathon a couple of years ago. I was introduced to magnetic shoe inserts and other magnetic products, started using
hem with wonderful results. I have since become a distributor and helped others get relief from their various discomforts and have better sleep, more energy and relief from the stresses of everyday activities. Keep up the good work and if you would like
more info, let me know.
Jo - 11/19/99 23:19:59
My Email:DMistryWoman@hotmail.com
Hello! I was surprised to find your site because I had searched 'sciatica' before and never saw it! THANKS SO MUCH for putting it up! Just knowing there are other fellow 'sufferers' helps!
Your information seemed to relate to what I have been experiencing over the last couple of months ~ PAIN in the lower back, but more so now, felt as an aching, deep, hurting pain in the right posterior butt/thigh and radiating down my outer leg to m
foot. There is a constant tightening of the muscles, but getting in the hot tub (very hot) or having someone use a vibrator on the muscles, does seem to help!
It is so hard to sleep lying down without waking up the next morning all sore in the spinal column and neck and hardly able to walk!!! And to sit in a chair to sleep, gives me a sore lower back and spinal column, but makes it somewhat easier to get
p and go in the morning! The mornings are especially painful to try to stand, walk, sit, etc.! I don't take any pain killers and never have for anything, ... so I just try to gently stretch, (which is so very difficult) and is probably what caused my
roblem in the first place ... the use of an exercise video!
I am going to try a chiropractor this coming week who uses massage therapy , and hope that it will get me back into alignment or at least feeling better and more limber! I want to add that young men who do carpentry, etc., and carry heavy nailbags,
etc., around their waists, also get sciatica. I believe I made mine WORSE over the last month and a half by over-doing all-day hiking and long standing on my feet with heavy waist equipment for the mountains. I would get this hurting in the past, but
t tended to go away after a few hours with rest! Now it has permanently stayed!
Thanks again for letting me state all my aches and pains!
Olie Chavez - 11/19/99 22:14:52
My Email:babyboomer2@hotmail.com
I tried using a pillow under my knees last night and was practically pain free falling asleep. I stumbled onto your site and think your info and experiences extremely valuable. I've now found a computer to print out the exercises which I plan to implement
immediately. I too experienced pain beginning in my 20s and now in my 50s it's going strong unfortunately. Good luck to us all!
Trisha - 11/19/99 00:58:33
My Email:dorffi@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for putting this page together!! It's the first page I've found that explains the symptoms I've experienced. I usually have numbness in one thigh and at times severe burning, pins and needles type sensation. But, after looking at yo
r pages, I feel alot better knowing that there are somethings I could do for it. Thank you very much!!
Akexa - 11/18/99 23:02:09
My Email:lodestar@qwestinternet.net
A helpful overview
Olivetta Chavez - 11/18/99 19:40:48
My Email:babyboomer2@hotmail.com
David Howlett - 11/18/99 12:33:52
My Email:davidhowlett@yahoo.com
I had suffered with sciatica four years ago and then after getting out of the car awkwardly four months ago its back again. I have been told that acupuncture can help. Has anyone out there had any experience of acupuncture and if its helped them or not
David Howlett
gaz birkett - 11/17/99 23:56:38
My Email:GAZ2217@ic24.net
Hi there,
my name is gaz from the uk,as i speak i have been off work for 5 weeks origonally with an acute back
pain,not able to bend,lift,stand straight,put my socks on etc.
the pain was in my lower back,then went to my left
buttock and thankfully almost dissapeared.
i have been seeing the physio twice a week and said that i wished to return to work,he advised me not to rush back.
by friday last week the pain had returned,it had moved into my left leg from my groin to my ankle
and was that painful that i had to lay in bed until tuesday.
the pain is like a continues cramp which is that bad it begins to throb for days.
someone has told me it sounds like sciatica and that they suffered for 15yrs with it until they had acupuncture,have you heard of anyone that has been cured with that type of treatment.
i would be gratefull for any advice.
this is the first site i came across after typing
sciatica on ask jeeves so i am sorry that i dont know your name or your location...thanks...gaz...
Rod Jones - 11/17/99 23:42:43
My Email:rod55@ix.netcom.com
Thanx for putting up this page. I have been dealing with serious leg pain for about 2 1/2 mos.
My friend referred me to a book called Pain Free written by Pete Egoscue. He has a clinic in San Diego that I've been going to that has changed my whole body alignment which is taking the pressure off the nerve. Buy the book and consider coming down to
he clinic. People from all over the world come to see this guy. His techniques are like nothing you have ever heard of I'm sure.
His website is www.egoscue.com Ph. 8587551075.
Take care,
Rod Jones
Mairead Farrell-Folan - 11/17/99 19:38:51
My Email:farrfol@hotmail.com
Thank you for taking the time to provide such a web page. I have suffered from back pain for months as the result of a car crash and have met many surgeons who are not very sympathetic. At least now I know I'm not alone.
Sincerely, Mairead farrell-Folan
steven sims - 11/17/99 00:14:05
My Email:eagle1@penn.com
Thanks for your information on Sciatica. As you
know it is a REAL pain. Keep up the good work
- 11/16/99 23:16:03
- 11/16/99 23:16:02
Anne - 11/16/99 15:36:36
My Email:mum-cook@msn.com.au
Hi Mary,
It's 2 o'clock in the morning and I'm waiting for the pain killers to kick in before I go back to bed and try to get some sleep. In the six weeks since this started I've only managed to sleep through the night twice. I have a herniated disc (L2/3) conf
rmed by CT scan but no pain anywhere near there - it's all over my left hip and down the top of the thigh and into the groin. Part of the thigh is completely numb - you could stick needles into it and I'd never know! Luckily there hasn't been much los
of power but the more I do, the worse it is. My neurosurgeon seems very confident that it will get better by itself "eventually". Meanwhile I have had an epidural cortisone injection which seems to have eased things a little although it was so ghastl
that I'm not sure I could go through it again.
This sort of thing is supposed to happen to OTHER people - not ME!!!
Thanks for providing a place where my whining can get a sympathtic reception - it DOES help.
Denise Johnson - 11/16/99 09:08:27
My Email:Dpraise@mindspring.com
Just arrived at the site. May have comments later.
Kim Ramirez - 11/15/99 21:08:16
My Email:kramirez@duncanmail.com
Great site! This is exactly what I was looking for. I have had severe attacks daily for years as I have arthritis and the sciatica is one of the side effects. Super site. Thanks so much for all the info.
Kim :-)
maria l. chavez - 11/15/99 02:45:10
My Email:lanena100@hotmail.com/lanena_2078@yahoo.com
I've had sciatica since I was 17 , I am 21 now and I just wanted to get some information on exercises and diets to make the pain better. I have noticed that the cold wheather makes it worse, does that happen with you to.
Rick James - 11/14/99 22:48:19
My Email:Rwjames777@aol.com
i just started my bout with sciatica. I am not having fun. I was weight lifting four days a week and taking karate one day a week. I was doing a stiff-legged dead lift with 185 lbs. A sudden pain shot across my lower back. I went to my chiropractor.
I have had back problems for about 15 years. Usually I go in about once or twice a year when I have a problem. This is the first time the pain went down my leg. It moved from myupper right buttocks to my thigh to my calf to my shin. Sometimes my whole
leg aches. I can't believe how weak my leg feels, even thought the muscles are very strong. I am 51 years old. I just had X-rays taken Saturday. Will get results Tuesday, probably. I am hoping this does not go on for months. Thanks for your site. I
is at the top of the list in Savvysearch.
Rudy Munoz - 11/14/99 18:25:28
My Email:damram@home.com
- 11/14/99 17:24:01
Jane - 11/14/99 14:39:27
My Email:bjcovton@webtv.net
This is the best site I have found yet. Thanks for all the information.
Jane - 11/14/99 14:35:28
My Email:bjcovton@webtv.net
This is the best site I have found yet. Thanks for all the information.
Tom Vondell - 11/14/99 13:37:04
My URL:http://www.cashsite.net
My Email:Cashsite1@aol.com
Wonderful site-keep up the great work!
jack - 11/13/99 21:44:06
My Email:jdevault@stic.net
peg - 11/13/99 19:11:57
My Email:deutschfrau2@yahoo.com
Doc has been confused whether I have a sciatic problem or bursitis. However, on this last exam, sciatic was diagnosed. I will begin seeing a physical therapist as soon as I can get in. My track of pain doesn't seem to follow the generally acceptable path
f a sciatic problem. Most of my problem is in the left buttocks area & outer left thigh. Sometimes the pain will radiate to my inner left thigh and sometimes down the outer thigh to about my knee. I also sometimes have pain in my left lower back along wit
the thigh pain. It's very inconsistent. Sitting and laying are worse than standing. However, sitting in an office type chair seems to be MUCH better than on a sofa or other soft chair. Most times the pain is more of a burning sensation.
I've had this pain about 6 months now. Then, just about a month ago, while walking down some stairs, I injured my left knee. (Perhaps from protecting my left hip/thigh?) My doc thinks I have torn my anterior cruciate ligament. So, now I have this pain on
op of the hip/back/leg pain. I am going to see an ortho guy for the knee. After the exam (yesterday) my knee is really painful, but I'm not having much problem with my sciatic problem. I thought if the pain wasn't consistent, on a daily basis, or in the s
me places, it couldn't be a sciatic problem.
Ibuprophen has been recommended, but I'm not getting much relief. However, I wasn't taking for days -- only would try once & if they didn't work, I'd just suffer. I do like percogesic (for "enhanced" relief of pain). They will make you somewhat drowsy, bu
my pain is much relieved & that's about all I care about once I am in that much pain.
Thanks for this page! I've gotten more helpful info on this page than any of the other sciatic pages!!! Please keep updating -- I'll be patient, LOL.
BTW, I'm 45 -- usually a stay-at-home mom (I have a 7 yr old at home) and grandma (I have 2 grandkids); but right now I'm working in an office that requires a LOT of up & down the steps during the course of the day. NO FUN for my leg/hip/knee/back at all!
Sue Wood - 11/13/99 09:11:07
My Email:suewood@mweb.co.za
Found your information interesting and reassuring that there is someone else out there suffering from the same pain.
I am just despondent that there does not seem to be a real "fix" for the problem!!!
mel bolling - 11/12/99 21:39:22
My Email:melbolling@yahoo.com
Thanks for all the helpful info. I am currently in physical therapy treating this condition but have been disappointed with the lack of progress associated with recovery. I am just starting to educate myself on the severity of this condition and am grea
ful for your website. I mostly have pain in my left leg but started out with some pain in my lower back. The doctor and the physical therapist don't think that my spine is causing the problem. Instead they have been concentrating on the piriformis and
lute muscles. I hope that their diagnosis is correct but to be honest with you I am a little concerned and will be seeking a specialist's opinion very soon. Fortunately this is a work related injury and is covered by workman's compensation. However, I a
still aggravated because I am unable to be as active as I would like to be....ie running, hiking, etc. I'm sure you can relate. Anyhow, thanks again for the helpful info.
Beverly DaRe - 11/12/99 20:22:06
My URL:http://enter.net
My Email:gdhairbd@enter.net
I am so thankful that I found your web site. My doctor said I have sciatica but didn't explaine much about it. I'm in pain trying to sit here and read about it. Can't stand long either. I am going to read the rest of the things on the site. I thought
I was alone with this PAIN.
Val - 11/12/99 19:42:41
My Email:val@shepherd10.screaming.net
Thank you for all your info. I surfed through so much junk which did not help me in the least. I hurt my back 5 weeks ago and now have sciatic. Getting in/out of my car is murder and as for work, people find it hilarious as I try to stand, without scre
ming out, and grabbing my left cheek of my butt to try and ease out the cramp-like pain. No matter what I do it seems to just aggrevate it - the only relief is when I am in bed!! Will this ever go away??????
Jim Gallien - 11/12/99 17:17:11
My Email:jimig@ridgecrest.ca.us
Just starting to get the back (small) and leg pain in both buttocks and legs.
Judy Lipinski - 11/12/99 14:48:28
My Email:jlipinski@elk-grove.k12.il.us
Anita Gruberth - 11/11/99 12:29:11
My Email:anita004@bellsouth.net
JanithS. - 11/11/99 02:30:22
My Email:gsteinerjr@hotmail.com
Mary, thanks for taking time to put information together. I suffer from sciatica due to an auto accident May, 1991. I have done the acupuncture, chiropractic manipulations, physical therapy, epidural injection, stretching exercises, walking, TENS, stres
management, pain management, and medication. I am grateful to all of you who have taken time to post a note. At least I know I am not alone or "it's all in my head." I have tried six different NSAIDs and the only one that works for me is Daypro, howev
r, I know people who swear by Relafen, Ansaid, Celebrex, Lodine or Oruvail. I also take a muscle relaxant and other medications for sleep (I also have developed Fibromyalgia -- another "typical progression of the major trauma I received in the auto accid
nt." On a positive note, I keep active with walking, exercise, choir, and keeping up with my "normal" husband. Keep up the good work on this website.
Thanks, Mary and all you others -- Janith S.
- 11/11/99 00:59:44
Adam Swales - 11/11/99 00:59:09
My URL:http://www.szinc.com
My Email:info@szinc.com
Thanks for all of the great info and insight. This sciatica is quite a predicament, isnt' it? In my case, I just woke up one morning with periodic muscle spasms running down my right leg. From my butt, to the outer hamstrings and the calf. I did not kn
w what was going on, so I tried to just "play through it." Big mistake. My calf got so tight it felt like concrete, and I believe I may have done some nerve damage due to the incredible tightness of my calf. Then I went to the Dr. and he gave me a ster
id and a shot, and the pain subsided in a few days. However, the calf weakness continues and I can not get up on my toes, my foot just kind of collapses. My advice to anyone would be to certainly see a physician before exercising. It appears I might ha
e done some damage that could have been easily avoided. The site is very informative, and if anyone knows of some exercises to increase feeling n my calf, please let me know. I would be eternally grateful.
Rhonda Knox - 11/10/99 17:04:57
My Email:cl88mg91@gateway.net
I have been having severe pain for about 1 1/2 years now. I have had several MRI's, including one that tested for MS, that did not show any compressed or pinched nerves. I have also had a Mylogram (which I will never do again) that again showed negative
results. I know that the pain is not in my head. This started from me bending down to get money out of my purse back in December, 1996. I felt a pop behind my left knee and could not walk correctly. I finally went to an orthopedic about 1 month later.
He did a MRI on my knee, again with negative results. It has progressed from there. By September, 1996, I was taking medicaion daily for the pain. It has progressed to where I am today. I am a red belt in Tae Kwon Do but have had to quit temporarily
ecause of the pain and I have no flexibility. Anything that you can tell me would be greatly appreciated. I am only 35 and have been in constant pain now for almost 2 1/2 years. I would like to have a normal life again. Thanks for your website.
ellie mulloy - 11/10/99 16:45:35
My Email:ellimae1@.jps
Anything I can find out about relieving the pain would be helpful. HMO isn't to helpful. Thank You.
Witnee - 11/10/99 03:26:51
My Email:witnee@jps.net
Hello again, Left an entry w/o saying anything until I was able to contribute SOMETHING. I am
a Sr.citizen w/sciatica pain for almost two years
now. I am on a "very powerful" pain releiver AND
a muscle relaxant and can take up to 4 dozes every
day. I don't like the idea of being on drugs too
much and am down to 1 a day (sometimes 2 if I have
a lot to accomplish later in the day).
Any other help for me from anyone out there?
- 11/09/99 21:50:59
Kinnear Macdonald - 11/09/99 18:50:59
My URL:http://mac@carlingcot.freeserve.co.uk
New member - my wife Lilias has just had a severe knee pain which has been diagnosed of sciatic origin.
Jenifer Paul - 11/09/99 15:58:31
My Email:jenifer57@hotmail.com
I'm seven and a half months pregnant and have been having back pain for about 3 months now that has gotten increasingly worse. I just recently realized it was sciatica from reading about it in a pregnancy book. I know mine is only temporary, but it's st
ll very painful! I logged on to your site in the hopes of finding some way to relieve the pain.
ed - 11/09/99 00:54:33
My Email:edjones@erols.com
- 11/08/99 23:02:14
Geoff Wynn - 11/08/99 18:48:57
My Email:g@wynns.screaming.net
- 11/08/99 15:32:44
My Email:emce85@hotmail.com
- 11/08/99 15:02:56
Gogineni - 11/07/99 22:00:01
My Email:maneeshvenkat@yahoo.com
I thank you for giving us usefull information about Sciatica.Though I am suffering with sciatica
I am beeing treated by Dr.Laveen M.D.I am given
vioxx,which is giving good relief.
If you could give me any suggestions,I would happy
to follow them.
Waiting for your help in this matter.
Elaine Betts - 11/07/99 15:08:50
My URL:http://www.ebetts.com/
My Email:e@ebetts.com
Sciatica associated with THR (Total Hip Replacement--visit my Patiet Diary of the surgery at www.ebetts.com).
My sciatica results from a boon, the replacement of both hips, and lengthening of one leg. Straightening the spine has caused sever distress on the left sciatic nerve.
Unfortunately, some of the exercises on your site are beyond my cpabilities due to restrictions as to how close to my thigh my trunk mad be (90 degrees max!).
Iyengar yoga helps! (search for this version of yoga on the web. It's directed to, among others, those with physical disablities. Props (such as straps, blocks, and bolsters) help make exercise possible. Walking is helpful. Even riding my bike helps.
For me, it's a question of remaining in one position too long, and having to adjust my muscle tension after changing positions. Thus, sleeping always causes pain as I attempt to arise and move about.
Thank you for helping with clear, concise, real-world experiences.
Max Shapiro - 11/06/99 22:47:38
My Email:Readenlaff@aol.com
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your excellent and very helpful information site about sciatica. I am 67 and have been in excellent health, very active, no health problems at all. Then, early this year, after working in my community garden, I came down with classic sciat
ca symptoms: pain in my lower left side of my back, radiating down my leg, affecting various parts at different times. Sitting eased it, but walking 50 feet or so brought it on. Pain varied, but was excuciating at times. I had six chiropractic visits,
hich brought only moderate relief. I was then scheduled to undergo therapy treatments, but before my first visit I got hold of one of those medical magnets and strapped it on. At this point I had been suffering two or three months. 36 hours after appl
ing the magnet, the pain dramatically dropped maybe 75 percent and then quickly went away altogether! A couple of months later the pain suddenly jumped to my right side!
This time the magnet didn't help and I decided to tough it out. After a few weeks this pain went away too. Now, I suddenly had a recurrence on my right side yesterday; a few steps brings on very sharp pain. Hope it doesn't become chronic, but we'll see
My screen name comes from a humor column I write for a poker magazine called Card Player (Read 'em and Laugh). If you care to, you can access it on the Internet by going to cardplayer.com and clicking on articles.
Max Shapiro - 11/06/99 22:47:35
My Email:Readenlaff@aol.com
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your excellent and very helpful information site about sciatica. I am 67 and have been in excellent health, very active, no health problems at all. Then, early this year, after working in my community garden, I came down with classic sciat
ca symptoms: pain in my lower left side of my back, radiating down my leg, affecting various parts at different times. Sitting eased it, but walking 50 feet or so brought it on. Pain varied, but was excuciating at times. I had six chiropractic visits,
hich brought only moderate relief. I was then scheduled to undergo therapy treatments, but before my first visit I got hold of one of those medical magnets and strapped it on. At this point I had been suffering two or three months. 36 hours after appl
ing the magnet, the pain dramatically dropped maybe 75 percent and then quickly went away altogether! A couple of months later the pain suddenly jumped to my right side!
This time the magnet didn't help and I decided to tough it out. After a few weeks this pain went away too. Now, I suddenly had a recurrence on my right side yesterday; a few steps brings on very sharp pain. Hope it doesn't become chronic, but we'll see
My screen name comes from a humor column I write for a poker magazine called Card Player (Read 'em and Laugh). If you care to, you can access it on the Internet by going to cardplayer.com and clicking on articles.
- 11/06/99 19:38:33
Dianne Leonard - 11/06/99 18:37:52
My Email:deeleonard@earthlink.net
L. Lewis - 11/06/99 15:25:44
Thank you for such an informative site without all the medical jargon. I found a lot of useful information.
Will Richards - 11/06/99 04:37:59
My Email:wjrsan@abs.net
Great site Mary
- 11/06/99 04:25:19
Robin - 11/06/99 00:14:19
My Email:rroyea@hotmail.com
Great site. I have had sciatica for almost a year. diagnosed myself after looking on the web. Went to my doctor and she agreed, refered me to a pt for an emg (ouch) then that came back abnormal, sent me for an mri and that came back with a herniated disk
n the l5,s1 area. Already seen a neurologist and says i am a candidate for surgery. The pain is so bad that i am considering it. its constant, from the middle of my left cheeck to my ankle. they said the muscle in my foot is mostly deteriorated. Well any
ne wanting to chat feel free to e-mail me. Robin
Michael - 11/05/99 22:11:37
Good site Mary! Glad to see you're trying to make a difference for those suffering from Sciatica.
FYI, My sciatica occured as a result of Karate injury when I was 23-- that was 10 years ago. I live an active lifestyle and sometimes manage to keep the pain at a minimum for quite awhile. However, I find it is imperative to keep up with appropriate bac
excercises. Because just when you think you've got it beat, the pain returns. And no one wants to hear you (or me) constantly complaining about back pain.
Jane - 11/05/99 20:07:20
Thanks for your useful advice - I had a bad fall five years ago, no structural damage but scar tissue and last week had referred sciatic pain for the first time (yippee!! :-( Will try those exercises, they did help a lot before (so why did I stop?!) Best
f luck with your back - it is the world's most miserable condition, isn't it?
sharon - 11/05/99 19:26:36
My URL:http://m
My Email:Ygilda@aol.com
I have just been diagnosed with sciatica. You have the best and most helpful web site. I started on your exercises this morning and immediately felt some relief. Basically the exercises are all out of yoga, though I am sure there are plenty of yoga asan
s one should not try with sciatica at least when it is active.
- 11/05/99 18:10:03
- 11/05/99 11:41:05
Anne Heck - 11/05/99 01:48:41
My Email:aheck@mindspring.com
Hi Mary -- I have scoliosis and have been working with my body to relieve sciatica pain. I've been fortunate enough to cross paths with Pete Egoscue who has given me complete relief from the pain. He has written "Health through Motion" and more recently
"Pain Free." He offers exercise menus that help to get my hips into proper balance and it's worked wonders for me. Of course, I keep up with the exercises daily. Thanks for your info. I hope this note will help others.
mary - 11/04/99 22:53:46
My Email:mdr940@aol.com
Suzanne - 11/04/99 14:49:00
I have had sciatic pain for the first time, starting this week (early days you might say) thank you for your site it has given me an insight as to what to expect.
Jennifer - 11/04/99 03:29:54
My Email:gmez@uswest.net
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am a 26 year old Coast Guard veteran suffering from Sciatica and OsteoArthritis. I know what you mean about being young. Sometimes I cry my eyes out thinking about all Im missing because I am constantly in excruciating pain. Ant
-inflammatories dont work on me. I will try your suggestion with fruit, however. I am tired of the drugs the VA gives me to alleviate pain, because they hinder my quality of life. I am in school and this sciatica is effecting my life and my grades. I see
physical therapist, but when I leave there, I am in more pain than before. I've gained 35 lbs since I got this terrible injury. I just want my quality of life back. Have you gone to a drier climate and noticed the pain alleviates? Ive noticed it...is tha
common? Jennifer
linda - 11/04/99 02:38:06
My Email:lindatony@mindspring.com
My husband first began having sciatica pain about two months ago. For years, he has occasionally had his back go "out" but never had experienced sciatic pain. Because we are uninsured, he has not yet visited a doctor. When we discovered your website, w
were glad to know that he is not the only experiencing this pain. However, he is also depressed that there is no magic answer to this painful problem. Seems that everyone has tried everything, without much relief. Also, he used to do lots of bicycle r
ding. Is this good therapy or will it increase the pain or prolong the recovery? We just saw an ad in the paper for two D.O.s offering to "relieve sciatic pain with orthopedic injection prolotherapy/pain management". Is anyone familiar with this proced
re? Thanks for your site and any information anyone has to offer.
- 11/03/99 22:59:22
Ari Adduci - 11/03/99 21:45:51
My Email:glaeschia@aol.com
Howdy there! I came to your web site to try to gain more written information concerning pain relief through means of massage therapy as I am writing a report for National Holistic Institute. I saw that acupuncture and chiropractic care didn't work for y
u, but have you thought of trying massage therapy? I know a massage won't make the problem go away, but it can certainly alieviate some of the pain. Good Luck!
John Nienaber - 11/03/99 15:34:43
My Email:jrnienaber@aol.com
I am 51, retired, and very active. Five weeks ago I hastily lifted a large object incorrectly and since I suffer fron an incredibly sharp pain down my left sciatica nerve, sometimes past my knee. Hopefully the exercises that I will view will guide me to
Iman - 11/03/99 05:33:03
My Email:inasser@yahoo.com
Thank you so much for your suggestions.
Cindy Fllikkema - 11/02/99 19:36:56
My Email:maboc@vaxxine.com
Very helpful webpage. I have had severe sciatic pain from the time I was 2-3 months pregnant, and now my baby is 4 months and I still have this horrible pain. I was very active in sports and now any simple task seems to aggrevate it, I wonder if I will e
er be able to move freely again. So far I have tried massage therapy and chiropratic care but it doesn't seem to help. Hopefully the xrays that I am having done will help pinpoint the problem therefore help with the cure. Thanks for the info.
kathleen - 11/02/99 19:31:15
My Email:kathleen@prolog.net
Just lo
Jaime Ramirez - 11/02/99 15:59:42
My Email:jramirez@intellistor.com
Dolph - 11/02/99 14:14:47
My Email:dolphajf@aol.com
Frank Crain - 11/02/99 09:03:41
First time experence, woke up in pain, thanks for the info. I am 42.
cathy - 11/02/99 02:10:06
My Email:delgrosso@sympatico.com
kelly - 11/02/99 01:25:39
I'm so glad to finally find a sciatica website! I've had it for about 8 years- it never seems to leave completely, although I run regularly and stretch faithfully every day. Running seems to keep it at bay- the pain stops after a mile or two and if you re
lly stretch afterwards it gives you relief for a while. I have heard acupuncture can cure sciatica, so I'm going to give it a try. I'm very cynical about this- I heard the same about chiropactic, and wasted lots of time & money.
Did anyone hear a broadcast on the CBC Radio-(last year) about a doctor in Colorado Springs who has a great successful rate with a technique called "Active Release Technique"? I only caught part of it, but it sounded like this guy could actually help but
can't find him. I think it was Avril Benoit interviewing. Please leave a mssg here if you heard the broadcast or have any clues as to his identity!
The only other long-term relief I've heard of is a cortisonne injection- the woman who told me about it said it cured her sciatica for about 10 years but getting the shot was worse than giving birth. She said she'll do it again, though because the pain is
coming back. My (largely useless) doctor says cortisonne is a last resort. Yeah- eight years of pain has isn't enough!
Thanks for the info- I enjoyed your website.
jcclunie - 11/01/99 22:01:13
My Email:jcameron@yahoo.com
I have pain in lower back, right hip and thy and
both knees after I do such household chores as digging, raking leaves, lifting compost bags etc.
I run about two miles five days a week but am begining to have thy pain after about a mile.I also do "low back pain" exercises which my wife's doctor gave her some years ago. I rcently read an article in Forbes magazine about exercises with alarge ball. I
wonder if that approach would help
and where I might get more information. Do you have any thoughts on the subject?
Teresa Heighton - 11/01/99 20:18:02
Found your web site very interesting also had a problem with the yahoo coming up. thank you
- 11/01/99 16:47:52
Ron Johnson - 11/01/99 16:12:37
My Email:ron.johnson5@sympatico.ca
Anna-Greta Pearl - 11/01/99 03:16:15
My URL:http://www.techshowcase.nsw.gov.au
My Email:annagreta.pearl@business.nsw.gov.au
Hi there,
I was researching on the net for my reflexology assignment regarding system disorders and helper reflexes.
I have read and researched via medial books but was not happy with the results regarding Sciatica. Most were just too detailed. Once I found your site though, my worries were over! Stuff those medical libraries *grin* ... but don't tell the med students
I said that!!
The only comment would be that you do not permit copying of your text so I am unable to edit it in word and have to retype it, also I am unable to move around the net afterwards. You should also allow for additional researching once a topic has been read
So, keep up the reading, the writing and the researching and whatever else it is that you do. I have not as yet read your 'about me' page so I am writing this a little 'blind' shall we say.
I guess the million dollar questions is, are you studying?
I work full time as an events manager in Australia but am studying towards working in the sports medicine arena.
Anyway, keep smiling :o)
- 11/01/99 00:48:39
- 10/31/99 22:45:41
Milt Neul - 10/31/99 19:02:47
My Email:mcneul@ibm.net
Looking for help
Vasudha - 10/31/99 13:36:13
My Email:Vasudha@banet.net
What a wonderful site you have created. I printed out the exercises and will definitely try them. I have been taking a low dose of Voltarin for years. Now I am wondering if Glucosomne Sulphate might work. I have been taking that also but to be really
ffective I have to stop the Voltarin because I understand the two work against each other. My sciatica seems to be getting worse since I bought the computer 5 months ago. Now I know why! Thank you for sharing your experiences - you have probably saved
e a lot of time and pain since I was thinking of chiropractors (have done the accupuncture without success). X-rays are expensive and I don't like the sound of headaches. I love the way you have set out your site. Microsoft could take a tip or two from
you! Thanks again.
Samuel Parker - 10/31/99 03:49:28
My Email:ParkerSamL@aol.com
Lynn Wing - 10/30/99 18:39:34
My Email:PowerNSoul
Marie James - 10/30/99 14:47:29
My Email:jamre@hitter.net
Mary, I found your information very helpful as I am now suffering from sciatica nerve problems. I have had back surgery because of a tumor on my spinal cord and had been doing very well for the past ten years with a neurol stimulator implant.I think I go
carried away at my water aerobics class and now am having sciatica nerve pain and am glad I found your information on the internet.
Thank You for sharing your information.
Marie James
Cathleen Lardo - 10/30/99 12:15:38
My Email:santanal@bellatlantic.net
Very interesting.
- 10/29/99 21:58:36
Debby H. - 10/29/99 16:23:32
Thanks, your site was just what I was looking for. I wanted some excercise suggestions as my sciatica is flaring since I've started an excercise routine. I don't want to give up my work-outs, so hoping the extra stretches will help!
Lois Ferguson - 10/29/99 12:25:49
My Email:lois.ferguson@scotent.co.uk
Great to find a site like this. I'm actually browsing for my boyfriend, who's 33 and suffers very badly. I now have some ammunition to fire at him so he can try other avenues. Thanks!
Dawn Grosset - 10/28/99 17:11:09
My Email:dawn.grosset@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca
I haven't gone through it yet; just got as far as the guestbook. I could certainly use any and all information as I could.
- 10/28/99 15:32:34
- 10/28/99 11:47:40
JAMES ARLOW - 10/28/99 02:26:09
My Email:jarlow@earthlink.net
Thanks for the info.I've just had a sciatica
flare-up and I found your web page and guestbook
very helpfull.Its been approx two years since I
last had any problems and after trying a doctor a
massage therapist and a chiropracter I found
acupuncture helped the most at that
time.Unfortunately I no longer live in Toronto,so
if anyone can recommend an acupunterist in Hoboken
N.J. U.S.A. I would appreciate it.To anyone in
pain now I'd say try acupuncture.If you're scared
of needles trust me they're a lot less painfull
than the pain of sciatica g
Rafael Hernandez - 10/27/99 20:06:00
My Email:tecnor@intercable.net
I enjoyed visiting your page.
Keep up the good work.
- 10/27/99 19:24:39
Joan Bonardi - 10/27/99 18:43:33
My Email:rvjrb@Juno.com
Had problems with my orthopaedic doctor, too. He was very nice, but his office staff was very unprofessional.
I had to have an MRI done on the spine. The results were at the doctor's office within 24 hours. I had been told that the doctor would call me after he received the results and then let me know when to reschedule an appointment with him.
I called two times after a week had gone by. The office staff told me that the doctor would call the next morning. He did not call. After two weeks he still had not called.
I then got the written report sent to my family doctor and learned the results from him. I am changing orthopaedic doctors now.
- 10/27/99 11:23:19
JAMES ARLOW - 10/27/99 01:18:17
My Email:jarlow@earthlink.net
Alejandro - 10/26/99 15:48:40
My Email:apino@jeffersondavis.com
I really enjoyed your page! The information is very accurate and helpful. I am a fellow sufferer and believe this page has helped in several ways. Have a great day and to all those sciatica sufferers, Hang in there!
Johanna Blows - 10/26/99 11:37:25
My Email:mjblows@tig.com.au
I am very interested in your experience, but can't get anything other than the top of the page, some Yahoo adv.keeps popping up and seems to stop one from being able to move down the page. Any suggestions?
Lee - 10/26/99 10:30:18
My Email:lee_dimin@msn.com
For the past week and a half, the pain I had been suffering from a point above the right buttock, in the right hip and radiating down the right leg was excruciating. Strangely, this pain only occurred after goind to bed and while lying down. I had been to
the doctor, who suggested anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin - neither of which I can take because of a kidney condition. X-rays were discussed, but we are both aware that there is degenerative disc disease and a certsain amount of arthritic changes to t
e spine. I visited your website yesterday and took your suiggestion of placing a pillow under my knees while in bed. This has been the first night of sleep, without pain, that I have had since the sciatica attacks started; however upon awakening this morn
ng I noted a slight pain in the lower back, but I am hoping that with normal daily activity it will dissipate. Thank you again.
bob gomez - 10/26/99 00:53:48
My Email:RAGOMEZ@netnitco.net
EARL CUSACK - 10/25/99 16:44:02
LeeDimin - 10/25/99 12:46:36
My Email:lee_dimin@msn.com
June Burke - 10/25/99 11:16:07
My Email:jburke@usunwired.net
I just found your exercises the other day when my back, hip, and knee were giving me such a fit. Maybe it was all in my head, but I felt liked it helped relieve some of the pressure/burning pain a bit that evening. Thank you for taking the time to share
with others.
June Burke - 10/25/99 11:14:23
My Email:jburke
- 10/24/99 22:59:15
Stephanie Forte - 10/24/99 21:05:58
My Email:intruder@epix.net
Was reading your guestbook and am not very encouraged about this condition. I have had lower back pain since July and just a week ago it radiated into my left leg leaving extreme calf pain. Now I have tingling down to my foot. Not good with winter just
head. My feet are cold all the time anyway. I am an avid walker and stretch but not nearly enough. I plan to continue walking, doing the stretches, and finding a good Yoga and Tai Chi class. I'm sure situps will also be helpful. Please tell me that t
ere is an end to this. Thanks
rog - 10/24/99 20:57:28
My Email:jd@mnsi.net
thanks good site ...i wish i was pain free of this sciatica..take care
Stephanie Forte - 10/24/99 20:56:14
My Email:intruder@epix.net
anne - 10/24/99 18:47:48
My Email:www.anne.kidd@barclays.net
I have suffered on & off for 3 years now and find that horse riding, with plent of rising trot gives me relief.
Stan Morris - 10/24/99 15:14:09
My Email:stan.morris@zoom.co.uk
My mum suffers chronic pain from sciatica, I have just given her the list of exercises from your site and hopefully they will be helpful. I will let you know how things go.
Thanks again.
Stan Morris
J. Burke - 10/24/99 04:56:18
My Email:jburke@usunwired.net
I needed some help in handling the pain and limitiations of the the sciatic nerve, if that is what is wrong with me. I will try the exercises and let you know.
martin buckett - 10/23/99 12:40:59
My Email:mrbuckett@hotmail.com
I'm 24 and it hurts
ELAINE - 10/23/99 11:56:29
My Email:deeder@futureone.com
Thank you for your most helpful information on sciatica - I was recently diagnosed with this but the orthopedist nas not told me what to do about it! I had unremitting pain in the left buttock going down the back of the thigh to the knee. I was placed o
Vicodin in the ER, which has really helped to relieve the pain. I prayed and the pain is all gone right now, but my left side is weak and I cannot walk normally. I have another appointment with the orthopedist Wednesday. I don't know why he did not sug
est any remedies. Maybe he will at this next appointment. He saw me for a total of 4 to 5 minutes! Ridiculous! I sit and transcribe medical reports for six hours at a time - I cannot work eight hours anymore. I am 66 years old, but I do not wish to r
tire from working. Thank you again for the information you have given.
Susan - 10/23/99 06:02:22
I am very pleased to find your web site and read of your similar frustrations in dealing with sciatica. I tried the sacrowedgy too, with no relief. It is amazing how many individuals suffer from this affliction with no clear way to understand what broug
t it on nor what can help. Doctors seem at a loss too. My favorite was the first Kaiser doctor I saw. When I told him I had terrible discomfort from sitting, he said, "don't sit". Very helpful indeed. I look forward to browsing your site more and hop
someone can post or suggest a helpful form of relief.
Louisa Vinciguerra - 10/23/99 02:57:35
My Email:llvinci@prodigy.net
I too suffer with sciatic nerve pain. My condition came on much later in life as I am so much older than you.
I found your web site to be very informative and it answered many of the questions I had and couldn't get answers for from my doctors. Some of the excercises you mention I did at a Sport Therapy place the doctor recommended I go to. It ended up being ve
y expensive so I stopped going. I will now try the excercises you recommend in the comfort of my home.
Thank you so much
Mary - 10/23/99 02:44:31
My Email:sagbill@mindspring.com
I have enjoyed your site very much. After reading the numerous comments of other sciatica sufferers, I am wondering if my problem is truly sciatic in nature. My pain involves one spot deep in my right buttock. This sounds strange, but it reminds me of a
bad toothache. It does not extend down my leg. Each flareup I have involves this same area, and driving causes the most pain. I have tried aspirin, Advil, Tylenol, and Voltaren to no avail. Soaking in a hot tub helps. I exercise daily on a Pilates Per
ormer so I know my problem is not from lack of exercise. My flareups only last about 4-5 days at a time. Does this sound like true sciatica?
Cynthia Otero - 10/23/99 00:35:51
My Email:cfotero@cia-g.com
Thanks for the helpful information on sciatice, I was in the dark until now. I feel a whole lot better knowing that I am not the only one with this condition.
Dr. Darryl - 10/22/99 21:38:33
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/cancercuresnetwork
My Email:ALIANO@bigfoot.com
22 OCT 99
Dr. Darryl
Austin,TX 78617
Here is the treatment for sciatica:
1- Herbal Laxative:
Intestinal Formula #1
Intestinal Formula #2
2- Parasite Cleanse Kit
(Cloves,Wormwood,Black Walnut Tincture)
Call for FREE Newsletter too!
3- Diet Correction:
Eat RAW vegetables,RAW Fruit ONLY
(no meat,eggs,dairy!)
4- Echinacea-and-Garlic Formula #100
Send me an email if you do not know already where to find the Herbal Formulations above.
We will teach you how to 100% CURE all of the "incurable" diseases!
The HEART of any and all cures is The LIVE Food Diet CORRECTION given above. For the thorough explanation and testimonials of its power go to:
Margaret Farris - 10/22/99 00:06:41
My Email:allynef@prodigy.net
Thank for very much for the information about sciatica. I have it in both legs, caused my arthritis. The pain is excrutiating in the a.m. It seems to take forever to get out of bed. I have just moved to Colorado from Florida and don't think I helped
myself much - as the weather is so different. I am 70 years old and until recently have had lots of energy and led a very active life. It has really changed in the few months since I move. Any more suggestions? Sometimes I think I should head back
Thanks, margaret
Margaret Farris - 10/21/99 23:49:27
My Email:allynef@prodigy.net
Thank for very much for the information about sciatica. I have it in both legs, caused my arthritis. The pain is excrutiating in the a.m. It seems to take forever to get out of bed. I have just moved to Colorado from Florida and don't think I helped
myself much - as the weather is so different. I am 70 years old and until recently have had lots of energy and led a very active life. It has really changed in the few months since I move. Any more suggestions? Sometimes I think I should head back
Thanks, margaret
Jennifer L. - 10/21/99 13:20:49
My Email:jal2@home.com
Clarice Humphrey - 10/21/99 04:53:31
My Email:phumphre@oakland.edu
Hi, just finished reading most of your website. It's really very informative and helpful, especially the exercises. I had my latest bout with sciatica about 3 weeks ago. I had foot surgery in July which was the trigger this time because I couldn't put any
weight on my right foot for three weeks and in the process of using a walker to get around, I developed severe sciatic pain. Anyway, 3 weeks ago, I while going to Physical Therapy, I started having pain along the outside of my right leg in the knee/calf
rea. My PT determined it was the sciatic nerve and did some massage and nerve stimulation manuevers on me which helped and I also started my lower back exercises again which I had not been doing. The combination of the exercises and the PT's treatments h
ve helped alot. I'm at least able to walk without a cane and most of the severe pain has subsided. My calf is still sore and after sitting for any length of time and when first getting up in the morning, I can hardly straighten my leg and there is pain. A
ter I walk around awhile it feels better.
What I now realize is that the Back Exercises must be a daily activity for Life. I also went to my orthopeadic doctor, waited 2 hrs for 5 min of his time and all he recommended was that I continue the exercises and lose weight. Now granted both will prob
bly help. I am working on the weight loss and do the exercises faithfully every day, but I'm trying to get the Orthopaedic doctor to give me a prescription so I can also get some treatment from the Physical Therapist.
I will continue to check your website for additional comments and information. I have a list of exercises that I do plus some I do with an exercise ball. Have you ever done the stretch where you lay on the carpet with your knees bend, then pull one leg
p as far as comfortable (no pain) and then gently pull your knee in the opposite direction across your body to feel a gentle stretch in the buttock. I try to hold the stretch for a count of 30 and repeat on the other side. I really like this exercise but
t must be done slowly and gently.
Well, I've gone on long enough. Good Luck to everyone with this problem and thanks for listening.
Another, SPS (Sciatic Pain Sufferer)
- 10/21/99 01:33:29
- 10/20/99 18:50:48
My Email:kreavis@mindspring.com
I can to scroll down to view your website completely. I am very much interested. Is the problem mine or yours?
Larry Aceves - 10/19/99 13:47:39
My Email:larrya1@ptdprolog.net
Thanks for putting up this website. After several attacks, I finally have some usefull information.
Even my chiropractor didn't have any exercises that I could do.
Thanks again for all of your efforts. Keep up the great work.
Bob Hess - 10/19/99 13:44:34
My URL:http://yourpage.blazenet.net/hessb
My Email:hessb@blazenet.net
I've recently been having pain that friends tell me is sciatica. I attribute it mostly to neglecting my body. I haven't been doing any exercises. I used to go backpacking regularly and I knew that I had to be in shape so I exercised at the gym and watc
ed my weight. I have a book on isolated stretching that I think is very helpful. Thanks for the info on your page.
Bob Hess
Rafael Romero - 10/19/99 02:36:13
My Email:rafsmac@swbell.net
I am a 30 year old male. I have been having this problem four about the past three years. My left leg goes numb from the upper buttock all the way to my foot, extremely painful and at times I am unable to walk. I need to sit down and rest and even after 2
to 30 minutes of sitting and/or laying down I can still feel the pain. What can I do? Please help me.
Ruth Marston-Caldwell - 10/18/99 17:21:39
My Email:ruth_marston@ascend.com
Interesting... I'm visitor 76,053 and not one
of my doctors can give me any type of concrete
answer on how to get rid of this @#$%$#@ pain !
I've been taking Tylenol and Advil (3@, 3xday)
which I know is really bad; can't deal with the
pain if I don't. Went to Scotland in Jan.'99.
Walked a lot. Pain seemed better. Came back home
and back to work (sitting most of the day); pain
is back with a vengence ! Doesn't take Einstein
to figure it out... right? Well... my job requires I sit... what to do? I try to walk abit every hour; then for 1/2 hour when I get home.
Just determined aspirin works better than Tylenol and Advil together. Had a sore throat last night and sciatica is better ! Go figure. Loved your web site; am still reading it. Thanks for the exercises... Someone said to try a cortisonne shot?? Any
steve hryb - 10/17/99 17:03:04
My URL:http://sympatico
My Email:steve.hryb@sympatico.ca
pain!!!!! have been going through some phisio therapy for about 3 days. no improvement yet!
can a chiropractor help? pain and nymbness only in the hip area. help1111
- 10/16/99 00:19:35
- 10/15/99 21:14:36
Sheryl Auby - 10/15/99 21:03:54
My Email:sheaub@aol.com
I will be 32 in 2 days. I have sciatic pain on my left side caused by falling on steps ten days ago. I have severe brusing and swelling which is getting a little better each day, but I can't believe how slowly. I am also worried that this injury may ha
e caused a permanent condition that will come and go as I get older. I am currently looking into Yoga excercises that will restore me back to health and also be preventative for problems in the future. I am so happy I finally found this web site. I hav
been doing searches all afternoon without much luck. I have to go now and find my heating pad because sitting here at the computer is causing a flare up. Thanks Again for the website.
Barb Smith - 10/15/99 02:08:38
My Email:gsmith@ps.gen.nz
your tips and comments are very comforting to me...have only had sciatica 2 months and its soooo painfull... never realised.Normally im a fit healthy full on person... how sciatica changes your life...am very positive though... thank you...
Ann Homer - 10/15/99 00:51:04
My Email:akagrnma@pacbell.net
I am 51 and have had a few mild cases of sciatica in the past. For the past 2 weeks I have been having severe pain from my most recent bout. I am now trying to find out all I can about the condition. I have made an appointment with my chiropractor out of
esparation and now after reading the information on your website, maybe I should go to my doctor instead and get a referral to an orthopedic doctor.
Mickey - 10/14/99 15:45:21
My Email:MickeydeNL@aol.com
I have been suffering from my second attack and been looking for information but there doesn't seem to be a lot of it. Is it true that attacks are generally over in six weeks?
Dawnelle Davis - 10/14/99 15:23:00
My Email:dawnelle_davis@ex.cv.hp.com
Your site is very informative. I too am a young sciatica sufferer. I started having problems when I was 18 and am now 27. I start Pysical Therapy next week and am looking forward to learning some techniques to use to relieve the pain. I run about 4 da
s a week and consider myself to be in good health, but still suffer from sciatic pain. Thanks for the information on your web site.
Richard Gillespie - 10/14/99 02:18:29
My Email:whisperer@valint.net
Your site is very informative. I am also suffering from Sciatica...I sent you an e mail with more info in hopes of getting some feedback
Doug - 10/14/99 01:31:11
My Email:bajazj@hotmail.com
Ive been diagnosed with the problem aand have had bouts of it for almost a year. I recnetly started to go to a chriopracter, but the relief is short. I have iced the lower back(above butt) and left upper leg for a 1/2 hr at a time, it helps somewhat, but
I think the main issue is my stomach muscles! I used to be REAL active and then got married and started to slack off..Dont know why but thats when my back issues came about. My stomach is so weak it won't hold my back up coorectly. I have started doing ex
ersise since at 28, Im 20lbs overweight ( Im working on that) I feel I shouldn't have this type of pain so early in my life! Excersise REALLY helps, obviously everyone can't have a washboard stomach, but any time of crunches, stretching, help to boot the
uscles in the abdomen.
Well thanks for the page its the first one I stopped at and its nice to not know Im the only 'younger" person out there with sciatica!
San Diego, CA
stephanie clayton - 10/13/99 02:05:15
My Email:us4claytons@mindspring.com
Barry B. - 10/12/99 21:48:41
My Email:katycajun@aol.com
Oh yeah, one last thing! My doctor has put me on a megadose of anti-inflamitories called Lodine XL. They are slow release at 800mg (2-400mg)tablets every 12 hours. She says that since I don't seem to have any permanent back problems, that this should stop
the inflamation over the next 4 - 5 days and that the pain should start to subside. We'll see and hope. I'll let ya'll know. Thanks so much for this web site. I have recommended it to other sciatic suffers that I know. It really help me to tell my doc
or what kind of pain medicines to try based on the responses on this web site.
Barry B. - 10/12/99 21:39:41
My Email:katycajun@aol.com
Well I now have a better understanding of sciatica. I have had this condition for about 1-1/2 weeks. There is a quarter sized sore spot at the left side of my spine right above the left buttock. My doctor informed me that my acute sciatica was due to ei
her a vertabrea out of alignment temporaryly, or a temporary herniation of a disk. Once either happens, the muscles around the area contract, and put pressure on the sciatic nerve(s). This in turn causes the sciatic nerves to inflame. Although the disk
r vertabrea may go back to a normal state, the inflamation of the sciatiac nerve takes a while to heal. People with chronic sciatiaca have either a vertabrea that won't go back into alignment, or a premantely herniated disk that requires surgery to repai
. However, ANYONE can get sciatica, but most (90%) are temporary and usually caused by back misuse, moving wrong, or I think in my case bad sleeping posture. I am 50 years old and have never had any back problems except the occasional pulled muscle or s
re back from over exertion. Also, those of us with desk type jobs and poor excercise routines, would do well to do the back strenthening excercises to help ward off weak back situations that can be a breeding ground for sciatica.
Quan Lu - 10/12/99 20:06:59
My Email:catfish95@hotmail.com
hi, I read your page. and guess what? your not the only one with sciatica at a young age. I think I got it at the age of 18. Now I'm in college and trying to figure what course of action to take to cure it or find out if there is a cure.
zeina - 10/12/99 14:31:58
My Email:halabyad@emirates,net,ae
Good Job
Barry B. - 10/11/99 18:07:32
My Email:katycajun@aol.com
I am 50 years old, and this is the first time I have had a sciatic pain attack. The pain goes down my left leg but never below the knee. I have two other co-workers that have the pain the lenght of the sciatic nerve to their toes. I have had tis pain a
out a week. This is the most dibilitating pain that I have ever endured.
Randy Poon - 10/11/99 14:18:38
My Email:rapoon@cybersurf.net
Wow! Do you know how it feels to know that you are not alone with this pain. I am 33 years old and have been weightlifitng for about 15 years and when I tell people that I have a back problem they think I'm lying. Especially, when I call in sick at work.
really is an unpleasant feeling when I walk for more than 5 minutes and pain is shooting down my left leg and after awhile my feet go numb. I found that crunches and pevlic tilts help alot. I agree with you that if you stop excersing the recovery period
s longer. If you can stand the pain try to be active in some way. As for surgery, recommended by my ex-doctor over 8 years, until I can't walk I might consider surgery. Again, thanks for your site.
ron - 10/11/99 05:18:28
My Email:rscdrak@aol.com
julie - 10/10/99 17:49:58
My Email:jmms25@aol.com
Lloyd Mumford sr. - 10/09/99 22:02:22
My Email:lloyds@juno.com
Abby - 10/09/99 16:07:42
My Email:aden_lynn04@yahoo.com
Thanks for this page. My brother recently suffered from sciatica pain after a football game. Being a Saturday we had no way of getting him a doctors appointment. This was the only good page with alot of information I found for him. Thanks a bunch!!
Tony Arcuri - 10/09/99 13:41:11
My Email:fredo@ntcnet.com
First time visitor. Very little help from Doctors. Therefore, I am looking for as much information as possible.
Judy - 10/08/99 23:47:47
My Email:judytherond@yahoo.com
I'm 26 and experiencing what I believe to be my first sciatica attack. Started with mild low back pain for 1-2 days, and now for the past week my left leg has felt strange, either cramped or like pins and needles.
Nothing has helped much for the pain, but I'm getting used to it I guess. Since we just moved to the area I don't even have a doctor set up...=( I hate healthcare in the 90's. PPO's HMO's whatever happened to the patient? ugh!
If anyone knows a good doctor near San Jose, CA, please send the information along. I would really appreciate it!
Brian - 10/08/99 21:16:42
My Email:briancodex@hotmail.com
Just found your most helpful website after 2 weeks suffering my first attack of sciatica. It started after going to bed one evening - acute, acheing unbearable pain all down the right leg. No tablets helped much. Went to the local hospital ER next morning
where I got a painkilling shot, X-rays and a prescription for pills. 48 hrs later was still in agony and saw an orthopedic surgeon who said that it was a slipped disk at L4-5 (no back pain at all, however) with compression of the sciatic nerve. Got better
pain pills (Roxicet etc although I found that Darvocet worked best) and started daily physiotherapy (heat, ultrasound etc.) Still had acute pain and saw the surgeon again 2 days later. He ordered an MRI (confirmed disk prolapse at L5-S1) and recommended V
X-D decompression therapy for 1-2 weeks ( an automated table which stretches your back). Said he wanted to avoid surgery if possible. Now, 2 weeks after onset, most of my pain has subsided but I have some loss of sensation in the big toe and top of foot a
d some motor nerve deficiency ("foot drop" - a slightly floppy gait with the leg and inability to stand on my heel etc). Still find it not easy to walk for more than 3-5 minutes and use a cane if possible. I'm 57 years old, male and formerly quite fit. My
next issue - to have surgery or not? Seems like I'd like to avoid it but on the other hand don't want permanent sciatic nerve damage or chronic disability. This has been the most painful experience of my life. Unlike previous bouts of back pain (which las
ed a few days) this time there was no position I could lie in which gave any real relief - 10 days of intractable unbearable pain. Thanks for your website, especially the experiences of others. I'm surprised by the relative lack of good info on the web ab
ut sciatica. Brian.
jennifer L. - 10/08/99 20:18:35
My Email:jenniferpl@yahoo.com
Thank you for the time and effort you have put into your web site. It is informative and understandable. I have back trouble for ten years, bot it was of the variety that localized in the back making it difficult to sit or stand, but there was relief if
I laid on my bacl. Eventually the episode would pass. Over the years the episodes became less severe and further between.
Three months ago after the birth of my third daughter my hip begab to hurt. The GP I visited was clueless. I went back recently with excrutiating pain in my butttocks, hip, tingling in my toes, and generalized weakness in my left leg. It took the PT an
neurologist some time to convince me that it is actually me spine with problem. I had an MRI today. How good are they at diagnosing the problem? I am finally on painkillers and steroids that are givig some relief. Have you heard much positive feedbac
on back surgery?
If you get a chance I would appreciate your feedback.
Lynn Zimmering - 10/08/99 16:55:49
My Email:LandCZ@aol.com
Lynn - 10/08/99 10:55:13
My Email:willowbe@midmaine.com
MARIA - 10/08/99 03:38:53
My Email:catscan711@aol.com
This is a most miserable condition! I am in the health field and after 3-4 12 hour shifts I can count on back pain! It was first diagnosed 3 months ago, the pain across my lower back was excrutiating and it ran down my right leg, feeling numb and heavy.
I received a cortisone inj directly into my hip, this helped greatly, but again after working long shifts it occurs again! This time I couldn't get out of bed and the pain was worse! I am looking for any suggestions to cope with this!!!!!!!!! Txs.
MARIA - 10/08/99 03:32:41
minmei - 10/07/99 05:11:16
My Email:minmei@snet.net
I'm in the middle of a bad attack of sciatica now. It's been going on for 2 weeks this time. You are not alone in the age thing though. My first attack was for two weeks while I was 16, then it didn't show up again till I got pregnant (5 times between
ge 18 and 23), one of the worst was an attack I got in the middle of the labor and delivery of my 3rd baby. I tried to push for the first time during that delivery and I (or my son) compressed the nerve. Luckily my husband was familar with me having the
problem and all he had to do was rotate my hip for me to help ease the compression, the doctor had no idea what was going on. What was odd was that happened on my right side, right down to the toes, while usually I get the pain on the left (like now for
I think your site is great, lots of great info.
Patrina Noel - 10/07/99 02:16:29
My Email:dogtrain@midusa.net
Thank you for having this site. Thanks to those who leave comments! I feel much less alone. Am going in for CT scan in the morning. So far Relafen has made little dent in the pain, same with the muscle relaxant prescribed. Am concerned that my pain (mai
ly L5)may be due to osteoarthritis; have a history of it & not great joints to begin with (starting with knee problems at maybe age 7 & here I am 40 years old). Obviously there's no easy fix for sciatica, from what I'm reading here & on the (sadly) few o
her non-advertising sites I've found. Can't believe the pain! Wish it didn't hit so hard at night! Will check back in; again, thanks!
Brad - 10/06/99 16:52:12
My Email:levab@wellsfargo.com
I'm impressed by the detail you've given in your pages. I have gone to several professionals off and on over the past 5 years, chiropractor, acupuncture, M.D. I have had improvement over the years, but not enough. Daily I have pain ( a dull ache ) in m
right foot; when I sit, in my right lower back, and in my calf. Lately I've been having pain ( like a wire mesh of pain ) across my lower back which I think I've aggravated by doing situps to try to strengthen my stomach muscles. I don't feel pain whil
doing the sit ups though. a problem for me has been getting on a good program and continuing with the excercises and finding out if something else in conjunction with that would help too.
Thanks for your efforts.
Debbie Knott - 10/06/99 03:14:04
My Email:dknott6190@aol.com
I'm not sure if I have this problem. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. All I know is the pain in non-stop. I hope your website will give me some clues as to what this is all about.
Dave Black - 10/05/99 22:20:41
My Email:Galusah@aol.com
Thank you for a great web site. Battling my second sciatic attack. First went away in a couple of days with muscle relaxants. This one is hanging on an getting worse. Thanks for the infor mation and a place to get advice.
MITCHELL BUBOLTZ - 10/05/99 18:54:06
- 10/05/99 17:44:05
Candy Butler - 10/05/99 13:12:13
My Email:kritter1@bellsouth.net
I had a fall back on Aug. 23, 1999 and went to the ER where I was diagnosed with a sprain/strain in my lower back. It continued to worsen so I went for a MRI. I have a buldging disc in the L4 and L5 area. I am currently seeing a medical doctor and a chiro
ractor who see relief down the road, but it will take a couple months. I found no relief from asprin as you stated in your pain killers section, and Tylenol 3 makes me itch terribly. I am taking Vicodin ES and it relieves all the pain with no side effects
I will keep you posted on my recovery.
Dorothy Bergstrom - 10/05/99 06:31:03
My Email:dabergstrom@hotmail.com
Thank you for your website and the information it contains. I could see myself in many of the stories in the guestbook. My problems started with a herniated disc at the L-5/S-1 and after two surgeries (the second to remove disc altogether and insert fus
on cages) my back and right leg are no better. I have tried a pharmacy full of drugs that includes the highly recommened celebrex-I found it does no better than motrin. I have tried muscle relaxers, they don't help. I have a spasm in my right leg every
night usually about 45 minutes after finally falling asleep. The pain prevents me from sleeping until the early hours of the morning, then I have my nightly spasm, then I finally get to sleep for maybe a couple of hours and it is time to get the kids up
nd ready for school. This is a ritual that prevents me from returning to work. I am unable to sit long enough to do my job, I am unable to stand for long time, I find it difficult and painful to walk very far. It is almost three years since it all star
ed and I think it will never end and I will never have another day without pain and spasms. Thanks again for the information and knowledge I am not alone.
- 10/04/99 21:40:59
I found your site very useful. But the pop-up Yahoo adds are very annoying!!!!!!!!!!
every time I do anything.
Bob Linker - 10/04/99 21:03:53
My Email:irony@peconic.net
Thanks. Any information is welcome when you're in pain. My right foot hurts, #2 toe is numb, and I only get half a night's sleep. I'll be back. Bob.
Evan Payer - 10/04/99 04:26:24
My Email:epayer@sunwave.net
Sciatica is relatively new to me. I first experienced it it the spring and went through
the catscan, neurologist route to find out that
it appeared my case could be treated without
surgery. The pain disipated after 8 wks. However, the condition has reoccurred in the last
3 weeks and is driving me nuts. Tylenol 3, ibuprofin etc every 2-4 hrs. I'm looling for advise on how to cope with this monster.
Barb - 10/02/99 21:12:09
My Email:barb.hans@prodigy.net
Melva Swan - 10/02/99 02:42:05
Thanks for the help.
Maria - 10/01/99 00:03:28
My Email:t4edison@aol.com
What can be done for sciatic nerve damage?
Ken Barton - 09/30/99 10:38:30
My Email:bartken@go.com
Thank you. Much helpful information. My case of sciatica is tolerable now. Want to avoid the Major Leagues of surgery, nerve blocks etc.
Again Thank You,
Ken Barton
Tampa Bay, Fl.
Dan Smith - 09/29/99 22:00:01
My Email:cfosmith@stratos.net
Lots of good info. I'll be back to absorb more. Good job!
B.Adams - 09/29/99 18:27:26
My Email:jrcbac@swbell.net
A yr ago in Oct. I woke up with pain shooting up and down my right leg. It was extremely painful to walk. I still tried to do some shopping but soon was on my way to visit my son. It was Sat. and my son, (a chiropractor) usually doesn't work. But I was
in so much pain I called him. He used accupuncture, muscle stem, traction and adjusted me. I was out of pain. However, even though I continued adjustments, etc. it came back with a vengence in Mar. So I went the route of a medical doctor, neurosurgeon
orthopedic surgeon. I was all set for surgery but my son (chiropractor) insisted that I reconsider. After seeing some x-rays of patients who were coming to him after having surgery, I decided he was right. So I opted for alternative medicine. I saw a
reflexolgist also. I started taking cholostrum, Bodywise Supercell and Glucomine, Forward Plus Daily Regimen, CoQ10 (100mg), Bee Caps and Knox Gelatin. I have to admit this is an expensive route but anything to avoid surgery. As of now my body has heale
istself by producing cartilage in my right hip. The sciatic nerve problem, itself, was relieved in July. At that time the orthopedic surgeon told me it was a good thing I didn't have back surgery because it would not have helped my hip. He said, you h
ve bone on bone so no wonder it hurts to walk. I can now walk without pain and I expect to have this problem solved (without surgery) within a few weeks. I have several friends who went the surgery route (2 out of 4 are having serious problems even now)
Thank goodness my son insisted that I reconsider surgery.
Orven - 09/29/99 16:37:57
My Email:ne6vro@prodigy.net
What I have read so far looks like a lot of help for me.Will read what I have printed and get back to you. Orven
roselyn richardson - 09/29/99 14:51:30
My URL:netwww.roselyn@ipa.net
Diane Keener - 09/29/99 00:25:09
My Email:dikeener@ix.netcom.com
Your site was very informative and helpful. I have been told for ten years (since age 17) that I am too young to have sciatica. I now know that the doctors are wrong and to keep searching for a doctor who will take this disabling pain seriously. Thank
bonnie - 09/28/99 22:22:00
just gettiang started on my problem with sciatica and came to here - I will visit again --I'm just a beginner at the search stuff
Sam - 09/28/99 11:30:07
My Email:sby@ee.bgu.ac.il
Good service. Thanks.
Sam - 09/28/99 11:29:44
My Email:sby@ee.bgu.ac.il
Good service. Thanks.
Tanya Demjanec - 09/27/99 18:42:50
My Email:tanya@intsafety.com
Living with chronic pain really wears a person out. Identifying with your situation renewed my strength enough that I feel I can tackle the HMO red tape and get the care I need for pain-free living! Thank you.
ethel m. gintoft - 09/27/99 15:58:08
My URL:http://gintofte@archmil.org
Lots of back pain, trying to determine whether i have sciatica from a pinched nerve or referred from elsewhere.
Bert - 09/26/99 20:17:44
My Email:bertman@telusplanet.net
Hi! I learned more in ten minutes reading through your site than any doctor could tell me. When I went to the doctor complaining of this pain he said it is a crimped muscle from driving. Well that could be it, but this pain is intense, on the top of my th
gh around to the far lower right side of my back. Like there is a knife stuck in my hip with a dull blade. It is extremely hard also to pick my son up out of his crib. Sitting is fine until you stand up. But I am sure you know that!!!Thanks for the info I
am on my way to begin some stretching.
tonia - 09/26/99 15:54:33
Alan Colquhoun - 09/26/99 09:10:41
My Email:A.Colquhoun@tesco.net
Only 46 and can hardly walk. Have been treated by chiropractor, N.H.S. physiotherapists,private physio. I am also taking very strong drugs which are having an adverse effect on other organs. I have been told to quit work totally in order to take complete
est----surely a diet or an exercise regime would benefit?
Jane Hanlin - 09/26/99 00:20:12
My Email:JaneHanlin@email.msn.com
Jane Hanlin - 09/26/99 00:19:26
My Email:JaneHanlin@email.msn.com
David Fookc - 09/25/99 21:00:47
My Email:davidfkc@tm.net.my
Aaron - 09/25/99 14:26:23
My Email:westst@healey.com.au
Dear Mary,
We sound like twins.........You have been through exactly the same things as I!!! I'm 27 and have had sciatic pain for 4 years....it was misdiagnosed as testicular torsion (as I had really painful groin pain) and I had an unnecessary operation because of
Aspirin is the only drug that helps....other anti-inflammaories upset my stomach! Exercise is the key....I exercise every day even with sciatic pain and it helps!!!!!! I swim a lot and do lots of walking & light weights. I see an osteopath which really
helps......my osteopath is a hero!!!!!
Its just nice toknow that there are others out there like me!!!! Your web page is full of great advice!!!!
Kaye Gallinger - 09/25/99 13:49:57
My Email:kgallinger44@hotmail.com
I think I've got it beat and then it returns. It's hard to even sit at the computer! My job and family life are suffering from it! Help!
Ralph Wilson - 09/25/99 00:32:34
My Email:ralph_w@msn.com
Have had sciatica for several years, on and off. Done a lot of exercise and such, but need some new ways to look at the problem.
Everett - 09/24/99 01:45:18
My Email:doloresharkins@msn.com
I have a lot of back pain and left leg and foot
the MRI looked ok so they say but I have all the
symptoms of a herniated disc but they say I don't have one I'm still in pain with no idea whats
wrong! Thanks for your story.
Ryan Burress - 09/23/99 21:23:06
I have had reoccouring sciatica for 6 years. Your web page has been very helpful to me.
Ben Duong - 09/23/99 19:19:11
My Email:bduong@citicorp.com
What is the best solution for someone with
sciatica on the right buttock.
Jack - 09/23/99 19:05:43
My Email:JackIICPA@aol.com
Hi justed visited your website and would like to share my sciatica since I injured mysely in Mar 99 (snow shoveling) After 3 months of hoping that the pain would go away I visited a pain mgmt specialist who ordered a MRI and suggested 6 chiropractic visit
. (MRI Dx. Disc bulges @ L3-L4 & L4-L5) After chiropractic provided about 25% pain realif I The began P/T which at the same time the pain began to get severe. I then had 4 acupunture treatments which did nothing. I have also had three epidural treatments
hich provided realief for about 1 month. Next up is a spinal endoscopy which I am assured will do the trick. Wish me luck.
Ty Liberoth - 09/23/99 06:17:07
My Email:tliberoth@mciworldcom.
Hi, I'm having a hard time finding out about Sciatica. Whats the deal? My Mother is 82 and in a lot of pain, lower back, buttocks, right leg. We don't know what to do. Is there a site that just gives information about Sciatica? So far I've been bounced a
l over the place and haven't found out anything yet! Sorry this is flustrating.
teri akai - ibanez - 09/23/99 00:35:43
My Email:acfutbol@pacbell
Hi, ive bee n living with this pain since i was a freshmen in hi school, its gotten worse over the years, my cousin who is a physical therapist is the first & only person who told me its your
sciatic nerve, I'm forty years old, and the pain has now become unbearable. There are days
that I cannot walk, and just cry. I've just had another set of X-rays, and hopefully the Dr.
can make a correct diagnosis, they also tell me that my problem may be my Sacrailiac joint.
I'm glad you're feeling better, hopefully I'll be soon. Good Luck, and Take care, TERI
- 09/22/99 17:04:13
Marcia Heintz - 09/22/99 07:15:25
My Email:mheintz@home.com
Interesting info on your page. I have suffered with sciatica for 6 1/2 years. Mine is a result of a surgeon botching a spinal fusion (but he swears he doesn't make cripples!) My case is so severe that I am no longer able to work and am considered perma
ently disabled. Until the last month all of my pain has been on my right side but now the left side has become a problem. I have a Medtronic spinal cord stimulator implanted for the right side as well as a Medtronic infusion pump for the right side. I j
st had a CAT scan to see what might show up on the left and there doesn't appear to be any ruptures and the fusion is in place--that's good. So, Friday I am scheduled to have a selective nerve root injection at the L-4 nerve site. It's nice to read page
like yours to know that there are others out there too! I had a myleogram much like you described 15-20 years ago and I thought I would die from it. My last one was in 1994 and the procedure that they used was entirely different--no more of the tipping
you up and down. Of course the doctor (the one that doesn't make cripples) never bothered to tell me that the procedure would be entirely different and I was so scared going in I made myself sick from fright. I know American and Canadian medicine is dif
erent in some areas but you might ask if you are ever confronted with having to have another one about the technique done here.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Best Wishes,
Marcia Heintz
Angela - 09/22/99 05:44:34
My Email:bond13@writeme.com
I am trying to take a more active approach to finding something to help my spirit and my pain. I have had an undiagnosed back problem for over a year and a half now and have reached my limit. The pain is excruciating. I have an enourmous amount of pain
in the SI joint that radiates down my leg. I have nerve pain that also radiates down the outside and back of my leg. I am 25 years old and haven't been able to work in a years time. I do physical therapy 3-4 times a week and have had 4 SI injections, an
an epidural. The pain will not go away and I do not know what to do about it. I take up to 4 vicodin a day sometimes and the past week walking has been difficult. Every time I stand up I have a shifting in my spine/SI area that is beyond words. I am
ooking for any support and wanting to read anything I can get my hands onto to help with the pain, both physically and emotionally. My doctors just don't know what to do and because it is workman's comp. they want to push me out the door! I am done bein
pushed. I hope your website will help me be better informed and ready to talk shop with the doctor's rather than taking a passive role.
Thank you for a supportive ear,
- 09/22/99 04:02:02
My Email:sirjimof@aol.com
thank you for your site. it seems you've had experiences similar to mine.
Rich Walker - 09/22/99 03:28:19
My Email:rcwalk@prodigy.net
For lack of better terms, I've enjoyed visiting your site. I recently had a micro-diskectomy - in late July. My Sciatica started a few weeks before my surgery. It subsded for approximately two weeks after surgery but quickly came back. My doctor has now r
quested that I get a Spinal Injection to help reduce the inflamation brought on by the surgery. He seems to think that will take care of the Sciatica once and for all. I am not so sure about that. I have been out of work since 7/1/99 because of my back tr
uble. At this point I'm not exactly sure when I'll return. I just thought I'd send you this note to thank you for your site and the information contained inside.
Gladys - 09/22/99 01:15:43
My Email:gvfull@northnet.org
I am happy to find so much information available
on sciatica. Thank you very much
Bill - 09/21/99 12:41:48
My Email:bdrucker@gte.net
I suffered over the Labor Day Weekend with severe pain in my right buttock, going down the front on my right leg. My Doctor prescribed Relafin twice a day along with prednisone, something I really didn't want to take. However, after 3 days, 90% of the pai
was gone and normal activity was back...and that included standing. I'stopped taking the Relafin for 3 days now and just a slight twinge of pain is still present. I just hope regular, normal activity can be regained.
Gail Bell - 09/21/99 09:59:41
My Email:gail.bell@talk21.com
I have had a mild pain in my leg for 6 months that was annoying but did not restrict my activities. 3 weeks ago my lower back went into a spasm and the pain down my leg was really bad. I have been seeing an osteopath who massages and then 'crunches' my
ack by jerking my spine. I don't know if this has helped or not. Does anyone have any experience of this. I find walking painfull and feel I can't straighten up. I have just seen one site that says that beeing overweight causes this. Does anyone agre
? How overweight is overweight? This is the most helpfull site I've found.
DOLORES - 09/21/99 02:09:58
My Email:carlilecarlile@msn.com
As far as I can tell, I haven,t had a pain-free day since March, seven months ago when I had my husband take me to the ER for a shot of Toradol for severe stabbing pain in my left buttock. I am a nurse and had worked a strenuous 13-hour shift or two whic
I believe had brought this on, because the pain started at work at the end of a long,hard shift. I had had a similar type of pain about six months earlier which was totally relieved by two Soma. I think it gets worse and harder to relieve each time. I
m 31 and now 18 weeks pregnant. I left the ICU but am still working, but rarely a 12-hour shift and a much lighter job (I had been working in critical care for the past eight years). My worst difficulty is lying down or turning over while lying down. I s
w a chiropractor who didn't help at all and an orthopod who recommended 10 sessions of PT. I only attended one session, hoping the pain would be self-limiting. Now that I am pregnant, they won't do most of the therapies anyway like ultrasound and heat an
electrical stimulation. I don't want to take any medications either because of the pregnancy. I can't even enjoy a leisurely walk in the evening because of the pain. The pain moved from the left side to the right about two weeks ago. Sometimes my whol
hip is sore and it becomes difficult to ambulate. I am already waddling like I am nine months along. I am praying that your site will help. Thanks for reading my sob-story.
Marianne Coats - 09/19/99 13:57:52
My Email:earthink@utinet.net
Boy, can I relate to your experience! I have been suffering from a severe, undiagnosed ligament injury from an incident of acute trauma since 1992. I have yet to receive a formal diagnosis and have been treated deplorably by numerous orthopedists, neurolo
ists, etc. I had to literally break down and cry to get any diagnosic tests done and then the results, which were indicative were pooh-poohed by that same neurologist. I also have overwhelming personal challenges that make this whole affair well beyond in
olerable. I finally have done enough medical research myself to have a good idea of what my injury is, and hopefully can get the right diagnostician to test it. It is a truly incredible story...which also goes against me getting help...it's just hard to c
nceive that as severe an injury as I have is still untreated 7 years after the fact, in spite of a 5 year campaign with doctors.....Ugh! I hope you are getting the help you need.
Judi - 09/18/99 16:00:51
Judi - 09/18/99 16:00:37
Mike L - 09/17/99 21:14:54
My Email:jml@jps.net
Very good site. My Sciatica started after a visit to a chiropractor. Three and a half months later I am seeing a Neurosurgeon and he has put me on oral corticosteroids. This is what I have found helps. There is a Homeopathic Cuprum Metalicum that hel
s with leg cramping. I had just started on an herbal tincture from Herbpharm which I think had started to ease the pain but I thought I would give the steroids a fair chance first. I will report back soon.
W JENSEN - 09/17/99 18:44:14
Anne - 09/17/99 14:17:43
My Email:aaney@aea16.k12.ia.us
Just beginning to suffer from this condition. Going on trips in the car is just about the worst for me (driving) Pain not excruciating, but is a dull, deep ache right now all the way down to my ankle! I sure feel for you if you've had this since age 19
Sandi Sorman - 09/17/99 13:37:25
My Email:shadowthree@prodigy.net
I have had pain in the left buttocks and down the back of the leg for a year.(in the morning it was excruciating) it was so bad I had to crawl to the bathroom in the morning. Over the course of time it now has improved. By doing the exercises the Phyisic
l Therapist has me doing and walking 30 min a day. Some what you show. Stretching is very important also. Thanks for your web site!!
Bernita - 09/17/99 11:00:34
My Email:lbd612@aol.com
Thank you so much for the information. I didn't know anything about the sciatic nerve until I started having severe pain in my right buttock and leg just a few days ago. Believe me, I know where the sciatic nerve is now. Your site has been most helpful
and I am starting the recommended exercises today.
Ricardo Ramirez - 09/15/99 05:23:22
My Email:zarapastroso@yahoo.com
I wish I had come across your site sooner. I am in so much pain and still going to work. I'm gonna have to talk to the Human Resources Dept. at work and ask for a medical leave. How long should the leave be? I don't know how to go about doing this? A
y words of advice?
I went to a back specialist, a sports medicine doctor, a chiropractor, and currently having accupuncture done. The pain at the bottom of my right buttock (where the buttock meets the upper right leg) is unbearable. When I am sleeping in an supine positi
n I don't feel the pain that much.
I am taking a lot of the info on your site and saving it for reading it as soon as I can print it out. Thanks for putting up all this info.
Doug Carr - 09/14/99 17:13:41
My URL:http://carriageagency.com
My Email:dug_car@msn.com
my url is still under construction!
Question? Since I spend a lot of time at a desk do you have any input about the "Back Chair" the design where you are more on your knees than on your butt.
- 09/14/99 17:10:17
Karilee Patterson - 09/14/99 10:07:08
My Email:kpatterson7@hotmail.com
- 09/13/99 18:42:00
Judy Taylor - 09/13/99 00:42:06
My Email:bluenose54@hotmail.com
I have been off work for 4 months with very weak legs, pulling in upper thighs and the characteristic sciatic pain. Is there anything I can do to get my strength back? I am going crazy sitting at home.
dani - 09/12/99 21:55:38
dani - 09/12/99 21:55:37
Sandy Brown - 09/12/99 20:12:04
My Email:sanfordbrown@earthlink.net
Nice site! I found you description of your experiences with orthopaedic Drs. most enlightening!
One thing -- could you please put the date of the last update on each page? I would help those of us who come back to skip those pages that we had seen before!
Steven Lindholm - 09/12/99 04:45:19
My Email:s.lindholm@worldnet.att.net
sue - 09/11/99 01:56:24
My Email:rnr@gte.net
Just found you. Am frustrated with Doctor's doing nothing but prescribing muscle relaxants. I don't want a cover-up, just to make it more bearable.
sue ritchey - 09/11/99 01:44:18
My Email:rnr@gte.net
andrea fine - 09/10/99 20:01:27
My Email:ajfine@worldnet.att.net
I have bouts of sciatica periodically; it started when i was in my early 40s. When I saw a doctor, his suggestions were useless. Actually, I've found the most help through shiatsu massage. That has helped cut down the severity of the bouts and also seems
o help minimize the recurrence. thanks for your site!
Erika - 09/10/99 17:22:49
My Email:erika@pinder.com
My acute back/leg pain has not been diagnosed yet.
My doctor is refering me to an orthopedic surgeon
next for an MRI. I had back pain before 8 years
ago, but was treated with chiroprator and weight
loss and got better. This seems different, in
that, last time there was no leg pain and that's
the major part now. My doctor says that the
orthopedic surgeon is going to recomment weight
loss. I asked him if he will be able to tell me
how to lose weight and he said if they knew, they
wouldn't have to be doctors. I am 26 and I can't
take much more of this pain. I have been taking
Flexoril, Naproxen and now some new
anti-inflamatory drug for about a month with no
affect on the pain. Your website at least lets me
know that I'm not alo
jenny fiori - 09/10/99 15:40:24
My Email:jfiori@home.com
have had sciatca for a few weeks. Started off with horrible pain on left butt down to foot. Now it is just calf/ankle pain with numbness in foot and calf. I work for Fed Ex as a courier so I have got to be careful. The other day the Dr. wanted to give
me an injection of cortisone and sailine in my spine. I declined. Maybe next month if the pain does not get better. Thanks for the site. Jenny
Elva Llata - 09/10/99 04:34:01
My Email:Elva40Love@aol.com
Hi Mary,
I enjoyed reading your web page on Sciatica and I foind it very informative. I've had Sciatica off and on for almost a year, but lately (the last three weeks) it has been at its worst. I went to a chiropractor, but that has not helped, and on Tuesday I wi
l be having an MRI. In the meantime, I will be doing all the execises you recommend.
Thank you so much for your web page!
Alex - 09/09/99 17:10:42
My Email:bansidh74@hotmail.com
Thanks very much for your site. Just diagnosed today and am having my first MRI on Monday. Doctors thought that the severe back pain that I've had all summer was a recurrence of kidney stones and since I though the leg pain was only moderate and incidenta
, I never mentioned it. That pain has now worsened. For two weeks now I've been unable to stay sleeping at night even with my leg propped up and sitting at work is becoming progressively less bearable so I made an appointment. My medical team immediately
tepped back and looked at everything together and the sciatica suddenly made perfect sense. I am very new to this and seeing someone else share their experiences is heartening. Like you, I am only in my mid-twenties and am surprised to find myself being d
agnosed with a condition that seems to affect mostly somewhat older people.
John Wardle - 09/09/99 02:51:56
My Email:johnw@shoal.net.au
I am following your advice and hope the pain will be eased somewhat.
Thankyou for the page.
- 09/08/99 23:06:44
Judy - 09/08/99 16:16:29
My Email:judi7351@aol.com
My leg hurts. Radiates pain especially when I wake up. After moving around, it feels better. Had it 2 years ago in small of back.
Cindy Thompson - 09/08/99 12:07:39
My Email:cindyt@wtvhmail.com
Most helpful information I've found so far.
Randy Wheadon - 09/08/99 02:54:27
My Email:randy@cyberspc.mb.ca
hi: I have Sciatica and i found the info on your site helpful,especially the exercises. I also bike to work and walk at lunch for 45 min. I think riding the bike makes it worse. I am 41 and i have had it for 15 yrs it comes and goes. I like to exercise bu
if i over do it I will get a sore back and leg.
again thanks for the info
randy winnipeg canada
g s seger - 09/08/99 02:37:08
My Email:gswolf@ameritech,net
having a real problem! just had a injection-zero
my medicine this month $795.00 -zero
getting depressed, on drugs for depression- real
problem walking more then 500 feet.
Foy - 09/08/99 01:04:59
My Email:foy-terrybeal@mindspring.com
Mary: Thanks for putting up the website. I'm a 44 year old male who's suffered on and off from lower back pain since age 26 and suffered from sciatica-type leg pain back my teenage years. I haven't had true sciatic pain of the type you described but sinc
July of this year. I'd let myself get out of shape, especially the abs, and on my first day of vacation I went on a very strenuous bicycle ride with my 12 year old son. Back pain, left side, started before the ride was over and got much worse in the ev
ning. Leg pain, much like a cramp, started in a day or two, and seems to travel up and down my left leg from the base of the buttocks all the way to the bottom of the calf. Since the incident, the pain has slowly gone away, but it's apparent that I need
at least an xray diagnosis to confirm the herniated disc and also apparent that I need to choose carefully from several therapies. As noted by other guests, your site came up first in a search for "sciatica" in HotBot. Thanks again for the efforts, I'll
be visiting again and will share any info with you. Foy
Eileen C. - 09/07/99 20:58:17
My Email:chmielewski@isms.org
I experience Sciatic pain when I was pregnant with my son 3 years ago. I had back surgery 9 weeks after delivering my son. I was diagnosed with having two herniated discs. I am extremely overweight, though. I am experiencing this again now while 32 we
ks into my second pregnancy. Is there any hope that this will go away or could it be possible the discs are herniated all over again? The surgery just made things worse, not better, but I was told that the surgery was not 100% guaranteed. I need help!
Where can I turn now? thanks.
- 09/07/99 18:40:57
cissy - 09/07/99 08:48:27
My Email:cissyy 2 at hot mail
sciatica pain is very painful and annoying. your page is interesting i will have to try some of your hints. i am on daypro, muscle relaxants, darvocett, and have had physical therpy. the pain has been going on for several months going in cycles gets bette
for awhile then gets severe. i guess its just something suffers have to be patient with.
- 09/06/99 23:28:02
- 09/06/99 23:26:58
- 09/06/99 07:26:55
Della - 09/05/99 21:12:16
My Email:sandee_98@hotmail.com
Thank you for the info. I have had recurring attacks of sciatic pain since 1984. I am going to try your exercises.
LuAnne Comeau - 09/05/99 17:35:52
My Email:kec@i-america.net
Thanks for all your help.
LuAnne Comeau - 09/05/99 17:33:44
My Email:kec@i-america.net
Hi, I'm 43 and am suffering greatly at this minute. I'm usually very active and I just bought a horse. My greatest fear is that I will
R. Crawford - 09/05/99 13:54:47
My Email:cnb00651@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
I will be using you site for help with my condition. Thanks
Bob Doria - 09/05/99 13:38:28
My Email:rrdoria@MSN.com
Carl M. Pease - 09/03/99 13:01:44
My Email:carsanpease@compaq.net
Had a discectomy done recently and still in extreme pain taking tylox and steroids to help with pain.
- 09/03/99 07:12:53
Tom Hermanson - 09/02/99 22:42:30
My Email:THOMAS.HERMANSON@prodigy.net
Stan - 09/02/99 21:37:21
My Email:sbrewer@mdhs.state.ms.us
Great information! Thanks.
Eric E. Otte - 09/02/99 17:14:09
My Email:eric_otte@mw.3com.com
Yesterday (9/1/99), I was diagnosed as possibly having sciatica. I was actually visiting my doctor about another condition, and mentioned the pain in my left leg that I have had for some time (several months). I thought I just had a muscle pull, but I t
ought that should have gone away by now. I am on medication for the other condition, and was asking what I could take for the pain that wouldn't interact with my other prescriptions. He prescribed Daypro (Searle), one 600mg tab twice a day, and it works
very well. My symptoms match your general description quite well, except that I haven't noticed any back pain since my leg has been bothering me. It's on my left side, between the buttock and the knee. Some days I have less pain than others, but lately
it has been getting steadily worse. Here's hoping the the current tratment works. Your page has provided some very valuable information. I found it through 'HotBot' by using 'sciatica' as the keyword. Your page was the #1 listing.
- 08/27/99 18:04:56
Cindy Harrison - 08/26/99 23:11:38
My Email:jaredcindy@juno. com
Thanks so much for the helpful suggestions. It sure helps to know that I am not alone in the struggle to overcome the attacks of sciatica.
Eileen Gates - 08/26/99 02:06:43
My Email:redwinegates@prodigy.net
Thanks for all the help. I have had sciatic pain starting June of this year. I just had my second
epidural injection and finally feel relief. I owe it all to my excellent doctor. His name is David Ralston and practices in Orange County CA. If I can give anyone help in contacting him let me know.Don't give up!
maureen - 08/26/99 01:48:38
My Email:pars33@yahoo.com
wonderful site. thanks.had a suspicion that gentle exercise would be better than bed rest. Found it use ful to read the guestbook entries.
I used to do Tai chi years ago - before sciatica - and saw amazing improvements in people with arthritis - so am determined to start it again to help my sciatica. I'm only sorry that I stopped doing it or I might not have sciatica now!
- 08/25/99 16:39:34
- 08/23/99 19:35:11
Debbie - 08/23/99 19:00:30
My Email:dosborn@munroshoe.com
I have dealt with Sciatica for 2 years. Epidural Cortizone shots have helped me tremendously, as well as progressive daily exercise. I still take anti-inflammatory drugs daily and have learned to keep the pain minimal by taking proper care of myself. I
am seeing a Neurosurgeon who says my pain is not caused from any disc problem, therefore surgery is not an option for me. He is rather vague about exactly what my problem really is and says the condition is myofascial. I am considering a second opinion.
Any advice on how I might persue recovery would be appreciated. Thanks for your website. It's a big help.
Neville Boner - 08/23/99 15:03:33
My Email:neville@broking.co.za
I have had this pain for over a year. The Sports Physician told me that there is nothing wrong! Thanks for you enlightning site. I can not wait to try out your exercises.
- 08/23/99 12:35:38
Alisha - 08/23/99 10:01:05
My Email:AlishaOT@aol.com
I am on Occupational Therapist and I work with kids. I am 25 and thought I was crazy for having such pain so early in life. I have been having pain in my lower back for about 2 years on and off. Lately it has been worse, I hope my job isn't the cause. I h
ve a very long exam to take in Sept. and I fear the pain during it. HELP! I am glad I found this website. At least I know my options. I will schedule an appointment to see a doctor. THANKS
Mary Kay - 08/23/99 01:54:18
Louise Gaumer - 08/22/99 20:36:41
My Email:gaumer@citcom.net
Is acupuncture helpful in relieving sciatic pain? I had a very good chiroprator where I lived before;however, the one in this area made things worse--he said I had atrophied muscles in my buttocks and used the massage method. The heat and pulsating trea
ment I had before was much better; however, it's not offered here. There is an excellen acupuncture/herbal specialist and I'm tempted to see him. What do you think?
Ralph Stauffer Sr. - 08/22/99 18:09:44
My Email:Timspoppop@aol.com
I've finnaly found something on Sciatica I'm
about to have surgry on my back for a slpped
spine which is causing my sciatic nerve to
be pinched. I had a EMG and it revealed that the nerve was pinched.
Ralph Stauffer Sr. - 08/22/99 18:09:38
My Email:Timspoppop@aol.com
I've finnaly found something on Sciatica I'm
about to have surgry on my back for a slpped
spine which is causing my sciatic nerve to
be pinched. I had a EMG and it revealed that the nerve was pinched.
- 08/21/99 16:56:18
ambrose studna - 08/21/99 16:09:07
My Email:aasbat@bellatlantic.net
i have sciatica for about 2 months.will see a nuerologist in 2 weeks
- 08/20/99 18:04:15
- 08/20/99 02:19:15
Joan Fredrickson - 08/19/99 04:58:16
My Email:jdogge@earthlink.net
Thanks for your time and effort.
Ruth Dressel - 08/18/99 22:05:12
My Email:Ruthy28@bellalantic.com
Hello! I was looking to see what caused a Sciatica nerve. Your colum helped me a great deal and now maybe I can get straighten out and lead a normal life again Thankyou
jim p - 08/17/99 19:25:28
My Email:euabrasil@earthlink.com
Just found you, so no comment. Hopefully you will have some info about tingling toes. And water retention in the feet. And if the two are connected. thx - jim p
laura - 08/17/99 13:09:03
very helpful site!!
- 08/17/99 06:44:35
- 08/17/99 05:00:25
- 08/16/99 12:57:23
Vicki - 08/15/99 23:08:58
My Email:erasysop@aol.com
Thanks! I've been searching and searching for information on sciatica. You're effort is appreciated.
Alan C. Parker - 08/15/99 21:40:33
My Email:alanbeach@AOL.COM
- 08/15/99 18:03:42
Tadeusz Korsak - 08/15/99 17:14:53
My Email:tkorsak@polbox.com
Ruth S. Fogarty - 08/15/99 16:28:59
My Email:Geeayef@aol
Thanks for the exercise infomation about Sciatica. I have been bothered by it for about 2 weeks. I am going to try the exercises and am hoping for positive results. I am also saying a prayer each day, and HOT showers which help some.
Denise Kersey - 08/15/99 15:46:43
My Email:juscuz7@pacbell.net
Sharon - 08/15/99 10:46:02
My Email:SharonDeckard@Prodigy.net
I was diagnosed with Sciatica many years ago. It comes and goes. One of the exercises that I find most helpful for me is to lie flat on my back on the bed. Then my husband lifts my leg up and bends it so that the knee is near my chest. Then he gently rota
es the knee (in the bent position) outward and then gently straightens the leg out and lays it down again. We do this about three times and then I lay there for several minutes before getting up. Also I do not get up by lifting my body up. I roll over on
y side, place the elbow down on the mattress so that the forearm is straight up. I make a fist of this hand and place the other hand over it and press. This lifts me without straining my back. I then come into a sitting up position without pain. If I am h
ving problems with both legs. He does the same exercise with both legs. I have found that having him do the complete work with my legs and rotating the hips works better than me trying to do it myself. If I do it myself I am pulling muscles that are hurti
g and the results are not nearly as good. This method has gotten me back on my feet in minutes over the years. I have recommended it to many of my friends with the same problem and they have praised the method and swear by it now. I hope this helps someon
else. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me.
Sharon - 08/15/99 10:44:51
My Email:SharonDeckard@Prodigy.net
I was diagnosed with Sciatica many years ago. It comes and goes. One of the exercises that I find most helpful for me is to lie flat on my back on the bed. Then my husband lifts my leg up and bends it so that the knee is near my chest. Then he gently rota
es the knee (in the bent position) outward and then gently straightens the leg out and lays it down again. We do this about three times and then I lay there for several minutes before getting up. Also I do not get up by lifting my body up. I roll over on
y side, place the elbow down on the mattress so that the forearm is straight up. I make a fist of this hand and place the other hand over it and press. This lifts me without straining my back. I then come into a sitting up position without pain. If I am h
ving problems with both legs. He does the same exercise with both legs. I have found that having him do the complete work with my legs and rotating the hips works better than me trying to do it myself. If I do it myself I am pulling muscles that are hurti
g and the results are not nearly as good. This method has gotten me back on my feet in minutes over the years. I have recommended it to many of my friends with the same problem and they have praised the method and swear by it now. I hope this helps someon
else. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me.
Mikki - 08/15/99 06:09:26
My Email:Mikki886@aol.com
Dear Mary,
I wish I'd come upon your website a year ago, when all I had was lower back pain. Now I have numbness and weakness, bladder control problems, and unbearable pain in my buttock, hip and leg. I can only walk now with the aid of a cane. I get very little sle
p, as once I find a comfortable position, it doesn't stay comfortable for very long.
My doctor prescribed epidural cortisone injections, but once the specialist looked at my MRI, she said my condition had gone far beyond anything she could do.
I'm now looking at surgury.
Forgive me for whining, but I am so afraid of surgery!!!
If anyone out there has had back surgery at my age, let me know. I am 31.
Also, this is for anyone who hates doctors:
If I had paid heed to my symptoms and seen a doctor sooner, chances are good I would not be looking at surgery now.
Mikki - 08/15/99 05:43:37
My Email:Mikki886@aol.com
CAROL J. GALGANO - 08/13/99 14:30:47
A.Jarosz - 08/12/99 20:42:34
Paul - 08/12/99 18:08:55
My Email:daviapc@aol.com
To all you sufferers of sciatic nerve pain, SEE A DOCTOR--a BACK SURGEON who diagnoses and fixes these problems every day. You need to have an MRI done to locate the disc problems causing the pinched nerve/s. The X-rays I had showed nothing! In my case, o
er a four month period, it took two MRIs and two surgeries to find and repair the damage at L4-L5 and L5-S1. The first MRI did not show the problem at L5-S1. I was told that this was not uncommon because the MRI slice images are spaced apart about 1/8 in.
(3mm) and it can just miss a problem. Immediately after waking up from the second surgery, I had no more pain in the leg and buttock. The recovery is very fast. In both cases I went home 3-4 hours after the surgery.
Don't put up with living with the pain for months or years because after too long, permanent nerve damage can occur. I now do fast walking, back stretching and backstrengthening exercises every other day.
Mary, great web site.
Warren - 08/12/99 14:34:03
My Email:whal5223@bitsmart.com
Thanks for your info. Just starting out with this
problem. Pain is only in back of upper left leg.
Went out and ran for 3 miles and everything was fine. Drove a car for three hours and I could barely stand. Go figure?
walter stickney - 08/12/99 01:03:51
My Email:wlstickney@cybertours.com
I found the material very interesting and helpful.
It is the best site that I've found that deals with sciatica.
sherryl katinga - 08/10/99 18:51:47
My Email:skatinga@hendrickhealth.org
- 08/10/99 16:44:03
Witnee Ellman - 08/09/99 12:48:52
My Email:witnee@jps.net
Hope to learn more about Sciatica...
thanx for the opportunity.
grant - 08/09/99 06:36:06
My Email:grant_sine@ultranet.ca
I was involved in an car accident seven months and abit from this date ,i was having pains in knees, about 2 months after was having pains down the left side of leg off and on sometimes the pain was really bad. physio was not helping out ,went for x-ray
for the knees showed nothing abnormal ,rested for 2 weeks pains where still there not as bad,back to physio pains was getting worse got x ray for back.Changed physiotherapist me and my doctor agreed, did alright found out that a disc might be herniated
ecause my back was tender in lumbar part of my spine L5 L4 .The reason why my knees where hurting was partly because I braced before we hit, but my back was so injured that when moving around walking etc the muscles that are connected to the back also ar
connected to the knees to the foot so that my back gave out because back was strained really bad and muscles had to compensate for my back being injured.Had finnally gotten a CTscan proved to be right herniated disc L5 touching the sciatica. Waiting f
r consult to surgeon for maybe operation.I wonder sometimes it just might be better to get a second apinion if its just not right ,to you all just hang in there time will tell .MARY great web sight good luck.
Ron Terzian - 08/08/99 23:43:09
My Email:RTERZIAN@kscable.com
christine - 08/08/99 01:23:59
My Email:pisces7085@aol.com
well, i'm in agony; just putting on 5 lbs. has had a negative effect on my leg pain. i'm going to try to walk and stretch more as you suggested. thank you for your ideas.
Anita Melrose - 08/07/99 12:39:36
My Email:anitmelrose@worldnet.att.net
Your information is quiet complete. However I wonder about weight and diet? Do you have any suggestions on that?
April M. - 08/06/99 18:26:54
My Email:apriljkm@juno.com
I was visiting this site this morning. It jogged a memory I had about a newspaper article I had saved from the NYTimes- I actually found it- it is January 12, 1994 & is regarding something known as Piriformis Syndrome. Although I have back problems as wel
, my sciatic pain is due to this. Maybe others visiting your site can benefir from this info- possible you as well. Just because you do have a disc problem, it might be this anyway. It is worth a try. There are a lot of websites that are helpful such as w
w.webgate.net/~welchiro/inj-piri.html Just thought I would pass along the info , maybe someone will benefit from it! AJKM
Jan - 08/06/99 14:33:20
My Email:idget67@hotmail.com
I suffer from right sciatica plus some messed up discs. I found your page to be very helpful. Thanks, Jan
April Maron - 08/06/99 13:36:53
My Email:apriljkm@juno.com
Interesting! I have had intermittent sciatica for 14 years.my first pregnancy really started the pain. I believe that a slide down an entire set of stairs at age 14 on my tailbone started it. I also have stenosis in my lower back & neck, which is just com
licating things. I find that driving really kills me if it is for more than an hour. Also, have you find that different points of your menstrual cycle are worse than others??? I find the days prior & first day always comes with some pain.Have you tried th
"Spine Align"? I find that sometimes helps. It is a plastic form with two ridges that sort of cradles your spine, but forces you to arch your back in a way that makes it feel better.Also, have you tried flexing your knee toward your chest on the affected
side & pulling it toward the opposite side while lying on yur back. I read that in a NYTimes artice several years ago. It does something like create more room for the sciatic nerve in a place in your buttock where it is usually swollen when it is being pi
ched. I am 44 now. I find cycling doesn't make it particularly worse. Sitting & lying down for me is the worst.Long car trips of any kind almost always bring it on(great- like when you are on vacation!). April Maron
feliciano - 08/05/99 16:55:27
My Email:hf1930
Judy Chambers - 08/05/99 14:34:53
My Email:judy_chambers@hotmail.com
Tommy Pope - 08/05/99 02:54:21
My Email:tdpope@msn.com
Kelli McElroy - 08/04/99 20:52:16
My Email:kmcelroy@remtax.com
Alisa - 08/04/99 20:08:28
My Email:alisa@shemesh.co.il
Thank you for putting up your web site and sharing information with us. I just had my second attack two weeks ago. My first lasted at least half a year. This time I'm listening to the doctor and staying home and resting for the first few weeks. I alrea
y have started feeling better (at least I can put my shoes on this time!) Thanks again!!!
Heidi - 08/04/99 18:57:01
My Email:wolcoth@gte.net
Like the web-site.
- 08/04/99 18:22:59
Pat Smith - 08/03/99 20:16:44
My Email:smith44@primenet.com
I am 44 and I have had sciatica for several years. For the longest time I didn't know what was wrong with me. I've been so bad that I had to use a walker to get around and that didn't really help. I have found out that when I get stressed (and that hap
ens a lot) I have more pain. I just hope that a cure will be found or at least something to prevent anyone else from having it. My best to you all.
Samuel Joseph - 08/03/99 15:02:21
My Email:samsr@earthlink.net
There sure is a lot of information on these pages. I hope that I can help relieve my back pain and the pain that goes down my leg by following these suggestions.
tony kosinski - 08/03/99 03:09:41
My Email:tonyk37@aol.com
Have had sciatic nerve attacks on my right side on/off for about ten years. They disappeared a couple of years ago only to return with a vengeance on the left side recently after I had a terible cough/cold. Am at a loss as to what constructive things I
an do to alleviate the pain and reoccurance.
Bob Stepanek - 08/02/99 19:45:52
My Email:rfs@goes.com
Found your information helpful and agrees with my experiences. Thank you very much for taking the time to put your experience up on the internet.
Ron Gladstone - 08/02/99 19:01:12
My Email:gldstone@island.net
Ron Gladstone - 08/02/99 19:01:09
My Email:gldstone@island.net
Karen Mickleson - 08/01/99 13:45:03
My Email:kmickleson@aol.com
Does sciatica pain ever start in the side of the buttock and then move around to the top of the thigh? I'm not sure whether it's what I have or not. Feedback appreciated..
julie higgins - 08/01/99 09:58:54
My Email:juliehig@dircon.co.uk
Have been suffering for about 3 months now, and am just beginning to explore exercising. Wish me luck!
julie higgins - 08/01/99 09:52:37
My Email:juliehig@dircon.co.uk
Ron Foltz - 08/01/99 01:39:10
My Email:genfolkc@worldnet.att.net
Thanks for the information
Gary Lapina - 08/01/99 00:39:41
My Email:loopycat@hotmail.com
Just doing a little research. Just found out that the pain up & down my leg is coming from my Sciatic. Thanks for the Exercise information
Thanks Gary
- 07/31/99 21:05:38
Bill Bauer - 07/31/99 18:16:35
My Email:bbauer@freeway.net
Thanks for the info. So far I have only gone to a
chiropractor a week after I overdid it. He fiddler around with my ankles and said it would be gone in 7 hours. Its now 8 days, so lookin gfor new info.
Lois McLaughlin - 07/31/99 04:51:15
My Email:flmcl@jps.net
I'm just beginning to read your info but so far it seems right on target. I'm hoping for some way to make the pain go away...easily.
Dawn - 07/31/99 03:29:21
My URL:http://??
My Email:WilderClan@aol
I have been diagnosed with sciatica one and a half months ago.Have you really had this for six years?I don't know what I will do if this never goes away!I have two small children and I feel like I can't do anything !I am going to read everything I can abo
t this condition starting with your site.I hope that there is hope .I'm sure your site will help me.fellow sufferer,
Desiree Bisson - 07/28/99 06:43:09
My Email:fatalevwo@hotmail.com
Hi, I'm 23 years old, and I have the same problem as you. For work, I'm a stripper, and during one of my dance routines on stage is when I noticed that my lower back had a sharp pain in it, I assumed that I might've turned wrong so I continued the routin
. The pain stopped for a bit afterwards, but an hour later it came back, even worse, it got so bad, I almost started to cry. They let me leave, so I went home, next morning, my brother took me to the hospital, soon after I found out I had Sciatica. For
the next few weeks, I couldn't walk without any pain whatsoever, the doctor recommended that I should have 3 full body massages a day, they seemed to help for a bit. Last week, I was able to walk without any pain, but I read on your page, that you have s
ill have attacks like that, I was wondering if I should go back to dancing soon. Well, what's your reccomendation?
janice smith - 07/28/99 03:42:46
My Email:janandterry@hotmail.com
I have found using a tennis ball for pressure on the back of my legs seems to help the pain.
janice smith - 07/28/99 03:39:37
Derek - 07/27/99 00:59:47
My Email:STIKMAANN@aol.com
Your site is the first I found that wasn't a Dr. of some type of company trying to sell me something to exercise with. I found your information educating and useful. I'm not sure if I have sciatica or not as I haven't visited a Dr. yet. All my symptoms
eem to indicate this condition though. Thank you very much for being so informative about this subject. I will be sure to try the exercises you mention. Thank you.
Leanna Haynes - 07/27/99 00:56:50
My Email:ljhaynes@intelos.net
Thanks for your web site. My doctor prescribed me a Quinine solution for leg cramps and it didn't help, I started taking Ibuprofen and this helped the pain considerably. And the exercises are painful to start but I stick with it everyday and it does hel
. Thanks.
denis & shirley coen - 07/26/99 00:24:07
My Email:dcoen@dynamite.com.au
having suffered sciatic pain for several days we have only now turned to the net for advice. Further comment after we have tried your suggestions.
Josh Anderson - 07/25/99 19:50:12
My Email:josh_anderson99@hotmail.com
My mom was diagnosed with sciatica a few weeks ago and it hasn't gotten any better, so she asked me to look up somethings on the internet for her. Your site was the first to come up i think the excersices will work great, thanks!
- 07/25/99 17:29:18
Janelle Bolstad - 07/25/99 16:58:51
My Email:jan123@silyn-tek.de
- 07/25/99 14:06:01
John McCann - 07/25/99 00:47:27
My Email:jmm122851@aol.com
Will I be able to collect long term disability insurance with sciatica so I can provide for my wife and 3 kids???
After 20 yrs of back problems, just added sciatica to the list. I went immediately to acupuncture where I enjoyed much relief for other problems in the past but not working yet with sciatica. My DR. is a friend who also gave me NAISD and painkillers and t
ld me to go again to acupuncture. My biggest worry is that I am in sales with 3 little kids, now can't do the job and nobody would want me with this condition, so would I be able to collect from my employer's Disability Insurance Company??? What hell will
they now put me through?
P.S. My Dr. friend is very sharp so if he comes up with anything, I'll let you all know.
Debbie - 07/24/99 21:17:42
My Email:Z71TD@aol.com
Thank you, my husband was just diagnosed with Sciatica. I am sure the information that you have furnished will be very helpful>
Solanda Briscoe - 07/24/99 16:31:16
My Email:briscoe@pps.pgh.pa.us
Thank goodness I have found good information on this problem. Now I'm searching for relief.
Solanda Briscoe - 07/24/99 16:30:49
My Email:briscoe@pps.pgh.pa.us
Thank goodness I have found good information on this problem. Now I searching for relief.
Rebecca - 07/24/99 14:12:07
My Email:ses02@bellsouth.net
I've had sciatica off and on for ten years. Due to lack of ability to vigorously exercise, I've put on weight. What exercises can I do to improve my condition so that I can become physically active?
Penny Coronell - 07/24/99 06:50:11
My Email:ND10001@aol.com
thanks for taking the time to do this.
D. Butcher - 07/23/99 07:27:48
My Email:dbutchie@pacbell.net
Peter J - 07/23/99 04:37:53
My Email:pajjonnard@aol.com
I just went to the doctor today to deal with a "tingling" from my left buttocks down to the sole of my left foot. No back pain. It has been nagging me ever since I played in a b-ball game in April, and I always thought it would go away on its own. Unfo
tunately, it hasn't, and I'm frankly a little bit scared that this is going to be with me for awhile. What will make it go away? What exercises can I do? These are the questions on my mind that I hope I can answer tonight!
Jai Kyles - 07/22/99 11:42:27
My Email:tears58@bellatlantic.net
It is good to hear from someone who can really share in the pain,questions,frustration of the pain
Emiel J. Laethem - 07/22/99 09:05:46
My Email:Emiel_JIM_Laethem@compuserve.com
I appreciate what you done with this site. I too suffer from chronic sciatica and have done so since I was a teenager. The problem was exaserbated by years as a fighter pilot pulling all too many "G" forces. Epideral injections in Europe gave me great
relief for years but now have little to no effect so "coping with it" is now the bottom line. I have had two surgeries, a double discectomy and a fusion 8 years later. In both cases, I did quite well for years. I can blame the bulk of my present condit
on on inapprpriate life style. Too much chow and not enough excercise and self control. I am working on it. Visiting your site once in a while may help me focus on devevloping a more conduscive life style. Thanks again.
Shelia strunk - 07/22/99 01:51:01
My Email:Shelia56
Stephanie Orme - 07/21/99 00:33:07
My Email:Sneffie2@juno.com
Thanks for the info. I think I'll look into the cyberspine.com location as well. I have this for almost three years and nothing seems to work for very long.
Bobby Lonidier - 07/20/99 13:07:29
My Email:bllonidi@netscape.net
thanks for the info.
Roy Gardner - 07/20/99 03:22:35
My Email:carlyg@pacbell.net
Kathy T - 07/20/99 02:32:45
My Email:kitten@prodigy.net
Haven't had a chance to check it out yet. This popped up before I could.
Ginny - 07/20/99 02:29:48
My Email:boilerbb@GTE.net
Just ran across your web page while looking for exercises. I have not been diagnosed w/sciatica but tore a cartilege in my knee, began favoring that leg, and now I have a lot of leg pain. Remembering once before when I described an ache in my knee to a ma
sage therapist, he found the area in the hip around the sciatic nerve and pressure there relieved the knee ache. So I went last week for massage therapy and had immediate relief. The pain is coming back again though. I intend to try some yoga stretching e
ercises to see if they can free up the muscles around the nerve. I really doubt that I have a disc problem but instead have tight muscles near the nerve. I also plan to continue the massage therapy. Thanks for your site.
joan - 07/20/99 00:11:46
My Email:htfarm@aol.com
just found your site.I have sciatica. no doctor as yet..trying to relieve the tingling in rt. leg/foot, with excerizes. hope yours work !! J
Pat Lyons - 07/19/99 20:33:54
My Email:pslyons@cinternet.net
Thanks! I went in search of suggestions on stretching excercises, and landed on your site the first try! I'll give these suggestions a try today, and let you know how they work!
Pat Lyons - 07/19/99 20:24:34
My Email:pslyons@cinternet.net
Thanks! I went in search of suggestions on stretching excercises, and landed on your site the first try! I'll give these suggestions a try today, and let you know how they work!
Kim - 07/19/99 00:16:57
My Email:jkscs@vbe.com
Thanks for the great site! I feel kinship with you and the many other sufferers who have signed the guest book. I am tired of hurting and frustrated that I can't walk far or drive far, or that I am limping by the end of each day. Have tried chiropractic,
and Arthrotec, but not a lot of results yet. I do all your same exercises daily, or at least 4 x a week when busy. Would love more recognition from doctors and other people that this is serious. Thanks for the great website!
Keith - 07/17/99 06:54:43
Excellent find, such gems are rare on the WWW (World Wide Waste)
I fell over whilst pissed/drunk (so it's my own stupid fault)
Two days later I was hobbling about with back pain. Next day I spent in bed and at two in the morning ended up on the floor in the dark with the ambulance on the way. Every so often the right side of my back went into spasm and I went ow! (loudly)
Three days of bed and pain killers (co-dydramol (paracetamol and codiene) later I was up and about (novice!) and then....... bugger, pain through my left buttock down the back of the thigh and calf with an numb foot.
This was not cramp, although I initially thought it was, It was loacalised around a straight line on the rear of my leg. Cramp is where the affected muscle tightens and this wasn't cramp...
Ho Ho Sciatica
Fingers crossed mine will clear up (a month!!!!). Good job I work from home. The excercise page is printing out now.... There's no help like self help. (Getting falling over drunk isn't wise either)
I've found that massage helps relieve the pain. Also analgesic balm (Mentholatum Deep Heat), something with aspirin in it does wonders. That involves a lot of massage.
Sounds like mine is fairly mild but it's another one of the things to add to the list of 'No I do have some idea of what you're going through'
Now I must re-evaluate my drinking habits.... This pain stuff is a great help.... walking to the toilet is hard enough. Down the shop to buy beer? forget it.
Hope the food in the fridge lasts!
Thanks for the webpage and good luck to you all.
Regards Keith
Erika - 07/16/99 07:55:19
My Email:andersdotter@eartlink.net
Thank you so much for having a web site that isn't just selling stuff. I have suffered from what I believe to be mild sciatica for about 5 years, since I was 19 or 20. I have never been fully disabled by it, but ocassionaly I can't get out of bed due to a
paralyzing pain, which subsides quickly, or sometimes if I'm standing in one spot for too long I can't walk away because I can't put my leg down. Everyone seems to think I'm over reacting when I say that I can't override my body and make it do what I want
to, something just stops me. Anyway, thanks again, I am currently looking for alternative treatment as physical therapists have done nothing for me.
Veronica - 07/14/99 18:50:01
My Email:mccabeg@indigo.ie
Greetings from Dublin, Ireland, just undergoing my second bout of Sciatica and it's hell,have pain,cramps in right leg and it's impossible to sleep.Am taking Brufen at present but not a lot of relief ,doctor says got to take it's course.
Your web site is very informative and especially very personal which makes it all much more relevant.
Holly Dennis - 07/14/99 18:29:35
My Email:hollydennis@email.com
Anne Perry - 07/14/99 03:14:43
My Email:APerry1666@aol.com
Than you very much for your informative web site. This is only the second time I have experienced sciatica pain. It is mosty in my butt and leg. Originally, I thought I hurt my knee while exercising. It went away in about 2 wks.
This attack is more severe and it is worse at night. I can't seem to find a comfortable position. I will try the pillow under my knees to sleep. I thought sleeping on my back would make it worse. Should I have an MRI to find the cause? If it is a hern
ated disc, do you recommend surgery? I am very active and this is, literally, a pain in the butt. By the way, I bought the Tempurpedic Mattress that adjusts to body weight and temperature. That hasn't helped my husband or myself. He has had chronic lo
back pain for awhile and occasional episodes of sciatica. I will continue to check this site -- and again, thanks a lot for all the helpful tips.
Debbie Holliman - 07/14/99 02:49:25
My Email:mdh@lcii.net
I have scolosis, & have had trauma on my back. I've had x-rays & nothing shows up. I can't go any place if I have to walk very far, because it's so painful. I'm 47 & have been this way for 10 yrs. I'm at my wits end because I know there is a severe
problem that the Doctors can't find. No insurance so it's hard to fork out the money, most especially when x-rays don't show anything to be wrong. Hope to hear from you. Debbie
michael bryson - 07/13/99 21:36:49
My Email:starpup@earthlink.net
just visiting. looking for info to help me out wih this problem
michael bryson - 07/13/99 21:36:31
My Email:starpup@earthlink.net
just visiting. looking for info to help me out wih this problem
Alicia Meyer - 07/13/99 17:28:31
My Email:ameyer@carman.k12.mi.us
Thank you for having a site that will help me!
John Widders - 07/13/99 13:50:04
My Email:bymead@aol.com
I've recently had acute sciatica (aged 35)brought on through cycling.
I usually have a 'background' dull ache in my left leg, which is aggravated further by cycling hard. My left foot then gets bad pins & needles.
In the scheme of things I'm not really sufering too much, but it would be nice to be free of this!
Thanks for the site,John.
Sunny Wilson - 07/13/99 01:01:31
My Email:Alanwilson1@compuserve.com
katheryne macgill - 07/12/99 19:35:29
My Email:khmacgill@aol.com
Thanks I love someone who has researched and now puts it on the web, it makes my search so much easier.
STEPHEN DAY - 07/12/99 19:34:49
shon ingram - 07/12/99 16:20:23
My Email:singram967@aol.com
thanks for the info. i am suffering from siatica in my right leg as we speak and this info has helped alot. i have tried all kinds of pain killers and now its down to 3 aleve every 4-6 hours. its the only thing i can take without ceasing to function. than
s again.
Percy Brik - 07/12/99 04:47:56
My Email:percbrik@enoreo.on.ca
I have had sciatica for one year. I have done exericise and advil to relieve some of the pain. Six months ago an orthopedic surgeon told me that he expected a full recovery within months. I'm still waiting and my kids need piggy back rides.
Florence Schwenn - 07/12/99 02:40:10
My Email:FSchwenn@aol.com
I am looking for information on Sciatic Pain.
I still have to check your web site.
Thanks Florence
JIM PRENDERGAST - 07/11/99 21:33:09
Thanks for the info!
Jen Shedrick - 07/11/99 16:54:15
My Email:Poop1124@aol.com
Marty - 07/11/99 15:21:48
My Email:Fireusa
Neil McNally - 07/10/99 10:06:31
My Email:neil@bowmanclarke.co.uk
"Its Good to Know your not alone with this"
I'm 32 and started with sciatica after a lot of back pain which has now lasted over a year.
I get it on and off through the day and is now like tooth ache in my leg and is only releaved by sitting down for a while which can be difficult if your in the middle of a supermarket.
Anway thanks for your site.
Regards N McNally
Sheldon Krechman - 07/09/99 14:38:58
My Email:rewshel@aol.com
John - 07/09/99 08:26:02
My Email:John@92otl.screaming.net
Hi, A really useful piece of work. It's amasing how little information is available in plain english. I am a fire fighter in the UK and have developed sciatica after a minor car crash. My concern is that I am required to stay fit in order to keep my job.
find that any form of exercise (jogging, rowing and even swimming) causes me to suffer another attack. Any suggestions as to how I can maintain fitness levels without putting myself through weeks of pain ?
GEORGE BRIAND - 07/08/99 01:26:31
Michelle Lopez - 07/07/99 23:06:37
My Email:mlopez@suffolk.lib.ny.us
Great Web site! I am 28 years old and am suffering with my second "major" sciatica attack in four years. I have tried physical therapy, three epidural injections, bed rest, pain killers...you name it. Nothing have worked except giving the pain time to run
its course. Unfortunately the last time it took six months for the pain to subside. I walk all hunched over with a pronounced limp and people tend to stare so going out to do errands and going to work is tough at times but you "gotta do what you gotta do"
right? I hope to avoid having surgery on my back but if I am this bad at 28 I cannot imagine what I will be like when I am in my 60's. If any one would like to e-mail me to talk about their struggles with sciatica I would be happy to respond to any e-mail
Good luck with the site and best of luck for a pain-free future,
M. Lopez
Loretta Neustaeter - 07/07/99 22:15:35
My Email:cneustaeter@sk.sympatico.ca
I was recently diagnoased with Fibromylagia. I am glad my husband can find me information like yours to help me. Thank you for all your efforts.
Debra Toulmin - 07/07/99 20:18:06
My Email:debrat@teleline.es
Hello from Spain!
Many thanks for your info.
I'm looking this up for my
father who is having serious
trouble with the condition.
Thanks again and good luck!
Gazy Kattan - 07/06/99 16:06:37
My Email:gazyk@birdmail.com
I did have some sciatica pain when I was in my early 20s. Also, I have a herniated disc which is in good terms with me, because it calls for attention only every ten or fifteen years.
Now, at 57 I have been experiencing the sciatica pain again. I am certain it is because of pressure on my leg and hip from the driver's seat and the intrument console in my car. Ibuprofen has been so-so. I have found great relief with meloxicam (a NSAID "
obic", "Melocam"). I will try your excerises.
Good luck.
Mark Kreuzwieser - 07/06/99 04:50:02
My Email:markk@nownetworks.com
Thanks for the information! It's the first clear, understandable description I've come across since my lower back and leg pain started about a month ago.
Sandra Still - 07/05/99 01:57:38
My Email:cw_sls@bellsouth.net
Nice work!
carolyn lewis - 07/04/99 15:54:32
My URL:http:// www.clis.com
My Email:dkb@mail.clis.com
Marty Baugh - 07/04/99 14:41:37
My Email:martin.h.baugh@boeing.com
I'm going through my 1st experience with sciatica at 56 and it's not a pleasant experience. I'm in the early stages of diagnosis, still awaiting the results of the 1st set of X-rays. I'm going to try your suggestion of a couple of aspirin to see if I c
n somewhat enjoy the 4th of July celebration and BBQ we're invited to for this afternoon. Thanks. Marty Baugh
Linda Hogan - 07/04/99 14:40:24
My Email:bobh@fine.com
In the last year I have had pain down my right leg and find I cannot drive a car for more than a half hour without this pain starting (especially in my foot and hip) and it will last for days and weeks.
I recently underwent (one word?) spinal fusion in
my neck for pain in my arms - the pain is still there and my neck is not fusing, therefore, I may
have to undergo surgery again. Surgery would be the absolute last resort
for my leg pain so I will try the exercises you
gave. I found you site informative and helpful.
Thank you.
GAVIN BENTALL - 07/04/99 10:54:08
Thanks for your help, I've recently started to suffer from this so i hope your exercises work :)
Debbie - 07/04/99 03:46:15
My Email:tomdebb@pacbell.net
I have had sciatica for a year now, I am 46, and lost 20 lbs from 200 with no effect yet. The chiropractor did not make it leave, only gave me a few hours relief, so after spending 400 dollars quit going. I do not lift weights or push heavy things.
A couple of weeks ago my legs became tingly, as if they were asleep.I don't know if this is actually related or not.
- 07/03/99 21:23:28
martyn - 07/03/99 21:13:15
My Email:max@mackers99.freeserve.co.uk
i am 34 yrs old i have had sciatica for 5 yrs and
i would be gratefull for more info.
all the best martyn.
e.friel5395 - 07/02/99 15:23:10
My Email:efriel5395@aol.com
Thank you for sharing your helpful information It really is a relief to know that there's a network of people that share in this condition.
Glenn Gettinger - 07/02/99 02:23:00
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/gagelbyte/
My Email:gagman@mama.indstate.edu
Great site. It was most helpful. Many of the excercises you suggested I did to recover from a back injury many years ago. I was already doing them. Thanks for the tip to switch to asprin. Walking seems to help the most for me, thus far. Swiming seem
to make it worse, when I sit down at my computer.
Keep up the good work, and thanks for the site. Its great to have the encouragement of others. If only I could tear myself from all the work I must do at my computer.
glenn :( --> :-)
IRWIN - 07/01/99 22:49:15
I never had sciatica in my life until someone totaled my auto. About 8 months after the accident I had bad problems when I drove more then 30 minuites. I would get severe pains in the back of the upper part of my right leg. I would have to stop a
d walk around for about 10 minuites and then continue on my trip stopping every 30 minuites. The doctor that I went to for my accident injuries told me it was sciatica and that it didn't come from the accident. Up to the time of the accident I have n
ver had any leg pain or back pain. I raced walked each day for many years and had been in several marathons. In fact the doctor that I have used since 1973 couldn't find any mention of any problems in my records. Do you have any information on this.
Since the accident my life long depression has grown to the worse that I have suffered since my time in combat. I will end now. Have a great weekend.
Susan Chiasson - 07/01/99 21:30:36
My Email:sueben@acncanada.ca
I have been experiencing pain mostly into my hips and tail bone. Sometime the bottom of my back. I was taking to my mom in Vancover and informed me that 2 of my sisters as the same symptome and she's the one who told me about this hilness. I will be go
ng to see my Doctor and give im this information, because when I went to see him before (of course I didn't have no idea about this)and he told me I just wasn't active enough and try to do ome exercise, that's it. Can't wait to go and see him with this i
fo. Thanks a lot...
tony - 06/29/99 19:45:11
My Email:boochgone@excite.com
In the words of Granny, from the Beverley Hill Billies, "I am suffering something terrible."
I hope the information will be helpful.
This is so important, "I don't need no stinking
Peter Cade - 06/29/99 16:37:31
My Email:butrosg@bellatlantic.net
I discovered your site after thrashing around for an hour or so....A breath of fresh air !
Actually, i'm doing this for a friend... She's in her late 70's,has diabetes, is on dialysis and has recently been diagnosed as having sciatica. Definitely compromises her quality of life! I think you're doing her, and any other sufferers a great service.
Clarity, sanity, and zero bullshit (I have a very sensitive nose).
Barbie - 06/27/99 17:24:13
My Email:jrcbac@swbell.net
Great Web Site! I have had chronic back problems since I was 20 after a car accident. I am now 67 yrs. old. However, it was my neck and between my shoulders then. Later I started having various problems with lower back pain. My son is a chiropractor an
thanks to him, I have stayed pretty pain free until in Oct. 1998. I got up one morning and couldn't walk without being in excruiating pain. By afternoon I couldn't stand it so called my son and he met me at his clinic. He used accupuncture, muscle stem
traction and gave me an adjustment. I was out of pain by the time I left his office. I worked during the month of December and experienced some pain but not as severe as in Oct. I got through the holidays and we went on a trip from Dallas to San Franci
co. I was fairly pain free but did monitor how much walking I did. Then in Feb. the "beast" returned with vengence. Several times I have threatened to have surgery when the pain got so bad. I have been to the following doctors:
Primary Care Doctor
2 Neurosurgeons
Presently I am managing by going to the chiropractor (my son) and a reflexologist.
Medicine that helps:
Bayer Gel Caps for pain
Flexall Ultra Plus Analgesic Gel
Glucosamine & Chronditin
Columstrum (Read about at www.symbiotics.com)(recommended by Reflexologist)
Pillow under knees when on back between knees when on side.
Alternate hot & cold packs.
Keep feet elevated when sitting.
Lay on floor and elevate feet.
Firm Mattress
Most people experience extreme irritability and I sometimes become hysterical and say things to people I later regret.
To the lady who asked about positions for sex:
The way that works best for me is to stretch my legs out and rest my feet on my husband's shoulders.
Thanks for developing this Web Site. I am going to try your exercises.
betty - 06/24/99 21:23:26
My Email:paulbaby@dancris.com
Trina - 06/24/99 06:56:51
My Email:triny@techline.com
just been diagnosed, need to know more
Trina - 06/24/99 06:31:55
My URL:http://www.techline.com
My Email:triny@techline.com
just been diagnosed need to know more
Fran Hasterok - 06/24/99 01:30:31
My Email:fhasterok@home.com
The information here is really helpful. I'm currently going to a chiropractor and he's been tremendously helpful in relieving the pain. The adjustments he's done have made the pain almost go away completely. I'm having more good days than bad now.
Fran Hasterok - 06/24/99 01:25:54
My Email:fhasterok@home.com
The information here is really helpful.
- 06/23/99 19:14:01
My Email:elmore@alaska.net
Cynthia - 06/22/99 00:45:17
My Email:cyndav@cyberportal.net
Hi Mary: I have read with interest your pages on sciatica. I have done some self-diagnosis and feel that is what I have. A couple of years ago I was bothered with polymyalgia. Was on prednisone for a year. But, because I am mostly at a computer every d
y, I believe what I am suffering from has to do with my sciatic nerve. What a bother. I am exercising 3 times a day at water areobics and will also try your exercises.Wish me luck!
nsayres - 06/21/99 17:50:15
My Email:nsayres@netscape.net
Nils Borgas - 06/20/99 21:45:14
My Email:Swedeman@excite.com
Hi Mary,
Thank you for the web site. It's truly a great thing you have done!
I got my sciatica about 2 months ago. I first tried seeing a doctor, then a chirpractor for about 6 weeks. When nothing of that helped, I went to see a chinese acupressure person. He practices something called tui-na. Twice a week for half an hour. He als
told me to stop using ice. Instead, in order to get the "chi" back in balance he told me to spend as much time in the jacuzzi as possible. After two weeks of that I actually felt a lot better.
However, stupid me did some light lifting 2 days ago and now it's feeling painful again.
I will take a look at your exercises. It seems that there is no one treatment which is great for everybody. Again, thank you.
Eileen Garcia - 06/20/99 20:01:19
My Email:garcia@direct.ca
Thanks for the info.
- 06/20/99 03:12:04
- 06/20/99 03:12:02
Darlene Sagolili - 06/18/99 18:07:36
My Email:jemmalili@yahoo.com
For the last 3 or 4 years, I've had this strange sensation running down the back of my leg from my hip - not really painful, but very uncomfortable. I've only had one opinion from one doctor who suspected it was probably sciatica. I only get it once in a
while and it is not debilitating. what are the signs and symptoms that would most likely identify my condition as sciatica?
Jeanne - 06/18/99 16:24:37
My Email:ChessL@erols.com
Thanks for all the info, Mary. I just read about 3 years worth of guests' comments. Oooo---misery loves company! Wish I could say the exercises, ice, ibuprophen really helped. Am in my 3rd bout of S since March. People in my family haven't been affliced w
th this nasty affliction until they're in their mid 70's, so I was feeling sorry for myself at 58 to be so bothered. But I see that there are a number of people much younger to be in even more pain. Finding the info and the comments from you and your gue
ts has been informative. My second attack in early April was the worst (although right the attack shows signs of reaching those proportions) and brought on by an 8-hour auto drive (no one told me that was a no no) and that was followed by 2 days of standi
g in one place painting lattice. But that attack occured a couple days after the drive and painting. It lasted 3 weeks but took lots of pain killers and considsered the epidural steroid injection because of a pending trip to Italy for 3 weeks. Mercifully,
I recovered in time to enjoy the trip and all the walking and lugging of suitcases with no bad effects. Go figure! Three weeks after returning from Italy during which time I did lots of gardening with no ill effects, until 2 days ago--dragging and lifting
a bag a topsoid. I am not a happy camper at the moment. To other sufferers I would caution about sitting in the car for long periods. On the trip to Italy, I walked the aisle every hour or so. Got some questions tho. Ice: just on the painful areas or shou
d the lower spine get the ice. Right now its the leg that's killing me. What are the big things to avoid? I guess lifting topsoil for one, huh? Can't believe the people who say they can play tennis and it doesn't bother them. What are things that can real
y bring it on? What to avoid mostly? Thanks.
Debbie - 06/18/99 13:24:01
My Email:dosborn@munroshoe
I have sciatica and am looking for information, etc.
Betty Almazan - 06/17/99 19:02:00
My Email:balmazan@worldnet.att.net
- 06/17/99 09:55:32
Richard Duncan - 06/16/99 15:42:25
My Email:rgduncan@ultralink.com
Herewith my appreciation for the effort you have put into your sciatica web page. Thank you. Your definition fits my affliction exactly. One aspect was not quite clear (and sounds contradictory?) ".. person does NOT have a herniated disk if the back pain
is GREATER than that in their legs,..." emphasis added. It sounds backwards to me - I would have thought the disk problem would make the back worse??
Thanks again, Mary.
joe bongiorno - 06/16/99 14:03:12
My Email:joebongo@bellatlantic.net
i've tried these exercises and they really work.
i'm a avid golfer and sometimes the pain is hard to even play but i also notice that it decreases with the natural motion of a good golf swing. sitting at this computer doesn't help and maybe even aggravates it so a good straight back on a chair , i feel
s important.
N. Jay Brantley - 06/16/99 09:58:16
My Email:DrJay2003@aol.com
I searched every way I knew and finally found this site with the most helpful information anywhere. Thanks for your help!
janet donner - 06/16/99 03:06:25
My Email:jann60@aol.com
some good basic information I have arthritis in the back and sciatic in both legs
chiro says to loose weight do exercises and keep moving now I need to do that
phoenix - 06/15/99 22:52:27
My Email:ccc3ad@earthlink.net
Thanx and congratulations on working towards a solution and healing.
Rob - 06/15/99 21:28:03
My Email:sstclair@skognet.com
Rob is 11 years old and is having symptoms of the classis sciatica that you've described. His back pain started first, then the leg pain came a few weeks later. It has now been 6 weeks and he is still with a stiff back and leg pain! How do you keep a v
ry active boy resting?
ben hensley - 06/14/99 03:25:06
My Email:hensley@wcn.net
Great work with this web page. I found most of what you have desribed to be true. After suffering 5 monthes with a ruptured L5 disk opted for ortoscopic surgery last Friday and seem to be progressing well accept for some nighttime sciatica. You may want t
advise others to boost intake of vitamin b12 complex. Ben
- 06/13/99 16:17:30
I have been experiencing the effects of sciatica for two years i have been to my doctor on many occasions but am told theres nothing wrong with me as a result of the pain i am unable to exercise as i used to and have gained 4 stones in weight
joyce - 06/13/99 15:52:39
My sciatic pain started 3 days after surgury for a neuroma in my foot. A nerve was removed between the 3rd and 4th left toe. Three days later a numbness started in my right bottoch and continues down the back of my right leg. My lower back is also hur
Jamie Sandrovich - 06/13/99 13:43:57
My Email:jamie_sandrovich@icgcomm.com
Very informative and helpful. Thank you very much for the info. My pain is exactly as you describe. I'm only 28 so I guess I'm an exception also. It gets really frustrating when it keeps coming back.
Tony Alcock - 06/12/99 19:16:59
My URL:http://www.euro21.net
My Email:aa@euro21.net
This is the first time I am suffering any illness of what seems to be of some severity.
Having access to the internet to find out how others deal with this problem is a great boon and consequently something of a comfort, and that is something I need right now!
I'm an English European man living in France just about to not so enjoy my 52nd birthday; The French
are very proud of their medical services. The two doctors to whom I hobbled to diagnose my condition and provide relief have prescribed me a generous selection of pain relievers and muscle relaxants, I have had injections (infusions) in both my backside a
d backbone region . . . all to no avail. This is seriously debilitating, trying to work intelligently is nigh impossible. I'm told
Sciatica can last either three days, three weeks or three months, my first three weeks are up in two days time!
I think your website is right to the point and covers the subject quite comprehensively, thanks for this chance to write.
Tony Alcock
PeggyA - 06/12/99 12:26:55
My Email:spabell@swbell.net
I've been in pain for 5 weeks, doctor is slightly less than concerned...I'm seriously thinking of changing to a D.O. they seem more in tune with the whole body as opposed to the immediate symptoms. I tried 4 chiropractic visits but they only eased the pa
n and at $30 a pop I can ease it myself.
I have cold packs, heating pad and I bought an electic massager. I've been doing the knee lifts and pelvic tilt but am anxious to start the other exercises you have described.
Bottom line is I guess I'm in charge of my own recovery and I certainly appreciate being able to access your experience.
Alyson Sylva - 06/12/99 06:12:01
My Email:Mikenaly@oro.net
It's nice to see a web sight that does not try to sell me anything. I have a question for you about my own sciatica, and am wondering if you have any information on it. I have read in your web page and others that up to 30% of people undergoing an MRI s
ow disc problems even though they are pain free. I have the opposite problem. I have Kaiser, and must wait months for everything. When I had my MRI I was in my first less pain stage in 7 months. The MRI came out negative! It showed no abnormalities,
o herniated or even bulging discs. Could I have a bulging disc that bulges less, causing less pain? Should I request another MRI when I am having pain again? The less pain stage lasted for 3 weeks. It was bliss! I still couldn't sit in a chair, but I
was able to sleep more, and could sit on my couch for short periods of time. I am feeling very frustrated and alone in dealing with this pain, and get very cranky. I have tried traction, epidural steroid shots, physical therapy, and chiropractors and am
about to try acupuncture. The spine shots actually gave me my first relief in months, but you can only have 3 in a year, and I have already had two. What will I do after the 3rd one wears off??
Betty L. lindley - 06/10/99 02:54:11
My Email:bettyloulin@Webtv.net
I am 68 yrs. of age. I had bouts of sciatica in my 40's but hadn't been troubled with it for a long time. I believe spading in the yard brought it on and it is driving me crazy of late. When I get up in the mornings it is the worst of the day. It is hu
ting as I sit here now though--8 P.M.
I use ice on it periodically and it eases it a little--along with Advil. Sitting is, of course, the worst.
When I had it years ago I had Cortisone shots in my hip--but would rather not go that route again if I don't have to.
A. J. PIGNATELLA - 06/08/99 18:09:16
My Email:ajpignatella@snet.net
Enjoyable. Glad to find some information on
this problem. Will write you under your write
Jennipher Stringer - 06/07/99 20:45:30
My Email:jjstringer1@doe.com
Claudia - 06/07/99 13:43:01
My Email:bellah@kskc.net
I'm worried that once you have a sciatic problem, it will be easier to have them again and again. Is that the case?
Russ Savage - 06/07/99 11:21:13
My Email:docsavagemedwrtr@hotmail.com
Nice site - I supposedly have sciatica from an overzealous afternoon of activity. I have no pain below my knee; but quite a bit in my thigh (mostly in the front). I liked and identify with your comments about Bad cramps. Thats how my thigh feels. My b
ggest problem is that this does not allow to walk very well or stand upright.
- 06/06/99 12:20:45
Bill Gilland - 06/06/99 05:04:20
My Email:carbuyer@sincom.com
Just figured out that sciatica appears to be my problem. Having a hard time getting over a bout with it after driving about 7,500 miles in one month. Starts in lower back and affects left buttock, hip, and back of leg all the way down to my ankle. Thin
I'll start reading more about this!!
lane - 06/05/99 11:49:07
María - 06/05/99 11:32:02
My Email:maria.hoskins@btinternet.com
Has anyone tried a backswinger? A simple sort of machine where you hook your feet into a suppor and then it holds you at an angle to the floor? It sounds good for stretching out the spine... grateful for any comments.
Jean - 06/03/99 17:44:20
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.net
Wow, am I embarassed! I thought none of my messages were getting through because I kept/keep getting a message saying it's not. But when I went back to view the guestbook I was shocked to see everyone of them. I sound pretty desperate and a little weird.
orry! But I haven't had any replies either.
Jean - 06/03/99 17:38:00
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.net
Does anyone have any suggestions for comfortable sexual positions for a sciatica sufferer? I have a great deal of pain down my left leg, especially at the back of my thigh. My husband would sure appreciate it!
Tracey - 06/03/99 02:51:55
My Email:mcurivan@hotmail.com
Thank you for this wonderful website. The information appears very helpful and I will start using some of your suggestions right away.
Jean - 06/03/99 02:31:17
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.net
Does anyone out there have some advice for enjoying sex when one is a sciatic sufferer? My husband would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Jean - 06/01/99 19:44:01
My Email:pnnj@pacbell.net
Does anyone out there have any advice for how to enjoy sex as a sciatica sufferer. My husband would be more than grateful! This is new to me and my physical therapist did not have this information.
Thanks for anyhelp.
- 06/01/99 04:32:17
Hi All: Like many of you, I have suffered from sciatica off and on for several years. It is pretty depressing when you feel that old familiar feeling in your lower back, and start to stiffen up, knowing that in a week or so the pain will be difficult to l
ve with. I am presently getting over an attack which has lasted for 9 weeks, after being completely free of pain for 18 months (I was back to all my normal activities, skiing lots, gym 3-4X/wk, cycling, lifting my kids again).
I have found several useful resources, the best are a couple of books, "Treat Your Own Back" by Robin McKenzie (the now famous physiotherapist) and "The New Back Doctor" by Hamilton Hall (the orthopaedic surgeon). The second book takes an interesting look
at the psychological aspects of suffering with this sometimes difficult to cope with problem. Dr. Hall also has the best web site around at www.cyberspine.com. He dosen't try to sell you anything, and really encourages you to get moving towards recovery.
I have tried everything for this problem (I initially spent 2 months unable to stand for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time, waking up every two or three hours) and the things that have helped me the most have been 1. Epidural steriod+/- Fentanyl when I j
st can't move (usually helps to reduce pain by at least 50%, sometimes completely, usually lasts for months, have had this 5 times), 2. The McKenzie back program of extension exercises, 3. regular, vigorous, physical activity. 4. When the pain comes, I ca
't get by without anti-inflammatory meds, I like a drug called Arthrotec, and anti-inflammatory (Voltarin) with Cytotec, a second drug to prevent getting stomach ulcers. I have recently been experimenting with a new drug called Celebrex, a new kind of ant
-inflammatory with apparently fewer side effects. I am not sure that it is better than the Arthrotec just yet.
I am a physician, and even though my profession has not gotten the management of sciatica totally figured out, I just have to believe in science and medicine as opposed to many of the other things I have come across (and tried with no effect except to was
e my money) like accupuncture, herbal therapies etc.
I don't know about you guys, but when I stop moving, I start to seize up after three or four days, and then I am heading for trouble.
Kind of a long winded entry, but check out www.cyberspine.com, I have not found a better site. And for God's sake, do whatever it takes to get up and start moving, even if it is just a bit.
a.grossman - 05/31/99 23:24:27
My Email:jcgg@ix.netcom.com
Jean - 05/31/99 20:49:32
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.com
Any help with ways to enjoy sex for sciatica suffers? My husband would sure appreciate it!
Jean - 05/31/99 20:41:23
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.com
No one out there talks about problems sitting on the toilet in the morning or finding any! comfortable sexual positions or practices. My husband would sure appreciate some help on this one. I am 52 and have had pain for 3 months. Taking 2400 mg of ibuprof
n every day and doing exercises and seeing a physical therapist with almost no change. Now starting to use glucosamine-chondroitin daily. Any suggestions for the sex problems would be great!
Jean - 05/31/99 20:30:20
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.net
I'm 52 and have had sciatica for about 3 months (2 times prior, but only about a week or two each time--then mostly lower back pane). This time when I get up in the morning after sleeping with a pillow under my knees, I can hardly roll out of bed or walk.
No one has yet spoken about difficulties (especially for a woman) going to the bathroom or in enjoying sex. Does anyone have any suggestions for positions or otherwise. My husband would sure appreciate it. Thanks to all for all your information. The only
roblem is that I feel far less hopeful after realizing how many people have dealt with this for years. Anyway, any help with above problems would be more than appreciated.
Jean - 05/31/99 20:29:30
My Email:pbbj@pacbell.net
I'm 52 and have had sciatica for about 3 months (2 times prior, but only about a week or two each time--then mostly lower back pane). This time when I get up in the morning after sleeping with a pillow under my knees, I can hardly roll out of bed or walk.
No one has yet spoken about difficulties (especially for a woman) going to the bathroom or in enjoying sex. Does anyone have any suggestions for positions or otherwise. My husband would sure appreciate it. Thanks to all for all your information. The only
roblem is that I feel far less hopeful after realizing how many people have dealt with this for years. Anyway, any help with above problems would be more than appreciated.
paula - 05/30/99 01:24:02
BB - 05/29/99 04:55:57
Hi All: Like many of you, I have suffered from sciatica off and on for several years. It is pretty depressing when you feel that old familiar feeling in your lower back, and start to stiffen up, knowing that in a week or so the pain will be difficult to l
ve with. I am presently getting over an attack which has lasted for 9 weeks, after being completely free of pain for 18 months (I was back to all my normal activities, skiing lots, gym 3-4X/wk, cycling, lifting my kids again).
I have found several useful resources, the best are a couple of books, "Treat Your Own Back" by Robin McKenzie (the now famous physiotherapist) and "The New Back Doctor" by Hamilton Hall (the orthopaedic surgeon). The second book takes an interesting look
at the psychological aspects of suffering with this sometimes difficult to cope with problem. Dr. Hall also has the best web site around at www.cyberspine.com. He dosen't try to sell you anything, and really encourages you to get moving towards recovery.
I have tried everything for this problem (I initially spent 2 months unable to stand for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time, waking up every two or three hours) and the things that have helped me the most have been 1. Epidural steriod+/- Fentanyl when I j
st can't move (usually helps to reduce pain by at least 50%, sometimes completely, usually lasts for months, have had this 5 times), 2. The McKenzie back program of extension exercises, 3. regular, vigorous, physical activity. 4. When the pain comes, I ca
't get by without anti-inflammatory meds, I like a drug called Arthrotec, and anti-inflammatory (Voltarin) with Cytotec, a second drug to prevent getting stomach ulcers. I have recently been experimenting with a new drug called Celebrex, a new kind of ant
-inflammatory with apparently fewer side effects. I am not sure that it is better than the Arthrotec just yet.
I am a physician, and even though my profession has not gotten the management of sciatica totally figured out, I just have to believe in science and medicine as opposed to many of the other things I have come across (and tried with no effect except to was
e my money) like accupuncture, herbal therapies etc.
I don't know about you guys, but when I stop moving, I start to seize up after three or four days, and then I am heading for trouble.
Kind of a long winded entry, but check out www.cyberspine.com, I have not found a better site. And for God's sake, do whatever it takes to get up and start moving, even if it is just a bit.
missy - 05/28/99 04:25:37
My Email:darkm@cadvision.com
Hi, My husband is almost back to his "normal" since being in the hospital back in Nov. He has severe sciatic pain 7 yrs. after a disectomy - scar tissue is now the culprit! Physio therapy is now a weekly visit, forever, to keep the pain at bay and the
herapist is able to tell now when he is becoming inflammed and has slowed its progression. Also, my pharmaceutical rep. friend has suggested a new drug Celebrex(from Pfizer), typically for arthritis but replaces tylenol 3's and anti-inflammatory drugs wi
h amazing results. This drug is being sold out in Canadian drug stores and has been out on prescription for only 1 month! Can't comment personally as my husband is only on Day 3, but ask your Dr. about this one. And KEEP DOING YOUR EXERCISES, we have f
und the pain never completely goes away but we can keep it to a minimum. Good Luck!
- 05/27/99 21:33:49
Ron W. - 05/26/99 21:06:50
My Email:carowill@cyberus.ca
Some good site to find! I find Tylenol 3 and Naproxen best too. I'm 65 and hate to give up a lot of good things, so I take these pills BEFORE I play tennis--dig in the garden--drive the car for a long drive--ride my bike, etc. Two Ty 3's will hold me t
ru 2 sets of tennis (the way I play) The pains get me down the back of my right leg, like an electric shock, and seem to weaken the leg muscles somehow so you wonder if the leg will support you. You stumble a bit and have an unsteady gait. Hard to get
p out of chairs; reluctant to climb stairs, puts a premium on maintaining upper body strength, because you find yourself using your arms and shoulders more and more to heave yourself up onto your feet. Etc. Etc. Good to read about so many other suffere
s and get ideas about the help available. Good luck to you.
et - 05/26/99 03:31:44
My Email:Jmochi@gte.com
I'm 50yrs old, in pain which I have never experienced before, seeing a doctor that I feel hasn't given me much information regarding my condition, but I think your web site has taught me a whole lot about the condition I am experiencing. Thank you for th
Bob Leistiko - 05/25/99 22:39:07
My Email:parnopar@msn.com
Very useful information. Some of the excersises
I have read about. When driving, I get some relief
by placing a thin piece of foam along the outside
of my leg. Thanks for the web page.
Lisa Rainey - 05/25/99 17:59:08
My Email:rainey@kcoe.com
I am 29 and suffer from sciatic nerve pain as the result of pregnancy. Thanks for all the good information.
MaryAnn - 05/21/99 23:25:42
My Email:maryann@fcc.net
Hello, I was so pleased to find your information. I recently started suffering from sciatic pain on a daily bases and I need to learn more about it and how to help myself. Thankyou
maureen - 05/21/99 23:02:28
My Email:skelley@d.e.-inc.com
I want to tell anyone who is suffering with sciatic pain due to a herniated disc to look into having lumbar discectomy. (Mine was L4/L5)
I had one done six weeks ago, and am happy to say that I am feel 100% better. I had suffered in terrible pain for ten months before opting for surgery. It was a wise decision, as I am now feeling better than ever. I have been in physical therapy which h
s also been beneficial.
It feels wonderful to workout aagin.
I strongly recommend this procedure. Just be sure and check out your doctor!
Good Luck!
Chris Moore - 05/20/99 14:09:38
My Email:mooc@dwinc.org
Jayne - 05/20/99 01:22:43
My Email:jcmwhyte@sk.sympatico.ca
Thanks for the suggestions.
Kim Chapman - 05/19/99 13:06:37
My Email:KChapman@dmbb.com
M. Lesko - 05/18/99 20:58:18
My Email:elesko4075@aol.com
Am having my first bout with sciatica and trying to garner as much information as possible on causes and treatments. Have found this site to be much more informative than any medical enclycopedia.
Jacqueline R. Mapp - 05/18/99 11:05:47
My Email:ladyj0621@hotmail.com
jon baker - 05/17/99 20:46:10
RTL - 05/17/99 03:23:36
none yet
stephanie krill - 05/17/99 01:59:44
My Email:mattk@williams-net.com
i am a 25 year old female recently diagnosed with sciatica. thank you for your helpful insite
Graham - 05/15/99 13:58:25
My Email:lyca.youthclub.uk@ukonline.co.uk
Has anyone heard of and/or tried the BOWMAN technique. I understand this is quite new, from Australia? and works from gentle massage on joints/nerve/muscle points. I would welcome feedback. I've not tried it yet - but all else that I have tried to date -
steopathy, acupuncture, has had little effect. Best wishes to all. Graham
Mary - 05/15/99 07:07:42
My URL:/hotsprings/2914
My Email:mtan@geocities.com
Hello, all! I just wanted to say thanks to all who have visited my site, as well as those who have written to me. I wish I could write back to everyone, but it's incredible how many people have written that it's difficult to write back.
I thank the last person for signing my guestbook. Unfortunately, I have a difficult time understanding some of the points. To the D.C., have you experienced sciatica or do you treat it solely? I disagree re: putting a pillow under your toes/ankles as w
ll. When I have a bad attack, putting a pillow under both my knees and my ankles simply does not help as much as having the pillow under my knees alone. Perhaps this differs from person to person. However, out of all the medical folks that I have seen
chiropractors, doctors, ortho. surgeons, physiotherapists, etc.) not one has suggested that putting a pillow under my knees is "partially correct".
ho ming hsia,dc. - 05/15/99 04:13:57
My Email:mthsia@gte.net
true sciatica can be cured by simply toe out and keep it out, whether sitting, standing or sleeping. your pillow suggestion is partially correct, pillow under your toes too.
the imposters have the same symptoms:
1. the pain actually starts from the hip shoot
down to the knee. caused by ovary/testicle.
2. the pain goes the same route, only more to
the side of the leg. happened only after
upset-emotionally of course.
3. long term morning stiffness, eventually will
develope into severe pain mimic sciatica.
any pain need put muscle-skeletal muscles, into the health picture. muscles are the part of
human body produces pain chemical, beside prostagland and are equipped with pain nerve fibers. these two things must exist at same time-space or there will be no pain.
release muscle spasm is best pain killer.
Mariagrazia Cabianca - 05/14/99 21:04:43
My URL:www.omniacom.ithttp://
My Email:cabianca.mg@agemont.it
thank you for your interesting site. I' am gratefull for informations and I hope tha it can help me to find a normel life. Excuse for my bad english.
gail gehly - 05/14/99 14:10:48
My Email:gail@sover.net
Thank you for having this web site. It has answered a few questions I have been having. I figured this pain must be sciatica, now I am sure. I will try your suggestions. If it does not get a little better by next week, I guess I'll go to the doc. Again, t
ank you, Gail
Judy Teel - 05/13/99 23:33:32
My Email:jteel@dlj.com
I'm glad I found this web site. I have really been in a lot of pain and I plan to try your remedies and helpful hints.
Stephanie - 05/13/99 22:38:42
My Email:mcfarlin@tampabay.rr.com
I developed sciatica 15 years ago at the age of 25. I didn't know what was wrong with me at the time; all I knew was that I had an excruciating pain radiating from my right buttock down the back of my thigh. The only time the pain lessened was when I w
s standing up, wearing high heels. (Sneakers didn't work!) I went to a chiropractor, who diagnosed the sciatica and immediately started treatments. Within weeks, the pain was completely gone, and has never returned. My advice to all of the sciatica su
ferers here: If you have already gone to a chiropractor, and have not gotten relief from your pain, TRY ANOTHER CHIROPRACTOR! There are good ones and bad ones, as in any profession. I was once adjusted by another chiropractor (who was filling in for my
regular one)and she didn't have enough strength to properly adjust me. It caused me immense pain! My regular doctor apparently has "the touch".
the better back store - 05/13/99 18:21:26
My Email:better@mail.msen.com
Valerie - 05/13/99 16:31:58
My Email:roxxanne@ix.netcom.com
I was just recently diagnosed with this. The
thought of having to live this this kind of
pain in my leg is beyond comprehension. I sure
hope the doctor has some encouraging words about
some sort of therapy that will help right away.
Thanks for letting me vent!!
Pam - 05/13/99 01:39:01
My Email:kpmcc@usmo.com
I am the wife of a chronic sciatic pain sufferer. His diagnosis includes severe familial degenerative athritis along with bulging disk at L-4/L-5. He has been suffering for over 3 years now. He's had 2 laminectomies (March '98 & March '99). I've found
your website interesting; especially guest book comments. Particularly interested in woman who recommended a laminectomy to everyone 10 days after her surgery. Please be very careful in picking your surgeon and in researching all venues prior to decidin
on surgery. It is very common to have complete pain relief immediately following surgery for up to 90 days. However, in over 35% of the cases, the pain returns. This is called post-surgical euphoria. Your brain is very powerful and it is thought, but
not yet proven, that the hopefulness prior to and just after surgery basically "tricks" your body into thinking the surgery worked. We've seen this in action. We've tried epidural, facet joint, and nerve root block steroid injections. Keith's had mylegra
s, CT scans, MRI's, x-rays, radiograms, etc. Tried every exercise known to man, and multiple medication therapies. We're still looking and look forward to additional updates on your page and others. Thanks, and good luck in your quest.
Hugh Doyle - 05/12/99 14:55:05
My URL:http://indigo.ie
My Email:doyleh@indigo.ie
Dear Mary,
Thanks for your informative webpage. I may be at the early stages of sciatica...I am wondering does travel induce this problem....I am travelling about 170 days a year internationally often sitting on aircraft for more than 14 hours...any ideas would be
Some resume...for just one person!
Kind regards
Hugh Doyle
- 05/12/99 03:08:24
Deby Shirling - 05/11/99 17:22:48
My Email:deby_shirling@bakerbotts.com
David G. Guthrie - 05/10/99 20:36:53
My Email:dguthrie-pensacola@worldnet.att.net
Thanks for the info re sciatica. I don't fit the profile either...I am 68 years of age and was just diagnosed with it. I am to start physical therapy soon. I am going on a vacation, including a 50 year high school reunion so that is why I have held off st
rting therapy. I hope it helps. My pain is primarily in left buttock and upper left leg, with some minor pain on upper right leg. At this point I do not know what is the cause of the pain, disk, etc. Thanks again, Dave
David J. Sinea - 05/10/99 12:43:23
My Email:Chilehead@sprintmail.com
Thanks for all the information, it always means so much more coming from someone who has exprienced sciatica, that is, reading about it. Thanks for your page, I'll E- soon!
David J. Sinea
Marvin Janeway - 05/08/99 14:40:50
My Email:mjaneway@vegas.infi.net
This problem just hit me hard. I have the lower back pain and severe pain in the buttock and back of thigh on my left side only, which ties up and it is impossible to walk. Thanks for your very informative webpage.
David Edgar - 05/07/99 21:56:08
My Email:edgarw@janus.cqu.edu.au
Carla - 05/07/99 02:36:21
My Email:cbunty@sprintmail.com
You definatly don't have to be over forty for this to happen to you. I'm 27, an "odd ball" just like you. Your site was very informative and easy to understand without all of the medical terminology. Thank-you for sharing your information. It's good t
know that someone else has felt this kind of pain.
Kelly Nellett - 05/06/99 06:50:19
My Email:knellett@ameritech.net
Great site.
Maria - 05/05/99 13:24:48
your page has been helpful in giving me a "readable" definition of sciatica without all the medical jargon
Shelly McConnll - 05/05/99 06:08:08
My Email:mcco1@webtv.net
Have sciatica in left hip can't sleep.
Betty Vinton - 05/04/99 13:59:47
My Email:betsygriff@earthlink
Very informative; thanks for your efforts.
Dave Mullan - 05/04/99 04:45:50
ron wilks - 05/03/99 01:37:06
My Email:booron@aol.com
i was looking all over for a site on sciatica...
it was great to find information/people with the
same problem... thank you and i would like
to hear from anyone having this same problem.
Greg Rogers - 05/02/99 23:24:05
My Email:FireRodge@aol.com
Thanks for the information.. Like you said in your web page there is not much information on this subject. I'm 25 years old and was just diagnosed with sciatica. Your information in the pages is right on target with my Doctor and Physical Therapist.
eep up the good work!!!
David Tripp - 04/30/99 18:15:45
My Email:trippism@ameritech.net
You have some really good information here, hopefully you will keep your site online because it can help so many people.
paul - 04/29/99 21:31:28
My Email:pebpapa@aol.com
Teresa Gaman - 04/29/99 19:38:09
My Email:tagaman@stat.stanford.edu
I have had what appears to be THIS problem for years. I'm 49 years old now. I went to a chiropractor a couple of years ago for a year. He did make it feel better, but it still exists. I quit going because I hate having constant appointments. However, last
Tuesday I had the most painful inflammation of this. I was pretty scared. Now, I need to get it diagnosed. But, after doing all the reading, I firmly believe that I have sciatica. I'm athletic. I taught Jazzercise for 13 years and had it then. I will begi
with the stretching exercises to see how they help. I continue to lift weights and walk hills 5 days a week, although I rested during the inflammation instead since I couldn't do much else! I need the aerobic exercise however. Anyway, I greatly appreciat
d reading your information and can't wait to stretch!
Thank you.
Steve - 04/28/99 06:54:32
Thanks for the info
arnold bonnet - 04/27/99 13:43:32
My Email:australia
sorry am not on email as yet...just learning...have appreciated your very helpful comments and experiemce with that dreaded sciatica...have similar exercises and procedures in Melbourne Australia...will tell you what i have found useful at a later visit.B
e for now.
Larry G. Hood - 04/27/99 02:29:11
My URL:http://wwp.mirabilis.com/32113228
My Email:hooder@e-mail.com
My wife has sciatic nerve problems. Your site has been very helpful and informative. Thank you!
Merri Wehe - 04/26/99 19:35:19
My URL:http://earthlink
My Email:donwehe@sprintmail.com
I've had sciatica on and off(mainly on) for 2yrs. I just decided to see what others are doing for relief without taking drugs. I'm a nurse, 54 yrs old. I play a lot of tennis which is the only time I'm pain free.
fred foreman - 04/25/99 21:43:21
My Email:froema4@aol.com
this is my second episode of sciatica. The first was caused by sneezing. This one by lefting. I do find going for slow walks helps (or maybe just to get out of the house) but it makes me feel better.
Thanks for your site
Regina Sparolini - 04/25/99 17:30:28
My Email:rms1283@pacbell.net
Thank you for the information. I found it very helpful. Ironically, my orthopedist, like yours', found the MRI and CT scan negative. He indicated that there was nothing he could do; the neurologist confirmed the same feelings. Both said just live wit
it!!! How nice...they do not have to experience the pain.
On a more positive note...I am going to try your exercises and hope to get relief from them.
Again, thanks for the constructive information.
larry - 04/25/99 01:05:00
My Email:lyungk@erols.com
Thanks for your informative web page. I have been having pain and tingling in my feet and ankles on and off for several months, and thought it might be sciatica. I looked all over the Web and only find bits and pieces of info. So your website was most
xyla@aol.com - 04/25/99 00:40:48
My Email:xyla@aol.com
Thank you, I am in so much pain I will try anything. I hadthis pain about 15 years ago and the Doctor gave me a shot of something in the sciatic area. I don't know what it was but it burned. I did not remember the pain being this bad before, I could no
stand at all yesterday but today it's a little better. I am taking ecotrin. Thanks again for your support.
V. Mercaldo - 04/24/99 20:47:45
My Email:Quest24630@aol.com,
I have been in severe pain for almost two months. Your site is informative. Now I don't feel so alone, while limping around. Thank you.
V. Mercaldo - 04/24/99 20:43:07
My Email:Quest24630@aol.com,
I have been in severe pain for almost two months. Your site is informative. Now I don't feel so alone, while limping around. Thank you.
David Bitterman - 04/24/99 18:12:33
My Email:Dbit@concentric.net
This is the first time I have searched "sciatica" on the net. I am very grateful to see this page. Let me introduce you to another oddball. I am 22 years old and have pretty much known I was having sciatic problems for about three weeks now. The sympt
ms in your description fit me to a tee, throbbing pains, pins and needles, sitting, and all. Thank you for providing clear useful information for sufferers of this painful disorder. I've been seeing a chiropractor for a few weeks now without significant
relief. Maybe it's time to see someone else?? Anyways, thanks for the info. David
Georgy - 04/22/99 21:41:44
My Email:gsakai@goodsill.com
I've been suffering from sciatica for years and at the beginning tried everything (several doctors, CAT scan, X-ray, therapy, accupuncture, reflexology, chiropractor(s), reflexology, physiatrist, some massage therapy/shiatsu, Sacro-Wedgy) finally gave up
ut still suffering in silence. Have been exercising (but not enough) but want to get rid of this constant pain in the butt-back-leg. Heard of piriformis syndrome (which I probably have since none of the tests show anything wrong with spine) and how can
e helped with deep tissue massage. Any ideas on this?
- 04/22/99 18:49:28
Linda Dice - 04/22/99 00:12:56
My Email:lucky2@mc.net
Hi Mary:
I felt I had to let you know what an immense help your site was to me. I finally gave up & saw my GP last Saturday - pretty much figured out it was sciatica, and thought perhaps some osteoporosis of the right hip. I was close! That excruciating pain wh
ch certainly enlivened the otherwise constant, dull aching in the hip, thigh & down the leg into the instep, was indeed caused by sciatica. However, the underlying cause is in the lumbar spine region - gotta call the doc. tomorrow for official diagnosi
. She thought at the time of examining me that it might be osteoarthritis.
Since viewing your site, I've found many of your suggestions to be most helpful. The one about support under the knee in order to be able to sleep at night was a godsend!
Since seeing the doc., I've been taking 1200 mg chondroitin sulfate, 1500 mg glucosamine HCI, and magnesium, along with the calcium. TREMENDOUS improvement, already! (True, I suppose this might have happened anyway, and the timing may be merely coincide
tal.) Nonetheless, it feels great to have even occasional "bouts" of being completely, totally, 100% pain-free! Now I only have discomfort, which is where I was about 4 months ago. I'm a few pounds overweight, and absolutely determined, now, to drop 'e
. I'm going for the goal of being even discomfort free by the end of this month! Watch my smoke, Mary!
Take care, and thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
The very best to you, always.
Linda D.
Carol - 04/21/99 11:59:25
My Email:dc9lm@hotmail.com
I'm a chronic sciatica sufferer. I've also had 2 back surgeries. Hmmmmmm!
Dilah Loong - 04/20/99 13:02:56
My Email:dilah25@hotmail.com
Mary, you have done a good job! I have checked out certain topics and am delighted with the infor so far. I shall be checking out more. Cheers!
Arden Berge - 04/18/99 22:51:43
My Email:arden.berge@worldnet.att.net
Thanks for the suggestions on the physical therapies.
This is my first problem with sciatica but I have had two previous problems with my spine that resulted in operations on my neck. My experience with doctors has been relatively good but I have gone through a neurologist, who deals with my epilepsy, wh
never I have had spinal problems. This time I did go to a orthopedic surgeon first only because I thought I was hoping I was just having another bout with bursitis. Even he was able to quicklky diagnose the problem as sciatica.
So far only asprin and ibuprofin seem to give me any relief from the pain. Tylenol has never done much for me.
Maureen - 04/18/99 21:38:14
Last summer I ruptured my L4/L5 disc and have had terrible sciatica for the past ten months. I had three steriod epidural injections in Novemeber. Although they helped they did not take away all of the pain. I had tried bedrest, therapy, medications et
. Nothing worked.
Finally, I at the urging of my doctor and family decided to have a lumbar discetomy.
The surgery was done on April 8th and was the answer to my prayers. For anyone out there who is suffering, I strongly recommed having this done. It was like a miracle.
The operation takes about an hour, and you leave the hospital the same day.
I am so happy to have my life back again. It was the best thing I could have done.
Natalie Mathis - 04/18/99 17:55:04
My Email:Karaokeq@surfree.com
Have had the sciatica for about 2 and a half months.. I beleive I developed it teaching step aerobics. The pain is constant now. Throbbing all the way to the ankle. Feels like the leg is on fire. I had an MRI done just 2 days ago and am awaiting the resu
ts. I have tried the physical therapy route with no results. Also the anti inflammitory drugs. My biggest problem is that over the counter pain releif medicines no longer phase the pain. The meds that I need to take to give me relief make it impossible t
take them at work. I contract clients on automobile loans. I am looking forward to the neurologists reading of the MRI results and treatment as a child looks forward to Christmas. I have been reading websites on the pain and find so many contradicting t
eatments and some that are sworn by that I have already tried and have acheived no results. I think that it is only leading to more frustration and confusion. Will leave another note after Monday when I have my appointment and again after treatment to let
you know the results and if the pain is successfully treated. If you have any more info that may help please E-mail me.
I am also available on the ICQ nick is Karaokeq and I am in Scottsdale Arizona.
Natalie Mathis - 04/18/99 17:46:56
Vinny - 04/18/99 02:25:48
My Email:TDHHPannu@bc.sympatico.ca
My mother has this type of problem. I was looking for some info on Sciatica, and I found this page. I just wanted to say that it is a very well constructed website. THank you for the info!!
Josephine Z. Hazelton - 04/16/99 18:56:51
My Email:hazelton@IntNet.net
C. Lanier - 04/14/99 05:15:58
My Email:lanier24@earthlink.net
Janiece - 04/14/99 04:35:07
My Email:janiece@mindspring.com
Anna H - 04/13/99 07:47:16
My Email:annbell@pacbell.net
this site is an immense comfort to me. at 26, i'd never heard of sciatica untol i got it 2 months ago; and although i'd not wish this hell on anyone, it helps to know i'm not alone. i'm discouraged, however, that so many people seem to get sciatica more t
an once. i don't think i can endure this again. has anyone had a surgery or alternative treatment that successfully ended reoccurance? email me!
Jo - 04/12/99 06:58:16
My Email:CousCafe@aol.com
My Dr. sent me to a neurologist who wants to do a
microdiskectomy. (They ordered X-rays and an MRI
and found that I have a disk protrusion causing
all of this pain.) An orthopedic specialist said I
should do the same thing. I had an epidural
(cortisone injection that didn't have any positive
effect.) Does anyone out there have any feedback
Susie - 04/11/99 19:55:25
My Email:susie.winters@earthlink.com
I've been plagued with this for years but had it under control. Now it's flared up and I can't seem to get rid of it. What do you think of using aspirin?
Susie - 04/11/99 19:45:26
My Email:susie.winters@earthlink.com
Archie McNeal - 04/11/99 19:43:46
My Email:am297@earthlink.net
Just looking for a little relief.
Cecilia Gayle - 04/11/99 17:24:03
My Email:cgayle2@cfi.net
I have severe pain from sciatica, 3 herniated discs, pinched nerve (all from jumping out the back of my school bus). Cannot have surgery due to pseudocholinesterase deficiency. I really need to seek alternative medicine. Thanks for your articles.
sadiyya moolla - 04/11/99 09:56:57
My Email:moollam@mweb.co.za
Thanks for great website. Helpful ideas, information and encouragement.
Perry Johnson - 04/11/99 01:01:24
My Email:johnsonperry@hotmail.com
I am a newly diagnosised with sciactica, I'm 35 male and in reasonably good health. Unfortunaltely what I do for a living I sit for 8 hours a day and have found the pain to increase as the day progresses. I found your web site and greatly appreciate you
starting it. I am going to start physical therapy and will be consulting a neuro doctor soon. sincerely Perry Johnson
Barbara Wixson - 04/10/99 20:10:22
My URL:http://sprintmail.com
My Email:barbarawixson@sprintmail.com
Linda - 04/08/99 00:15:06
My Email:sweeneylinda@hotmail.com
Thanks for all of the info. I have had sciatica for the past few months with no relief. I am taking Motrin by the bottle. Does the pain ever go away?
Heather Gray - 04/07/99 18:38:45
My Email:heather.gray@cwix.com
This is a very nicely done web site. Thank you for the information.
PHIL - 04/07/99 08:41:57
I am a fellow sufferer of sciatica althought not for as long i have just started looking on the net for information about it . keep up the good work on the site.
Rhonda - 04/06/99 05:35:39
My URL:http://www.alpha-sports.com
My Email:Rhonda@alpha-sports.com
Don't feel you need to respond. I just wanted to say that I am grateful for your website and the information you provide is certainly helpful. I intend to put it to good use.
I hope you continue to feel great and have fewer problems by the day.
Thanks again!
Glenda Kominitsky - 04/05/99 23:54:45
My Email:vgsky@nti.net
Debra Hillbrant - 04/05/99 22:10:06
My Email:Debrick@casstel.net
I have the same problem,worst time is at night.My leg will ache so bad I can't go to sleep. It's also difficult standing & lifting at work. I take antinfamatoris but sometimes that will make my acid reflux worse. It' fun getting older ,ins't it .I enjoyed
resding your page.
Helen - 04/03/99 13:13:47
My Email:doctorhhp@hotmail.com
I have a question..... I want to know that why a patient who has sciatica feels very painful during walking for 5 min. For easing the pain, he should sit for 10min. Thx for ur help!!
Andy - 04/02/99 19:54:24
My Email:ahaines@compusmart.ab.ca
I can sympathise with your problem,sciatica didn't strike until my early 40's, but it came in with a bang, total loss of power in my leg and massive muscle spasms. A trip to the local Emergency dept. helped, but I spent months after unable to sit for mor
than 15 minutes at a time and being woken by spasms. Very little relief from the chiropractor, but very positive results from Robaxasal, which contains both aspirin (pain killer and anti-inflammatory) and a muscle relaxant (methocarbamol). There is als
a variant Robaxasal C1-8 which contains codeine for the worst times. This one is obtainable over the counter (in Canada at least). Ask your pharmacist.
Two years ago I suffered another serious attack, tried acupuncture and it worked! My acupuncturist is a medical doctor also, and recommended Robaxasal in conjunction with the needles.
The day after each session I would be just slightly improved, until after about 30 sessions I felt able to deal with the residual symptoms.
I have some permanent loss of muscle control, and some loss of feeling in my calf and foot, but have not had a major spasm since acupuncture.
Don't be afraid of those needles. In 30 sessions, with 12 needles each time, insertion only hurt about 5 times, and if I need to, I will happily do it again.
I hope my experience and tips will help some of you out there, I know what you're going through
Dorothy St George - 03/31/99 22:22:35
My Email:dorothy_st_george@dell.com
Margie - 03/29/99 05:36:56
My Email:rdn@silcom.com
Age 47 female, active, fit. Lower back pain and sciatic pain in left leg. Hope you are doing fine now, I am waiting to recover. thanks for the helpful information.
Dan Farley - 03/29/99 04:54:01
My Email:danfarley@msn.email.com
It helped alot anwsered alot of questions I had
Pam - 03/28/99 00:38:20
My Email:janzj&p@hamilton.net
Really enjoyed visiting!
Jason - 03/26/99 08:04:07
My Email:therealconan@yahoo.com
I am writing you on behalf of my fiancee who was involved in a MAJOR car accident. She was at a complete stop on a freeway on ramp. She was rear-ended at 50mph, which pushed her left onto the freeway and oncoming traffic. She was the hit at 60mph direc
ly into her drivers side and her. She was then hit 2 more times and ended up in smashed against the cement median. Luckily enough she really didn't seem to have any real spine or head trauma. Some, but after several CT scans they say nothing major. S
e did sustain 2 pelvic fractures. In the beginning stages of her hospital stay she was always making mention of her left foot, especially the toes feeling numb. 4 weeks later the numbness has turned into excruciating pain. 10/500 Lortabs and 4 Advil do
't do a thing for her. Wea re seeing some specialist, but I am wondering if you can provide any input as to how she can beat this and return back to a "normal" life. Prior to this she was a very active individual and in very good physical condition. He
age is 26. Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Jason Harris
Sylvester Graham - 03/21/99 15:31:34
My Email:sgraham@san.rr.com
I have started taking Shiatsu massage at the School of Healing Arts for $27.00 an hour and it has helped a lot more than the Chiropractor or the Physical Therapist.
Jim Adcock, DMD - 03/20/99 17:53:26
My URL:http://g-net.net
My Email:Boukin@g-net.net
Your exercise recommendations are very good and I try to follow them. I do have an inguinal hernia which was repaired and has come unrepaired, so I can't be too vigorous in exercising especially sit ups, etc. My pain is in my right heel and I find that ex
rcise helps a lot. Thanks for your info.
Jim Adcock
Jen - 03/19/99 01:03:22
My Email:Stoughie@yahoo.com
This is a very informative site. I have been searching the web for information on sciatica, as I am suffering from that as we speak. Not walking is not a fun thing! =) Anyway....very good site. THank you!
rosie esquivel - 03/17/99 05:39:59
My Email:esq0526@swbell.net
terry - 03/16/99 00:49:26
My Email:nickels@bellatlantic.net
thanks --i have been suffering with rt hip pain
now it feels like someone is constantly pinching
the back of my knee ---this i have been suffering
with for days --now i have moved onto pain in my
calf which pretty much feels like a charley horse --i was getting pretty scared until i read
your website and the different people who left
e-mail messages to find most having the same
symptoms --i am seeing my dr this week i hope he
has some suggestion -aspirin is of no help--
and i have seen the chirapractor previously for
neck injuries sustained in a car accident --will
let you know if anything new in on the market for
pain ---thanks again
allen johnson - 03/15/99 03:54:48
My Email:aj4254@Yahoo
I have terrible pain at the base of the buttocks on left side. I rode a bike 8 days ago for 45 min. and was sore from the seat next day. The pain has continued till I can;t sit . But I do not have pain down the length of my leg. I would appreciate an
info you can give me
Sharon - 03/15/99 00:43:53
My Email:schwindt@cadvision.com
I found your information useful so far. I have
suffered from sciatica for many years. I initially was diagnosed in my mid twenties.
Dennis Matsuhiro - 03/14/99 23:55:05
My Email:dmat@pacbell.net
I am just beginning to investigate my problem, your site has be very useful to illustrate that a simple solution may not exist.
- 03/13/99 20:34:00
ed - 03/13/99 04:07:41
My Email:abbati@hotmail.com
Great info & chat site.
edward - 03/12/99 03:44:22
My Email:abbati77@hotmail.com
I found out today that I have a herniated disc which is causing the numbness in my leg and "dead foot." It been about 4 weeks since I have had the problem. My doctor, Philip Weinstein at UCSF, is recommeding surgery since I have the disc pressing against
the nerve. I am planning on going through the surgery and thoughts? Has anyone heard of or used Dr. Weinstein? thx.
Edward - 03/12/99 03:39:31
My Email:abbati77@hotmail.com
This is another good site. You will need to do a search but it has a wealth of clinical studies.
Irving Ward - 03/11/99 18:01:01
My Email:lanirv@cts.com
None at the moment. I play tennis about 2-3 times a week. The sciatica pain started about six months ago. It does not bother me when I'm playing, but an hour afterward I have to take some ibuprofen. Will study your remarks and apply some of your remed
Debbie - 03/09/99 02:54:41
My Email:edjcrab@swbell.net
steve - 03/08/99 14:54:31
Denise Shaw - 03/08/99 02:22:13
My Email:garden.marlborough@xtra.co.nz
Looks great so far
julie dalpe - 03/07/99 21:56:58
My Email:jdalpe@snet.net
excellent site but i need more information please
send me other sites i can learn from thanks
Mike Heusner - 03/06/99 02:37:56
My Email:bzelodge@btl.net
Mike Heusner - 03/06/99 02:37:42
My Email:bzelodge@btl.net
Mike Heusner - 03/06/99 02:22:54
My Email:bzelodge@btl.net
- 03/04/99 18:30:46
Stella Willeford - 03/02/99 17:52:43
My Email:ssenvir@unicomp.net
I have have back surgery and was doing great until auto accident. Now I have SCS, (Spinal cord stimulator) a device implanted in the epidural space of the spine. Seems to work great.
betty olivolo - 03/02/99 03:04:09
My Email:betto@igc.org
Any relief from my pain will be appreciated--looking for a chat room of people with this problem to hear what works. I've tried cortizone shots, epidural steroid shots, physical therapy, accupuncture, deep tissue massage, and now chiropractic. Nothing w
linda - 03/01/99 21:04:02
My Email:joeycat@sprint.ca
Thanks for the information. This is my first sciatica attack - pure misery. I'm going to be looking into natural (herbal, vitamin etc.) means of cure and/or control. I'll let you know what works for me and what doesn't. Keep up the site - it helps to
ear about other sufferers.
- 03/01/99 18:45:18
charlie schultz - 03/01/99 12:01:11
My Email:robin@mailbag.com
I have the symptons and glad you are here to
share your thoughts
edward - 03/01/99 00:43:39
My Email:abbati77@hotmail.com
This is a very informative website on sciatica.
Holly Resso - 03/01/99 00:06:44
My Email:hollyr@gauld.com
Thank you for your web site. The first time I experienced this pain, a friend recommended a chiropractor. He had me come in every other day at which time he administered electrical stimulation. He said to go about my normal activities, tennis, softball
full-time job, etc. During a ballgame the pain became so severe that I couldn't throw the ball. . . I had to roll it. Needless to say I couldn't swing he bat.
After two weeks at the chiropractor, the pain seemed worse. I went to an orthopaedic. He diagnosed sciatic inflammation, put me on anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxers, and bed rest. It cleared up, but it comes back sporadically.
Standing for exended periods of time is what causes the flare-up most of the time.
I'm going to take your "Aspirin" every two days suggestion. I've been waiting until it occurs and taking five Ibuprofen at a time.
I am very active. I play lots of sports, run, tennis. . . and it's always amazing how suddenly debilitating a flare-up can be. It's always with me, but only sometimes does it become so bad that it stops me. I usually work around it. When I feel it com
ng on, I try to discontinue whatever I'm doing.
Sylvester Graham - 02/26/99 22:18:36
My Email:lgraham2@san.rr.com
Hi. This is a great web site. Thanks.
Has anyone tried myotherapy for treating sciatica.
Sylvester Graham - 02/26/99 21:17:13
Janice Haines - 02/26/99 17:55:07
My Email:janice@kachina.net
I'm so glad I found your site as it has some useful information! If/when you get a chance tell me if this sounds possible to you. I broke/chipped/cracked my tail bone several months ago. Subsequently, I was diagnosed with sciatica. I think there is pro
ably a little piece of bone that floats around as I have constant numbness, tingling at varying times, sometimes constant dull pain, sometimes (like now) constant sharp pain in the lower back, buttocks and leg. I'm just trying to decide what is causing i
. Does the piece of bone 'floating around' make sense to you?
Thanks for your site and your help.
Keith - 02/26/99 15:10:53
My Email:kctwain50@yahoo.com
Am currently suffering from my first bout with sciatica. I am 49+---50 in April. I don't believe that I had any individual event which brought this on, but I do sit at a computer quite a bit. Do you know if those alternative type chairs are helpful. T
e chair causes the person to appear to be more like kneeling forward than sitting. Thanks for putting this website together. It is helpful---especially since you aren't attached to a product or service trying to sell something. Thanks again, Keith
- 02/25/99 05:44:17
JOAN - 02/24/99 21:59:00
Alan Schwartz - 02/24/99 14:51:02
My Email:leapfrog@frontiernet.net
Greetings. I've been experiencing sciatica for about 4 months now. With the initial onset, pain was felt from my hip to my foot for about 3 to 4 hours each morning after I wake up and stand up. The problem went away for a month or so after physical therap
. It's returned and I now experience pain for about an hour each morning. It seems to come around after I lie down for about 4 to 5 hours. I do the back stretches but it does not seem to help. Glad to see a web site with information. Thanks.
Robby - 02/24/99 07:26:10
My Email:Tjrm12797@Aol.com
My husband has a sciatic nerve problem, he is a truck driver, he has been to a family physician and to a chiropractor and his pain has not eased up much if any, where should we go now?
Deanna - 02/24/99 03:01:35
My Email:mrzib@rapidnet.com
Thanks for all of your helpful information. I am going to try the exercises. Hopefully it will help.
Orlanda Soares - 02/23/99 21:53:23
My Email:orlandas@aol.com
Thank you so much for your site. I've been suffering from sciatica for about 2 years and I just turned 30 though with this pain I feel like I'm 80. Thank you for your information it's really helpful.
Joe Fitzsimmons - 02/23/99 16:33:21
My Email:jfitzsimmons@memc.com
My wife and I were in a rear ended car accident on the 3rd of October last year and she started experiencing low back pain soon after this and went to a phisiotherapist who diagnosed her as having a bulging disc at L5S1 (I think was the location). She wen
to several sessions of physical therapy and seemed to be getting better and then she just turned the wrong way trying to turn over in bed and suffered excruciating pain down her left leg and hip joint. She had gone to an orthopedic Dr. a second time and
lso to a neurosurgeon after the initial problem and they did not think at that time that surgery was needed. However, since then when the
Sciatica occured she has returned to the Dr. and he sent her to neurosurgeon for assessment today.
She is quite concerned about having surgery and having to miss any more work. It sounds as if maybe there are some alternatives to surgery in your article. Surgery, I hope is the last resort.
Joe Fitzsimmons
Dominique - 02/22/99 17:42:25
My Email:dominque@warrior.com
Getting a bit frustrated and would like some feedback, if possible. I treated my lower back pain with a chiropractor - he was awesome. I still do E-stem and ultrasound too. The problem is the sciatica and my symptoms are like shin splints and calf nerv
spasms, and we all know they're really hard to massage out. I can stretch and stretch, and I swear, my body fights me by spasming more. I end up on the ground. I know it gets worse when you get frustrated and I'm not a pill-taker. I'd like some input
on a time frame here for incidents, because it's been a while. I know staying relaxed/resting and all is vital, but it's not a reality when you're a working mom. Sorry to sound dramatic, but something's not working here and your input (whether medical o
personal) is appreciated. Incidentally, I'm being urged to see an orthopedic. Any input on success/failures with that? Thx guys!
- 02/22/99 13:21:10
MICHELLE - 02/22/99 00:05:13
My Email:plazachemicals@bigpong.com.au
A COUPLE OF WEB SITES WORTH A VISIT: www.nevdgp.org.au/ginf2/murtagh/Musculoskeletal/Elowerback.htm THAT SITE HAS SOME GREAT EXERCISES. ALSO TRY THE SAME ADDRESS BUT WHERE IT SAYS Elowerback CHANGE IT TO sciatica
Christine Taylor - 02/21/99 17:11:45
My Email:Taylor@PTWAY.COM
I and a freind have been suffering with Sciatica for about two months. She has been using MD's I have been trying Massage theraphy and Chiropractors both of us are taking Anit-Iflammitorys .Streching and walking helps but niether of us have gotten rid of
his! Being very active it is driving us crazy.I am passing your site onto her hopefully your suggestions will help. Thanks for taking the time to put this together wishing you good health. Sunshine
sboyce - 02/21/99 05:42:58
My Email:sboyce@jps.net
Jay S - 02/19/99 20:59:37
My Email:jaybird248@aol.com
Thank you for posting this info. Very useful and well done!
I am 55, and have had sciatica for several months. I amnow exploring treatments and remedies.
Gary Meyer - 02/19/99 20:40:15
My Email:gmeyer@onlinemac.com
have the problem any help would be appreciated,
Graham (UK) - 02/18/99 22:19:47
My Email:lyca.youthclubs.uk@ukonline.co.uk
Thank you for providing an honest and informative view on sciatica. I believe that I have had the 'niggling' back & leg pains since my late teens. I have had a number of 'interviews' with a GP over the years, and have discussed the issue more recently wit
a few friends. For me I guess that I could do more to loose some weight and build 'tummy' muscle, take time to relax, and in particular begin, and continue on a regular basis, the simple stretching exercises suggested in your web pages. I would also add
hat I find that Yoga provides a good mix of relaxation and stretching, just go at your own pace. The key to all this appears to be finding a way to build these important "body works" into the busy world of family and work. Hey Ho!
PS. Has anyone had positive results from Suki Therapy? love light and peace - graham.
Barbara - 02/18/99 17:53:23
My Email:miglionico2@mamkschools.org
Enjoyed your information...I will share with my partner who is misrable with sciatica. Thanks
Perry Hansen - 02/18/99 15:10:20
My Email:steel@mosquitonet.com
Thank you for the tips on Sciatica. I am going to try your exercises.
Gene Pagnani - 02/18/99 12:56:02
My Email:pagnani@ziplink.net
I had my first attack this past Friday,
I thought i was just getting old.
I look forward to viewing the list of exercises
Jerry Jimenez - 02/18/99 06:58:12
My Email:calbear@slip.net
I'm a 42 yr old male who used to be quite active, but am rlegated to walking and light exercising now. I guess I should count my blessings. I really enjoyed reading other's experiences. I think the stretching is very important. I also believe that eac
person has to try many different stretches and decide which ones work for him ( her). We're all built differently, and what is effective for one may not work for another.
MICHELLE - 02/18/99 00:56:38
My Email:plazachemicals@bigpond.com.au
Greetings once again! For the benefit of anyone considering surgery I thought I would share my husbands experiences. After 2 Myleograms, 3 CT scans and 2 surgerys, I think he has some knowledge to impart. (I'm on the computer at work so I'm typing this
on his behalf). We to had a Neurosurgeon who gave us 3 minutes of his time with the touch your toes etc. routine. He booked my husband in for a Myleogram & CT which was performed on the Monday. Tuesday he had shocking headaches so he rang the hospital
or any suggestions. The nurse said to drink a large glass of Coke (soft drink!) and plenty of water. She also mentioned that he should have been told to dring plenty of water in the days BEFORE the Myleogram. (That would have been handy to know BEFORE
he Myleogram).
Tuesday night he received a phone call from the neurosurgeon telling him he was booked in on Friday for a discectomy. As he was at the stage of not caring, and actually wanting an operation he thought it was great news.
At this stage I should mention his symptoms. He had deep numbness in his left big toe, top of the foot and half of the calf. Yes, he walked with a limp, couldn't stand for long, couldn't sit for long. When he had a shower the leg would go numb and he h
d to rush, limping all the way, to sit down. He described the feeling in his calf as like having a golf ball in there.
Anyway, after having the first operation the numbness went immediately, however the pain was still there and still unbearable. So six weeks later he was booked in for another Myleogram. This time they 'nicked' a nerve while doing it. This sent excrucia
ing pain shooting down his leg and he said he saw 'white' and felt he was in shock for some time afterwards.
With this Myelogram he did dring plenty of water BEFORE and AFTER and it did have a beneficial effect. The headache was much less severe.
Well, a week later (on a Monday) while getting the results of his Myleogram he was informed he was booked in for another operation and the last did not get satisfactory enough results. Wednesday he was in having his second operation on the L4/5 disc. Thi
time to remove a combination of disc and scar material. The results have been less than perfect but has been some improvement, although he still says it's not liveable.
Going back to the risks of the operation, we were also given vague "there's always a risk in any surgery etc. etc." but nothing specific. Well reading the post operation report from the surgeon to our local doctor we now have a lovely definition of the ri
ks associated with surgery. And I quote "Prior to surgery I was very clear to him the risks and benefits of the operation. The risks included nerve root damage, CSF leak (that's the fluid which is in your spine and surrounds your brain), wound infection
and exacerbation of his sensory and motor dysfunction". Must have slipped his mind to tell us about it!!!!
Hope this helps. If you want to know more feel free to email me.
MICHELLE - 02/17/99 02:07:03
My Email:plazachemicals@bigpond.com.au
Mary, thanks for your page on sciatica. My husband has been suffering for years now and is in his third week of recovery from his second operation in eight weeks. The first op. was a discectomy on his L5/L4. This relieved the numbness he was experienci
g but the pain down the leg was still there. Eight weeks later he was in again to have scar tissue cut away and to remove some bits of remaining disc. But alas! The pain is still there! A slight improvement, but as he explains "not liveable". I'm prin
ing out the pages on your web site and hopefully it can help provide him with some relief as he feels he is staring a third operation in the face.
Maureen - 02/16/99 14:58:16
My Email:skelley@de-inc.com
My sciatica nightmare began last July and for months I suffered before seeking medical treatment. Finally, last November I saw an Orhopedic doctor who after reviewing my MRI told me I had 2 ruptured discs (L4/L5) I had a series of three epidural steriod
injections. The epidurals helped a lot, but did not solve the entire problem. It has been a long road to recovery, but after months of no lifting, bending etc. I am finally starting to see some improvement. I truly thought that my life as I knew it was
over when this first happened to me. It is only now that things are starting to return to normal. Although I am going to have to pay close attention to my back for the rest of my life at least I am now able to resume living.
If you are suffering looking into the epidural
injections. Also, doing the excersizes and ice packs on the lower back are very helpful.
jennifer bogard - 02/14/99 06:29:31
My Email:gregory_bogard@gte.com
Thanks for your Work! I'm going to check out the exercises. So far, most web sites I've found are advertisement for chiropractic. I'll let you know if the exercises help.
Joyce B. Clark - 02/13/99 23:26:09
jack - 02/13/99 02:19:01
My Email:wolford@pacbell.net
I have experienced many of the symptoms of sciatica. Ihave had XRays,MRI, EMG, ENG, you name it. Most of the Drs. would not commit themselves
to a diagnosis, but were definitely committed to getting paid. The conclusions are that I have several lumbar and thorac discs that are dehydrated. my work posture and muscle demands
cause inflamation in the discs. The muscles have a difficult time relaxing and really aggravate the condition. Massage therapy works best to relieve the discomfort and get the circulation going. Lots of low physically demanding exercise also works well.Fo
me the only solution is management as the condition is not severe enough to require
surgery, something thaat I would probably decline
anyway. worse case scenarios for me are numbness in the legs and periods of dizziness and extreme
discomfort in both the lumbar area and the neck.
would be nice if the massage therapy wa covered by insurance.
Tom Barnes - 02/13/99 02:10:36
My Email:tandmbar@ix.netcom.com
M. Scott Porter - 02/12/99 20:31:52
My Email:mscottporter@hotmail.com
I'm 24, and my life is on hold because of the beast...My throbbing SCIATIC NERVE. I ask that you all write me about your struggle. Express your pain in words. Your frustrations. I will listen. I am starting a book about the Sciatic Hell that we are t
apped in. Please do not think that you are alone. Thank you ,Mary, for connecting us through this whole mess. Nobody in my life "gets it"...They don't understand the pain, the longing for a return to normal life. We must stay positive, AND I KNOW that
it is hard. I catch myself getting hostile towards the whole able-bodied world....But it does not help. Please, take some time to write me. I want vivid outpourings of pain through the keyboard. The hassles encountered from inept medical pfofessionals
But mostly, I want victory. Tell me how you adapt. Tell me how you overcome daily stummbling blocks. This is a mess, folks, we all know it. It is so saddening to hear that the pain might not go away...But through sharing and understanding, life migh
become more livable. Don't give up. It may still hurt, but we can beat this. Please, tell me your story. It will be cathartic for everyone. I'm so glad for the first time in ages. I finally see that I am not alone....
scott porter - 02/12/99 19:49:26
My Email:mscottporter@hotmail.com
I hope you received my email.
Trivikram - 02/12/99 16:29:26
My Email:txd3660@utarlg.uta.edu
Great homepage ..both your sciatica homepage and your personal homepage. You should put a picture of yourself in your personal homepage. I found out about your page through a link that you provided on the Cyberfriends homepage. Best wishes and I hope a
cure for sciatica is found.
vicki - 02/12/99 01:40:55
My Email:dwbrown@hiwaay.com
Mary, I am very impressed with your website as well as with you as a person. I am experiencing similar symptons and don't know if sciatica may be what I am suffering from. I thought I had hurt my tailbone riding horses, but extensive tests have shown th
t my bone structure is good and no fractures or breaks were detected. I am so uncomfortable sitting, especially in a car. I cannot tolerate a hard seat like at a stadium. Did you experience this type discomfort?
Thanks for all the information. It was a lot of work I am sure!
j rabin - 02/12/99 01:37:25
My Email:jsrabin@msn.com
I am in the middle of a horrible sciatica attack (my first) I have had bad reactions to Daypro, Alleve and so can't take aspirin...only Tylenol. I am thrilled to find your exercises. I am going to try them tonite. If I get relief I will let you know. Than
Dominique - 02/12/99 00:11:29
My Email:dominique@warrior.com
Me again. Until I had a lumbar pillow for both work and driving, I had worse pain. It helps reduce the pressure on the nerve. Also, try lying on your back, feet in the air against a wall. Then gradually try to straighten your legs by pressing your han
s against your thigh/knee. It hurts, but you control the pressure, and the result is a great stretch. Also, any thoughts/success stories with Glucosamine? I'm in the middle of an awful time and would appreciate any advice. Thanks!
Dominique - 02/11/99 23:56:30
My Email:dominique@warrior.com
Great web-site! It's interesting how many people suffer from this, once you get it yourself. It's a definite painful deal, and unless you've had it, very hard to understand. I've found that when my hip pinches and affects my whole side, an ace bandage
round my calf helps reduce some of the pain to my leg. You might want to include applying ice versus heat. I know many people get confused. Thanks again!
Marie Vega - 02/11/99 18:50:47
My Email:mvega0681@aol.com
After four months of sterady pain in my leg, I finally started treatment. I began by consulting with a choropractic surgeon to confirm the diagnosis and discuss alternatives. The outcome was the most conservative and safe (no-side effects) approach. For f
fteen minutes each day (or at least every other) I do back stretches and some ab/stomach crunches which I needed anyway and the pain is markedly diminished. I hope never to progress beyond this stage of treatment and from what I read on this web site, it
seems like to only viable long-term treatment therapy not involving drugs or surgery.
LANE LEBLANC - 02/11/99 18:45:40
Gary - 02/11/99 12:59:40
My Email:garynet@webtv.net
Thanks 4 the interesting page. I plan 2 try the exercises.
Ravi Shankar - 02/11/99 01:29:37
My Email:rshankar19@hotmail.com
Thanks for your effort.
TED TANZEY - 02/10/99 21:17:05
- 02/10/99 19:52:45
Bob - 02/10/99 15:57:51
My Email:rbkidd@worldnet.att.net
I fell on the ice several weeks ago, landing on my knees. Since then I have had extreme pains in my left theigh, running down to the calf of my left leg. Could this be the sciatic nerve acting up? Any ideas on how to get rid of this pain will be apprec
Robert - 02/10/99 02:07:42
My Email:rjsydt@bellatlantic.net
The most helpful things for me for sciatica so far are using a gel cushion and back exercises. The gel aushion can be obtained from medical supply houses and may be paid by insurance if prescribed by a doctor.
Felix Perez - 02/09/99 17:36:57
My Email:jazman@flash.net
Your Sciatica site was very informative but mostly supportive. It's amazing the ignorance in medicine about this common disease. I've been through most of your experiences(sacro wedgy,inept doctors,chiropractic). I now have an eastern thinking MD who wan
s to do an epidural steroid block. I have yet to dtermine whether this is his most profitable procedure. He was very informative holistically, offering suggestions such as calcium/magnesium supplements to relax the back muscles and a Green product such as
"Green magma" (tastes like grass clippings). He was just a little too quick to suggest the Epidural. After your description ofyour Myelogram it does'nt make me too anxious to try and seems like a band aid.
My particular problem has to do with L4, L5 degeneration. And if it's not going tp grow cartilage I don't see the point.
Thank you for taking the time to make this site.
By from Austin, Texas Felix Perez jazman@flashnet.com
Clifford Hand - 02/09/99 01:00:14
My Email:chand@attcanada.net
I have had leukemia for 6 years (CML) together with venous hypertension, sciatica in right leg and recurring ulcers on my feet and legs. I did go for physiotherapy at he local hospital and the exercises helped for a while. However, I find that the pain an
tingling in my leg varies with the level of white blood cells which varies widely from below 2 to over 100 and the doctors have great difficulty in finding the correct dose of Hydrea to combat this. In fact, the doctor says that the wide swings in my b
ood counts are unusual. Some swings are expected but not to the extent that mine do. Does antone else have this experience?
Clifford Hand - 02/09/99 00:51:31
My Email:chand@attcanada.net
Kathy Knox - 02/08/99 19:37:55
My Email:/mamaknox@hotmail.com
I have had a problem with my back and left leg for seven years, off and on. I am currently trying to find out what to do with it again. Wish me luck!!!
David Stern - 02/08/99 14:22:51
My Email:audavstern@erols.com
I wish you a full recovery and freedom from pain. Your account is very conscientious and detailed, and raises no extravagant hopes. I am 67 and have had back pain about 30 years ago, gradually stopped it by faithfully excercising, except now it started co
ing back
Paul Thompson - 02/07/99 16:36:31
My Email:lakenut@ac,net
I've had 4 back sugery's over the past 35 years, the last about 2 years ago.I have had sciatica again for about 2wks. I can sit or lay
but can,t stand for more than 5 minutes the pain
is terible.
bob - 02/06/99 22:35:52
My Email:aol.com
i'm hurting all the time
Trudy - 02/06/99 15:58:11
My Email:willie&t@mtneer.net
Your information and suggestions are very welcome. My leg and hip have periodic spells of being numb, like they're 'asleep', pins & needles, etc. My doctor called it sciatica and for the most part just said I may have to live with it. I just spent a sle
pless night trying to get comfortable, every position caused something else to get numb. It hasn't become unbearable yet but it's very irritating and makes it hard to concentrate on work that needs to be done. I plan to try the exercises and OTC medicati
ns, hot baths have helped some, massage is ok but if you hit the wrong spot, OUCH! If anything new comes along I'd love the info. Thanks.
Robert I. Wall - 02/05/99 15:42:07
My Email:bob2a@erols.com
Find your page very interesting. I may have sciatica insofar as I have had (for about three months) a burning hot/icy cold and numbness sensation on the left side of my left thigh which comes and goes when I walk. Also a weak back.
My doctors, who I believe see me as a funnel to my excellent and "wealthy" health insurer, did an x-ray of my thigh and found nothing, which is good. They then proposed a bone scan AND an MRI. (Why not amputate and get it over with, I thought?)
My unhappiness must have showed. They put me on Daypro, an anti-inflammatory, and scheduled me to come back next week, also mentioning the possibility of a cortisone shot, ominously noting the sciatic nerve/needle relationship. Hey, you know what you're d
ing or you don't-- aint no in between.
Question: (Don't get alarmed), but I have a concealed weapons permit and have carried a gun in an ankle holster (left leg), for six or eight years, almost every day of the week except weekends. This consist of a garter about four inches wide, firmly cinch
d under the knee, plus the holster which goes around the ankle, also firmly cinched. Both pieces are made out of neoprene, an elastic like rubber.
Any thoughts as to this being a contributor??? (Have made up my mind to use other means to carry!)
Jeanne Gosland - 02/04/99 22:35:08
My Email:jgoose7@pacbell.net
Hi! I am interested in exercises for my sciatica pain. My doctor gave me a generic back book with exercises and I really would rather have up to date exercises for this. Thank you for all you can do.
- 02/04/99 13:20:50
brian bacik - 02/04/99 01:33:21
My Email:bmbacik@worldnet.att.net
moncia baldwin - 02/03/99 12:18:08
My Email:wfcmlb@aol.com
michelle - 02/02/99 20:07:12
My Email:michellen@compupluscorp.com
I've been in pain for a month now with severe sciatica - been seeing a chiropractor for treatments which has helped but, I need advice on exercise/stretching, whatever to help !! Thanks
- 02/02/99 08:26:20
My Email:kmwink@aol.com
thank you for your efforts! After 96 minutes on the www., i found helpful info.
blessings to you! michael
Rob - 02/01/99 20:47:22
Symptoms for me . . . same
Remedies for me . . . none
This does seem to help relieve the pain and I have not seen it mentioned on your bulletin board.
Lie flat on your back and put your legs onto a chair or bed. Basically you are in a seated position with your back on the floor instead of your normal seated position. You will feel your back straighten out immediately. You can move about to exercise y
ur spine or just lie there to relieve the pressure from your back. About 10-15 minutes in this positions usually works wonders for me.
I also use several of the "stretch type" positions others have described here and they are also helpful.
Thank everyone making a contribution to this bulletin board. Not everything will work for everyone, but having so much practical experience at hand is helpful to us all.
Mary Lou Galati - 02/01/99 14:00:54
My Email:flaunt@earthlink.net
Just developed the symptoms that you described. Don't really want to go to the doctor's. I've only had this for around 5 days. So I am going to wait a while before I subject myself to a doctor. Reading your info has given me a good insight into my probl
m. Thanks
Best regards,
Mary Lou
- 02/01/99 02:09:27
Dee Spillar - 01/31/99 16:43:05
My Email:dspillar@swbell.net
Cathy - 01/30/99 13:58:39
My Email:cduffy@sibl.com
- 01/30/99 01:47:58
Isabel Alcazar - 01/29/99 00:45:00
My Email:malcazar@cariari.ucr.ac.cr
Very helpful information. Clear and precise. The excercise section seems as it could help. I¨ll try the excercises and I´ll get back to you with some feedback. Thanks a bunch.-
Julie Sontgerath - 01/28/99 16:03:30
My Email:juliesont@writeme.com
This is a wonderful page. I have been dealing with this sciatica for a year now. It is acting up again, I had the epidural and not helping so much this time. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you, Julie Sontgerath
shania - 01/27/99 19:28:49
My Email:shania@global.co.za
fascinating and interesting, I am researching the effectiveness of homoepathic remedies on the pain caused by sciatica, as I too have suffered many a back injury and want to help others.
thanx for the site !!
Patty Strauss - 01/27/99 00:06:59
My Email:PS2642@aol.com
I was looking for information to give my mother who is suffering with sciatica. The doctors she have seen have not been very helpful in explaining sciatica to her. They only precribed pain killers that make her sleep but still wake with pain. Thanks
Diane - 01/26/99 02:00:50
My Email:feedol@earthlink.com
Great site!!!
Jerilyn - 01/24/99 20:53:15
My Email:jerilyndavis@worldnet.att.net
Clair O'neill - 01/24/99 16:18:56
My Email:eclair13@hotmail.com
Hi mary, Enjoyed your web site. I just got backk from a ski trip where I fell on some ice and have not been able to walk well since. Thought it was just muscles but after a week and excruciating pain always, have decided it is sciatica. Am going to see t
e doctor and probably my chiropractor ASAP and will be interested to see how my improvement goies. This is certainly not something I want to live with long term. Clair
eileen williams - 01/23/99 20:26:27
My Email:georgeandeileen@home.com
looking for relief hints for sciatica pain
- 01/22/99 16:01:56
Ceci Wong - 01/22/99 04:27:54
My Email:diesirae@pacbell.net
Hi. I found your page through a search engine, and I found your info very useful. I am only 18 and have already been suffering from really bad back pain for 2 years. The good thing is, I am finally getting checked out next week. I totally understand ha
ing an exam with a painful back, since I just had my AP Economics final last week with really bad pain in my lower back. Anyway, thanks for putting up the page.
Cathy - 01/21/99 20:09:00
Mitch Altman - 01/21/99 00:05:27
My Email:alty@pacbell.net
I found your comments on relieving sciatic pain most helpful, as I'm currently suffering through a most excruciating bout with sciatica. I was surprised to see your suggestion of two servings of fruit. I'm interested to see how that will work.
leda winebarger - 01/20/99 23:43:43
My Email:lwine@apptate.campuscw.net
good to know i'm not alone-it's all new to me
Marie Vega - 01/19/99 17:52:48
My Email:mvega0681@aol.com
Mary, through your site, I feel armed with real information about the causes and treatment alternatives for sciatica. Tomorrow I'm seeking treatment for the first time after 5 months of (irritating but manageable) sciatic pain. Thanks for the site and gu
stbook that has so many suggestions and insights into the problem. I would not have liked being dependent on the opinions of just one medical providor.
Lori - 01/19/99 01:31:12
My Email:sandra.arsenault@pei.sympatico.ca
Hi. I am a 32 year old who has been having pain for about 10 days. Thought I just "sat up" the wrong way when doing sit-ups. Dr. asked a few questions, poked around a bit and diagnoses sciatica. From what I have been reading in your guest book, sounds
like "back sciatica", although the past few days the pain is starting to travel south. Really enjoyed your web page. I too, could only find "advertisements". Everybody wants you to buy something! I am using a hot water bottle most nights (seems to hel
), Rub A535 and started Advil today. I hope it goes away soon, but from the sounds of the letters in your guest book, I'm not too sure. I will try your exercises to see if that helps. Thanks for the info!
Chris Allen - 01/18/99 18:21:41
My Email:cja2@po.cwru.edu
good description of symptoms I've felt. I'll try some of your remedies for the pain. (I'm a 39 yro male , engineer who sits in fronnt of a computer alot)
- 01/18/99 14:35:56
Sue Mason - 01/16/99 04:15:02
My Email:turtlecove@worldnet.att.net
Thanks for the info. I'm a healthy 46-yr old female who was dxed with "sciatica" about 2 months ago. It sucks. The exercises are some help but as I sit here I'm tingling in my feet and it hurts...Thanks for the exercises...My physical therapist gave me
a couple of the same ones you mentioned. However, do you think I can ever participate in water sports and the like again? I really don't care, I just want to be able to sleep in the fetal position again as opposed to sleeping flat on my back and waking
p with incredible pain in my ass and leg...I hate it..but thanks for the info and good luck...
Sue Mason - 01/16/99 04:05:35
My Email:turtlecove@worldnet.att.net
Thanks for the info. I'm a healthy 46-yr old female who was dxed with "sciatica" about 2 months ago. It sucks. The exercises are some help but as I sit here I'm tingling in my feet and it hurts...Thanks for hope!
Sy Keller - 01/14/99 20:36:25
My Email:sykeller@email.com
For the past three weeks I have experienced excruciating pain I believe to be sciatica. It has gotten to the point where even fixing dinner is all but impossible. I seldom take any form of pain killers, but this time I resorted to a a combination of Vic
din & alchol, with NO relief. I found the information in your website encouraging and informative. I look forward to trying some of the exercises and remedies and will let you know if I have any success with them. Thanks for your efforts to help!
katcoop - 01/12/99 20:43:57
My Email:katcoop@swbell.net
- 01/12/99 15:21:28
terrence clark - 01/12/99 14:51:22
My Email:djidc.aol.com
Kaye Stump - 01/12/99 07:02:16
My Email:dastump@pacifier.com
It's 10:30 at night and I am in a lot of pain. I think your exercises might help. Due to some arthritis medication I am taking can't take aspirin products. Codeine sounds good right now!I am going to try the pillow under the knees tonight but I mostly
leep on my sides so don't know if it will help or not. I, too tried chiropractic and still have the numbing, tingling, burning sensation in my left leg which probably due to the holidays has gotten worse the last couple of weeks.Walking does seem to help
although sometimes the pain gets so bad it is difficult to walk. Thanks for your information I will try just about anything short of beestings and operations!
Sara Eastman - 01/12/99 00:17:22
My Email:shfwil4@hotmail.com
My 64 yr old mother has major problems with
her sciatica, since about a month ago and
I'm looking for alternative treatments and
general info. on the problem so that I can
help her feel better. I can't stand to
see her in so much pain!!
Tony Graham - 01/11/99 21:04:49
My Email:tgraham@mi.clara.net
Just found your info, will read any comment later.
Tony Graham (Scotland)
- 01/11/99 16:08:11
Maurizio Dissegna - 01/11/99 14:19:57
My URL:/SoHo/Studios/3857
My Email:emmedi@iol.it
Hello Mary,
happy 1999!
bonnie jo starr - 01/10/99 21:29:03
My Email:bstarr1937@aol.com
georgia turner - 01/10/99 11:40:54
My Email:deal@comteck.com
hello, I've been experiencing sciatica pain for over 2 months, will it ever end?
Debbie Leigh - 01/10/99 09:42:15
My Email:leigh@dircon.co.uk
M.Schofield - 01/09/99 16:05:52
My Email:sizzler@orbitalnet.co.uk
Been suffering now for 3 months. Just copied down the exercises and i'll be back soon to give you an evaluation Thanks for the tips. Anything to give some relief will be a Godsend.
Ed.McCarthy - 01/09/99 11:35:22
My Email:emccarthy@cyberportal.net
Very Instructive and wonderful information.
Thank you.
Mia - 01/08/99 22:42:10
My Email:mnagle@spacestar.net
I visited your site quite awhile ago. Since that time I have confirmed that I have piriformis syndrome. I have searched the net to find as much as possible and as many exercises as I can. They are helping. But what has helped me the most has been magne
s. I work in a hospital and one day the pain was so bad one of the nurses taped a craft magnet she got off a bulletin board to my butt. It worked. That was 6 weeks ago. I have had pain but livable pain. I either wear the magnet in my shoe or taped to
my butt and sometimes just have the thing in my pocket. It really has worked for me and I encourage others to test it to see it will help. Good luck.
- 01/08/99 01:19:52
My Email:arjbapmom@aol
Recovering from discectomy and would love to hear from others.
bryan yosko - 01/07/99 22:33:22
My Email:byosk187
Pirjo Pike - 01/07/99 21:51:47
My Email:pikex@bec.sympatico.ca
Hi Mary,
I am not sure if I have sciatica or not - I have yet to go to a doctor to confirm it. I get sharp pains in my extreme lower back, on the right hand side and although I can start off the day okay, if I go shopping, after about 3-4 hours I am limping
nd in extrene painl Heat seems to make it feel better. I have only had this for about 3-4 days. Does it sound like Sciatica???.......Unfortunately I have a sit down job so I would be interested in any exercises I could do at my desk. Many thanks for your
response and your desire to help others........Pirjo
Russell Baleson - 01/07/99 18:45:40
My Email:baleson@dircon.co.uk
Thank you! Very easy to follow, informative and helpful. I'm going to try and ease the pain which I haven't really understood. Much appreciated.
Tom Winters - 01/07/99 14:43:27
My Email:win5207@uswest.com
Thomas E. Bailard - 01/04/99 22:58:09
My Email:tbailard@bailard.com
Just logging on for the first time. I'm trying to learn what my options are for dealing with a newly bulging ( only somewhat the MRI indicates) disc.
María P Hoskins - 01/03/99 13:04:40
My Email:maria.hoskins@btinternet.com
Has anybody tried glucosamine? If so, with what result? Conventional medecine out there is currently panning it, but, who knows?
I have tried St John Wort's [Hypericum] oil, external application, I've really yet to decide if it's effective.
On another matter, does anyone know what the follow up regime for a diagnosis of a herniated disc should be? The answer in the UK appears to be none, but surely there should be such an animal. Happy, pain free, new year to all.
Jane - 01/03/99 04:27:35
My Email:jreese@fyi.net
Thanks for the reminders regarding exercises. I haven't been doing the stretching exercises and am now paying the price. Gotta go - time to stretch!
- 01/02/99 23:39:40
Meridith Biehl - 01/02/99 17:56:12
My Email:john.biehl@cwix.com
I'm so grateful for your site. Thank you, thankyou, thank you! Bless you!
Gary Hardman - 01/01/99 23:07:37
My Email:garyh2@mcmail.com
Thanks for your information, the best I've had yet!
Charliss - 01/01/99 04:01:24
My Email:charliss@earthlink.net
Glad to find you! I read an article in a magazine that gave my problem a name. Found you simply by surfing. Very helpful info. Didn't know the name of the condition but have tried most of what you described just experimenting. I did find that it seems
to help to lie in bed ON a tennisball placed where it hurts. I do this every once in a while. It relieves the pressure and makes me feel somehow better. I also place a tiny firm pillow at the small of my back whenever I drive.
Thank-you SOOOOO much for the help and info!
Joyce ford - 12/31/98 19:20:28
Carol - 12/31/98 06:05:22
My Email:jnwarn1@rochelle.net
Hi, Thank you for this web site,but I never knew sciatica could last so long. I have had a couple of episodes before but this last one-1 month before Christmas hit with a bang! I didn't see it coming-no clues before hand. The 1st day I couldn't even bend
ver 1-2 inches or step on my right foot and severe pain!!! I went to P.T. for 3 weeks. Treatment didn't seem to help-did't hurt either-but I did learn some good exercises. So does anyone seem to think that exercises keep sciatica away? My physical therapi
t didn't like it when I told her I sleep in a waterbed. What kind of bed is best? I'm doing sooo much better,its nice to know I've got company,I know someone out there understands.
Tom - 12/31/98 01:28:07
My Email:geismann@pacbell.net
Hi Mary:
I'll come back and say more when 1)I have more time, and 2)I feel better than I do now - have sciatica. It's wonderful that you saw fit to set up you web-sites to give aid and succor to we poor suffering mortals! Tom
Dave Mac - 12/30/98 17:43:53
My Email:davemac@woodchest.com
RICH B - 12/30/98 16:17:11
My Email:RICHB03110311@EMAIL.COM
melissa - 12/30/98 06:01:31
My Email:darkm@cadvision.com
Hi! I wrote back in Nov. and sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was an extremely stressful time. My husband is now at the 8 week point since hospitalization for a severe sciatic episode, and unfortunately his recovery is very slow and there is no su
gical solution for the scar tissue surrounding the sciatic nerve. Physio is starting again at square 1 this week as he is beginning to have minor spasms again (he spasmed for 12 days in hospital.) We are hoping to have him go into an intense rehab progr
m but at this point he is not functioning at a level to begin their program. Sure are noticing lots of mood swings and depression now and we are hearing some rumours of Prozac-like (antidepressants) drugs being prescribed for chronic pain and depression.
Has anyone else had this experience or are trying these drugs? Elavil was used in the hospital, but more to calm his agitation when morphine and valium appeared ineffective to his pain. Would like to correspond with any one with any information. In th
meantime, hang in there and take one day at a time. Melissa
C.M. Campbell - 12/28/98 23:56:54
My Email:chub@akron.infi.net
Thanks for a great site. I'm a 70/M and overwieght. I've beentroubled with sciatica for about 20 years..maybe due to mytime in Air force where we got bounced a bit. Been to P.T. about 10 yrs ago..helped some. Finally went to chirpractor about 5 yrs ag
..no help other than about 4 hours.
I hate taking pain killers but have found Motrin the best for me. Recent time (last 2 months)the pain has become more classical--that is, after sitting pain radiates around hips and down leg (right leg only). Standing up is a mixed bag. That is, one tim
it hurts like hell and takes about 30 seconds (which seems like 30 minutes)to get mobile. Other times, nothing, which is a pleasant surprise. My best results comes from a simple exercise..I put my shoulder and a book against the door opening..my right
houlder. I stand with feet togeather and without moving any other parts of my body attempt to move my pelvis only toward the right door frame.
Maybe I'll loose some weight!(maybe I won't)
- 12/28/98 21:14:03
- 12/28/98 18:21:38
Jerry Williams - 12/28/98 16:19:43
My Email:birdwill@daccess.net
I have sciatica and my left hip and my left
leg kill me all the time. When I sit it is almost
unbearable. HELP!!!
Pat Forest - 12/28/98 05:46:43
My Email:paforest@msn.com
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've had this pain in my left hip radiating down the back of my leg for a month. The doctor said it was probably sciatic. I've been trying to get information on how to deal with this in a positive alternative way rather th
n drugs or surgery. The information that I got from your site has been more than helpful and informative. God bless you.
- 12/27/98 19:24:04
Verdena Veelle - 12/26/98 09:54:11
My Email:vveelle@web-ster.com
H.L. May - 12/24/98 03:00:06
My Email:mayday@together.net
Relafin workes for about four hours, Two 750 milligrams.
Very painful in my toes and the bottom of my foot back to the edge of my heel. Only a small spot the size of a half dollar in my hip that hurts only about one-tenth of the pain in my foot.
CEFS1 - 12/23/98 23:50:29
My URL:http://www.geocities
My Email:cefs1@netscape.net
I'm tired of the pain and the need to take medication. I'm looking for alternatives.
- 12/23/98 17:57:25
Paul Jamieson - 12/21/98 21:04:11
My Email:Pjamieson@trilogic.com
Thanks for your information. It is very nice of you to offer this personal perspective to people suffering from this pain. I'm 37 and had a bout with this back when i was 28. I had an MRI done on my lower back and was told I had mild congenital disc bulgi
g. The pain eventually went away, but reared its ugly head again about a month ago. I had intense back pain SO I WENT TO THE DOCTOR THINKING IT MIGHT BE RELATED TO KIDNEY STONES I HAD had before. He said it was muscular skeletal. A week later i felt the s
arp pain down my leg again. I've tried advil, and an anti-inflammatory to no avail. I am going to try acupuncture next. I'll let you know how I make out.
Thanks for your help.
Shara Garcia - 12/21/98 06:09:32
My Email:sls_ag@swbell.net
I've been reviewing some of your data. I'm not sure if I have a problem with my sciatic nerve yet. I have not been to a doctor, but I suffer bouts of pain, not in my back, but from the side of my hip. The pain is more intense in my thigh, from up high
n the groin and down to the back of my knee. It feels like a vein that is aching and throbing or I guess a nerve. Sometimes I can't even pin point the pain because it probably is inflammed. I probably will meet with a Chiropractor to see if there is a
roblem with my back.
Let me know if you know of other good referenc material.
Thanks, Shara
- 12/21/98 01:45:10
Zeusa - 12/20/98 22:49:42
My Email:Zeusa@aol.com
Kim Arseneault - 12/19/98 03:32:06
My Email:karseneault@interhop.net
I'm suffering from severe sciatica for the 1st time in my life. I'm now 4 months pregnant and have been suffering the whole time. My dr. says I probably won't be better till about 6 months after the baby's born. I'm looking for relief!!!! I hope your si
e can help.
John williams - 12/18/98 19:02:50
My Email:kiona1wine
just entered your page. let you know later
Lee - 12/17/98 16:48:57
My Email:lschwartzman@sdg.com
I'm 34 years old and I've been suffering from sciatica for over 8 years, with the pain becoming most intense at the begnning of this year (probably because I was a dork and went snowboarding). High speed sports where landing on your face or ass is the on
y way you go down are not recommended. HELLO! I've been very successful with acupuncture. I went about 8 times before it really kicked in, but it puts a "pain traffic cop" into your body that starts putting up roadblocks to the pain. Eventually, the p
in lessens and goes away. It stays away with maintenance (I go about twice a month, if that). I get a two-hour treatment (the needles and massage) for about $95 and insurance covers 80% of that (up to 25 visits a year). I'm not keen on chiro anymore, o
ly because it's a temporary fix and I sometimes walked away in more pain after the visit. It is hellish to have sciatica because you can tell people how much pain you're in (like anything else) and no one really GETS it. I find it most bothersome when i
comes time to sleep. More than anything else, I've heard you should avoid surgery as long as possible. I guess I'm ok for now seeing that I'm not in crippling pain on a daily basis, but it still SUCKS! I'm too young for this, too! Hang in there, Mary
- 12/16/98 23:28:37
DiveMaster1 - 12/16/98 18:21:00
My Email:mhampton@net4u.net
I know it seems to simple to be true, but a few seconds-minutes of pressure point therapy aill always rid my clients of sciatica. I am a licensed massage therapist specializing in musuloskeltal assessment and myofascial release and i do this type of pres
ure point therapy all the time with a wooden T-bar. It may not be perminant relief, but you must look at the cause to cure it totally. (fat wallet, crossing your legs, etc)
Nancy - 12/16/98 09:56:48
Dear Friends and Ute especially...Here I am writing again about Piriformis Syndrome, hoping to help in any way I can. I just spent the last hour surfing in a Runners Forum which had literally hundreds of postings on Piriformis. Quite a few of them talke
about an article by a Dr. Tim Maggs in the Sept. 1988 "Michigan Runner & Fitness Sports". (www.michiganrunner.com/add_articles/RunDr_Sept.html) Dr. Maggs has a rather simple and inexpensive way of treating Piriformis. Many of the Postings by the very
erious "runners" in the Forum I was reading claimed that they used his methods to eradicate their pain. Starting tomorrow I will add his program onto mine if they're compatible. In any case, you might like to check out his article. It's very informativ
and very detailed. Nancy
- 12/15/98 21:46:42
ute musselman - 12/15/98 14:26:49
My Email:musselman88@earthlink.net
it's me again...i've had trouble locating your web site lately, it used to be one of the first ones to pop up on my search, but for the past week or so i couldn't seem to find it. then i decided to check my favorites and there you were (obviously i must
ave been using my brain the day i decided to add you to my favorites!). i want to thank NANCY for bring up piniformis syndrome!!!!!!! the symptoms match mine exactly. i was not aware of piniformis syndrome and my chiropractor did not mention this to me
at all. when i brought some articles to the chiropractor, he said he knew. but only after this did he try some new approaches. instead of adjusting my back, as usual, he worked more agressively on my hip and leg. it definitely made a difference for a
ew hours. i have copied several articles off the internet which include several exercises. looking forward to some recovery!!! thanks.
phil cavanagh - 12/15/98 05:41:06
My Email:bethels@gte.net
Great website. I've read many different comments. Didn't realize my misery had so much company, and so many who seemed to go through what I did, which was hell. I'm 46, think (or thought) of myself in pretty good shape. Woke up one morning ,swung out of b
d and BAM, someone put an icepick in my hip. I was pretty incapacitated for about 3 weeks, managed to make it to work but only for 3 days each week. My doc put me on Lortab for the pain...it helped but I found myself taking 4 or 5 a day. They can be addic
ive so I wasn't too fond of staying on them for long. Also put me on Naprosyn and Robaxin. Went to a chiropractor twice. He didn't help but he didn,t hurt me either.Last week I saw an Ortopedic Specialist;he ordered a Nerve Block,some docs call it an ESI,
n Epidural Steroid INjection. All I can say is that it made a dramatic improvement.Completely stopped these spasms that went from my hip to my ankle. This is only 4 days later,I'm much much better than I've been in weeks. It's a quick,painless out patient
procedure. If you're really hurting and your insurance will cover it I recommend it. I work in medicine and was pretty aggresive when this hit me;it seems to have paid off. Massaging pressure points is also great for some pretty significant immediate reli
f....excellent book is Pain Erasure The Bonnie Prudden Way. I hope everyone has a happy,HEALTHY holiday and New Year. P>S Do your daily stretches.
Chris Nutter - 12/15/98 05:23:22
My Email:sundc@micron.net
- 12/15/98 05:09:41
- 12/15/98 03:55:58
Michael Dalton - 12/14/98 23:08:08
My Email:mike@towerequities.com
It`s great that someone created a site that is helpful to people with this problem. I was looking for some answers, and i think you helped me find some possible solutions. I am 28, and feel that i am too young to have this also. I`ll let you know how i`m
oing from time to time.
Thanks for the advice!!!!
Mike Dalton
Johanna Anderson - 12/14/98 05:11:15
My URL:http://www.osage.net/
My Email:gorjoh@osage.net
Thank you for sharing your knowledge on sciatica. I'm 55 years old and have only occasionally suffered with sciatica. My 86- year-old mother has had her first bout with it and is suffering terribly. Unfortunately, your findings have confirmed my suspec
ons. Time and Tylenol may be the best remedies to this painful condition.
Keep up your good efforts!
Nancy - 12/11/98 19:48:34
Dear Friends, I wrote a little farther down on the 8th of December, regarding the possibility of "pirisformis syndrome" being misdiagnosed as "back sciaticia". Well, that night, after writing that, my pain got worse and worse. Nothing seemed to help.
ike many of you, I tried to take my mind off it by surfing the net for any possible cures. Again, because of my suspicions, I concentrated on "pirisformis syndrome". I came across an exercise on a Rice University sports web medicine site at http://ricei
fo.rice.edu/~jenky/sports/piri.2.html. Because I was in such pain, I thought 'what the hell' and tried it. Following their instructions, I pressed my bodyweight down over my right hip and, I swear to God, I heard a SNAP. Inside my hip, it felt like a t
ick elastic band flicked over something. Immediately, I began to feel RELIEF!!! I wasn't pain free but, over these last few days, the pain has continously subsided. Now, it isn't there unless I do something stupid. Meanwhile, I went to a Physical Ther
pist who confirmed that I was experiencing "piriformis syndrome" and added some great exercises to my repetoire. She also asked me something interesting, whether I felt any sharp pains when I coughed or sneezed. Well, as it happens, I do press on my low
r stomach area when I sneeze, because of a sharp pain. That, also, is a symptom of "pirisformis syndrome". She gave me some great exercises to add to my repetoire, taught me about "neutral posture" during exercises, and sent me on my way. Needless to sa
, I am ecstatic to have an answer and a treatment. (Of course, she also said it could come back so I have to make sure I continue my exercises, posture, and better work habits.) I know that if you have "back sciatica", my letter will mean little to you
ut, if your sciatic pain hasn't directly been linked to your back and, before you go through the expense and inconvenience of x-rays and MIRs, I urge you to at least alert your doctor of the possibility of checking you out for "pirisformis". It's still a
form of sciatica, but it's so much easier to treat. Again, my heart goes out to everyone in pain. Nancy
Carol - 12/10/98 19:20:41
My URL:http://www.hawaiiguide.com/seacat
My Email:cjhart@aloha.net
Hi Mary: Another fan to thank you for your website. I've injured my back numerous times, all from working on boats. In 1992 I was slammed on the deck of a boat after punching through some surf, suffering a compression fracture, after which I suffered ver
painful sciatica for several months. I never saw a doctor but visited a chiropractor weekly, and I believe his treatments were helpful in my recovery. I fell again in August this year and recovered much more quickly (I was taken to the hospital and giv
n the CT scan twice), however the sciatica is persistent and I have been concerned about it never going away. Your experience and the comments of others have helped me realize that I'm doing pretty well, mostly as a result of stretching, exercise, and tr
ing to avoid "the wrong activities and movements". I know a number of people who've had surgery for disc and/or lower back problems, and none of them are better off. Good luck to all of you in healing yourselves and finding new and better ways to reliev
the pain. Aloha.
Christine Savage - 12/09/98 16:11:50
Vince thompson - 12/09/98 06:33:41
My Email:raevin90@juno.com
I am a 30/m and I've been told i have the same problem as everybody here. the thing that scares the hell out of me is that i don't want to live with this the rest of my life. my wife also doesn't understand just who painful this is. I've been given tyleno
/3 for the pain at night but it just doesn't help. here it is 2:00 am on a work night and I'm still up. I can't seem to get to sleep. i found that 4 advil 4x daily seems to dull the pain to where i can function somewhat normal. as for having sex,now there
is something that should be pleasureable, but turns out to be a chore. i've had this for about 3 weeks now and it only seems to be getting worst. with christmas only 16 days away, i have but one wish and that is for the pain to stop for at least 24 hrs. i
hope everybody that reads this will find it very useful and try what works for them.
Your friend and fellow sufferer
vince thompson
vince thompson - 12/09/98 06:06:21
My Email:raevin90@juno.com
Thank you, I've found your page to be very helpful to me.
Nancy - 12/08/98 07:14:53
My heart aches for all of you. I've only just been diagnosed with sciatica (maybe) and I can't imagine the pain you've all been going through. I think the worst is probably the depression late at night.
I've come across a few things that seem to help with the pain. Maybe they might help a few of you.
It tastes kind of alcohol/dishwater-like (and I don't think you should try it if you're pregnant) but I've been mixing Kava Kava with St John's Wort. That deadens the nerve endings some, although it tingles momentarily on your tongue. The way I take it
s through a liquid called "Phyto Proz Supreme" but you can use any brand I would suppose. I just liked that one because the the Kava Kava and St. John's Wort are already mixed. I take two droppers full in a little bit of warm water, making sure I pinch
y nose shut when I drink it so I don't have to taste it.
I also bought a Sacro-Ease chair lining from "The Back Relief Store" that I use in the house and the car. It's over a hundred dollars but worth every cent.
Now, here's something interesting that I'm going to bring up with my Doctor. I came across an April 15, 1992 article in the NY Times. It was about how one case in five of supposed sciatica is misdiagnosed. Apparently it's "piriformis syndrome" instead,
here the piriformis muscle deep in the buttocks entraps the sciatic nerve. "...Patients usually have a pain in the upper buttock, usually only on one side, that radiates down the thigh, lower back or groin, and is typically worse after prolonged sitting.
." The article goes on to describe in detail how your doctor can easily diagnose piriformis syndrome and how to treat it.
Because piriformis syndrome is so often misdiagnosed as "...a protruding disk in the lower spine pressing on the sciatic nerve...", patients are often subjected to costly, unnecessary testing...and wrong treatments.
If any of this strikes a chord with you, I urge you to check out any site that describes this syndrome. The particular one that I found was:
Sorry this is so long. I sure hope it helps.
P.S. A side effect of St. John's Wort is it helps with depression.
- 12/08/98 00:18:26
Sue Warren - 12/07/98 23:41:11
My Email:susieq@ucnsb.net
My doc.thinks I have this but wants me to go for MRI...I have no ins. and cannot afford but all the symptoms sound like yours exactly. Glad I had this to read as doctors are so vague. Thanks so much....
karen adam - 12/07/98 21:50:59
- 12/07/98 03:27:38
miriam ornstein - 12/07/98 03:27:05
My Email:miriam@n-link.com
Matt Conlin - 12/06/98 23:59:27
My Email:nilnoc@gte.net
I am so glad that your web site was my first stop on the web on the subject of sciatica. It is great to get the benefit of your "been there....." experience.
After reading your guest comments, I guess I would be in the 'grandpa' catagory, having just reached the social security recipient age milestone.
I am also a HMO participant and I am sure that many agree that this is, at times, like being the one behind the proverbial 'eight ball'. I did not realize that I do have a sciatica problem that is treatable, however the HMOs PCP has fooled me with the ol
"well, there are some restrictions you have to accept with the aging process.....". You can be certain that I will be prepared to deal with the PCPs failure to act, at my upcoming appointment.
I certainly appreciate your taking your time to create and maintain this web site to help people. THANK YOU!
Sharon Crute - 12/06/98 22:15:52
My URL:http://handarc.simplenet.com/
My Email:Handarc@aol.com
Hi Mary!
Great web site discussing sciatica. I was also diagnosed at a young age, 24, and I'm 44 now. I've had on and off bouts, some slight, some severe. I've tried to correlate it with something I've done throughout the years of attacks but to no avail. I'm curi
us about what you said about applying analgesics to the area. Do you mean the local area of pain? Like placing an anti-inflammatory directly to the back of my leg? I'll try anything! Thanks, Sharon
Tim - 12/06/98 21:41:27
My Email:fasttime@cruzio.com
Mary, you have a great site for those of us in need (exercise is key). Spritely & informative. Keep it up. You inspire me to create a site for my musical compositions. - Tim
Diane Gilfether - 12/06/98 16:12:47
My Email:murph54@ibl.bm
I have had sciatic pain for two years. This time last year I had a spinal fusion. This week because I am still having a great deal of pain, I had another myelogram, and found out that the fusion did not fuse. So, in addition to horrible sciatic pain I hav
more back pain than prior to my surgury. My Orthopedic surgeon suggested another fusion! I am looking for alternatives so that I can reduce the pain without going under the knife again.
Taht is my story.
- 12/06/98 05:21:10
My Email:kirb@ptd.net
I have sciatica, and so does other people. After reading the guest book, it seems to me there is really no cure for it. I have had this for about two months now. I'm still trying to find the right combination of medication, excercise, and will power to co
bact my problem. I hope everybody else who suffers, to keep trying different things to get the right combination to combact their pain. This seems to be the only choice we have.
ute musselman - 12/06/98 04:58:32
My Email:musselman88@earthlink.net
just checking to see if anybody has come up with a miracle cure - sure could use one about now. been taking the OTC naproxin X 5 days ot so and it still seems be be the best thing at relieving pain. although i wonder if i should see an MD, maybe get som
thing stronger, or would it just be a waste of money. christmas shopping has been a real pain in the butt (literally), my left leg goes to sleep and the "charlie horse" sensation gets worse. this has been going on about a month now...sure would like to
start feeling better. thanks for listening - my husband doesn't really understand like you all do..
BG - 12/05/98 23:43:40
My Email:theKreatr@AOL.com
How safe is surgery to rid myself of the misery of sciatica.
Ian Bland - 12/05/98 21:28:32
My Email:BLANDY@cableinet .co.uk
Found your Site very usefull!!
I have just been diagnosed as having sciatica after many costly' mis- diagnosed' physio sessions!!
I am an active 33year old and played soccer and worked out ..but the pain in my right buttock to the mid leg gets me down and stops the soccer!
I still work out at the gym though and strangely enough it helps doing leg weights,moreover I've just had an x-ray on my lower back so I await the docs report. Reading into the problem ...Its looking like there is no quick fix, which is a little depressin
as i really enjoy exercise!!
Any further advice on the "Ive been there" tip would be most appreciated.
Many thanks,
Ian Bland U.K.
Camille - 12/05/98 04:54:16
My Email:camillekemp@hotmail.com
I am 19 and i am just starting to experience Sciatica. Thank you for the page. It has been very helpful.
judi - 12/05/98 02:51:29
My Email:jmgoglia@goldrush.com
Claudette Pace - 12/04/98 16:47:19
My Email:CBPace@aol.com
Thanks for a great website on sciatica. I've had it for over 6 years - had massage therapy, didn't work. I'll try anything now.
Alexsis Miller - 12/04/98 04:10:35
My Email:aamiller1@aol.com
Great ideas! Sounds like I am an odd-ball too. I was diagnosed with Sciatica when I was 20 and have been dealing with it for 4 years. Good luck to you and thank you for making a page which discusses this issue. --Alexsis Miller
Lois Stauffer - 12/03/98 22:46:55
My Email:fsslas@sprintmail.com
Graeme McIver - 12/03/98 21:46:26
My Email:KSMciver@aol.com
My problem is a usually mild sensation of numbness in the front of the left thigh. It happens when I stand in the same position for a minute or more and is made worse by tenseness. It can also happen when I stroll, such as when shopping, but not when I
og or walk purposefully. Does anyone know? Is this sciatica? I am looking for suitable exercises to remedy this situation.
Gil Argentina - 12/03/98 15:17:00
My Email:gil98@pceramics.com
Carmen - 12/03/98 06:25:18
My Email:box@arbbs.net
Have been suffering for about 3 months now. Looking into alternative medicines. Alergic reactions to Naproxene and Darvocet[broke out in hives and had a high pitched ringing in my ears] changed medication, ringing ears but no hives; decided to stop that
and go for strong otc pain relievers. 2 wks in pt didn't help much.Could it be something in the water????
Carmen - 12/03/98 06:20:29
Bob H. - 12/03/98 01:29:55
My Email:bocar4@aol.com
thanks for all you've done for us long suffering
M. Miller - 12/03/98 00:12:51
My Email:millerma@swcp.com
Your site is informative. Most other sites have advertising for their techniques and do not give as much information as yours. I am experiencing my third bout with sciatica in my left leg for the past month. Pain in calf, ankle, hip and now it radiates to
groin area. Started taking Lodine 500mg twice a day. I appreciate your description of the exercises which I will start doing. I plan to read many books on the subject and learn how to prevent or minimize the effects. Thanks again for sharing.
- 12/02/98 15:06:24
KATHY - 12/01/98 23:24:23
My Email:steele@interhop.net
Hi! I visted your guestbook and was happy to see that there are others out there who can understand my back pain. I am 33 and have suffered from back pain since I was 13. I have been recently diagnosed with 2 bulging discs. This in causes great pressure o
my sciatic nerve. The last time I was laid up for a week. I have since visited a physio therapist at the Canadian Back Institute. After 6 weeks of therapy doing exercises twice a day for about 10 minutes each time I have noticed an improvement. The one e
ercise which had the most impact was the half pushup. Lay on your stomach with legs extended. Use your arms keeping your pelvis against the floor and push up. This arches the back and will help strengthen the lower back muscles. Also ADVIL helps alot. Tha
ks for providing me with information and allowing me to comment in your guestbook.
Melissa Baca - 12/01/98 22:36:19
My Email:mbaca@amgen.com
Karen Gratton - 12/01/98 18:56:39
My Email:kgratton@statestreet.com
Thanks so much for all of the helpful info...I was first diagnosed about 8 years ago...over the years I've had slight achy back pains until the end of September, then it hit and I'm still suffering.
I finally broke down and went to my doctor at the end of October...his solution, bed rest, no medication, nothing for the pain. I stayed off work for 10 days, and went back to him, still feeling the effects. He said I was fine to go back to work, two da
s back at work and I felt like I was dying...I finally dragged myself to the emergency room and got the painkillers and Naproxen. It helped alot but I'm still suffering the achy back and occasionally leg numbing. I can't wait until this is all over with
I'm fortunate as some suffer attack after attack...god help those people...I'm just so frustrated right now, my family doctor isn't helping, and there isn't a magic pill to make it all go away.
Thanks again for the info - you were much more help than my doctor.
ute musselman - 12/01/98 14:15:17
My Email:musselman88@earthlink.net
it's me again...after my last entry, i decided to stop taking the Nervine tonic - it just tasted too bad. replaced ibuprofen with OTC naproxin (generic). still having to take more than the recommended dose to get any relief, but it is better at relievin
pain. so...after a couple more weeks of taking all this stuff, you all can find me at the web sites for peptic ulcer disease (haha)...
but really, i hate to take these pills, but there doesn't seem to be any other route at this time, other than chiropractic and stretching, and i'm still doing both of those.
thanks again for this web site...i think it's the best therapy for me.
Rich Yanacek - 11/30/98 21:43:41
My Email:rich.yanacek@compaq.com
- 11/29/98 22:19:51
Jack Kidi - 11/29/98 20:59:13
My Email:hjkid@home.com
- 11/29/98 19:59:12
ute musselman - 11/29/98 19:44:27
My Email:musselman88@earthlink.net
another guest wrote about the Genesen method. if anyone has any information on that, i would appreciate it. Also, a health store here in my town recommended their sciatica treatment: nervine tonic (tastes like a dead animal), Michael's nerve factors, a
d curazyme. i'm trying these X 3 days now, but feel no difference yet. does anybody have any information on these "natural" products? still trying the stretching exercises. had a good nites sleep last night, but took a ton of ibuprofen (i know, bad th
ng, but needed sleep). i'm self employed and have only part time help 3 half-days a week, so laying down and resting is impossible. starting to get despirate...will try anything at this point. what is Ultram?
Hoskins MP - 11/28/98 20:26:06
My Email:maria.hoskins@btinternet.com
Great site!
Let's trade, tell me where you have found some useful info. Books about sciatica Back Talk by Fishman: Medical, very thorough quite helpful in understanding the condition, not quite so clear on treatment. The Sciatica Handbook Chet Cunningham, very good o
the practicals exercises et al. not so good on diagnosis. Both available from amazon.
Ellen Horton - 11/28/98 20:01:06
My Email:mkaye@optonline.net
I've had sciatic pain for three months and I'm considering going to an acupuncturist.
- 11/27/98 20:19:10
Mariellen - 11/27/98 17:17:10
My Email:mnagle@spacestar.net
Thank you for your website. I have read almost all the comments and found all very interesting. It is nice to know that I am not the only one. I have been going to a Chiropracter for 4 months and the first one I went to was only hurting me not helping.
My whole episode started when I sprained my ankle, then two days later fell out of a chicken coop and twisted my R. knee and then trying to out do the other injuries pulled up an achor in our boat, sprained my back. I was in bed for 3 weeks on ice and s
eing a chiro and then one day the pain was gone. But my knee went out and I was in PT for 3 weeks. They told me that the knee ws the result of the ankle and then the back was due to the knee and then we after the knee was better the sciatia on the righ
side started. I was in PT again for 3 weeks but there was no improvement. Now we have no insurance as my husband lost his job. I had to go back to work with the sciatic problem. My husband had to dress me and send me off. There was a lot of guilt on
his part knowing the pain I was in. Since then I have been to a wonderful chiropracter and for three weeks, there was a tingling in my R calf and foot but I could walk but as soon as my back was out of alignment, the sciatia started again. Now I am out
again and for the last week the pain is so bad that I cannot stand for more then 2 minutes. There is no back pain. My Dr. has given me naproxin and now I have Vicoden. The Vicoden does not even touch the pain I have now. It starts in my right leg at t
e ankle tingling then up to the thigh and back down again and then the pain is so bad I can't walk, I have to sit. My chiro said I was the opposite of all the sciatic problems he has dealt with. Lucky me. But in reading the comments, I understand the d
pression. I get really down but then I have to remember, it could be much worse. I am lucky I have a very understanding husband who goes out of his way to help me. For 4 months every night he rubs my back, presses the knots out of my back and rubs my l
g. For that I am very thankful. I am also lucky that I work in a hospital home health care unit and the manager and nurses are very supportive. I am not not as bad as when the whole thing started. Then,I could not move, get out of bed, or sit. I can d
that now and I can put my shoes and socks on. I could not do those things 4 months ago. It's funny the things we take for granted. I do my stretching exercises every monring but they don't seem to do much good. But I do them anyway. I also have oste
arthritis in my lower back. I need the exercises for that. It also helps me when I remember the little prayer, Lord please help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that together, you and I can't handle. Thank all of you for the co
ments. It is good for all of us to write out our feelings and know we are not alone.
ute musselman - 11/26/98 15:43:06
My Email:musselman88@earthlink.net
i've read many other comments on your site. it frightens me to think that this pain may last months or years. this is my second bout, the first one being 8 years ago right after the birth of my 2nd baby. it only lasted about a week. this time, the pain
started with low back pain (which is common for me, except worse than usual) and left leg pain several weeks after i stopped a workout program using weights. went to the chiropractor and the back pain stopped immediately, only to be replaced with more in
ense leg pain. after a week of treatment, the pain went away completely for about 6 hours. i felt so good, i went shopping. in the middle of the store, while i was walking around, my leg went to sleep. since that night, and for the last 2 weeks, i hav
excruiating pain in my left hip and very intense pain down the leg, like charlie horses...can't sit, can't stand, can't roll over in bed, can't exercise, can't think straight, etc.
i appreciate your web site and will continue trying to stretch and exercise, will also continue to read other comments.
ute musselman - 11/26/98 15:25:26
My Email:musselman88@earthlink.net
melissa - 11/26/98 03:48:26
My Email:darkm@cadvision.com
i quite enjoyed your site. My husband is just recovering from sciatic pain (2 wks in hospital, 12 days of muscle spasms). His is due to scar tissue surrounding the sciatic nerve from disc surgery done in '92. we've been told there are no surgical solut
ons for him so i'm reserching feverishly for a life long plan of therapy to avoid the crisis we've just experienced. Have you heard of any diet or nutrition plans to help with pain, spasms, muscle rebuilding, etc? Any info on trigger point injections?
incerely, melissa.
melissa - 11/26/98 03:36:40
My Email:darkm@cadvision.com
i quite enjoyed your site. My husband is just recovering from sciatic pain (2 wks in hospital, 12 days of muscle spasms). His is due to scar tissue surrounding the sciatic nerve from disc surgery done in '92. we've been told there are no surgical solut
ons for him so i'm reserching feverishly for a life long plan of therapy to avoid the crisis we've just experienced. Have you heard of any diet or nutrition plans to help with pain, spasms, muscle rebuilding, etc? Any info on trigger point injections?
incerely, melissa.
Bill Horn - 11/26/98 02:54:15
My Email:billhorn@sprynet.com
My wife just had total knee replacement surgery. As she lay in bed after the surgery she got severe pain in her hip, down her leg, and in her foot. Today the surgeon said she has sciatica. Her knee is healing nicely but the sciatica pain is worse than the
knee problem ever was!
Donna Moore - 11/26/98 02:16:55
My Email:donnamo@mail.swbell.net
Thank you for your information. I will try your exercises and see if that will help. Often the information that we share amongst ourselves in much more informative than what a doctor will tell us. Thanks again and I will be checking your site from time
o time for updated information.
Liz Stookesberry Myers - 11/26/98 00:29:23
My Email:lstookes@prodigy.net
I have had the back pain for 5 weeks and I am sick of it. I have been seeing my DC, and there is much improvement. But I decided to go on to the internet for updated information.
Thank you for your efforts. Liz Myers Los Alamitos, CA
Roxanne Forsyth - 11/25/98 22:26:45
My Email:forsythd@cadvision.com
I have just figured out that my leg pain is probably sciatica so I reallly appreciate your web page with the information.
Scott - 11/25/98 21:27:23
My Email:metallica-w.zombie@xtra.co.nz
Your site and information on sciatica is helpful i have had sciatica for 7 months and my resourses are running dry, i've had epidurals, physio,ct scans, lots of painkillers, the pain seems to diminish slowly but i can't tell weather or not my body is tole
ating the pain better and the pain levels are still the same or not, it can emotionally ruin you, when your last resource is a operation which hasn't had very good success rates, new exercises seem to help, i think it is really slowly going. Thanks
Dale - 11/25/98 16:11:16
My Email:mcpherda@juno.com
Mary-John Turner - 11/25/98 16:05:59
My Email:mturner@noclant.navy.mil
I commend and thank you for sharing your sciatica
problem on the net. At age 65, I'm having my second mild episode with sciatica, and I think I've figured out that my body is telling me that I need the exercise that I've missed recently and more. Thanks again!
Alicia Jackson - 11/24/98 17:40:12
My Email:alicia_jackson@cbmg.com
I had my first bout with sciatica after a car accident. I have been in 2 more since that time, and I have periodic reminders of the problem. I am looking around today for more information on how I can obtain relief from the pain.
- 11/24/98 16:52:08
Jesus Rodriguez - 11/24/98 16:44:48
My Email:jesus.rodriguez.pr@worldnet.att.net
Hola. (Hello) I am a 62 years young boy from Puerto Rico. I have all the sciatica symptoms but I have never consulted the problem with my doctor. Your page is of great help for persons with sciatica. Thanks.
S. Foster - 11/24/98 06:54:47
My Email:kadec6@aol.com
Kim Riccio - 11/24/98 04:07:40
My Email:cherokee33_98@yahoo.com
My name is kim , i am 33 years old, i had back surgery when I was 26 years old. I have degenerating disc. Now im having the same pain
again,down my leg to my foot. Im on pain medication now because the pain is really bad.
Pain is going down my right leg down to my foot.
My doctor thinks I have a ruptured disc, and its
pressing on the nerves. I read your information
on sciatica, it was very informative
Debbie Van Dyke - 11/23/98 19:33:36
My Email:dvandyke@af.afsc.k12.ar.us
How long does it take for sciatic to get better or
go away? I am ready for this to end....
Kevin French - 11/23/98 14:09:41
My Email:bigkev@dbworld.net.au
well done there needs to be more support groups
those and testimonials may help those affected
to understand there not alone with the complaint,
Kyle Wright - 11/23/98 05:23:59
My Email:antinwo@bellsouth.net
I just discovered what I had today, thanks for the information.
Azucena Z. Soto - 11/23/98 02:35:01
My Email:juansoto@bellsouth.net
My husband found your site when I was having a sciatic attack. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. It helped me a lot!
Azucena (Susie) Soto
Davie, Florida
Annette Caron - 11/22/98 22:13:26
My Email:uluvlambs@aol.com
Thanks for making this web page. I am hoping it will help me. I am only 21 years old and have been experiencing the symptoms of posterior thigh pain, sometimes pain down my leg and tingling in my toes. I learned in functional anatomy class that Sciatica c
n sometimes be caused by the sciatic nerve running through the piriformis muscle. I learned that this occurs in 10-15% of the population. I don't know if this is the case for myself, but I wanted to ask you a question. I have worked as a cashier for a lit
le over 3 years. I work for Dupont, which is a safety conscious company. They make me wear steel tipped boots, which are very heavy. I work 10-12 hours a day and stand all but a half hour of this time. During the summers I usually work over a 40 hour week
I always had lower back pain from this, but I haven't worked in 3 months and the real bad pain started about 2 wks ago and seems to be getting worse. Do you think that this pain I am now experiencing is a direct result of my summer work? Thanks for takin
the time to read this.
Judy Rodin - 11/22/98 20:19:55
My Email:RedwgConst@aol.com
D. Sanyk - 11/22/98 14:28:25
veronica ahmed - 11/22/98 11:24:03
My Email:vahmed@xmission.com
Thank You for having this page. I have looked at many sites, but your is the best and most helpful.
Kelly - 11/22/98 03:54:20
My Email:nsbelady
Lisa - 11/22/98 02:59:37
My Email:Tlnelson1@aol.com
I was injured while working out and I was told that I have sciatica. I am working hard to incorporate exercise back into my lifestyle once again. I have been told that I should never do my favorite form of exercise ( step aerobics) again due to this con
ition. Any suggestions?
Lisa - 11/22/98 02:56:56
My Email:Tlnelson1@aol.com
I was injured while working out and I was told that I have sciatica. I am working hard to incorporate exercise back into my lifestyle once again. I have been told that I should never do my favorite form of exercise ( step aerobics) again due to this con
ition. Any suggestions?
Connie - 11/22/98 01:21:30
My Email:judsonz@msn.com
i am recently diagnosed. Iam now taking ibuprofen for the pain.My question is;does it go from one leg to the other?the pain is worse now thANBEFORE im having trouble moving my leg . is this normal?
- 11/21/98 20:07:48
Darlene Garis - 11/21/98 16:13:28
My Email:garis@netcarrier.net
My mother, age 77, who has diabetes, suffers from very painful sciatica. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
- 11/21/98 12:56:34
Leatha Dieckmann - 11/21/98 05:04:07
My Email:lachapin@aol.com
JIMMY CREAMER - 11/21/98 02:50:56
My Email:ARMYMAN1@prodigy.net
looking for any info on treatment of sciatica
Carolyn Fysh - 11/20/98 21:35:22
My Email:Carolyn_Fysh@pch.gc.ca
Hi Mary,
I enjoyed your site. I only looked it up because I am having an attack. They are pretty rare these days. My tip is to find a book called the Back Doctor. It is written by a Canadian doctor and it is totally common sense. His best advice is to commit yours
lf to 10 minutes of exercise a day. Everybody does back exercises until the pain goes away. And then human nature kicks in and we quite. But if you do just 10 minutes, you might continue. And I have for about 3 years now and I rarely get attacks anymore.
e recommends mostly abdominals. Good posture really helps. Finally I walk. I think walking is the most gentle exercise and terrific for any kind of back pain. That is half the reason I have an attack right now. I haven't been walking!!! I'll look up the f
ll name of the book and send you another note.
Carolyn Fysh - 11/20/98 21:34:20
My Email:Carolyn_Fysh@pch.gc.ca
Hi Mary,
I enjoyed your site. I only looked it up because I am having an attack. They are pretty rare these days. My tip is to find a book called the Back Doctor. It is written by a Canadian doctor and it is totally common sense. His best advice is to commit yours
lf to 10 minutes of exercise a day. Everybody does back exercises until the pain goes away. And then human nature kicks in and we quite. But if you do just 10 minutes, you might continue. And I have for about 3 years now and I rarely get attacks anymore.
e recommends mostly abdominals. Good posture really helps. Finally I walk. I think walking is the most gentle exercise and terrific for any kind of back pain. That is half the reason I have an attack right now. I haven't been walking!!! I'll look up the f
ll name of the book and send you another note.
Ron - 11/20/98 18:29:36
Thank you so much, Mary, for your very thorough and informative Websight! I am viewing your Websight at a terminal at the Public Library.
Ron - 11/20/98 18:26:14
Thank you so much, Mary, for your very thourough and informative Websight! I am viewing your Websight at a terminal at the Public Library.
Dan Pursel - 11/20/98 03:43:41
My Email:dpursel@primenet.com
Hello -- thanks for your efforts.
I'm 56. The last 3 weeks I've had a "pain ball" in my hip posterior area. I saw my family doctor 2 days ago. He manipulated my leg, pressed a lot of areas with no effect, and then "hit the spot". He said to stop jogging, prescribed Naproxen (hasn't helped
but only been a day), and come back in a month. Most interesting to me is that the pain first started in my left shoulder joint area (for 3 weeks), then stopped for 2 days, and reappeared in the same form in my left hip. The pain level isn't much fun, bu
I raced motocross ("dirt bikes") from 32 to age 53, and had my share of multiple broken bones & two orthopedic surgery "screw jobs"('94 &'95 -- time to quit). The difference is you do know how you got the broken & torn stuff, and that it will eventually
eal up. The sciatica stuff is literally a pain in the a-- since you don't have a "month or two 'til less pain" as a goal (once was 6 months).
Sorry to ramble, again thanks for your efforts to educate.
Penny - 11/20/98 00:55:36
My Email:Pennysaur@aol.com
I have horrible pain in both my hips and down both legs. Cannot walk or stand for long periods of time. It's been much worse this past week or 10 days. None of the over the counter medications have worked. Can't sleep from the pain. I am looking forw
rd to trying your exercises. One question for all who post here...does it affect your intestinal tract at all? It seems like I have to go to the bathroom a lot more often and when I have to go the pain in my hips gets worse. Don't know if the two are r
lated or not. Guess it's time to go see my doctor.
Lori Murphy - 11/19/98 22:38:13
Annetta Williamson - 11/19/98 20:38:14
My Email:williae1@central.ssd.jhuapl.edu
Linda - 11/19/98 03:16:48
My Email:Arctics550@aol.com
I'm so glad to know I'm not alone. Unlike you, my chiropractor is the only one that helps me. I went to 2 orthopedic surgeons and got 2 different stories. One said it would never go away and the other said with proper exercise I could keep it under con
rol. Also, one major point is to watch your weight. Excessive weight puts a tremendous strain on your back. Also, the Obusform back rest is the best thing that was ever invented. Within minutes of sitting with that form, the pain goes away...for me an
way. I'm in an office all day, sitting, and have never missed a day when I used my Obusform.
*Note: All Chiropractors are not the same...I've been to good & bad, keep trying till you find one that knows what he's doing!!
Ray - 11/18/98 21:55:26
My Email:rays@silcom.com
Thank you for all your work. I appreciate getting new ideas in exercising. I will check back with you later. You've done a tremendous public service.
Christi - 11/18/98 19:09:59
My Email:christi.b@metisnation.on.ca
I am so amazed at the amount of people writing in your guest book, so I thought I'd add my name to the masses!
Your site is clear and informative, with all your knowledge you might consider writing a "Sciatica Handbook: Everything you need to cope with Sciatica".
I won't bother going into the details of my experience, keep up the good work!!
Norm Longworth - 11/18/98 15:56:22
My Email:longwrth@abacom,com
I have not yet been diagnised, but my x-ray showed That "i still have a healthy space between my discs. I have ubdergone a ct-scan and I'm awaiting the redults.
Based on the symptoms I believe I suffer from some form os sciatica. The muscle relaxants, anti-inflamtories, and prescription painkillers originally prescribed eliminated the extreme pain I was experiencing, but I still spend the greater part of my days
in discomfort, ocassionally extreme,
I started this web search to find exercises that might help and your page seems a god-send.
Thank you for the effort that I know it requires to keep up a web page.
Steve Mc Manus - 11/18/98 03:28:59
My Email:smcmanus@mail.win.org
Stephen Jelso - 11/16/98 20:50:25
My URL:http://jelso.com
My Email:steve@jelso.com
Debra Carter - 11/16/98 05:31:58
My Email:Debra AC@aol.com
Paul Clapham - 11/16/98 03:09:15
My Email:paulintl@ix.netcom.com
Have suffered with sciatica aggravation for
40 years and am using the net to find out more
about the condition and ways to minimize and
even get rid of it!
Matt Serletic - 11/15/98 23:53:34
My Email:mserletic1@mindspring.com
I've been diagnosed with sciatica by an orthopedic doctor who also informed me that there is not much I can do about it. He sez I'll have to learn to live with it. Is this true? This is very hard for me to accept. I'm seeking second opinions.
Can you advise me?
Thx, Matt Serletic
Rob Crawford - 11/15/98 22:12:25
My Email:RobCrawford1@Yahoo.com
- 11/15/98 16:44:09
jaquie daniels - 11/15/98 16:37:34
My Email:j.a.daniels@shu.ac.uk
I was wondering if you or anyone else had suffered from numbness and how long that had taken to go? I've written you an e mail about this
thanks for the page...
jaquie daniels - 11/15/98 16:37:26
My Email:j.a.daniels@shu.ac.uk
I was wondering if you or anyone else had suffered from numbness and how long that had taken to go? I've written you an e mail about this
thanks for the page...
jaquie daniels - 11/15/98 16:37:23
My Email:j.a.daniels@shu.ac.uk
I was wondering if you or anyone else had suffered from numbness and how long that had taken to go? I've written you an e mail about this
thanks for the page...
John J McLaughlin - 11/15/98 16:16:00
My Email:tngcjohn@aol.com
Marilyn Sacchi - 11/15/98 15:45:11
Thanx for the exercises. I will give them a try.
Chuck Lawrence - 11/15/98 05:18:29
My Email:cyl@silcom.com
Al - 11/14/98 17:24:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/vtoc/ape.html
My Email:apemotors@aol.com
Thanks for sharing
John Curtis - 11/14/98 16:40:37
My Email:jhcurtis@airmail.net
I just finished viewing your sight and found it interesting. I noticed that the excersizes you explained, were very similar to what I was doing when I was in physical therapy. The physical therapy for me though did no good at the time. I think that the re
son it did not, was because of a hernia that I had on the same side as all of my pain. Nobody addressed that at the time. I have had this pain since Dec. of 1997. I've had all kinds of test, examinations, etc. but the pain still would not disappear. I fin
lly took it upon myself to get my hernia repaired, the last of Oct. of this year and it at first seemed to help quite a bit. After about 2 wks. though the pain has returned. Not near as severe as it was and I have quite a bit more mobility than I did befo
e. I am going to try the excersises again that you described and see if it will give me the relief I'm looking for. I am taking Ibuprofin at this time and it seems to be knocking the edge off the pain, but like you, I don't want to be taking "pain medicat
on" from now on. John
- 11/14/98 06:03:25
Terri Russell - 11/14/98 04:35:06
My Email:tlraloha@hawaiian.net
I am very interested in any information about sciatica since I was just diagnosed with this problem. mahalo!
- 11/12/98 16:58:23
Sandy - 11/12/98 15:37:44
My Email:sandy@oakton.edu
Bernadette - 11/12/98 06:09:18
My Email:mikebern@ozemail.com.au
As a reasonably healthy and file 28 yo about to start a family I thought I better see the Doctor about my ongoing oins and needles in my leg. He sent me for xrays and I also have "marked degenerative disc space between both the L4/5 and L5/S1 levels. I to
k the xrays back to the doctor who suggested an operation. I told him to forget that as first option. I then went down one day lifting a bucket of water and here I am, first day off the cough in 7 days. Yes the pain is unbearable. I found only large doses
of Panadeine Forte helped me. I have been to the chiro and that seems to be helping.
Lorraine Arata - 11/12/98 05:16:21
My Email:DAARATA@Prodigy.net
Very Interesting and very well done. I hope this info will help me. Thank You
John Marr - 11/12/98 03:04:23
My Email:ntsn10@aol.com
Good info
Melissa Niemela - 11/12/98 00:57:52
My Email:melniemela@aol.com
- 11/11/98 19:35:22
- 11/11/98 17:44:49
Ron Pouliotte - 11/11/98 02:23:30
My Email:pouliotr@compmore.net
María P Hoskins - 11/10/98 21:27:16
My Email:maria.hoskins@btinternet.com
Otherwise healthy 35 year old female.
Suffering from sciatica for almost 2 years. MIR revealed a disc prolapse at L4-L5, rest of spine unaffected. Although physiotherapy has helped and some progress has been made I do not seem to have recovered beyond a certain level. I still cannot run or ju
p I have occasional, unpredictable, ‘bad’ days with intense pain.
Thanks for this site. I'd welcome a discussion with anybody who has had considerable experience of sciatica.
Bill Burroughs - 11/10/98 20:56:50
Gordon Kerr - 11/10/98 19:03:44
My Email:glkerr@palmbeachinteractive.com
I am trying to get information on sciatica for my wife Grace. Some treatment such as exercise and diet.
Thank you, Gordon
sandra - 11/10/98 16:46:22
My Email:samnred@mountain-inter.net
Man-oh-man... this thing hurts ..... thanks for your input - have been attending chiropractor... but don't want to leave his office!..Lower back injured with long-term, heavy work... hence pinched sciatic nerve(s)... anti-inflamatories.. walking very caut
ously....shall check back to learn more... thanks.
Philippa Daigle - 11/10/98 13:41:52
My Email:philippadaigle@yahoo.com
Peter Ahearn - 11/10/98 08:51:20
My URL:http:// ?
My Email:peter_ahearn@hotmail.com
Nice site and very useful, this time around the info's for someone else as I've just qualified as a Sport Therapist here in the UK and everybody seems to have a lower back problem/sciatica.
Advice/exercises and massage techniques is what I can offer at the moment if they have given up on all the other avenues (I always refer them to their Doc but normally they just say stop living and rest!) So handing them a history like yours may answer a
ew questions and is a good self help guide.
PS. er URL:?
Budziak - 11/10/98 05:07:15
My Email:Mikalor@worldnet.att.net
I have been in a lot of pain with my bad disk and
I just was told I also have svaitica and I appreciate the information on your web page
John - 11/10/98 03:15:37
My Email:jlsteever@worldnet.att.net
God Bless you Mary! I began experiencing these attacks on a trip five days ago. I couldn't imagine what I had done. I thought it was some kind of muscle spasm. You have created a great sourch of information but it all appears to point to exercise. Yuk
I was hoping for a pill to take while watching TV. I am a 53 year old building contractor. Again, Thanks.
Joe - 11/10/98 00:04:59
My Email:jbel@wi.net
I am diagnosed with a herniated disc between my L-4 and L-5 vertebrae. It has extruded out two to three cm and is pressing against my sciatic nerve. I have had two neurologists look at my MRI and both say I am a candidate for surgery. I would be intere
ted in anyone that has had this degree of herniation and was able to avoid surgery. Also, I would be interested in the stories of those that had back surgery and what were their results. Thanks for making this web site available.
sandra walden - 11/09/98 22:49:34
My Email:sxwalde@uswest.com
Have lived with this for several years. Always looking for new help.
charm - 11/09/98 19:11:31
My Email:charm@cin.butte.cc.ca.us
My sciatica is mostly painful in the buttocks. I have a massage therapist who comes to my home once a month. She's great and the massage helps! She suggested an exercise that might help others. Lying flat on my back, I raise one knee to a 45 degree ang
e, keeping the foot flat. I bend the opposite leg to a 45 degree angle, resting the ankle on the opposite knee. I lift foot that is flat to an angle that stretches the sciatic nerve and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg. I do this exercise
several times a day and always before I workout on my Healthrider. Hope that helps.
charm - 11/09/98 19:09:46
My Email:charm@cin.butte.cc.ca.us
My sciatica is mostly painful in the buttocks. I have a massage therapist who comes to my home once a month. She's great and the massage helps! She suggested an exercise that might help others. Lying flat, raise one knee to a 45 degree angle, keeping t
e foot flat. Bend the opposite leg to a 45 degree angle resting ankle on opposite knee. Lift foot that is flat to an angle that stretches the sciatic nerve and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg. I do this exercise several times a day and a
ways before I workout on my Healthrider. Hope that helps.
charm - 11/09/98 19:07:56
My Email:charm@cin.butte.cc.ca.us
My sciatica is mostly painful in the buttocks. I have a massage therapist who comes to my home once a month. She suggested an exercise that might help others. Lying flat, raise one knee to a 45 degree angle. Bend the opposite leg to a 45 degree angle r
sting ankle on opposite knee. Lift foot that is flat to an angle that stretches the sciatic nerve and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg. I do this exercise several times a day and always before I workout on my Healthrider. Hope that help
Rose Perry - 11/09/98 15:53:28
My Email:rperry@uab.edu
Your suggestions(on exercise and diet)are what I was looking for. Thanks
William Benjamin - 11/09/98 14:55:42
My Email:william.m.benjamin@ucm.com
This is the best page on sciatica that I have seen yet.
Eloisa - 11/09/98 03:48:52
My Email:artificialdesperation@netaddress.com
I'm suffering from sciatica like many of you. I have discover a new presciption pain killer called ULTRAM. Is not narcotic. It's not a solution to the problem but I'm able to go trough the day and it helps me sleep. It doesn't make me drowsy or nervous, i
makes me feel like a normal person...even if it is only for 6 hours at a time.I have also dicovered MAGNET THERAPY. It sounds very strange and I couldn't belive it myself when I first heard it! Magnet therapy has been used in oriental countries for a lon
time.These are special magnets that you place in the areas where you're hurting. Like I said before, is not a miracle cure but it helps control the pain.My aunt is a nurse and she uses magnets to help her whith her migranes. Here is a e-mail address for
free medical catalog where you can order magnets from www.omsmedical.com
I play softball and at first I thought I was hurting myself by doing so but I have discovered that inactiviy dosn't makes me feel any better. I'm just learning to deal with this. It's affecting my life.The pain drains all my energy and at the end of the d
y I feel much older then I really am. I hope my tips help someone.Myself,I am determined to be pain free again!! I will start a chiropractor soon and hopefully a combination of all these tricks will make me feel like my old self again.
Loretta Smith - 11/09/98 01:58:46
My Email:clysmith@foto.infi.net
The information which I have just read, is very informational. I have been suffering for the past three weeks. This pain is more than excruciating words can't describe this pain.
Thank you for all the information.
Joyce Gerard - 11/08/98 20:50:26
My Email:joycegerard@cwix.com
Hi Mary, I'll try the exercises. I have been taking two Advil every two hours for two days on the advice of the nurse at my orthopedic doctors ofc. He's out of town. I also use a heating pad and I do feel some relief. I will reduce the amount of times I
take advil today. I'm not really sure if I have sciatica, but I'm better. I don't know if the Advil only masks the problem. Thanks for your website. I'm going to do the exercises now. Thanks, Joyce
Shabbir Mohamed - 11/08/98 15:14:15
My Email:saska@aracnet.net
I had my first sciatia attack a couple of years ago and let me tell you. I have never known such excruciating pain in my life. At one time during breakfast, I was in so much pain, I passed and collapsed at the breakfast table. I had to be taken to a hospi
al in an ambulance where they discovered I had passed out due to unbearable pain.I was away from work for 2 weeks and only physiotherapy helped.
Starting last week I started getting the pain again and I have started doing some of the exercises you have on your page but so far there's not much progress.
w.anderson - 11/08/98 14:07:32
My URL:http://cybergate
My Email:warrena@gate.net
i have sciatic problems. can you help?
david - 11/08/98 12:56:22
My Email:dave@nandocas.com
i've just been diagnosed with "suspected" sciatica
reading thru your experiences and advice is pretty comforting and really informative
cool site
phyllis felsot - 11/08/98 04:43:41
My URL:http://www.geocities
My Email:keylessi@aol.com
thanks for the additional exercises. The pilates method helps a lot if people who have access to learn the method where they live.
John Garvey - 11/08/98 03:24:34
My Email:jag303@worldnet.att.net
Sciatica was not responding to Ibuprofen and Anexsia. Doctor switched me to 1500mg Relafen(nabumetone) a day ---Next day was able to walk more than 100 yards without having to stop from pain--prior was only able go a few yards. As I relayed earlier this i
my first experience with Sciatica prior to this my spinal problems have been at tthe other end Cervical Spondolosis. This is a good thing you are doing ---especially the exercises.
- 11/08/98 01:26:25
Eleanor Margulis - 11/07/98 20:13:51
My Email:emargulis@mindspring.com
Thanks for doing this. It's the first information I've gotten that makes sense.
Eleanor Margulis - 11/07/98 19:41:10
My Email:emargulis@mindspring.com
Thanks for doing this. It's the first information I've gotten that makes sense.
delores richburg - 11/07/98 18:05:54
My URL:http://geocities/com
My Email:dee91738@plics.net
Connie Cameron - 11/07/98 11:48:58
My Email:amberbear@mindspring.com
Carol Talley - 11/06/98 20:31:04
My Email:realsweetstuff@worldnet.att.net
Your website is wonderful. I am so glad to hear about someone who is not trying to sell me something.
Marla - 11/06/98 02:53:08
My Email:Marla5758
I had no idea so many people have this problem. Being a waitress it is especially hard for me. I will be missing another day of work tomorrow. I am reading your information and will start to incorporate some of your ideas into my life. Thanks for carin
and sharing your info with us. Marla
Marla - 11/06/98 02:52:11
My Email:Marla5758
I had no idea so many people have this problem. Being a waitress it is especially hard for me. I will be missing another day of work tomorrow. I am reading your information and will start to incorporate some of your ideas into my life. Thanks for carin
and sharing your info with us. Marla
NOREEN DEITRICH - 11/05/98 18:15:31
NOREEN DEITRICH - 11/05/98 18:13:46
marian - 11/05/98 15:57:26
My Email:kenandmarian@mindspring.com
Kathy Washington - 11/04/98 22:12:05
My Email:JEW90@aol.com
I have recently been diagnosed with sciatica, and I am in a lot of pain, I have been off work and on bedrest for 1 week now, I can't walk 10 feet before the pain is so bad I have to sit down or lie against the wall, what can I do?
I am going to see the orthopedic Dr., will that help me? I am in so much pain, please help.
Marc Valens - 11/04/98 21:27:23
My Email:marcvalens@aol.com
11/4/98: headed for laminectomy soon. last minute checking for alternatives. also looking for good surgeon in NYC.
Marc Valens - 11/04/98 21:18:45
My Email:marcvalens@aol.com
11/4/98: headed for laminectomy soon. last minute checking for alternatives. also looking for good surgeon in NYC.
- 11/04/98 16:20:06
Patty - 11/04/98 05:46:25
My Email:kosonen@mcn.org
Hi Mary,
Thanks for all of the info. My hubby is lying
in bed right now with pain. You have given me
some more ideas on what to do.
I also had the same problem when I was pregnant
with my second child. He was breach. I prefer
labor pain over sciatica!
One thing my ob-gyn doctor taught me was to
roll out of be rather than sitting up first. It
really helped. I would prop myself up on my elbow
and then roll out of bed. I do that all of the
time now. Hope you sciatica continues to improve.
Thanks again. Patty
- 11/04/98 01:38:44
H Sheaffer - 11/04/98 01:14:39
My Email:HSheaffer@aol.com
H Sheaffer - 11/04/98 01:14:26
My Email:HSheaffer@aol.com
- 11/04/98 00:57:38
leticia - 11/03/98 21:00:53
My Email:sharibe@vom.com
Hi there....I found your site very informative and I am only 22 years old but I am sufering from this conditon and I am at my wits end....
douglas - 11/03/98 04:20:21
My Email:gdoug@gte.net
today I was diagnosed with sciatica and found this web site. If anyone has any important info please let me know. the pain is severe and constant and not sure if excercise is the way or surgery. thnx
Debbie Brown - 11/02/98 22:04:09
My URL:http://bdabrown@aol.com
My Email:bdabrown@aol.com
Hope you know how much you are appreciated for doing this web site. I will probably order that book you talked about and after I read it, I'll let you know the results. Thanks again for putting a name and a description on this pain!
helen - 11/02/98 19:05:09
I just came back from the doctors telling him how the back of my leg hurts from my back down to my foot, with more SEVERE pain behind my calf. He just told me to take more advil. I told him it was my sciatica....he said come see me in two weeks. I dont
think they know HOW BAD this mess hurts!!
Karolilli - 11/02/98 17:59:07
My Email:karolilli@yahoo.com
Hi, my name is Karolilli.
I was diagnosed with sciatica a few days ago, after two month of minor and two weeks of severe backpain. I am 22 years old and very depressed about my back problem. Your page was very helpful, thought. In fact it was the BEST website I have found about s
iatica so far. i really hope that I can get rid of the pain as soon as possible... I have my first physical therapy appointment tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Good luck for you and all your readers, too.
Janel Hafer - 11/02/98 16:06:08
My Email:haferje@wnj.com
Thanks for the great information and for not trying to sell me something. I'm new at this pain and have seen the chiropractor 1x and have an appointment with an MD later this week. I'm a real fan of alternative medicine and like to know what I'm talking
about before going to the MD. Thanks again. By the way, I'm 44 and very active with horse sports. The chiropractor immediately told me no riding so I'm extremely depressed.
eimers - 11/02/98 13:57:10
My Email:eimers@hotmall.com
Thanks for sharing your info. I have been going through this and it has really been driving me crazy with all the different doctors and nobody knowing what it is or able to help you. Thanks M.B.
Barb L - 11/02/98 05:07:38
My Email:Baba4862
I know how you feel, about how only older people are said to get this. I'm 17, and my doctor is pretty sure I've got sciatica, but I have to go back for a few more tests. It's sort of bad, because I can't even sit in class anymore because my hips hurt s
bad, and my legs tend to fall asleep in about 10 minutes. Thanks so much for this - it's nice to know someone had an experience similar to mine.
Barb - 11/02/98 04:56:53
John Garvey - 11/02/98 04:01:36
My Email:jag303@worldnet.att.net
Sorry about two entries. I am 51 and have been diagnosed with Cervical Spondolosis since Feb '98. Over the past few weeks I have had intermittant lower back pain. A few days ago lower back pain replaced by what I have learned is sciatica. I have been able
to get relief by sitting or by lifting my leg however I am only a few days into this "experience"
John GArvey - 11/02/98 03:33:50
My Email:jag303@worldnet.att.net
Patrick Mulvaney - 11/02/98 01:13:51
My Email:patmulvaney@hotmail.com
I,m a letter carrier for the us postal service, 49 years old and just starting to have this sort of problem. When I drive on long (now even short) trips I get the pain in my right leg, (thigh) area. I'm hoping to nip this in the bud if it's possible and w
uld appreciate any help or advice I can get. Thank you.
- 11/01/98 21:15:38
- 11/01/98 21:11:11
- 11/01/98 21:11:10
- 11/01/98 21:11:07
Keith Sowder - 11/01/98 20:34:59
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:army5878@aol.com
I have recently had my first attack off low back pain that later was eliminated then the Sciatica started. Buttock pain, behind the kneecap pain, calf pain, and numbness down the font of my left leg. It wakes me up at night also
Renee Bettis - 11/01/98 19:30:26
My Email:Im5150andu@aol.com
I am looking for information about sciatica. I stumbled upon this web site in my journey. I had a knee injury and after exercising one day I got a pain in my lower back that shot down the back of my leg, causing me great pain. I am suffering..and in se
rch of some answers. Thanks!
Bill Seffrin - 11/01/98 17:01:06
david araiza - 11/01/98 10:20:52
My Email:lawdogg@pacbell.net
GREAT SITE!!!!!!...your bottom line description hit it on the nail...a real bad cramp!!....plz let me know if you have read my e-mail from sat..its 2:25am sunday...i can sleep ok..except the front of my calf starta to hurt about 4am..takes about 30-40 min
to get back to sleep....hope to here from you mary!!!
ANGELO TRUDEL - 11/01/98 07:17:47
Rebecca - 10/31/98 20:57:17
You've done a very good thing. Many thanks.
julie sahl - 10/31/98 18:12:18
My Email:jsahl@ibm.net
Trevor Franks - 10/31/98 15:07:42
My Email:franks@mail.telpeac.pt
I will vow, no exercise will make it worse. Ten weeks of laying still made me a cripple. Small amounts of excercise to begin with, increase as and when you feel able to.
Nancy Morin - 10/31/98 12:56:06
My Email:nmmorin@mailexcite.com
Hi Mary,
I was surfing for sciatica info and yours was the first one that came up, so here I am. I'm not really sure what I have is sciatica and I'm going to have to break down and call a doctor pretty soon. A couple of weeks ago, I went to stand up and had that
signature sciatica pain in my right hip/butt and down my leg. I have had this pain maybe once a year for the past few years, and it always went away. However, this time, about a week later, I developed this really strange pain in my right hip and leg, a
d now I really think it might be sciatica because I'm getting those twinges when I get up out of a chair, and sitting is getting uncomfortable. I am a secretary and do sit for a long time. I've recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, on top o
the diabetes I've had for 30+ years and a host of other diabetic related problems. I'm ready for a new body!! (I wish!). Is sciatica another one of those problems that never goes away, it can just be treated? Thanks for the info. You're right when yo
say there's not much info on the web about it. I didn't find too many sites, but it's good to read about it from someone who actually has it.
Nancy Morin
- 10/31/98 07:54:43
harish khot - 10/30/98 13:36:24
My Email:jayagrp@bom5.vsnl.net.in
please let me know more details as now i have lost sensation on 3 of my toes i am worried please help me.
geo - 10/30/98 00:23:13
geo - 10/30/98 00:23:12
Adriane - 10/29/98 18:46:28
My Email:chadstew@texas.net
I found your web site on sciatica very interesting. I am 38 and suffer from it. I had my first really bad bout in April of this year. I have always had lower back pain, but never sciatica until this year. It was so painful I couldn't stand to sit. St
nding was better, but still painful. My toes went numb and the whole bit. I didn't go to the doctor at the time. Now I am suffering extreme lower back pain since Sunday and have been to the doctor. I haven't had any leg pain with this back pain. Howe
er, I was having pain in my rear (sciatica) last week before this started. I went to get xrays, but they say everything looks fine. Guess I'll have to wait until I get the leg pain again and go back and tell them I'm not faking. I'm taking muscle relax
rs and anaprox right now. It's pure misery. I can't wait to feel better.
A woman in my building had to have surgery after years of complaining of back pain. When the feeling in her foot went away and she began dragging her leg, then they said, "OH, there must be something wrong!" Sure enough, she had a herniated disk and the
did surgery on her. The feeling in her leg is just now coming back to normal and surgery was six months ago.
I sure hope I don't end up like her.
Take care. Thanks for the info.
Donna - 10/29/98 09:00:57
My Email:barefootd@home.com
I share the pain. I have started taking herbal anti-inflamatories and like the results. I also think the chiropractor made it worse.
I do small crunches everyday and that seems to ease the pain too.
Carl E. Boxler - 10/28/98 19:38:24
My Email:boxlerce@corning.com
I've had sciatica many, left or right, neve both (thnak goodness). I'm 61.Right now my wife, 38 has the problem. I was able to control it by the usual exercizes, you know the tils and knee bends etc and by having a good bed.
I'll teach her what I know and hope for the best. Same for you.
Thanks for the help. Gave us much info and we appreciate it gratly.
Ian Hoswell - 10/28/98 19:15:46
My Email:edwardsa@acr.net.au
Hullow I am a Massage Therapist working in the ski fields of N S W Australia. Lately I have had a few patients with sciatic problems that my treatment and Chiropratric does not seem to be helping. So I have been searching for more answers. Any information
that could help my Patients would be appriciated. And also enhance my kmowledge of Therapy. I hope to hear from you soon. Also you can reach me on icq my no is 18086168. All the best Ian Hoswell.
jennifer saulnier - 10/28/98 17:43:20
My Email:saulnier@rms.mesa.k12.co.us
I have incredible right hip/upper buttocks PAIN!!!
I thought it started from riding one of those stationary bikes where you peddle in front of you. I'm not sure any more. I also have a pinched nerve in my left upper shoulder/lower neck. Would this have any connection to the hip pain????
This is getting BAD. Yesterday at work I couldn't stand anymore and wound up laying down for about 1/2 an hour.
joe - 10/28/98 17:22:18
i'm not sure if i have sciatica r-not, but i have very bad feet pain in heels (no heel spurs) have had battery of doctors none found cause had mri on lower spine=negative, had diabetes test=negative, had nerve conduction test=negative although i think i
ave nerve entrapment in ankle area=very tender in spots. The doctors think i have heel fasciaitis but dont know what causes it if it is lower back, hips feet, nerves, i have looked into a procedure called VAX D where they place u on a table and basicall
stretch your spine so the disks free-up. i have had this problem for 3 years now chronic pain no relief=thanx, joe
Darlene - 10/28/98 16:39:14
My Email:zamboni@sprint.ca
Marty - 10/28/98 12:09:21
My Email:sept910@aol.com
I'm not sure if my problem is sciatica, but your description sounds the closest. Standing or walking for any time for distance is a joke. I have difficulty getting the grocery shopping done without having to stop and sit. Your information looks helpful.
My doctor told me to hang from the door frame. This was about 6 years ago, my fingers just don't work that way. I have printed out your exercises, will try that. Whatever it is, it altered my lifestyle, I am 57 and the problem started about 6 years a
o. Thanks for putting your page together. Marty
Sharon Roundy - 10/27/98 21:37:37
My Email:sroundy@triton.cc.il.us
Barb Jares - 10/27/98 15:00:48
My Email:bjares@global.colostate.edu
Gillian Chambers - 10/26/98 20:55:26
Ray Nicholoson - 10/26/98 15:34:33
My Email:johnray1@mediaone.net
laurie pudas - 10/26/98 03:16:48
My Email:lpudas@mail.807-city.on.ca
Sharon - 10/26/98 02:12:37
UPDATE: I wrote earlier in the month - yes another Sciatica victim. I mentioned that I was trying Tai Chi - well it has been 3 weeks now - 1 hr 2x week. I feel a lot better- still numb, and have calf pain, but I am sleeping much better and I am doing pret
y good threw the day with no pain killers. I have had this for 2 months, and I have to agree that streching and light excersises seems to be the only relief I have encountered. This pain was like nothing I have ever experienced before, and I am so glad to
have some relief - I hope it helps others. I am still waiting for a C-Scan to confirm that there is not a serious disc problem, but RELIEF is soooooooo good. Try it!Thanks for this page it really has given me some comfort.
Paul Kern Baker - 10/26/98 00:46:52
My Email:pbaker3570@aol.com
Thank you!
Larry Ross - 10/25/98 23:31:37
My Email:ross99@ixpres.com
THanks for your data. I have finally discovered
the source of my discomfort and am now trying to
find how to relieve and prevent it
mick magura - 10/25/98 23:05:32
My Email:nordicmick@msn.com
Ruth Tydings - 10/25/98 22:35:15
My Email:htydings@worldnet.att.net
My daughter is currently suffering with sciatica and has not been able to find relief. She is
in the military and so far, the military doctors have not done anything to help her.
I found your web site and found it so interesting, I referred it to her.
Steve Edelstein - 10/25/98 18:07:06
My Email:edelstes@mskcc.org
Thank you for such an honest and informative webpage. Yours was one of only two noncommercial p
ages I found! The other was http://hometown.aol.com/debwalsh/backpain.html
Jack Gron - 10/25/98 17:25:43
My Email:jgron1@pop.uky.edu
I appreciate the info I've read in your web page regarding sciatica. Any ideas regarding diet to aid in the healing process? I continue to lift weights inspite of mild numbness in my right leg above the knee, So far it hasen't hurt, and probably has he
Jack Gron - 10/25/98 17:23:43
My Email:jgron1@pop.uky.edu
I appreciate the info I've read in your web page regarding sciatica. Ant ideas regarding diet to aid in the healing process? I continue to lift weights inspite of mild numbness in my right leg above the knee, So far it hasen't hurt, and probably has he
glenn carpenter - 10/25/98 04:31:50
My Email:glennpc@flash.net
I had a herniated disc
william - 10/24/98 07:03:39
My Email:william-m@worldnet.att.net
think my case interesting inlite of some comments in your guestbook---had numbness and tingling in left leg-mostly in thigh area. no back pain. numb leg for 2or more years---then sudden onset of pain extending length of leg---standing, sitting, walking ex
ruciating. So far has lasted weeks, but has been really helpful doing leg stretching exercises and foot exercises similiar to what the inuit do to stretch foot tendons for using kyak i.e. pointing foot as far forward as possible--hard to explain foot in o
e straight line with leg. =:-) 10-4
LauraLee Adkins - 10/23/98 18:10:33
My Email:shoreln@pacbell.net
Michael Adjodha - 10/22/98 18:11:49
My Email:me_adjodha@yahoo.com
Thanks alot. I loved your site!
Take care and keep stretching!
- 10/22/98 14:27:03
Barae = Ba Ray - 10/22/98 07:45:18
My Email:Baraehill@msn.com
Thanks for the info - but guess it doesn't fit my case - For 8 months, my upper right thigh goes numb and tingles when ever I lay down to sleep - I went to the doctor and she said ignor it - Now it has been tingling and is numb all day long for 2 weeks -
am looking for a solution.
dempsey - 10/21/98 20:47:17
My Email:dflores@academyart.edu
After talking to friends, i believe the pain that started one week ago is sciatica. I had just started yoga classes, went on vacation when i returned i started a bunch of house chores when the pain started. I'm taking two weeks off from yoga since the pai
is subsiding but others are recommending deep tissue massage, what do u think?
- 10/21/98 13:02:56
Peter - 10/21/98 10:35:27
My Email:pacopc@start.com.au
Thankyou fellow pain sufferer!
Betty Crumpler - 10/20/98 21:47:31
My Email:bcrumpler01@sprynet.com
Thank you for trying to provide help to others with sciatic pain.
Linda Pressner - 10/20/98 21:13:48
My Email:linda.pressner@kemper.com
Lynn - 10/20/98 19:49:00
My Email:sampelayo@worldnet.att.net
Who are you? I logged on to your site to get info on sciatica. Your page is not signed. I am interested in your mail order. Thanks for any more info.
David Seaford - 10/20/98 15:01:35
My Email:davidseaford@yahoo.com
In the last couple of weeks I have believed I have had, cancer, blood clots, arthritus, in fact almost everything you could think of. Now after reading your web pages, which were recommended by a friend I now realise that I must have Sciatica. This is com
letely new to me and reading your pages has helped me so much to realise the problem and how to address it.
Thanks very much.
David A. Seaford.
Florence L Adkins - 10/20/98 12:37:06
My URL:http://www.excite.com
My Email:rvfl@dragonbbs.com
Florence L Adkins - 10/20/98 12:36:43
My URL:http://www.excite.com
Curt Bazemore PT,ATC - 10/20/98 01:37:29
My Email:cbazemor@bellsouth.net
I am a physical therapist and athletic trainer with over 20 years of practice. Ten years ago I was introduced to a new approach to treating back pain, espcially sciatica. I have found that there is a lot of differing views in how to treat this problem. Ho
ever, this method, developed over 30 years ago in New Zealand is finally being accepted by more and more traditional medical and chiropratic physicians. It is known as the McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment approach. It has completely changed my
pproach to treating the patients that we see in the clinic everyday. In general, if you find that your pain worsens with certain movements or positions and can be improved with others, you may be a good candidate for this care. About 80% of the patients
re able to learn to significantly improve their pain. Look for the article on Pain Management and the McKenzie Method by Ace Neame,PT found at www.mckenziemethod.com/painmanagement.htm or seek out a McKenzie trained therapist or chiropractor in your area.
make sure they are fully trained or credentialed in this approach, not all have had the full training.) I promise you that many of you can get some help! Good luck!!
Browning - 10/19/98 17:24:23
My Email:bcoker@macs.net
I signed the guessbook earlier.
Having had sciatica now for circa 5 mos, I was
diagnosed as having degen arthritis in my lumbar
area. This consists of a "bad" disk & bone spurs
on the vertebrae. This was shown on an xray &
later confirmed by a CT Scan. The disk is
evidently putting pressure on my R sciatic nerve.
The orthopedist first tried oral steroids, which
seemed to help a little, then switched to an oral
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory called "Relafen."
Didn't get any better. They recently gave me an
epidural ster. injection. This has not helped. My
doctors seem to recommend trying another injection
(I was told sometimes it takes up to 3 consecutive
injections to get any results). If these don't
help, then surgery is the next option.
The injections cost my insurance co & me circa
$750 because they are done in a hospital x-ray
Jane Massey - 10/19/98 00:28:58
My greatest concern is that my knee hurts and is has no feeling on the out side portion and is numb to the touch not tingly numb. I am concerned that knee surgery is in the future.
Bill Oeters - 10/18/98 14:08:14
My Email:boeters@msn.com
I came upon your site while searching for some information on sciatica. I like your approach. I had back surgery about ten years ago to correct two herniated discs. I too had bad experiences with orthopaedic surgeons but finally got relief by visiting a n
urosurgeon who determined that my situation could only be corrected through surgery. I have enjoyed golf and other sports over the last ten years and only now have started to experience nerve pain again in the back of my right thigh. Thanks for the exerci
es and the no pain- no gain approach. I too have a high tolerance for pain.
Once again I enjoyed your site.
Bonnie Jobbitt - 10/17/98 18:09:13
My Email:Jobbitb@AOL.com
Thanks for the info. I looked everywhere to find into on this. I appreciate the info.
REBECCA CHRISTIE - 10/17/98 16:33:43
My Email:rebeccachristie@msn.com
I really found your site to be quite informative. I have been suffering for seven years and it is very frustrating, I am only 28 and love sports so when the pain begins I become very depressed and upset. I have been to the chiropractor and acupuncturist
nd neither have helped me! They can't tell me what causes it. If anyone has any advice for me I would love to hear it. thank you.
morton friedman - 10/17/98 05:55:21
My Email:morty4@juno.com
interesting page. two days ago i woke up with a sharp pain over my right hip in the back. the pain radiated down to the back of my knee. once again, sciatica. i get visited with this malady once a year. i work out. lifting, aerobics. i do abdominal c
unches, leg raises side bends. dead lifts and squats. the workout doesnss't bother me and the sciataica come for no apparent reason. i surmise it is a structual abnormaly that i have been blessed with. it is now 1:54 am. you guessed it... i couldn't s
eep. good bye and thanks for your page. morty
Tonya - 10/16/98 20:22:58
My Email:ugainnc
Thanks for dedicating a web page to Sciatica. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago, but have actually had symptoms for four months now. Although I have tried medication, MacKenzie method of physical therapy, and an epidural cortisone injection, nothin
thus far has helped. I was once a very very active woman who has been debilitated by this pain. I know there are others just like me...I hope God will heal us all.
Tonya - 10/16/98 20:00:11
My Email:ugainnc
Thanks for dedicating a web page to Sciatica. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago, but have actually had symptoms for four months now. Although I have tried medication, MacKenzie method of physical therapy, and an epidural cortisone injection, nothin
thus far has helped. I was once a very very active woman who has been debilitated by this pain. I know there are others just like me...I hope God will heal us all.
- 10/16/98 07:32:00
Pat Barratt - 10/15/98 17:12:42
My Email:Pat.Barratt@house.state.tx.us
Your articles are very helpful. I have been suffering from Sciatica for almost a year. I have been given anti-inflamatory medicine and steroid med-pack occasionally. Nothing much seems to help.
I am going to try the exercises you suggest.
Pat Barratt
Julie - 10/15/98 17:09:21
I have heard about a chair/table called the INVERSION TABLE, or "HANGUPS" I have found it on the internet and am considering purchasing one. It is 299.99 US but I am in Canada. Ouch! Has anyone any information on this thing - or tried one ? iIt claims to
eally help sciatica plus many other back problems. Any one tried one? Some chiropractors are supposed to have these, I would like to talk to someone who has tried it. Thanks I'll be back!
Sharon - 10/15/98 16:59:50
I am a 42 yr.old active female, and this sciatic thing really has slowed me down big time. Even though I am awaiting a C-Scan for some time now, I am convinced it is Sciatica. It is very helpful reading other victims stories to compare. They sound all the
same though. For me I was plagued with lower back pain since Dec 97 - then 3 months ago, all of my back and leg muscles went into severe spasm, 40 min later it subsided but my leg was numb from the knee to my toes. There is the constant throbbing pain and
sleep has been imposable. Tried several pain killers-Tylenol 3 seems to give some relief for a brief while. Hate to give in to it. I have joined a Tia Chi class 2 x's a week and I think this is something to consider. It seems to be doing something for me.
I like it because it is smooth, and has no vilent moves. And since I do have limited movement it works for me. There should be a Tai Chi Society in your locality. I found out that most of the instructors are "former" back pain victims.They are volunteers
nd range in ages 20 - 90. I will try your excersises also. If anyone has found a good pain killer that works for them - share your findings-please!Good Luck to all fellow victims.
Sharon (Ontario)
Jeanie Perez - 10/15/98 13:43:59
My Email:jeanie@ite.net
This is my second attack and they haven't been mild. You're right there's not a lot of information about this pain. Thank you for the tips. A lot of it is the right diet and exercise. I've never known pain like this.
Exequiel Ezcurra - 10/15/98 04:31:05
My Email:eezcurra@sdnhm.org
Carmye - 10/15/98 04:11:09
My Email:clstanton@hotmailcom
On my knees in front of a blissfully low computer desk, I've just appreciated, yet been saddened by your site as there seems to be so little help for a pain so many suffer. My back pain as diagnosed by a doctor in Japan led to heat treatments and little
lse. As the limited mobility, recurrant pain, and frustration have continued for 10 months now, I am desperately awaiting approval of medical insurance here in the US. I've found that exercises and stretches do help, but when it snaps, it snaps and it's
hard to keep going. I thank you for your informative and cathartic site. Yes! Stop the pain!
Gil Morgan,D.C. - 10/15/98 02:10:00
My Email:drgil@specent.com
Sciatica is an ailment which I have treated on a daily basis for nearly 20 years.I am a chiropractor,however I do not limit my treatment of sciatica to chiropractic adjustments.I do use interferential therapy(a type of electrogesic),passive flexion motori
ed distraction,and now,more recently, Genesen magnetic acupuncture. This comes from Korea where the inventor of this device has won awards around the world.No one procedure works for every person,and this is why I use a multidiscipline approach.I have bee
getting the best results with Genesen.Unlike needle acupuncture,there is no puncture of the skin.Also,this procedure allows both the patient and the doctor to know at the same time if the Genesen is working on the correct spot. If interested, E mail me.<
Sharon - 10/15/98 01:31:24
Thanks! I've had lover back pain - then leg pain - then numbness in leg and more PAIN. Have been threw X-rays and tons of medication - chiropractor - physio - accupuncture - NO RELIEF - waiting for months to get catscan - now trying Tai Chi - It feels go
d. Will try your excercises !!!Sharon
greg howse - 10/15/98 00:31:28
My Email:ghowse@interhop.net
just got here looking for info on exercise my leg and butt pain are not constant but relieved by sitting or lying
gus - 10/14/98 00:16:50
My Email:gusto@snet.com
stop the pain
Westneat - 10/13/98 22:46:59
My Email:westneat@nh.ultranet.com
Looks like a worthy effort. Sciatica is a real nasty, and you can help, if only to provide a support page. I have a real Herniated Disk, and contemplate, with much distrust, surgery.
Arthur Westneat
Browning Coker - 10/13/98 17:03:07
My Email:bcoker@macs.net
Enjoyed your info on sciatica. I tried the pelvic
tilt, & it seems to be helping
Starr Uphold - 10/12/98 13:42:24
My Email:SUphold@aol.com
Thanks for your informative site. I have been suffering with sciatica for a couple of weeks. I am trying to compile as much info as I can so that I can make the right choices in regards to my treatment. Thanks for all your time and effort.
Doreen Cranmer - 10/12/98 12:34:41
My Email:doreen.cranmer@jet.uk
H. MONTE - 10/12/98 02:12:42
My Email:CTOOS
Alice - 10/11/98 22:07:40
My Email:allycat51@aol.com
Ashok - 10/11/98 14:41:01
My Email:ashok_kl@hotmail.com
Well I'm glad that there is someone who is willing to share our grief.
Joanna M.Uhler - 10/11/98 02:19:36
My Email:jmuhler@juno.com
I found your site just now, and am grateful for any information to help me to both understand my pain and how to get rid of it. I have found that the Percosets alone don't do the job but combining them with muscle relaxants does. I have currently got a
harp pain in my upper thigh near the hip bone and numbness along my outer calf and foot. I was in so much pain on Tuesday night that I had my daughter drive me to emergency. The doctor on duty prescribed hydrocodone. They do not cut the pain sufficientl
to give any comfort until I take the carisoprodol too. I am 65 years old and may have got my new condition from the ministrations of a chiropractor who thumped my left hip bone three times on three different visits to even my hips up. My daughter found
bad bruise over the area and I can tell you that the third time he thumped it sharply and hard, it pained me. OW! I can receive files. thankyou
jim biggs - 10/10/98 22:16:22
My Email:jbiggs01@aol.com
Darrin - 10/10/98 17:20:11
My Email:helen.darrin@tesconet.com
struck down again, not as bad as before. Looking forward to seeing excercise graphics , I would welcome anything that would get rid of this damn pain!!
george farrell - 10/10/98 14:19:12
My Email:gofar1117@aol.com
just starting to read, you have done a good job. I will communicate further if I have something to add.
Nancy L. Boch - 10/09/98 16:41:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:NancyB107@aol.com
interested in alternative therapys for periodic sciatica
W. Szabo - 10/09/98 16:01:50
My Email:szabo@ct.picker.com
Doreen Pertuit - 10/09/98 03:34:24
My Email:dper19596@bellsouth.net
I'm a federal worker with one failed back
surgery, looking forward to whatever needs to be
done to end this excruiating and debilitating leg
and low back pain. I've had an on the job injury
June 8, 1989 and have been in PAIN since.
Doreen Pertuit - 10/09/98 03:32:06
My Email:dper19596@bellsouth.net
I'm a federal worker with one failed back
surgery, looking forward to whatever needs to be
done to end this excruiating and debilitating leg
and low back pain.
pat lee - 10/08/98 23:50:19
I' ve had sciatica pain now for about 6 mts.
sometimes the pain is unbearable at work
and when trying to sleep at night, I've tried
acupuncture, steriod injections, and drugs
but nothing has a lasting effect.
Susan Sasmpson - 10/08/98 02:52:47
My Email:susans@netonecom.net
Thanks for the helpful information.
Carla Del Giudice - 10/08/98 02:32:02
My Email:Carla@tube.com
Thank you so much. I've been trying to find out excercises that will help my problem. I went to see a Shiatsu therapist who massaged me for 1/2 hour and did acupuncture for the next 1/2 hour. I thought that I was cured because I was fine for 3 months.
However, I have just had a recurring episode and the pain seemed much worse. I don't know whether I should continue with this therapy. You confirmed to me that I was not just thinking the pain had gotten worse but that it definately had due to the acupu
cture. The Shiatsu therapist said that she had cured many with Sciatica. Do you think that this is possible?
- 10/07/98 17:18:28
Ursula - 10/07/98 15:39:01
My Email:LUL04@aol.com
This is my second episode of sciatica, both having occurred after moving patients. I am a nurse. The first time it went away quickly & I didn't lose much time from work. This time is different. I will be starting Physical Therapy soon. I am on Ultram
(anti-inflammatory) & Elavil (antidepressant given to treat peripheral neuropathy).
Gail - 10/05/98 15:56:32
am a 50 yr olf female runner, have had sciatica
since 4/98 , have seen chriopractor, neurosurgon, have had epidural injection and
am now seeing phys. therapist., Pain stays in
ankle all the time, hip & butt pain a little better,
am losing hope. Thanks for web site
Joan - 10/05/98 04:23:27
My Email:jcb2502@juno.com
My specialist says I have "weaver's bottom" too. Hip pain helped by cortisone shot in Greater Trochanter muscle [bursitis]. After 9 mo, pains hip to ankle, subsiding. All brought on by a 4 hr car drive last Dec. What is it with car drives? Afraid to
et behind the wheel.
ernie price - 10/05/98 01:57:24
b.j. morgan - 10/04/98 22:43:23
My Email:bjmorgan@rocketmail.com
Problems with sciatica, I think, pain down right side, into the leg. Any suggestions
b.j. morgan - 10/04/98 22:41:24
My Email:bjmorgan@rocketmail.com
Problems with sciatica, I think, pain down right side, into the leg.
- 10/03/98 23:33:09
randy - 10/02/98 21:17:25
My Email:randy.reininger@baytek-lims.com
thanks for your informative page. i will try your excercises.
Pat Smith - 10/02/98 16:24:53
My Email:smith44@primenet.com
I'm sorry to say that I suffer from the same condition. I've suffered from Sciatica for years off and on.
It was kind of nice to find a website that discussed this condition. Thanks for doing that.
I know that you understand the pain and nightmare of it.
Keep doing the great job your doing and I pray that you get relief soon.
Pat Smith
Laurie Murley - 10/02/98 00:39:06
- 09/30/98 23:36:45
rrippe - 09/30/98 23:32:13
plapoint - 09/30/98 17:38:59
My Email:plapoint@citynet.net
Alan Berrry - 09/30/98 09:32:18
My Email:alan.berry@xtra.co.nz
Just searching for information on sciatica at this stage, as a possible alternative to a diagnosis as bursitis.
Gareth Nolan (UK) - 09/29/98 19:41:27
My URL:/Area51/Vault/4908
My Email:gareth@redplanet.force9.co.uk
Hi there,
I've read your pages with interest and it's nice to see an ordinary sufferer trying to help like this. I'm just getting over the latest and worst bout of sciatica I've ever had. 4 weeks today I collapsed with muscle spasms in my back and down my legs and
as taken to hospital. My ct-scan showed minimal signs of damage - "slight compression and bulging" of a disc. I never knew the pain I had - which was severe, was virtually untreatable! Life has been a real misery. I was sleeping on the lounge floor for 2
eeks unable to move disrupting the entire family. For some people bedrest is THE ONLY option. I incurred the actual injury doing some building work almost a week before the collapse came. I think if I'd rested my back instead of trying to keep going I wou
d not have been as ill. I've been on co-dydramol painkillers and voltarol (diclofenac) anti-inflammatories. The pain killers have had little or no effect... any suggestions anybody?
Anyway, keep up the good work - regards - Gareth
Gareth Nolan (UK) - 09/29/98 07:33:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/4908
My Email:gareth@redplanet.force9.co.uk
Hi there,
I've read your pages with interest and it's nice to see an ordinary sufferer trying to help like this. I'm just getting over the latest and worst bout of sciatica I've ever had. 4 weeks today I collapsed with muscle spasms in my back and down my legs and
as taken to hospital. My ct-scan showed minimal signs of damage - "slight compression and bulging" of a disc. I never knew the pain I had - which was severe, was virtually untreatable! Life has been a real misery. I was sleeping on the lounge floor for 2
eeks unable to move disrupting the entire family. For some people bedrest is THE ONLY option. I incurred the actual injury doing some building work almost a week before the collapse came. I think if I'd rested my back instead of trying to keep going I wou
d not have been as ill. I've been on co-dydramol painkillers and voltarol (diclofenac) anti-inflammatories. The pain killers have had little or no effect... any suggestions anybody?
Anyway, keep up the good work - regards - Gareth
al - 09/29/98 06:12:25
My Email:stateseer@aol.com
have had pain described for 1 year. I have had a mri done today 9-28.The mri tech showed me the films.They showed a bulging disc that is pressing agaist the nerve.I'll be seeing my doctor tommorrow,to know more.The doctor said it sounded like this before
he mri.She has already set me up for pt on wed.9-30.Can pt or meds get rid of the pain or is surgery in my future?Can a waterbed make things worse?Can a reoccurance be possible,if pt and meds works now?
al - 09/29/98 05:45:38
My Email:stateseer@aol.com
have had pain described for 1 year. I have had a mri done today 9-28.The mri tech showed me the films.They showed a bulging disc that is pressing agaist the nerve.I'll be seeing my doctor tommorrow,to know more.The doctor said it sounded like this before
he mri.She has already set me up for pt on wed.9-30.Can pt or meds get rid of the pain or is surgery in my future?Can a waterbed make things worse?Can a reoccurance be possible,if pt and meds works now?
William Neal - 09/28/98 19:13:01
My Email:billcneal@juno.com
Glen O. Strand - 09/28/98 04:25:35
My Email:gostrand@mci2000.com
sheree - 09/27/98 17:41:51
My Email:shenight@hotmail.com
Thanks for the site. Plenty of info. Have you got a chat site? Recently diagnosed (age 37) and finding the pain unbearable. Look forward to hearing from you.
Eileen Noon - 09/27/98 16:35:33
My Email:enoon98@webtv.net
Thanks for your site (page) - I'm new to the internet and also new to sciatica. Mine started after doing a trip twist over someones big feet in a subway car. I've been on anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers and the occasional Tylonal 3. But I had 3 d
ys of hell before I got on the medication. I know that's peanuts compared to some of the experiences I've read on your guest page. I feel less lonely with this problem now, but also alarmed that it can continue over years and years. This I did not know
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences and information.
Joel - 09/27/98 14:13:24
My Email:pidgas@prodigy.net
Inga - 09/26/98 18:59:01
My Email:ingam@geocities.com
I'm 29 and I had surgery 4 months ago after being off work for 3 months because of a slipped disc. I´m much, much better and I can do almost anything I could before (but I do need to rest more and take walks regularly). For about a week now my back has be
n a little stiff and I'm wondering if it could be because of PMS. Has anyone had similar problems?
Blanca - 09/26/98 11:23:45
My URL:http://beautym30@aol.com
My Email:beautym30@aol.com
Thanks for your info. I am 30 year old female and have had sciatica for 8 years. Your infor really put things into perspective for me. Thanks for your exercises too - I'll let you know if they helped me. I dind't know there were so many others with th
same problem, i am happy to know it is not just in mt head!
Bob Flude - 09/26/98 08:21:10
My Email:robert.flude@virgin.net
I'm yet another sufferer!
- 09/26/98 07:11:09
Dee - 09/25/98 20:43:25
My Email:jimndeby@gte.net
Mine has been flaring up for two weeks now...does anyone every get a cramping sort pain in the groin area of the side affected????Does stress seems to aggravate anybody's.....I am a hurting person who is ready to quite her new job due to this.
amy - 09/25/98 14:07:07
My Email:pappesa@aol.com
well, after reading this page im convinced i have sciatica...i just had and epideral but i dont think its helping.ive been suffering for a yr. now on a daily basis of lower right back and calf pain.at least im not alone...oh by the way im 31
amy - 09/25/98 13:39:50
well, after reading this page im convinced i have sciatica...i just had and epideral but i dont think its helping.ive been suffering for a yr. now on a daily basis of lower right back and calf pain.at least im not alone...
Mary - 09/25/98 11:30:21
My Email:mary@ncats.net
I tried to read your pages on sciatica, however I kept getting an ad for geocities and the scroll arrow would go away. Any idea how to overcome this? I need the info. Thanks!
Dale D. Noel - 09/25/98 04:53:36
My Email:lsnoel@thegrid.net
It helps to have an online resource. Sometimes you can't see the forrest for the trees. Your location spells it out for all to understand what is causing the pain & lots of ways to manage & hopefully decrease the pain. Thanks
Ted Tomlin - 09/24/98 23:16:22
My Email:tomlin@surf.net.au
Hullo Mary. I'm 72 and my first reaction to details about you was 'how unfortunate for this to start as early as 19 years' Do hope you find a permanent solution for having that problem all your life is not a pleasant thought. I've had it for 10 years.
Nearly had a laminectomy once but it cleared up a few days before I was due for the op. Since then it recurs from time to time but fortunately in a milder form. I found my problem when in extreme was caused by the wrong exercises and replacing these w
th the correct ones has helped immensely. Would recommend exercises carried out in a swimming pool because the water supports most of the upper body weight. Can't take up too much space. All the best from Australia. Cheers Ted.
Sabrina - 09/24/98 22:53:50
My Email:BohemeFem@aol.com
Mary....thank you so much for this web page. I have been hurting for about three days now and just did not know what to do about it. I did figure our it was sciatica since it runs from my lower back all the way down to my foot.....it is really wearing m
out. It has been very hard to sleep at night or to focus on my work during the day. I did read something in a health food book about drinking garlic milk. I am going to try this starting today. I will let you know how it works or if it works. It is
matter of crushing fresh garlic and putting the pulp in milk and drinking it. Sounds horrible. But I am in enough pain to give it a try. Thanks again for the time you put into your page. And it looks really nice and soothing too.
Saul Goldberg - 09/24/98 22:44:55
My Email:MilSolwebtv.net
SHUTCHINS - 09/24/98 18:23:18
SHUTCHINS - 09/24/98 18:18:46
JOYCE PETRIE - 09/24/98 15:34:45
JOYCE PETRIE - 09/24/98 15:33:33
Jack C. Taylor - 09/23/98 12:28:56
My Email:jtaylor@tir.com
Looking for comments on sciatica help for it.
Jacquie De Forest - 09/22/98 22:30:11
My Email:deforest@vaxxine.com
I found you site to be very helpful. I too, have suffered with sciatica since I became pregnant with my second child - early 1991. The baby was growing and pressing on the sciatic nerve. Since then there are some days I can hardly get out of bed and tr
ing to get dressed is a nightmare! The pain is unbearable. I know what you're going through. And I too tried chiropractic treatment. It did not help at all.
I'm going to try your exercises and I'll let you know.
- 09/22/98 18:09:42
- 09/21/98 22:03:31
Caroline Wolfe - 09/20/98 21:12:22
My Email:c.wolfe@worldnet.att.net
Hi. Don't really have much to add as yet. Have been in intense pain for about 4 days - over the weekend, of course. Went to a chiropractor Friday - he didn't do much to help but I did get a massage that helped a lot on Friday, but pain back in full for
e on Sat. Plan to go to the doctor as soon as I can get an appointment. Your pages were of great interest to me. I do wonder, however, why you never went the surgery route. I had a disc problem in my neck that was causing pain down my arm and back and
the surgery fixed it up. No bad discomfort and a 3 week holiday from work.
Valerie Mario - 09/20/98 18:18:58
My Email:MARIOV2@prodigy.net
Your web page has helped me out alot. When I first saw my doctor she told me that I had sciatica, but this month I went back to her in such bad pain I had a MRI done yesterday, I'm waiting for the results. The first time this had happened to me I went t
a PT & it seemed to help
Right now I'm on medication muscle relaxants, Tylonol with codene & perscription motrin. Well thanks again for your info.
Sharon - 09/20/98 15:48:25
My Email:sgscott67@aol.com
Great forum for gathering and sharing of info. I've been in pain for 3 months. Chiropractic care for 8 weeks didn't help. Physical Therapy going on 4 weeks now is not helping. I'm having an MRI this week and hope to get some insight. What is it with
octors? Can't seem to find a good one. They're so apathetic. It seemed when I lived in another state (and had traditional insurance) the doctors were great. Is that because it was a different state or are HMO doctors really that bad? They just don't
are and give you five minutes of their time and actually say things like, "Oh, I don't know. Why don't you try ...". Unbelievable. Anybody have any success stories on finding a good doctor?
Kim Thompson - 09/20/98 00:23:05
My Email:ktl6@aol.com
Hi, Thanks for the info. I am sitting here in minor discomfort after 2 days of bed rest and excrutiating pain. I work at a nursery school. That entails lifitng little ones (who sometimes are not so little) and a lot of bending and picking up of small i
ems. I know I should stoop, rather than bending over, but I have spent years unconsciously pampering a knee that was broken. This is a hard habit to break. I also love to garden. I am forcing myself to use the wheel barrow more and sitting or kneeling
ather than bending over. Anyway, I am looking forward to using your exercise ideas. I am overweight, but it seems that every time that I feel well enough to start an exercise program, the back goes out again. God bless,Kim
Kevin Slaney - 09/20/98 00:15:38
My Email:cranialjax@cambs.net
yeah i got sciatica, had it for 6 years or so.
bad bout at the moment 7 weeks of agony.
nice website, useful.
TINA WAYBRIGHT - 09/18/98 20:14:43
My Email:waybright@home.com
- 09/18/98 15:21:09
emma - 09/18/98 11:24:21
My Email:e.bagnall@mgn.co.uk
Thank you for a fascinating site…I'm 33 & have had sciatica for a year now (although I've always had twinges in my back & hips). It's comforting (or is it?!) to realise there are many people my age who have it, as my friends call me Granny Sciatica! I'm E
glish so was able to visit my GP & get free physiotherapy which eased it a bit - although I'd also stopped my usual cycling, jogging & weight training by that stage. It peaked last christmas, when my osteopath sister-in-law gave me a treatment. It cured t
e pain in my left hip…but transferred it to the right! I thought I'd more or less cracked it over the past 3 months & had started exercising again (although no long cycle rides). I did a yoga class last night (is yoga good or bad?), was doing situps this
orning and PING! my first attack in ages. I'm now at work, dosed up on co-proxamol (which dulls rather than alleviates) and hobbling between my desk & the printer. It seems to be centering on my lower back this time - no shooting pains down the legs, alth
ugh that could be the drugs. I was reading the guestbook & was interested in the vitamin & minerals theory. Does this work? I do worry re. calcium & magnesium etc as I think if my back is bad now, what will it be like post-menopause? Are sciatica suffers
ore likely to get osteoporosis?
Ada - 09/17/98 18:32:42
My Email:awilson@nf.net
I had some weird sensations in my leg lately and my brother suggested that it could be mt sciatica nerve. I found you definition to be very helpful. May-be it is my sciatica nerve but there's no pain so I'm hoping that's a good sign!
Pat Osborne - 09/16/98 17:07:04
My Email:pro46@uswest.net
When I have more time I will come and spend a lot of time here reading this wonderful site.
Stacy Herz - 09/16/98 02:54:08
My Email:stacyt@earthlink.net
I'd like to know if there is such a thing as a cure for sciatica. My mom, who is 52 has been suffering from sciatica since I was born (27 years ago.) She's tried everything from physical therapy to acupuncture to epedural blocks and vitamin suppliments.
lease help her. She is going crazy and needs some kind of treatment. Thank you.
Debbie Stanley - 09/15/98 22:55:46
My Email:A1Bookworm@aol.com
Don't know if I definitely have sciatica yet but the symptoms you describe sound very familiar. I will be going to a doctor soon and your site has been very helpful. I will certainly try the exercises. Thanks!
Suzanne O'Toole - 09/15/98 20:40:12
My Email:otoolesu@pwfl.com
Looking for information to help understand this
problem. I have all the symptons and pain to
go with it. Enjoyed your page, thank you.
Judith Owen - 09/15/98 16:24:14
My URL:http://www.nvionline.com/judithowen
My Email:molly9@mindspring.com
You need to try New Vision's new product FlexRite. Visit my website to read more about it. Or call 1-800-996-4836 to listen to a prerecorded message
Levi Bizzelle - 09/14/98 18:11:52
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~lbizzell/
My Email:lbizzell@earthlink.net
Recent colon cancer surgerical removal have left me with considerable pain in the leg radiating down to my toes, have been diagnosed as sciatic pain.
I am researching all I can read about the condition.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
- 09/14/98 14:59:21
Ann - 09/13/98 10:39:05
My Email:annles@msn.com
I found your site very helpful and simple to follow. I thought I was getting arthritis in the hips, but an x-ray showed clear. When I started getting pain in right leg down to the foot and was unable to sleep at night due to this I started to take anti-
nflammatories, but am trying your stretching excercises and hope they will help.
I do exercise every day anyway and have not let the pain stop me yet.
Mary Suire - 09/13/98 00:12:47
Thank you so much for this website. I have been suffering for over 3 years with my back injury. I will read every last bit of your information and I want to thank you so much for the site. Thanks so much for the input.
Your Friend,
Mary Suire
wizzy - 09/12/98 23:54:03
I've had it for about a year...triggered apparently by a pulled hamstring on the right side. I've been amazed at the way it has progressed and the NUMBER of different pains that it makes! Aside from verifying that(except an old seriously-broken tailbone
nothing shows as out of whack, the doctors are mostly useless. I've had to figure things out for myself....like NO HIGH HEELS. Commuting in rush-hour traffic with constant braking and accelerating can ruin what started out as an "OK-day". Any other hel
ful hints?... particularly types of chairs or positions for sleeping. This stuff is working its way into my dreams and I wake up to realize that the pain is real and I'm screaming and unable to change positions!
shirley - 09/12/98 17:30:22
My Email:shirley@gibralter.com
I just had surgery on my back 11 months ago and now the pain is happening in the other leg.
I feel the surgery was a waste of time and money if I only knew I would still have the pain.
I really don't want to have surgery again. I am only 40 yrs. old. I have an 8 yr old son and it is hard now being able to be active. Any suggestions?
dan - 09/12/98 01:34:10
My Email:dan0714@aol.com
my choices today were injections / surgery / oral prednisone (very bad for me) I am desparately seeking alternatives. 6 feet 1 inch 235. Suggested a weight loss program of 40 lbs plus plus exercise. Hope?
LARRY BECKER - 09/11/98 21:38:59
LARRY BECKER - 09/11/98 21:14:17
- 09/11/98 17:02:38
Rob - 09/11/98 14:03:17
I've had Sciatica for about a year now, 7 months badly then improving and then a relapse to square 1. It gradually built up over about a month peaking at Christmas and giving me a not so merry time. Initially I only had problems walking and standing for
nything longer than 15 seconds, lying down was OK. This was put right with the relapse which was painful what ever I did. I have tried pretty much most things which have been suggested physio, osteopathy, painkillers, anti inflammatory, working out at the
gym, even getting to the stage of visiting a renowned neurosurgey clinic which immediately recommended an operation which worried me. But I took the advice of a couple of friends who have had the op and based on their experiences decided that that was an
bsolute last resort because if you have surgery it is irreservable.
So about 3 or 4 weeks ago I decided to have a look on the net and see if anyone else had similar problems and I was amazed to find this site and all the people who seemed to be suffering with this aliment. I was looking at some of the people who have sign
d this guestbook I thought it would be important to tell about my experiences hoping that it might at least help one other person who is suffering from this awful condition.
I found a site which was one of the commercial natural remedy suppliers which a asked you to enter your ailment and it would come up with a recommended combination of natural remedies. So I duly entered the dreaded Sciatica and received the following repl
Vitamins: B1, B3, C, E
Minerals: Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium
Amino Acids: DL-Phenylalanine
Herbs: Willow Bark, Garlic, Fenugreek
I figured that trying this couldn't do any harm seeing that nothing else had worked and that they are basically all naturally occurring items. I found that they were easily available and managed to purchase most of them in a couple of visits to some local
herbalists. DL-Phenylalanine caused me to visit the second herbalist and I can not track down any suppliers of willow bark although I have not really looked that hard.
For the last 20 days I have been taking the above (except for willow bark which is still proving elusive) in the daily recommended dosages along with Voltarol (anti inflammatory) and I really feel so improved. The above cost me in total about £40 ($60) bu
who can put price on pain. It is also true that if you eat a good well balanced diet all of these things should be in there, but hand on heart how many of us really do, these are supplements. There are some warnings about taking too much of them so pleas
do some sensible research before you begin a course and if you are taking other drugs I would seriously talk to your doctor first because I wouldn't want this to cure your back and then kill you! Also be warned the garlic tablets can alienate some of yo
r friends!!
I honestly don't believe that this is a complete cure I am sure that this isn't my last visit from it . I am also sure that it will not work for everyone I don't want to raise any false hopes, because hopes are there to be crushed but if this can help at
east one other it would be worth mentioning it. I am still extremely careful with my movements, but I know how I feel and compared to just a few weeks ago I feel 1000% better. I can now walk much longer distances although I still do need to rest periodica
ly I am much more mobile. Also another vital factor to this is keeping a positive mental attitude, believing all along that I was going to get better and I really think that that was paramount in helping me.
I hope that this was helpful, if you took the time to read it all and if so give it a go, you have got nothing to loose.
Best of luck
vince west - 09/11/98 06:44:08
My Email:wcrepair@aol
your experience is very similar to mine except that i have yet to see the surgeon i am still waiting for an appointment. recently i have purchased a TENS unit which you put 2 or 4 pads on your back and it sends small currents through them i have found it
controls the pain without "drugs"
Amy O'Sullivan - 09/11/98 00:56:49
My Email:aosulli@banet.net
Patricia - 09/10/98 21:33:22
My Email:patrandy@cableregina.com
I have recently been affected with sciatica. Basically I am in 'research mode'- obtaining as much information as I can so that I can make informed decisions. The information you provided is very helpful...thanks.
Carolyn - 09/10/98 15:18:12
My Email:cacox@twsuvm.uc.twsu.edu
I'm so glad I found your site. I've been searching for information on my sciatic pain. I've been having pain for the last 5 or 6 months. It started with numbness in my right leg and then a slight tingling that later turned into the worst pain I have ev
r experienced. I spent the whole month of June in bed. I have had 2 epidurals. The first one didn't work but the the second one did. I was taking 12 Lortabs a day for pain but now I may take 1 once in a while. I still have pain, but it is so much bet
er than before. I'm back at work now. I'm disturbed to see so many people say that the pain comes and goes. Does anyone ever just have it once and it never comes back?? Is this something that is going to bother me the rest of my life??
Kathy Hanelius - 09/10/98 15:14:56
My Email:khanelius@timex.com
sprite - 09/10/98 12:05:54
My Email:spritesprinkles@htmail.com
just now checking it out, have had incredible pain w/ sciatica for a couple of years now, getting worse, am looking for a natural way of relief ie: herbs, vitamines, exercise etc
Renee Linssen - 09/10/98 01:04:36
My Email:rlinssen@telusplanet.net
I've had sciatica for the past eight years, my first bout ended with extremties paralysis and a trip in an ambulance ( tough guy to stupid to see the doc earlier ). Now I take 600mg of Surgam daily to ward off the inflamation, I flare up big time once or
wice a year now. My flare ups happen after a lengthy drive, it helps to get out every couple of hours and stretch. This year I spent three weeks on a couch because I was in a rush and did a 12hr drive in one shot. I start out with some discomfort in the e
ening and by morning there is no moving without the worst pain imaginable.
Great site for those who are just starting, by the way I am 32years old.
Tom Propes - 09/09/98 23:59:52
My Email:datatech@juno.com
Kathie - 09/09/98 19:03:40
K.R. Woodson - 09/09/98 13:45:23
My Email:Rc10gastrk@aol.com
just looking for some relief
- 09/08/98 20:12:25
- 09/08/98 20:12:23
Kaz - 09/08/98 19:42:14
My Email:kazroman@prodigy.net
Thank you for so much information on the subject.
For your collection, there is yet another book titled " The Sciatica Relief Handbook", avaiable for $14.95 from the United Research Publishers, Dept. UK-38, 103 North Coast Highway 101, Encinitas, Ca 92024. Satisfaction fully guaranteed. I have not read i
bas46 - 09/08/98 18:05:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/Fairway/1457
My Email:bas46@yahoo.com
- 09/08/98 16:51:04
Cindy - 09/08/98 13:20:02 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
may pain is located in the right leg from the top of the thigh area to the lower calf. no pain in back at all. painful at night and when i lit leg to tie shoes or such. started when i began working in retail and stand on my feet for 7hrs/day. could this
be sciatica?
Robert S. Leben - 09/07/98 16:36:44
My Email:rsleben@iconnect.net
Thanks for your web site, it helped me find out what my right leg pain is coming from. I'll just keep on taking two Advil tablets every 6 hours because it does ease the pain until it heals, I hope!
Robert S. Leben - 09/07/98 16:29:29
My Email:rsleben@iconnect.net
- 09/07/98 15:52:00
George Walters - 09/07/98 15:13:42
My Email:jwalters@superior.net
Joan - 09/06/98 16:42:19
My Email:dpmj@errol's.com
Renee McNair - 09/04/98 23:56:40
My Email:ReneeMcNair@Tri-CountyNet.Net
Thank you for having this information available. My husband has been suffering for quite some time with this problem.
Dan Lunsford - 09/04/98 17:39:23
My Email:wdl51@phoenixat.com
Great Info. I have been suffering with SCIATICA pain for the past 11 months . I have had numerious trips to my doctor who keeps prescribeing more pain pills, that do not help much. I am starting physical therapy and hope to get better results..KEEP THE F
miki - 09/04/98 09:15:32
My Email:I AM Miki@aol.com
- 09/04/98 07:57:45
charles newton - 09/02/98 12:42:13
My Email:cnewton944@msn.com
very nice page, im hurting right now right leg very surprised how when it begins it will intensify over a few days.im no stranger to back pain either but the leg pain was surprising. thanks for the tips and may we both say i remember when. Ive had a few f
iends who have had the disk scraped and live to tell about it and they are very pleased. charles newton.
mark becker - 09/02/98 10:56:27
My Email:mark1duigi@earthlink.net
Thank you for posting this info. I have recently been struck by some sciatic problems and am anxious to work through them.
Susan Keefe - 09/01/98 16:00:30
My Email:skeefe@acad.suffolk.edu
Thank you for setting up this informative website. I am relatively new to the world of sciatica. I first had it 5 years ago during a pregnancy and it returned with my second pregnancy 1 1/2 years ago. Reading your site information helped a lot.
Sharon Collins - 09/01/98 13:20:04
My Email:sharoncollins@unisys.com
I got it when I was pregnant with my 1st Child and the doctor advised that once you have it you are prone to repeat attacks. I get them once a month and it lasts for mup to a week. I find lying down very painful and am unable to get up out of bed someti
es. I was 23 so you are not an oddball!! aparently alot of pregnant women get it from the pressure of the baby and the additional weight caried
Jeanette McCaughey - 09/01/98 03:28:00
My Email:jeanette@interlog.com
Thank you so much for the free information. I too am suffering badly from sciatica which just started up again after a few pregnancies. This time however it does not seem to be subsiding and I feel I must do something about it. Your experiences have he
ped me decide which path to take first. Once again, thank you so much!
tammy milholland - 08/31/98 02:46:54
My Email:tmilholland@hotmail.com
I have had siactica since last December. It was real bad for about 2 months and it was like it dissappeared. Now for the last 2 months it has reappeared only with much pain in my right leg. When it started in December it was just lower back pain. Your
page has been helpful to me.
Thank you,
alan mayer - 08/31/98 02:01:34
My Email:alanwow@aol.com
Larry O'Donnell - 08/31/98 01:55:35
My Email:laodonnell@aol.com
Help Help
T. Sterkel - 08/30/98 23:48:09
My Email:Sterkel@televar.com
I am 29 and have been having trouble with what I thought were my hips for 9 years. I just recently found out it was sciatica. Your website is a great idea! Thank-you.
Terry Nelson - 08/30/98 06:08:02
My Email:pala@ozemail.com.au
I've had sciatica for seven years, since my last pregnancy. I've had x-rays, and cat scans, and they show absolutely nothing. I do an hour of yoga every day, and am wonderfully flexible, but it doesn't lessen the sciatica. I don't get attacks, but have
it all the time, though in varying degrees. I avoid most weightbearing exercise like walking or dancing, because it aggravates it, but am not sure this is the right approach.
ANNE - 08/29/98 19:59:26
Bill Mechlenburg - 08/29/98 15:39:21
My Email:wmech@worldnet.att.net
Drew Goss - 08/28/98 17:43:11
My Email:dharmabmz@enter.net
hello all :-) this is an update to my guestbook entry of 8/2/98. much to my pleasant surprise, my insurance company has been cooperating in my drs. & my aggressive treatment approach! first, the pain got so bad that i had to finally break down and t
ke my primary physician up on the offer of pain meds. i have been taking 100mg of ultram 4Xday and it has really helped me get through most days without being a complet "bear" towards my family. started seeing a long time friend/chiropracter and just to
ay had my first visit to a physical therapist, amazingly enough my insurance co. has agreed to allow me to see both at the same time! got some good exercises from the pt today and felt great after the session, which included electro muscular stimulation.
unfortunately, i had to drive after the session and the pain was back by the time i got home, but i'm going to keep working & getting stronger and eventually beat this damned thing! thanks to you folks who have written to me......please continue, love t
at e-mail :-) Peace, Love & Healing to all of you!
Bob krass - 08/28/98 12:34:16
My Email:rjkrass@aol.com
thanks for hosting a place where a concise data base can be found. I have had sciatica over two years now and other than a three month hiatis after an epidural keep getting it back. Pain relievers with capscaicin is my latest try and it isn't getting a lo
g term result. Oh well, I will continue to search as well. Thanks.
Carolyne Halsted - 08/28/98 05:06:25
My Email:chalsted@worldnet.att.net
I have had sciatica twice in the last 6 months. The first time during an RV trip when we rode in a Dodge truck for extended times (200 or more miles) on our return home from the sunny south in March. It lasted about six weeks.
The second is still with me after the first week of a two week bus tour to Scotland and Ireland. Aspirin doesn't touch it but 2 double strength Tylenol tablets help somewhat. I have spinal stenosis as well. The first time I was given excercises during p
ysical therapy at a clinic. The excercises don't seem to help this time.
Jules Posten - 08/28/98 03:57:01
My Email:FoxWood9@webtv.net
the sciatic nerve is the devil incarnate. i speak for sorry experience. there's not the space to explain it fully, but the end surgical result for me in 1981, was 3 damaged nerve roots (L4-L5-S1). which meant total disability. the main problem is bilate
al sciatica (left and right sides) from the hip down the back of the leg to the knee branching out on both sides of the ankle thru into the toes. plus the sciatic sytem refers pain into several other highly sensitive areas as well. i am always in pain o
some kind and when the sciatic nerve decides to go into flare ups, which can last weeks at a time, i am in sheer agony. since the sciatic can decide to hurt in different places at different times with different types of pain from stabbing, burning, some
time jolts of white hot pain any where and ever where as if being controled by some demon at a switching station, you can understand why i feel as if this one of the circles of hell. only the strongest of pain medication can help, sometimes. since terei
no way to unravel the scar tissue around the damage nerves, without making it much worse. there nothing that can be done for me except the heavy pain medication. anybody who has even the slightest of sciatic symptoms has my sympathy and my hope that it
doesn't get worse. there are times i'd like to rip the sciatic nerves out of my body with my bare fingers.
Sylvia Dunkleman - 08/27/98 19:53:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:dunk@frontiernet.net
cristobal benitez - 08/27/98 05:31:19
My Email:cbenitez@webtv.net
mike - 08/27/98 04:40:11
My Email:blancace@yahoo.com
Thanks for your website! I'm 39 and have been dealing with sciatic in my left leg for about 1 year. It isn't actually super painful. It's more of an irritating numbing that starts in my left ball of my foot and gradually moves up the leg.I have had x-rays
done and they supposely show no problems. I have been seeing a chiroprator for about a year. It has helped off and on. He says it's my hip. The hip seems to slide into the wrong position and slowly moves into piching the sciatic nerve. He adjusts me by
ulling one leg over at a time and cracking the hip. I usually hear a cracking or popping sound during the adjustment. If I go once a-week for about a month it seems to help,but it always comes back. I can't afford the chiroprator ($40) anymore.Does accup
nture work, or is it another temporary fix?
Is it okay to stretch and workout if you have the pain. Thanks for you time and advice!
MIke Orkin(CA.)
Doris Fulmer - 08/26/98 19:36:42
My Email:dorisaque@hotmail.com
No need to reply. This is a great service that you are doing. Thank you a lot.
Joanne - 08/26/98 08:16:49
My Email:RMesa@coastnet.net.au
Thank-you for the interesting and usefull information. I will try the exercises hoping they
will ease my pain. I will let you know how I go.
Keep up the good work and thanks again.
Joanne Cullen - 08/26/98 08:14:45
My Email:RMesa.coastnet.net.au
Thank-you for the interesting and usefull information. I will try the exercises hoping they
will ease my pain. I will let you know how I go.
Keep up the good work and thanks again.
Joanne Cullen - 08/26/98 08:10:37
Linda - 08/26/98 00:55:01
My Email:Dayowife@aol.com
Susan - 08/26/98 00:23:45
My Email:srparr1@prodigy.net
Hi, I'm so glad to see your website. My husband, aged 36 had back surgery 2 years ago. He had one ruptured lumbar disc & one about to rupture. After the surgery he did very well. No more leg or hip pain. But guess what, it's back. He's afraid to go
o the doctor for fear he might need surgery again. Nothing seems to help. I know alot of you are trying not to have surgery. But what do you do once you've had it and it comes back. It's kind of scary. We want to try to avoid going to doctors. MRI's
CT scans, physical therapy, doctor visits-all are costly even with insurance. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Linda Poppell - 08/25/98 22:24:32
My Email:poppell@ditigitalexp.com
Jewell Leaks - 08/25/98 22:24:24
My Email:jhamilto@s.psych.uiuc.edu
I am very grateful for your home page.
I feel like this sciatic is going to kill me.
Deanna Kersey - 08/24/98 21:23:57
My Email:dogtor@pineland.net
Like so many others I'm desperate.Self diag. for six years.At times cannot function or walk.Depression has set in from so much pain.Will write more later,checking out your site.Thanks.,
Deanna Kersey - 08/24/98 21:23:50
My Email:dogtor@pineland.net
Like so many others I'm desperate.Self diag. for six years.At times cannot function or walk.Depression has set in from so much pain.Will write more later,checking out your site.Thanks.,
- 08/24/98 03:51:06
Sandi - 08/24/98 02:34:01
My Email:sandi@bkbcpa.com
Thanks for the site. I've had pain for a little over a week and I am doing everything I know to lessen it. I am orally taking Voltaren ( strong anti-inflament ) and flexeril (prescription muscle relaxant). I am being treated by a chiropractor and have h
d three accupuncture treatments. I streach often and have been walking through all of the pain, though not at my usual 18 -20 minute mile. I think the two things that have done as much for me as any of the others are chocolate candy and ice cream. At le
st they make me happy, if not pain free.
I am a 63 year old non-smoking regular exerciser who is not over weight, eats healthfully -usually-,and has an active lifestyle hiking, walking, skiing and the like.
I will be most thankful when this condition ends its summer visit.
R.J. Krass - 08/24/98 02:24:52
My Email:rjkrass@aol.com
I have had repeated attacks of sciatica over the past few years. My last epidural relieved it for abaout 3 Months. It is back and letting me know it. I appreciate your research and am going to try the exercises to work this out. Thanks again for sharing y
ur data.
- 08/23/98 16:36:12
Kathy - 08/23/98 07:17:44
My Email:SGTsDowel@AOL.com
Kathy - 08/23/98 07:15:18
My Email:SGTsDowel@AOL.com
R Mobley - 08/22/98 18:54:37
My Email:rmobley@bellsouth.net
I am happy that someone has taken to time to reach those of us who are in need of experienced information. This is a new experience for me. I don't know if my pains are related to osteoarthritis (right hip), osteonecrosis or sciatica. So far I believe its
all the same. Most of the pain is in the right hip and down the right leg.
Michele - 08/21/98 14:42:29
My Email:Michele.Farnsworth@yale.edu
He's a new slant on this problem. My ortho said my sciatica is not caused by a herniated disk, but didn't know what it is caused by. I didn't believe him until I went to a massage therapist. She said it feels to her that I have a collapsed muscle which
is pressing on my nerve. She thinks exercise to build up the muscle will do the trick. I'm waiting for the results of an MRI I had done last week to see if my new Ortho says the same thing. Will let everyone know the results.
g kendrew - 08/15/98 17:09:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:cyber.b@virgin.net
thank you, thank you, ..will try anything...
good to have problem identified from your information.....thanks again
Ernie Freymuth - 08/12/98 18:25:19
My Email:overbid@michiana.com
I am in a lot of pain and I have been to my doctor and was then sent to a Pain Clinic. That helped temporarily, but I am not getting much relief from the pain. I will try your excercises and and your tips for relieving the pain. Today the pain started
n the other side. I am 78 years old and I am finding it harder to get around. I also don't know where to turn for relief.
Martha Bermeo - 08/10/98 16:12:45
My Email:mdbermeo@hotmail.com
Mary, I am looking forward to trying your exercises! I've had sciatic pain for about seven years now--the "Baby sitting on the nerve" thing and it is becoming more severe as I am back at school. I've not been referred to a pysiotherapist--basically it's
been explained as a pinched nerve and to exercise and loose weight.
Will bookmark your site for the exercises.
LENNY - 08/07/98 20:16:59
My Email:dnews@emily.net
pauline - 08/06/98 15:01:54
My Email:paulinehw@compuserve.com
I big thanks for your time an trouble putting together this website. I'm a 33 year old woman and I used to think that I was pretty fit. Only a month ago I was seriously entertaining ideas of entering a half marathon, but now I have difficulting even putt
ng my socks on due to sciatica. I suspect that I wasn't doing enough strtehcing before and after jogging sessions. I'm trying some of your execises.
Thanks again & the best of health to you.
Richard M. korocinski - 08/04/98 16:23:35
My Email:richardk@impulse.net
I have been suffering from sciatica since the latter part of december.I am presently undergoing physical therepy and I have been told that i will be in therepy for at least a year before I really see any major improvement.
I would love to here from other people with this condition and the progress they are making
Thank you
Richard M. korocinski
Troy - 08/02/98 23:49:58
My Email:knite13@yahoo.com
Thank you so much for putting together this web page! Six months ago, at the age of 27, I was first affected with sciatica. It has taken until now for me to find someone who understands what this problem is all about. Thanks again.
George Cheshier - 08/02/98 19:12:04
My Email:ches@essex1.com
Drew Goss - 08/02/98 01:59:39
My Email:dharmabmz@enter.net
Thank you so very much for your wonderful site! I am a 47 year old man suffering with the pain of sciatica. I was about to give up just before I came here..........it may sound odd but it really helps just to know there are others who understand the pain
and problems. My condition has been worsening and because of money and insurance woes, I feel that I'm pretty much on my own. I was so glad to find the helpful suggestions both in your site and in the guestbook. I will begin putting some of them into p
actice tonight............I finally believe that there may be some relief in sight!! I hope that soon I will once again feel well enough to consistantly behave like the loving husband and father I am! Thank you for giving me hope! :-) Please feel f
ee to write back, if you can find the time and would like to "compare notes"............this also goes for others who read this, I love getting e-mail! :-) Take care and thanks again. Peace, Love & Healing......drew
Lloyd - 07/31/98 02:49:09
1 year sufferer 33 years old on my 2nd trip to
the needle for the epidural and contiplating
chiropratic and surgery
Jim R. Allen - 07/30/98 18:56:49
My Email:JRANAHS43@aol,com
What I believe is sciatica just came on recently - due,I suspect to 73 years of poor posture.
frank - 07/30/98 02:24:22
My Email:lafamilia@softcom.net
on april 21,98 i injured myself at work. i later found out that i had a herniated disc.l5s1.on july 22,98 i had surgery and i feel 100% better.i am still off work but intend to return soon. approx. 2 to 3 months. i am an electrican.please feel free to wri
e back if you have any questions.
Traderjack - 07/29/98 21:09:00
Here's a small ray of hope for Sciatica sufferers.
Refer to my recent post and to "Fred 7/28/98 (the RR Engineer and body builder)" and to "Julie Cullen 7/28/98 recently pregnant and now mother".
I hope the F.A. Davis Co. (copyright of Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary) will forgive me for quoting a couple of snippets from pages 1760/61 referring to Sciatica."........About 40% of the population will experience sciatica at sometime during their
Because more than 50% of patients with sciatica recover in 6 weeks, surgical therapy should be delayed to provide time for recovery.....................Because the illness is self-limiting in most patients, almost any form of noninvasive therapy willl ap
ear to be effective. This is true no matter what type of medical care practitioner is involved, i.e., physician, osteopath, or chiropractor..........
Prognosis: Recovery follows in majority of cases."
Sue King - 07/29/98 20:13:04
My Email:kingsue@hotmail.com
Thanks for an informative site. I have had periodic recurring bouts of sciatica for about 15 years (I'm 41 now). I've never seen a doctor about it, but have self-treated with ibuprofen or tylenol, and rested when possible. I've started sleeping with th
full length body pillows, which has given me multiple comfortable positions with bent knees. My worst fear right now is that I'm trying to get pregnant, and I know that it will really aggravate my back problems. Your site, and the messages in your gues
book give me some hope that I'll be able to deal with whatever comes up.
Russell - 07/29/98 20:11:42
My Email:leisure@emirates.net.ae
Thank you
Your site was a spot of light when all around seems to be black.
I am Scottish and live with my wonderful Philippine wife in the UAE we have been together for about ten years now and after a lot of trying and miscarriages we have the cutest and most delightful son "Troy" now reaching a huge two years old.
Living in this part of the world can be tough even at the beat of times when supported by big oil companies. However I am self-employed and don't work means don't eat. This problem has taken me out of action for several months and thanks to your honest co
mentary on your own experiences I now know to plan for some darker days ahead.
I have recently moved from "very active" to "lounge floor potato" when I am on the floor life is great with only mild twinges to make sleep disrupted. But soon as I get vertical I have about 60 to 80 seconds to find a flat surface or I'm history for the
ext 8 hours.
My son can't yet understand why Daddy has changed and the best I can get from the local doctors is "muscle strain take plenty of rest and you will be fine".
Allison Dukes - 07/29/98 18:21:03
My Email:Seanallie
Hal Ferguson - 07/29/98 14:23:18
My Email:hlfrgson@logicscape.com
Ali Novin - 07/29/98 02:26:53
Thank-you for all the info!! It has been a big help.
- 07/29/98 00:11:03
Bea Stockton - 07/28/98 20:27:26
My Email:107663.613@compuserve.com
I'm looking for relief of what I think maybe sciatic nerve pain.
I think I'm hooked on motrin from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. Otherwise, I sometimes can't deal with the pain which starts in buttock and goes down my leg and lately goes to the front left side. HELP.
Fred - 07/28/98 20:18:08
My Email:fritz429@ix.netcom.com
Thanks for being here. I never thought I would be sharing my troubles with anyone else, but it really does help to know there are others who suffer the same condition.
I have a rigourous work schedule. I work for Union Pacific RR as an Engineer. I spend long hours in the cab of a locomotive with often very unforgiving seats. I am also an avid body builder. I am 42 years old.
I just recently started having trouble with this sciatica nerve pinch thing... I just visited my family doctor and left as I arrived knowing what he was going to tell me. Rest, relax, take asprin or other pain remedy, use ice pack (which I found works gre
t tempoarilly).
I just saw a chiropractor today also. He gave me some phisical treatment on a water jet type water bed that was great and an adjustment. I believe this may work out for me. I have had my problem for only about a week. So catching it early may be beneficia
for me. I am shoked to hear many of you have suffered for so long. I hope you can all find some relief soon.
Lynn - 07/28/98 18:56:26
My Email:jerseygirl98@hotmail.com
Thanks for your page, I have been suffering with this for almost a year now and some days I can't take it anymore. A tip... one medication that I have found works for me is Extra Strength Excedrin. Funny that it's touted as the "headache medicine" but it
orks wonders for me. I guess it's the combination of acetominophen and aspirin. Anyway, thanks again.
David Reiss - 07/28/98 17:01:08
My Email:david.reiss@prudential.com
great site...
I'm 24 and have been suffering for 6 years.
Julie Cullen - 07/28/98 16:06:44
My Email:choklit@trytel.com
Hi! I found the feedback from fellow sciatica sufferers to be really therapeutic! Also, your information in general on the site is a terrific resource. I had severe sciatica problems in my left leg recently for the last 6 weeks of my first pregnancy. I
went from hobbling (only where there was a wall to lean on) to complete dysfunction of the leg, and spent the rest of the time on crutches. My child was born on 4 June and I had been given 2 Tylenol #3 tabs occasionally that day to help alleviate the pai
----it really helped take the edge off the leg pain! After the baby was born, I scaled back to extra strength Tylenol (x2) a couple of times per day. By day 4 post-partum I was back to hobbling with assistance of walls or one crutch (and couldn't believ
it!!!). By day 7 I had dispensed with the crutches and could sustain a bit of weight. I was back to "stiff walking" by the 3rd week, and then went to a chiropractor for a few adjustments. In about the same 6-week timeframe that I'd spent suffering bef
re the birth, I had recuperated afterwards.
This is a pretty simple story of a "before and after situation" compared to the many tragic accounts I read about on this site. I am extremely grateful for my relatively quick recovery--it was difficult to haul around the 9-month bulk weight on crutches,
to navigate stairs and to basically do anything! It was also tough to begin life at home with a newborn whom I couldn't carry around! But it's long forgotten at this point, and I'll never take my back for granted again.
For any women suffering this as a pregnancy-related "side effect"---take heart!! It really DID subside pretty quickly after the baby was no longer resting on the nerve. (It's particularly rough if the child is in a posterior position, I learned).
Things I learned too late:
*an epidural was ruled out (by the particular anesthesiologist--sp?- on duty that day) since there might have been post-partum complications with my back (and/or I daresay, there was a perceived risk that I might have then followed a legal course of actio
...sigh*)....my doctor had intimated this refusal might take place, therefore I mention it to any of you who may be expecting so that you're aware of this possible denial should you be hoping.....
*I should have sought chiropractic relief while I was pregnant.
*I could have safely requested a prescription of Tylenol #3 with codeine while expecting; at the very least, I should have taken the extra strength over-the-counter product---it really did help (I still take a couple occasionally when my leg joint is stif
in the morning, and it proves useful).
*lastly, and most importantly: time flies when you're back at home with your new child, and you're not NEARLY as focussed on the bloody pain as you were beforehand (you haven't the free time to be!!)...so it's not as scary as it sounds if/when your doctor
(or another's account such as this one) says that it may be weeks or even months before you're back to normal.....the varying degrees of stiffness and pain are much more tolerable after the fact once the pressure is off the nerve.
My best wishes for "delivery", or at least some form of relief to all of you who are suffering.
Joe Vogel - 07/28/98 15:14:56
My Email:jvogel@sheppardpratt.org
Back surgery worked! Then scar tissue developed around the sciatic nerve!!!! Pain's back
Stella Wisniewski - 07/27/98 20:23:07
My Email:ALERVICK@worldnet.att.net
Thanx for your very entertaining and informative website.
wayne phillips - 07/27/98 17:39:17
My Email:np306@jersey.net
I've had pain down my leg for about 5 weeks finally went to the doctors, he told me I need the operation, which is fairly minor now a days. One night in the hospital and 6 weeks for recovery. So in two days I go into the hospital for the operation ouch.
nyway if wany one needs to here from me feel free to write me in a couple days and i'll give you all the info.
- 07/27/98 01:16:59
My Email:www.phill@snowhill.com
- 07/27/98 00:40:08
My Email:brass vial@aol.com
I'm in pain very often. Am looking for ways to learn about and deal with this preferably w/o drugs.
- 07/27/98 00:39:36
My Email:brass vial@aol.com
I'm in pain very often. Am looking for ways to learn about and deal with this preferably w/o drugs.
- 07/27/98 00:39:33
My Email:brass vial@aol.com
I'm in pain very often. Am looking for ways to learn about and deal with this preferably w/o drugs.
Wende Bodey - 07/26/98 19:20:31
My Email:mcp@erinet.com
Your website is very informative and encouraging, but I am so frightened of what lies ahead for me. I was doing exercises about 5 months ago and woke up the next day with severe pain in my buttocks trailing down my leg. I just thought I pulled something
nd a few days of rest & Tylenol would help. It did, but over the next few months, I consistently had a "naggging", but "liveable" pain down my leg and my buttocks. Last week I sneezed and my leg went right out from under me. I lost my balance and fell
o the floor. I have not experienced that kind of pain in my life! I have since had x-rays that showed up negative and am going Tuesday to get an MRI. I am so scared at this point. The doc gave me muscle relaxers and Darveset which is helping, but as s
on as I go off of them, the pain comes back. Would like to talk and share experiences with anyone that will listen!
jan - 07/26/98 05:27:17
My Email:dierksen@fone.net
I have had sciatica for three months now I need help!!!
J.Brennan - 07/26/98 04:58:18
Good source of info for those of us who have tried the chiropractor.
louise - 07/26/98 04:42:52
My Email:weezmez@webtv.net
I too am an exception to the age rule, just turned thirty-two, 23 weeks pregnant, and dont know what kind of doctor to see, if any can help me in my situation, without harming my pregnancy. seems massage helps a little bit, but the pain ranging from my le
t buttocks down to my mid thigh, seems to return after a few days. any info you can e-mal me, I'd appreciate it. thank you
erousseau - 07/25/98 23:58:00
My Email:erousseau@prodigy.net
well, i have my first appointment next week with my doctor regarding what i believe is sciatica. It is probably very mild compared to yours but i found your website very informative, clear, unpretentious and speaking from your personal experience. Thank y
u. Maybe we will communicate again. I probably will need some advice from you.
eve - 07/25/98 18:04:36
My Email:roxxy@worldnet.att.net
very interesting
Eric E. Mercker - 07/25/98 11:55:33
My Email:motnahps4F@aol.com
I have a case in my right thigh that is beginning to radiate into my right calf. Have never been treated, have VA disability for it, run 4 times a week and only experience a sharp spasm in my thigh muscle at times. Don't know what caused it to start but
I think it is getting worse....
robin - 07/24/98 01:27:54
My URL:http://www.mayerrl.@aol
Mark Tomlinson - 07/23/98 18:52:47
My Email:justwinbaby@rocketmail.com
Thanks for the info. I hope it helps.
TraderJaqk - 07/22/98 22:43:27
My Email:TraderJaqk
What a great site!
Every so often I fall asleep laying crossways on my bed while watching TV. The position involves my legs (bent at the knees with my feet either touching the floor - or not - based on how far up on the bed I happen to be). Often I end up with a debilitat
ng pain in my lower back which can last for 2 to 4 days, BUT, the other day, the resultant pain simulated a distinct sciatic pain with all of the associated symptoms. Pain in the left lower back, (back of) the thigh, and behind the knee. This has laste
now for a few days. It seems to be improving each day but tells me the inevitable is coming.
I'm just about 70. I doubt that I have a herniated disc, but former x-rays have indicated lots of spurs as well as the fact that my skeleton appears to be 10 yeears older than I am.
Well, I'll track this down - to a fare-thee-well. but after having read the excellent posts on this site, I'm getting the idea that my habit of (the hyperextending of my back) laying on the bed that way may be allowing existent spurs to impinge upon the s
iatic nerve, as well as other nerves for that matter.
I've been tending toward a better diet. And although this is another topic, it seems that I've heard that a veggie non-fat diet may help improve a badly calcified skeleton with an abundance of spurs.
This is strictly an opinion and is NOT medical advice. And I am NOT a doctor!
Books that I'm reading are those of Dr. Dean Ornish and revolve around diet as it relates to heart disease and other coronary diseases as well as disease in general.
I'll probably need some more x-rays and an MRI (or whatever), and I'll report here whatever I may find out.
Good luck to all of you and to the owner of this web-site. I've already learned a lot after reading only a few messages. And I'm here to tell ya', sciatica is definitely not just in the mind.
- 07/22/98 21:11:00
TAMMY KEE - 07/22/98 16:58:11
G. Thompson - 07/22/98 16:37:46
My Email:gerrythom@mcn.net
maria - 07/21/98 15:45:59
BRIAN LAWLOR - 07/21/98 15:30:53
My Email:brian.lawlor@Lgim.co.uk
After 2 yrs in pain I have more or less been cured by a healer....the pain relief is terrific. I tried everything apart from an operation which | was offered as I was told I had a slipped disc. But I found the healer the best relief. Regards. Brian.
Dan Novak - 07/21/98 00:44:36
My Email:novie@execpc.com
THanks for the page. Dealing with Sciatica can be a real frustrating experience. I was 20 when I found out that Sciatica was the main cause for the terriable pains in my lower right back, hip and leg.
- 07/20/98 18:51:04
Lori Williams - 07/20/98 16:37:57
My Email:lori@cedarcrest.edu
Thanks for all the information. I've been battling lower back pain since I'm 16 (now 34). Just the past few months the pain has moved through my right leg and buttocks. My leg went numb while I was driving and scared me to death. I'm really frustrated
and sick of dealing with doctors.
Joe Boise - 07/20/98 02:58:06
My Email:sherjoebo@webtv.net
I do appreciate the help you must be giving to many. I have all the symptoms of Sciatica of the right leg. First the lower back pain and and then the pain in back of my thigh. I am 76 years old so I obviously defy the averages in a direction opposite to
your own experience.
It is very painful sitting in a hard or semi-padded seat although walking on level ground is not difficult. A slight upward incline does bother me. Forget about stair climbing. I do use an exercise bike and if the tension is low, I feel better shortly a
ter using it. This is my third week and I have had no improvement except when taking ibuprophen. Aspirin (even coated or buffered) uspets me. I have an appointment with a Rheumatologist on 7/22. I have no idea what kind of therapy he will propose. I will
et you know. I must say again that your recounting of your experience has been enormously helpful. JB
Sharon Sellers - 07/20/98 02:11:25
My Email:bsellers@cneti.com
Thanks this is a great help to me.
Thomas - 07/18/98 18:25:14
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/lanbcit68
My Email:lanbcit68@hotmail.com
Very nice homepage, I like it alot and enjoyed the visit!
- 07/18/98 01:39:39
William Macdonald - 07/17/98 19:26:25
My URL:http://www.melness.demon.co.uk
My Email:billy@melness.demon.co.uk
Excellent advice. Browsing the web I am suprised how varied and inconsistent advice is. Tackling sciatica almost seems like a life's work.
Annmarie Belda - 07/16/98 22:46:48
My Email:belda@usfca.edu
I have only had a preliminary consultation with my doctor and am still waiting for a referral to an Orthopedic M.D.. My doctor has told me that it is most probably sciatica. I decided to check it out on the net and came up with your website. What I found
here were the symptoms I have been experiencing. Right now I do not have the "excruciating pain" you described it's more of an "annoying ache." Tylenol seems to help (aspirin wreaks havoc on my stomach).
Thank you for sharing your experiences w/ your various M.D.'s. Since I'm only at the beginning of this "adventure" it is quite helpful to have knowledge of your insights into the "wonderful world of medicine" & to know what questions to ask.
I have been a swimmer practically all my adolescent life.I did notice though that you didn't mention swimming as an excercise option. Do you have any opinion as to whether or not this is an excercise that would help this condition in any way or would it b
more detrimental?
Again Thanks for all the information,
rudey - 07/16/98 21:45:30
My Email:rudegirlkw@juno.com
Whoa! Thanks so much for an insightful and informative site. I just went through the entire site as well as the guest book - it's amazing how many of us are out here.
I began suffering with sciatica over 10 years ago - and have been through the gamut of therapies (epidural blocks, traction, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, every anti-inflamatory known to humankind, etc. etc.) I used narcotics and became hopelessly
ddicted (to the point of committing felony forgeries to get them.) I cannot say that any of these things has been the "magic bullet" - and I really don't know if there is one.... but somehow - with a help from a belief in Spirit - I have maintained hope
- which I think keeps me going. It helps to know that I'm not alone - and I greatly empathize AND sympathize with everyone out there who goes through this horrible affliction. It is something that those who don't experience it have a difficult time unde
standing - because it often times seems "invisible" or "imagined." (Hey - I said I have hope - I didn't say I don't get frustrated!!) I think that everyone, even though we have this common malady- is totally individual - and what works for one person wo
't necessarily work for all - but the only way to find out is to share this info - and keep pluggin' away. I'm hopefully going to be trying a new therapy soon - and will come back to let everyone know if and how it works. (Scoleratherpy - if my comp prov
der will let me - and if I get the courage...) Good luck and best wishes to all.
rudey - 07/16/98 21:44:39
My Email:rudegirlkw@juno.com
Whoa! Thanks so much for an insightful and informative site. I just went through the entire site as well as the guest book - it's amazing how many of us are out here.
I began suffering with sciatica over 10 years ago - and have been through the gamut of therapies (epidural blocks, traction, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, every anti-inflamatory known to humankind, etc. etc.) I used narcotics and became hopelessly
ddicted (to the point of committing felony forgeries to get them.) I cannot say that any of these things has been the "magic bullet" - and I really don't know if there is one.... but somehow - with a help from a belief in Spirit - I have maintained hope
- which I think keeps me going. It helps to know that I'm not alone - and I greatly empathize AND sympathize with everyone out there who goes through this horrible affliction. It is something that those who don't experience it have a difficult time unde
standing - because it often times seems "invisible" or "imagined." (Hey - I said I have hope - I didn't say I don't get frustrated!!) I think that everyone, even though we have this common malady- is totally individual - and what works for one person wo
't necessarily work for all - but the only way to find out is to share this info - and keep pluggin' away. I'm hopefully going to be trying a new therapy soon - and will come back to let everyone know if and how it works. (Scoleratherpy - if my comp prov
der will let me - and if I get the courage...) Good luck and best wishes to all.
Michele Farnsworth - 07/16/98 17:36:48
My Email:Michele.Farnsworth@yale.edu
Glad to have found this web-site. As I'm reading all the messages I don't see anything about what my Ortho says about my sciatica. He keeps telling me it's neurological and NOT caused by a herniated disk. He is basing this on a 2 year old x-ray and a
test done by a neurophysiologist who poked at my nerves and muscles with needles (ouch!). I fustrated with this guy and am thinking of alternative medicines. Has anyone else been told that it is neurological?
Michele Farnsworth - 07/16/98 17:20:20
My Email:Michele.Farnsworth@yale.edu
Jill - 07/16/98 13:17:11
My Email:jill14@sprynet.com
I can't seem to email you and I have some questions regarding your sciatica, could you please email me. I am 28 year old mother of three with possible MS and have extreme difficulty with my hips. I can't do the excercises because when I lay on my back m
hips dislocate, any suggestions?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
lYNN - 07/16/98 01:44:47
Richard L Conrad - 07/15/98 19:15:49
My Email:G95offcon@webtv.net
- 07/14/98 21:19:12
- 07/13/98 21:43:24
Arlene Tully - 07/13/98 17:49:05
My Email:Beaney@interlog.com
I'm only 35 and have had back problems for years but this is the first time I have had Sciatica. I developed it from a job that required me to stand on hard, marble floors for 7 1/2 hours a day.
Janine Lovekamp - 07/13/98 12:33:15
My Email:Janinekamp@aol.com
Have sciatica due to pregnancy aggravated by fibromyalgia boy is it fun. Your page is the greatest!
Robyn West - 07/13/98 06:32:31
Great job!
Chuck Cofer - 07/13/98 04:41:47
My Email:kamani@webtv.net
Nice to find a person concerned enough to share info to relieve someone else's pain after going through it already. You are a jewel. Thanks a million.
trish - 07/13/98 03:22:01
My Email:trishgraham@worldnet.att.net
i too suffer from siatica. i had a laminectomy on L5/S1 about 10 years ago. then, i had extreme siatica episode 2 years later and was told it was scar tisue; go to the gym and build up the abdominal muscles. i did just that and was fine with maintenanc
visits to the chiropractor. i started to ski and run. everything fine until last summer when i began taking swimming lessons. i believe that a combination of hyperextending my back during these lessons, as well as tight hamstrings from running, has mad
this a year long episode that has not gone away. my physical therapist couldn't help me anymore. a new doctor believes that it is the scar tissue again. i am on prescribed pain meds and had an epidural which helped for only 9 days. tomorrow, i am schedu
ed for trigger point injection.
i will try to update you on my adventures to find relief and get my active lifestyle back!
R. Eichenberger - 07/12/98 20:20:02
My Email:Richkat@open.org
Looking for information prior to Dr. appt tomorrow re leg aches. Thanks in advance for your input.
- 07/11/98 13:55:34
Emily Martin - 07/11/98 04:09:02
My Email:Loverne@AOL.com
I've been experiencing the crippling pain of sciatica since I was 19 (I'm almost 23 now). However, I (and apparently the chiropractor and doctors) didn't know it was sciatica until recently after a friend of mine suggested it. I haven't found any detail
d information or had sciatica explained to me by the doctors or physical therapists; this was the first internet search I've done and you have answered so many of my questions! I'm a little disappointed though-I was hoping to find a surefire cure or pain
relief! But as my friend said, it's probably something I'll have to work at for the rest of my life-that SUCKS! But thank you for being here to provide the information I can't get anywhere else.
Jerri - 07/10/98 15:26:23
My Email:www.jerribaby@aol.com
pat - 07/10/98 13:11:25
Stephanie Gates - 07/10/98 04:22:03
My Email:steffy1usa@yahoo.com
I first got this when i was pregnant with my second child. I take 1200mg. of aleve a day that seems to take the edge off. I am looking foward to trying the excersises..This is my second bad attack in 5 years. I sleep on a waterbed do you think that i need
to switch to a regular mattress?
Thanks for all the great advice. You have a very informative site. Thank YOu and God Bless
J. Goldstein - 07/09/98 12:59:11
My Email:jtgcma@aol.com
Has anyone tried magnets? Have you had any success? I am going on my 3rd week of this.....been seeing a chriopractor for 2 weeks...almost everyday. I am about 50% better....yet I still can't sit long or stand long either. It is so hard to drive. A frien
gave me a magnet to try...I am curious if it has helped anyone. Thanks and good luck to all.
Thelma Rotonde - 07/09/98 03:56:50
My Email:thelmar@earthlink.net
I've been suffering from sciatica for two months with no relief. Chiropractic has not helped, anti-inflammatory has not helped. Bed rest hasn't helped. Seeing a neurologist tomorrow. Very glad to have found your web site with exercises. Neither my ch
ropractor nor my doctor (internist) has suggested exercises. Will begin the exercises today and if they help will let you know. Thanks!
LEIGH pARISI - 07/09/98 01:01:17
Great site. Was wondering if you know of anyone who has tried something called the "Sacro Wedgy"? I've been seeing a chiropractor, but it does not seem to be helping as much as I had hoped.
- 07/08/98 01:26:34
Tish P. - 07/08/98 01:23:54
good information. thanks
- 07/07/98 23:44:17
Paula - 07/07/98 21:22:30
My Email:Gilyra@aol.com
This is my dad's website. I am just visiting, but have lately been experiencing the what feels a lot like sciatica pain. Your website is very informative. I printed out the exercises, etc. and am anxious to try them! (p.s. I am 31 years old and have a
2-year old.) I figure I may have caused this from picking my 32 lb. baby up the wrong way. thanks for a great site!
Sabrina - 07/07/98 16:33:54
My Email:sabrina@globaltel.com
I like how friendly your page is...not written by
medical experts and their corresponding
mike - 07/07/98 15:28:44
My Email:mshinko@usnetway.com
great page! as a fellow sciatica sufferer ;we both no how excruciating it can b; try alleve ; they work best 4 me; good luck!!
Sharon Wisegarver - 07/07/98 00:41:16
My Email:sbwiser@aol.com
I am so happy to find your site. I am 28 and have had sciatica for about 3+ months now. I don't know why. X-rays were done about 2-3 weeks ago, but the doctor said there was nothing abnormal. But thank you for having the 1st web site i've seen dedicated t
- 07/06/98 19:20:44
- 07/06/98 19:19:42
- 07/06/98 19:19:41
Caryl - 07/06/98 17:43:54
Thanks for your help with this nagging problem. My bout with sciatica came when I discovered that I had large uterine fibroids. It was like a women being pregnant and her uterus presses on her back.
I would like more info on that situation if possible. Thanks!!!
Martha Woodruff - 07/06/98 17:12:14
My Email:mwoodruf@rockhall.org
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ron Young - 07/06/98 15:14:09
My Email:birddogart@aol.com
First occurence at age 66, looking for help and knowledge.
roselita - 07/06/98 02:45:07
My Email:jovici@ptw.com
thank you for spending your time in putting up this web page. i found the information interesting and helpful in combating my own bout with sciatica.
thank you again.
Jerry Ball - 07/06/98 01:42:40
My Email:jballxl@netscape.net
Just got here and am checking over your stuff. I have had sciatic pain for a couple years. It appears that the lowest disk is tilted and pinching the nerve. Chiropractic seems to be the most help, but not going all the way away.
Dennis Reith - 07/05/98 22:49:16
My Email:dereith@erols.com
Informative. Not sure what my problem is but it looks like sciatica. Will find out when I go to the doctors. Thanks for the info.
Barbara - 07/05/98 21:26:33
My Email:BOwens3098@aol.com
richard warneka - 07/05/98 18:55:14
My Email:warneka@home.com
thanks for the list of stretching activities
sam davis - 07/05/98 13:28:24
My Email:srd@shore.intercom.net
aaany info on help to get relief will be appreciated
- 07/05/98 02:21:44
My Email:chall02@aol.com
Just wanted to say that my own experiences confirm the exercises you list.I too had x-rays and went to a physical therapist who prescribed the same exercises. I add a few ideas:
Pilates- the now-popular exercise created by Joseph H. Pilates that dancers have been using for decades. It's all about strengthening and lengthening the torso. I've found one book called "Body Control" that illustrates many Pilates exercises. It is by L
nne Robinson and Gordon Thomson. Borders Books carries it.
Also, I bike regularly and have found that it seems to help, rather than hurt the situation. My doctor told me I would have to give up hiking and biking or risk worsening the disk problem. I agree that hiking up hill is not good for my sciatica, however,
iking does not seem to aggrevate my condition.
Also, my doctor prescribed Lodine, which alleviated excruitating pain when my back "went out" (the disk slipped). I've only had that type of pain twice in the five or six years I've had sciatica, but I'm happy to know I can rely on Lodine for otherwise un
anageable pain.
Thanks for taking the time to put your site up. I'm sure it has helped many people.
Carla Cloutier - 07/04/98 21:49:01
My Email:carlaac@engin.umich.edu
I'm 23 years old and have been suffering from sciatica for over 3 years now. Like Mary, I first experienced the pain while studying for exams. I have seen numerous doctors (including chiropractors) but have found no relief. I was originally misdiagnose
with piriformis syndrome. I have taken many different NSAIDS (including naprosyn, daypro, relafen, and most recently lodine) but without much relief. The most they do for me is alleviate some of the stiffness but really do nothing for the radiating leg
Mary, this is a wonderful site. It gives me comfort to know that there are others out there who know what I am going through.
I welcome comments and suggestions from anyone.
Carla Cloutier - 07/04/98 21:03:32
My Email:carlaac@engin.umich.edu
Robin Badhams - 07/04/98 10:02:21
My Email:robin@roman-road.softnet.co.uk
I found your advice and experiences refreshing and honest.I am also a long term sufferer with sciatica, having also had a laminectamy( i'm sure thats spelt wrong)in 1975 which gave me fantastic relief at the time and seemed to be the answer but as we suf
erers know once you have a bad back you always have it. I am suffering particularly badly at the moment with pains in my left buttock and calf and I am trying to make a decision about how to go about sorting it out ie painkillers,exercise or even more sur
ery, I just dont trust all the so called proffesional advice because like you I've met these fat cat parasitic consultants in the past.
anyway many thanks
Charlene Brewer - 07/03/98 23:56:46
My Email:Char33333@aol.com
I have suffered with sciatica for almost a year I am going thru a bad spell right now, I think it was brought on by a long trip in a car. I have had numbness in left hip and buttocks and down my left leg to my knee. I have occasional numbness in my left f
ot. Lately the shooting pain has been real bad. The doctor I was going to gave me medicine, sent me to a nerve doctor for that awful needle test and to physical therepy,nothing really helped. She more or less told me that it was from the arthritis in my d
sks and i would just have to learn to live with it. I am looking for ways to deal with this
Jeanne - 07/03/98 17:54:37
My Email:dcole@gte.net
Thank you very much for such an imformative web site. I am going through my first episode and will do what I must to prevent another, is this is possible. I used to work out more than I have and believe that is what contributed to it, also now I have a
it down job and wear heels instead of my preferred sneakers. Anyway I enjoyed your site immensely. Thank you.
Migdalia - 07/02/98 18:00:10
My Email:mickeyl@banet.net
I would like to know if the numbness will ever clear up. My first attack was on my left side & the thigh is still numb after 2 yrs. I've also had pain in my right side from the buttocks down to the calf (just this past Tuesday), but luckily there's no num
ness. I'm over this latest bout because I took a muscle relaxer & an anti-inflamitory that my doctor had previously prescribed. Bed rest helped also.
Connie M. - 07/02/98 15:41:20
My Email:cmcvay@akingump.com
Just discovered your web site -- very informative. I was diagnosed with Spondolythesis as well as a slipped disc four years ago. In winter of '95 I finally -- after much research, steroid injections, drugs, and therapy -- found a great orthopedic doctor
and neurologist to operate on me at Georgetown Hospital in Washington, DC -- the pain beforehand was so unbearable I couldn't ride in a car to work without taking a Percocet. They did a spinal fusion of L4-L5 and a laminectomy (?). Now for the past thre
years (knock on wood) have been 80 percent better. I still have bouts of sciatica pain, but that is a picnic to what I used to experience, and believe it or not, I never had any back pain only sciatica pain. But I highly recommend walking, stretching e
ercises, not sitting for long periods of time, and high heeled shoes (figure that one out), and warm weather really helps as well, and lots of positive thinking. Wish everyone the best, I know what they are going through.
Val - 07/02/98 08:10:55
My Email:valbaker@istar.ca
Thankyou for your info which I have found very helpful. I have been diagnosed with soft tissue arthritus - however I am not sure this is the correct diagnoses. I feel I have sciatica because the pain is in the area of the sciatic nerve. I dont know the ca
se - I do have a mild disc degeneration in the lower back. I have been climbing the walls with this excruiating pain - I dont know where to go for help - my doctor doesnt know what to do with me and the rumologist just said water exercises as I cant walk.
It all happened very suddenly about 2 years ago - and its gradually got worse and now I seem to have an attack of pain about once every 2 months. This latest attack is now into day 20! Normally its latest 4 - 5 days. I have very severe cramp pains in my r
ght thigh from just below the buttock down to the calf. I have prescription medication Toradol which dont help that much - I cannot tolerate the side effects from the anti inflamitories so I cant take them. I went for massage therapy and the pain is now m
ch worse?
I cannot clean my home - I am having difficulty looking after myself. I dont know which way to turn for help.
chip in new york - 07/01/98 17:11:47
My Email:ibcchipc@aol.com
I am a runner who is suffering from sciatica. I am trying to run through the pain. Is this a smart thing to do or can i really do damage? I would like to hear from my fellow sciatica runners out there. Thanks for your help.
Ed - 07/01/98 15:46:10
My Email:esh40@yahoo.com
I've been having problems for a long time. I was even told it was in my head.It sure isn't easy to convince some doctors.
Teresa - 07/01/98 13:05:26
My Email:tflawson@HiWAAY.net
Just diagnosed with Sciatica 6/30/98. Taking anti-inflamitory medication. The doctor did not mention anything about excercises, but my problem is minor so far. I do have scoliosis that these excercises you mentioned will help. Hopefully I can keep thi
problem at minimum with excercise and medication.
cubby - 07/01/98 12:45:30
My Email:ksherman@in.ibm.com
RENE TORRES - 07/01/98 10:11:20
Barbara - 07/01/98 02:33:39
My Email:butterkup7@aol.com
stella pulver - 06/30/98 17:55:32
My Email:spulver@sa.wnyric.org
I have had sciatica for several years now. At the present time I am having a severe attack. Because i live in a rural area, doctors think it is not something you cannot live with. However, the pain is unbearable. I am so happy to hear that i am not al
ne! At the present time I have been taking 800mg ibuprophene. Believe me, it does not help!! Thanks, and keep the information coming!!
judy kaplan - 06/30/98 14:45:04
My Email:SEDER@webtv.com
Have sciatica for the last 3 months. I'm 65 I'm being terribly impaired with this terrible pain.
It's interesting and comforting to know I'm not alone. Thank you for your effort giving peope a chance to vent and feel they are not alone - thank you - JUDY
Nikki Rhodes - 06/29/98 04:01:13
My Email:bablz@aol.com
A doctor told me a couple of years ago that I had sciatica. I started taking the herb yucca and it went away. Sometimes it comes back and I have to take the yucca again. It is here now and hurts terribly, I am waiting for the yucca to start working, bu
what I am wondering is if massage therapy would help when having an attack of sciatia.
Steve Ireland - 06/29/98 01:40:05
My Email:Steve4I@webt.net
I started with back strain on my lower left side a few days ago, then had pain/discomfort in my left
buttucks down my leg to the left calf. Hurts worse when I am walking/moving around, less when I am sitting. Thanks for your site and info
Jim Hendricks - 06/28/98 22:22:14
My Email:ChipnPutt@aol.com
- 06/28/98 21:25:35
judy mcquillan - 06/28/98 20:56:41
My Email:sheenafisherwom@webtv.net
Thanks, i liked the simple exercises you explained, your definition(especialy the part about coughing as my allergies have gotten out of control and terrible coughing has become a way of life to me) and most of all your easy to understand info which had
uch of your personality
shining through. sincerely, Judy
Robin - 06/28/98 07:19:57
My Email:ecolio@swbell.net
After skimming over the multitude of comment on your guest page, I can see how many other people are in this predicament. So often those around us who have never had severe back problems seem to think that we are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Most
people have strained a back muscle at one time or another and think that you should shut up and get over it. When the pain becomes chronic and it's difficult to live your life normally it makes you feel crazy when all the people around you seem to think (
ven after you've been diagnosed with sciatica) that 99% of your problem is hypochondria. It's always good to feel your not alone. It's also nice to see that this is not just a problem of older people, I always feel like I shouldn't have these problems at
y age, I'm 30 and have had this, fortunatly more off than on until recently, for 5 years now. I haven't been very good to my back, I've always left it up to fate and rest to get me back to normal, and normal is increasingly becoming worse, but with the ti
s from your page I'm encouraged to never have another severe episode.
One question to anyone reading, I have read a little about the symptoms of sciatica and other back problems, and the book I read said that the sever cramping of the leg is a different problem than the herniated disk and the pain from sciatica. It is suppo
ed to happen when walking and go away when resting. But my leg cramps terribly when I'm having a problem period, and it is even worse when I am resting. The best I can do to relive it is to shuffle around, not an easy task when you can't even really stand
up. Sometimes even muscle relaxers don't help. If anyone has info on this cramping please E-mail me. Thanks for your info!
Jeannie - 06/28/98 04:42:52
My Email:jmh@vci.net
Sue Bisaillon - 06/27/98 21:01:42
My Email:bisailon@somtel.com
Bunny - 06/27/98 17:51:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/2126
My Email:bunhun@ptd.net
You have a great site..for all who suffer with back problems. I have lower back pain, pain in the buttock which travels down my leg to my foot.
Walter Afflitto - 06/26/98 16:51:21
My Email:charmoo123
any ideas of remedies that work??
Merle Ryan - 06/25/98 18:06:05
My Email:mryan@stuaf.umass.edu
I've been dealing with this pain since the first of March. An MRI does not show a bulging disc, but does show bone spurs on the vertebrae. I'm allergic to NSID's (Ibuprofen and Naprocin), and hope the Orthopod injects with cortisone, but have to wait tw
more weeks to see him.
Your web site is most helpful - thank you.
Bobbie - 06/25/98 16:53:49
My Email:dkjokay@aol.com
My 35 year old daughter has sciatica. I appreciate the information I received from your website. Hearing from people who are "there" has been very helpful.
Bobbie - 06/25/98 16:51:45
My Email:dkjokay@AOL.com
Ginny Baird - 06/25/98 15:17:21
I have suffered with sciatica in various degrees scince I fell from a horse at age 12. I cracked
a disk in my back and as I get older (31 yrs.) it
has become extremely disabilitating.
THERESA - 06/25/98 14:01:49
My Email:theresaaA@tiac.net
I feel like I'm the only one out there with the systems I've been experiencing for 9 years now. I get such a burning feeling down my leg (front & back),buttucks and low back. It feels like I have no skin and everything bothers it. Have you ever heard
f this?
- 06/25/98 04:20:16
L. Heisen - 06/25/98 01:00:07
My Email:heisenl@fmmc.army.mil
I have suffered from sciatica for two plus years. It is just recently trhat the doctors have decided to treat me for something more than simple back pain. I had an MRI that revealed an impingement of the nerve cluster at L5. The recommended course of t
eatment is a partial discectmoy. I have concurred with plan based on the failure if physical therapy and drug therapy. Do you have an opinion as to the success rate of this type of operation.
Cindi Cooper - 06/24/98 20:42:18
My Email:ccooper@dmbb.com
I was checking the internet to see what I could find about relief from sciatica, this is my husbands 2nd maybe 3rd episode over a period of the last 3 years or so. Thanks for putting up this page it was helpful and informative.
Heather Hagen - 06/24/98 07:49:32
My Email:hh0217@aol.com
I will be 30 in one month. I've had the pain you described in your definition. It's been occurring for weeks. First it was so mild I attributed it to a strain or simply being stiff from sitting in a certain position for too long a period of time. Howe
er, beginning about 5 days again the pain worsened and spread down my leg until I was walking like Quasimodo. It comes in waves of severity. I did begin taking ibuprofen. I've heard that a good chiropractor and also yoga help. I'm trying both ASAP. I
m glad I found this site. Thanks.
dennis gaffney - 06/24/98 00:45:57
My Email:www.sinnfeinn.com
great thankyou.
dennis gaffney - 06/24/98 00:08:39
My Email:www.sinnfeinn.com
great thankyou.
Katherine Wood - 06/23/98 21:08:55
My Email:carolwood@usa.net
Karen - 06/23/98 15:10:27
My Email:Kay4incali@aol.com
Thanks for taking the time to create such a helpful site. I did write to you and hope to get an answer as soon as you have time.
Bob - 06/23/98 04:22:22
My Email:Badbob1@worldnet.att.net
hello all..great web site...a good friend of mine has had badddddd sciatica for bout 2 1/2 years now and is slowly goin nuts...he has had ALLLL the tests..MRI, Cat-Scan, cortizone injections, milo grams ,TENS, chiropractic, acupunture, takes some kinda tr
nquilizer and is about to try DMSO...ALL THE TESTS HE HAS HAD have shown NOTHING!!!!!....yet the pain from his left cheek down his left leg to his ankle is incredible...my question is this...does anyone have any advice for my friend??????....THANK YOU!
allen stephenson - 06/22/98 21:33:43
My Email:absluce@topher.net
Having gone thru surgery over 25 years ago and now have a recurrence is bad news. This time in my right buttocks and leg but major pain as we all have. Hoping rest, some medication and time will make it better, certainoy hope so. Do not intend to have
urgery again except as a last resort. Appreciate your input on the internet.
allen stephenson - 06/22/98 21:26:28
My Email:absluce@topher.net
Regina Alexander - 06/22/98 20:12:03
My Email:ralexander@dartgroup.com
w.j. sloan - 06/22/98 01:51:17
My Email:bilmal
- 06/20/98 17:35:14
john williamson - 06/20/98 11:53:18
My URL:http://www.med.virginia.edu/~jmw6z
My Email:jmw6z@viginia.edu
thank you so much!!!
Martin - 06/20/98 10:48:01
My Email:ix0820@xpress.es
I've been in fairly excrutiating pain for the
past two months. It is centered in the heel of
my left foot--I used to have a dull zinging pain
running down my left side,this was going on for
many months--now it is just constant pain in my
heel. What can I do to get some instant relief?
What about long-tem Relief? PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Janet Gulley - 06/20/98 02:09:50
My Email:brat67@webtv.net
- 06/19/98 02:30:35
George - 06/18/98 17:39:05
My Email:ldgg000@usgmail.com
I finally wised up and checked the web. I have a hard time getting info from Doctors or Chiropractors that I have gone to. Doctors want to immediately do surgery and my chiropractor did not give info on diet, exercise or pain relief.
I will try all your remedys and hope they bring relief. I have had three flare ups since I was in my late 20's. Shoe inserts solved the first incident and chiropractic care the 2nd and hopefully the current one. Chiropractic care is slow and it took 6
onths for my pain to completely disappear. My spine looked like a question mark on the Xrays. I can emphasize with all the comments I read and it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone in this. Thanks for hosting this Website. you are providing a
aluable service....
- 06/18/98 15:00:29
Tere - 06/17/98 18:44:14
My Email:madeupagin@aol.com
Your site was very helpful. I had an on-the-job injury 2 weeks ago, and am still in terrible pain. I thought I was going nuts because it hurts to sit. WOW, I'm not. Crazy, but not nuts.
Unfortunately, I can't tolerate most anti-inflammatories. I'm just stuck. I've tried the exercises, and although I've been faithful, can't say that I see a huge improvement. I'm glad to know that my tingling in my feet isn't my imagination!
MIMI HILL - 06/17/98 16:55:55
Thanks for having this info on the web for us.
pamela chiasson - 06/16/98 06:01:53
My Email:mct@bc.sympatico
I was recently diagnosed with sciatica. MY symptoms alternate from left to right leg, (pain, numbness, burning, etc.) I have found a homeopathic cream that offers some reduction in pain. (Capsicum Extra strength) I have also found that a little cannabis
just before bed helps reduce the pain enough so that I can sleep.
My doctor has me going once a week to a physio who recommended that I purchase shoes that have a "lift" . In other words, no cheap shoes! I have recently had a set of x-rays done and am waiting for the results. Daily stretching exercises are also part o
my regiment. Unfortunately, my job is sitting at a computer all day. I'm not sure how mush longer I can take it.
I very much appreciate your site and plan on taking some of your articles to my doctor.
Best of luck,
Wallace Bentt - 06/15/98 10:10:25
My Email:wallybentt@aol.com
Thanks for your very informative site. I learned more in just a few minutes than from other sources. My Doctor tells me that I have Sciatica however has not done the extensive testing that yours have done.
I have had an occasional numbness in my left leg for the past 3 or 4 years. This occured after a long time of standing around or mixes standing and walking such as at trade shows. It also would be numb after playing fastball or bicycling etc. But I just r
truned from a two week trip via motorcycle from Edmonton to Chicago and Branson. The pain started a couple of days before the trip was finished and has got worse since I'm home. I'm currently viewing your site at 4am because I can't get any more sleep.
I noticed that you never mentioned anything about Chirpopractors. I presume that may because your condition may indeed be genetic in nature. Have any of your other netguests used a chirpopractor and if so what kind of success rate. My MD said if it got wo
se this might be a solution for me!
Thanks agian for the help you have already given with your marvelous site.
Phil Landfried - 06/14/98 22:12:12
My Email:mcsphil@sbceo.k12.ca.us
John Vrugtman - 06/14/98 17:27:38
My Email:javrugtman@widomaker.com
M. Ainslie - 06/13/98 18:27:19
My Email:ains@pacificcoast.net
The information was great, and as this was my first attack @ age 82 I am happy to get the exercise regimen and some knowledge of the cause. I am a golfer, and probably caused the big S by doing a wrong move during practice or play.
otis lawson - 06/13/98 02:19:04
My Email:www.countrypoet@msn.com
Thanks for the info. It's nice to know that the internet can have a useful purpose.
rebecca - 06/11/98 22:50:00
My Email:dthies@astreet.com
thanks for providing this information - it's a great help -
rebecca - 06/11/98 22:42:51
My Email:dthies@astreet.com
I know that you're swamped, but I've got sciatica pretty bad and am trying to race a triathlon in 10 days. I've seen a doctor and am doing exercises but have not been able to run for 2 weeks. I'm desperate. Is chricopractic reommended?
- 06/11/98 20:55:46
Stephanie Hellen - 06/11/98 18:47:48
My Email:SLHellen@aol.com
Great site. You're doing a wonderful service. I was just diagnosed after months of unbearable pain and my MRI showed a ruptured disk. I'm terrified of surgery--has anyone had sucessful results with surgery? The only thing that helps besides pain med.
s walking--when I can for as long as I can--It really seems to loosen my back up.
D. Johnson - 06/11/98 17:58:20
My Email:wdjohns@aol.com
For the last month I have taken two Daypro daily and worn a magnet on my lower back. Pain is diminished considerably. Has anyone tried this combination? Magnets are available from a company called Nikken or from golf supply houses.
jenny Schultz - 06/11/98 16:35:24
My Email:jschult@artres.com
I think The site is great. What exaclty does biofeedback intail?
gillian ursell - 06/10/98 20:42:45
My Email:gillian@maynard.force9.net
your advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Gill
Mickey Murray - 06/09/98 23:02:01
My Email:jdmurray@ipa.net
Thanks for providing the information. My wife, Mickey, just started having pain in the lower back which has now gone to the hip area. Doctor says its Sciatica.. Best guess.. Started after doing leg exercises with weights. So hopefully with help like your
page she can get straightened out. Doug
Walt - 06/09/98 22:02:00
My Email:barloc@direct.ca
This my second bout with this problem, your exercise program looks helpful. I try to stay away from MD's as much as possible
Celeste Wertz - 06/09/98 18:10:02
My Email:cwertz@tmcpop.tmc.tulane.edu
I've just begun my search for releif from my sciatica pain. I hope that I will find some help here at your web site and I won't have to look further.
sam sugarman - 06/09/98 09:42:27
My Email:golf4523@ecqual.net
The worst thing to do, I've found, is to give in to it. Remain active, as much as is possible, as much as the pain allows.
Yvette Bailey - 06/09/98 02:12:43
My Email:bails3410@aol.com
I've just recently gotten sciatica and it's worse than childbirth!!!!
Lisa stacy - 06/08/98 23:47:46
My Email:lisamarie@accesstoledo.com
I'm pregnant, 29, and suffer from sciatica.
Sitting is what aggrevates me the most.
Your web site was a welcome relief.
My doctor said sciatica. "What's that?"
She said just to rest, take it easy.
"Easier said than done."
Auttie - 06/08/98 06:04:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/auttie
My Email:auttie@webtv.net
I went to the doctors and this is what they said I have. can you tell me if this is a life long thing or is just a few days?
Peter L. Ellena - 06/07/98 02:21:26
My Email:ple@tcsn.net
My wift June has the problem. Local doctors have not been able to tie it down except to require her to wear pressure leggings.
John Vaughan - 06/06/98 14:12:48
My Email:vaughaner@webtv.net
Thanks for all the info. I am having a bad bout with sciatica.
Joan Ochoa - 06/05/98 20:04:28
My Email:joano@gte.net
I visited your site to get more information for my mother. As you stated, there is not a great deal of information about sciatica on the web, especially for free! Thank you so much for all of the time and effort and research you have obviously done. And t
ank you so much for not trying to sell me anything !!!
Sylvia Ross - 06/04/98 20:32:29
My Email:slyvocals@aol.com
My boyfriend has been experiencing numbness and tingling in his legs for about two years now. He has had no back pain associated with this, but I still feel that sciatica is the culprit. I am a medical transcriptionist and a massage therapist, so I do h
ve some medical knowledge. I would appreciate any type of information I can get on sciatica. My boyfriend has no insurance, and therefore cannot afford to go to a neurologist, much less have an MRI done. He is a musician and spends a lot of time playin
keyboards and flat top while sitting on uncomfortable bar stools. He also lifts heavy speakers. Therefore, I feel these all contribute to his discomfort.
I would appreciate any feedback you might have on all this. Thanks.
Laura Taylor - 06/04/98 11:45:50
My URL:http://lta@wpo.nerc.ac.uk.htm
My Email:LTA@wpo.nerc.ac.uk
Just wanted to say how helpful I founf you pages on the WEB. My mums been crippled with Sciatica for weeks now and she's worrying her self sick.
Ive printed off your pages and Im sure theyll help put her mind at rest and take some comfort ?!? in learning that she's not the only one with such bad pain.
- 06/04/98 04:35:42
Al Medina - 06/04/98 00:52:36
My Email:MIC420@aol.com
Al Medina - 06/04/98 00:50:25
My Email:MIC429@aol.com
Al Medina - 06/04/98 00:49:20
My Email:MIC429@aol.com
Dana Choate - 06/03/98 17:28:39
My Email:PFC MEDIC@aol.com
I want to thank you for the information it is very difficult to find information about Sciatica. Your information was very helpful to me. I need to find out if Sciatica can be caused by compensating for an injury to my knee. Could you please answer that
uestion for me. Thank You for your help.
Bob Fletcher - 06/03/98 12:42:15
The good news:
Have just started working out on a Med-X Lumbar Extension Machine (invented by Arthur Jones of Nautilus fame). After first session was pain free for about 10 hours! Session takes about 3 minutes, twice a week.
The bad news:
Expensive! $20 per session. Wow!
Obviously it's too soon to tell if I am on the right track. Am encouraged.
- 06/03/98 03:24:52
Chris Torrey, RN - 06/03/98 01:53:27
My Email:cntorrey@earthlink.net
Thanks so much. My Mom is having a hard time and I needed some help for her. As an RN, I appreciate your direct experience with living with the pain.
Best of luck to you.
John Vaughan - 06/02/98 00:06:02
My Email:vaughane@webtv.net
pat skelton - 05/31/98 20:58:32
My Email:pattylou42@aol.com
i think im just now figuring out what this pain is......ive mostly have had it in the past with my monthly cycle but this morning i was at the home depot store and bent over to lift something and felt terrible sharp pains and numbing in left leg and butto
k. i could hardly get out of the store ..now im in the bed. i wonder if i should work tomorrow. thank you
Sue Rainey - 05/31/98 20:25:00
My Email:srainy@infoave.com
I have flare-ups of this from time to time and now I have a name for it.
Peter Manley - 05/30/98 20:45:14
My Email:petermanley@cix.co.uk
Thanks for the usefull tips. Keep up the good work. Peter Manley, Billericay, Essex, UK.
Edmond Pauly - 05/29/98 21:13:33
My Email:paulye@total.net
Merci for your site. Me, I tested physiotherapy and the chiropratique one
without results since April 3 98. I does not take any more Robaxisal drugs
and I try to recover by the rest and of the hot baths. I walk curved when I am
tired, is this normal.
Thank you
Edmond Pauly de Montréal (québec-canada)
- 05/29/98 21:05:23
midge - 05/29/98 12:14:57
John C. Windham - 05/29/98 12:04:28
My Email:windhamjc@juno.com
A hardy thank you for your efforts and the info!!
Jim Weston - 05/29/98 06:20:11
My Email:vm@neosoft.com
Thank you for an excellent site .. based on the #'s of people who send you comments, it is well received.
I was told I had sciatica after an MRI and x-rays. I also tried a chiropractor (who made my totally unbearable pain even worse) as well as acupuncture (which was OK but no help for me). My first onset was so bad, it took me almost 5 minutes just to get o
t of bed, then I had to sit on the floor and scoot backwards just to get to the bathroom ... all while having the worst pain I have ever had! My ortho guy recommended therapy ..and a book showing the McKenzy (spelling?) exercises (many of the exercises y
u described are in his book). He also cured my immediate problems with steriods, muscle relaxers & pain med. After 6 weeks of therapy, I'm back alive again. Now I only have problems when I do stupid things - lift heavy things incorrectly, sit at a desk
for hours with poor posture. It sure makes you appreciate a good back. I had always thought people made up their ailments regarding their "bad back" .. now I know much better!! By the way my back never did/ never does hurt - it either my left or right
utt cheek .. when I put pressure on it,(like walking), it can't support any pressure without intolerable pain. I also could get some very short term relief, by squatting, weight on the back of my legs, for a few minutes, then standing slowing and walking
while pressing in very, very firmly at my hip joint. Hope some of this helps. Thanks again for the site
mike - 05/28/98 23:16:14
My URL:http://sciatica
My Email:drmikesandi/webtv
Pain!!! I have been in pain for three weeks with this. I am unable to sleep in a bed. Any suggestions??
CHRISTINA STONER - 05/28/98 19:34:30
My Email:papickle@webtv.net
Thanks for the web site!. So far I've had xrays, MRI and total body bone scan for what I think is
sciatica. I'd like to know if anyone out there has had SUCCESSFUL surgery for this condition.
Taking tagamet with anti-inflammatory meds will
help with the stomach upset. God Bless
Dana I Triplett - 05/28/98 15:05:54
My Email:tripled1@ix.netcom.com
dick snyder - 05/28/98 14:17:18
My Email:rhs629@aol.com
A recent sufferer--using a steroid therapy which gives excellent but temp. relief.
GAIL HOLT - 05/28/98 05:28:39
missy - 05/28/98 03:42:30
My Email:bradandmissy@theriver.com
I'm so glad I found your site. I am a police officer in Arizona and was sitting in court last week and noticed lower back pain right about where my gun belt rests. I kind of ignored it at the time because those kevlar vests and gun belts are quite heavy
and are hard on the body to wear. By the following day, the pain had increased and I had started limping from a bit of pain in my right leg. I have now been on sick leave with the pain getting increasingly worse. I have had several doctors visits and
o one could figure out the problem or wanted to take the time to research it. I'm so glad I found your web site. It's pretty scary when you have a pain as severe as this can be and not know the cause or if you will ever be able to go back to work again.
I've browsed through the rest of your letters in your guest book and wrote down some medicines to try. When I went into the emergency room after not being able to sleep for 3 days due to the pain, they prescribed codiene, valium, and an anti-inflamatory
The dose of codiene that is required to eliminate the pain is enough to put me out for a day and a half. I wan't to learn to live with this, not live my life in a drug induced stooper. Anyways, thanks for the web site. If you get anymore info, please
e-mail me.
KJ - 05/27/98 21:51:14
My Email:petersen@casd.mot.com
hleeevans - 05/27/98 18:57:31
My Email:hleeevans@al.com
Beverley Drake - 05/27/98 14:04:32
My Email:drakeb@ntsb.gov
I enjoyed reading the information you provided. I am unsure if I have sciatica, but your information was very helpful. Thanks.
Chris Lemasson - 05/27/98 12:16:17
My Email:kryssi2@yahoo.com
I am 26 years old .I was diagnosed with sciatica almost three ago .It started when I was pregnant with my second child . After he was born,the pain started to subside until I fell on the steps,and I had the agonizing pain from my left hip all the way dow
the back of my leg again.Some weeks are better than others .I find it very hard to get comfortable when it gets bad.It is painful to do almost everything (stand,sit,walk up steps,sleep). Thank you for your great information ,I am very hopeful that I will
someday be able to live with out this dicomfort .Keep up the great work with your sciatica info.
Shelby Logan - 05/27/98 05:08:57
My Email:qtpie67@aol.com
EXCELLENT information...Thanks!
Shelby Logan - 05/27/98 05:01:01
My Email:qtpie67@aol.com
EXCELLENT information...Thanks!
Annette Nelson - 05/27/98 03:53:00
My Email:NormAnnett@AOL.COM
Please send me any current information you have on Sciatica. I am a sufferer and need all the information I can get. Thanks in advance.
- 05/27/98 02:59:11
Mark - 05/26/98 16:25:18
My Email:Krease@prodigy.net
Great Web site!! My case is consistent mild pain but severe sharp pains at times. Had it for a month now. Aggrevated by the fact that I work at a desk. Sitting is the worst thing I can do. I find that a chair with not a lot of padding and a lumbar roll (s
all cylindrical pillow) placed above the beltline helps. After sitting for some time, it takes minutes of walking and streching to get back to normal posture. I am fighting this syndrome with stomach and back exercises, bike riding and walking, weekly chi
opractic visits, Naproxin (anti-inflamitory) and Flexoril (muscle relaxor), attention to posture when sitting, walking or lying(with pillows between/under knees), an occasional heavy duty pain killer when it gets real bad(Vicadin works better then Darvoce
)and positive mental attitude. Pain really makes you appreciate no pain. I will get my Sciatica free life back!!!
Joanne Foster - 05/26/98 14:16:22
My Email:Joanne.Foster@unilever.com
Steve S - 05/26/98 04:21:34
My Email:oregman@earthlink.net
Ray - 05/25/98 23:38:26
My Email:coterw@nu.com
I hate this pain...sleeping is so hard with sciatica....pillows do not help.....
Bill Provencher - 05/25/98 20:14:55
My URL:http://erols.com/caveman88/index.html
My Email:caveman88@erols.com
I messed up my back in 1959 playing football. I herniated a disc back in the late 70's while bowling. I compressed fractured several vertabrae when I slipped and fell of a swimming pool deck. I have had the sciatica like pains off and on for years but it
ould go away after a few days of back exericise and Anacin (my favorite pain reliever). About two weeks ago, I heard and felt a crunch when I turned to look down the driveway. The pain subsided but the pain in my lower back and down my right leg started t
get worse. It was so bad this past weekend (Memorial Day weekend) that I have been inside and in bed and stretched out on the couch with a heating pad almost all weekend. I am headed to the doctor tomorrow to see if it is really sciatica or something els
. However, since all of the symptoms seem to point to a sciatic problem, I will go there well armed with the information that I printed out from your web page. I do have an orthopedic surgeon but since he went HMO, I am not too crazy with his prognosis an
treatments. However, I will remember your episodes with your orthopedic surgeon if I am sent to him.
Hopefully, I can update this after my doctor visit and treatment.
Beth ZBorbone - 05/25/98 15:11:57
My Email:bborbone@att.com
Thank you for the information. I was entertained by your orthopedic surgeon section. Perhaps we had the same doctor. I have been suffering from sciatiaca for three weeks now. Although the pain is easing slightly, I still require a anti-inflamitory eac
ed moore - 05/25/98 06:24:56
My Email:absalesmgr@aol.com
mme bronze - 05/25/98 02:27:56
My URL:http://aol.com
this was helpful information. i've been suffering for about 6 months now.
JLampis - 05/25/98 00:00:57
My Email:JLampis@AOL.COM
frank - 05/24/98 23:12:32
My Email:lafamilias@softnet.com
I am writing again to let you know what medication I am taking. 1. naproxen 500mg for anti-inflamitory.( 1 tablet 2 times a day) 2. hydrocodone 500mg/5 mg for night pain. ( 1 tablet every 24 hours) 3. ultram 50 mg for day pain.(1 tablet every 6
hours for pain).Plus I am using a TENS unit. On Sat. May 30,1998 I will be receiving an MRI.All this medication plus the TENS unit really helps. Write back if you have any questions.
Ken Waldron - 05/24/98 16:36:50
My Email:Kenwaldron@prodigy.net
Joyce Salter - 05/24/98 16:10:14
My Email:salted1j@webtv.net
I just found your page and am very glad I did. Sciatica was just a word to me until now. all of you out there have made me feel "not so alone " in this. The comments on these pages have been a great help to me. My doctor gave me a couple of the exercise
you have listed but not all of them. I am adding your suggestions to my list. Thank You
I have a question: Does soaking in a tub of hot water acutally help or is it better not doing that. Can sciatica ever be completely contolled so the pain doesn't interupt daily living?
Annie - 05/24/98 14:01:45
My Email:Abnanie@aol.com
Thanks for your web-site. There is little information on the web about sciatica. I was recently diagnosed with sciatica. After a week of feeling back pain I woke up one morning and could not feel my right leg at all. Needless to say, I freaked out! F
rtunately my sister just graduated from becoming a Physical Therapy Assistant and had a pretty good idea what was going on. I have NEVER experienced this kind of pain. After visiting the doctor who confirmed sciatica was the diagnosis I was out of work
or 2 weeks. I have found that Naporsyn and Naprox. Sodium works best for me (even though it messes with your stomach). Tylenol and aspirin did not help me at all. I have now been experiencing symptoms for almost 4 weeks. The back of my leg is still num
, as well as the bottom of my foot. Does this go away? By the way, I am only 31 and know several other people who are younger than myself with back problems.
Thanks again for the web-site-----------
T.F. WOODY - 05/24/98 13:20:33
I have never had such pain in my back & leg befor,
I have been trying to do some streching,& meds. the pain is not as bad but, still is very uncomfortable. I will keep ding the streching to relive the pain, if there are any other things I should be doing PLEASE let me know. I am not sure if this is any go
d but here it is an address of a book that was in our newspaper. THE SCIATICA RELIEF HANDBOOK $14.95 SEND TO UNITED RESEARCH PUBLISHERS DEPT.RK-57 103 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY 101,ENCINITAS, CA. 92024 Not sure about this thought I would pass this along. Have a
Randy Brown - 05/23/98 00:50:31
My Email:brownrandy@prodigy.net
I've recently (after several visits to various doctors) realized that I have a herniated disc. I've just started exploring the web for information. I've learned that the bulging disc may be rubbing against some nerve that causes plenty of trouble down my
right leg from hip to (occassionally) the heel and sometimes the toes. Thanks for the website.
IRWIN DRESNER - 05/22/98 00:44:12
I have a few questions. About 10 months ago a 17
year old driving a van, made a high speed left turn against oncoming traffic and hit my auto
broadside and total it. Prior to this accident I
ran in marathons, raced walked long distances and
I did other exercises with no pain whatsoever. I
did this also to relieve my severe depression
which I had my whole life without much success from antidepressants. The exercise helped me most of the time. After the accident I had problems
with my left knee. The Dr. who examined me said
that I had a tear in the cartledge in my left knee
and he said that it didn't come from the auto
accident. I could not jog or walk without severe
pain. I could only go a short distance and stop.
This had made my depression to become continues
and very severe. I went to a Dr. for my depression for the last 7 months and he has tried me on all
kinds od antidepressant combinations without much
success. He attributes my continues severe depression due to the auto accident because I
cannot do my exercise. 3 months ago I started to
have pain in the upper back side of my right leg.
I bothered me a lot when I drove. I had to stop
and get out to walk around every 10 minuites. It
grew much worse over the next month. It felt like
a nerve in the rear of my leg. Never had this
before my accident and I would drive long distances. I made an appointment with my Orthopedic Dr. this week and I went there today.
He checked it out and took some X-Rays. The
results was that he told me that I had SCIATICA.
He told me that it couldn't have come from the
auto accident because it didn't bother me at the
time of the accident and it was 6 months when I
started feeling the pain. My depression has grown so bad that I feel like not getting up any more.
Can anyone answer my question, could it had come
from the accident ever though I did not feel it
till months later. Thank you very much. Have
a good weekend.
Bev Rousculp - 05/21/98 23:01:04
My Email:PROUSCULP@aol.com
Have a pain in my L cheek. Not sure if sciatic or pulled/torn hamstring at bone attachment. Have been doing the exercises, but pain getting worse. Saw orthopedic today, and am trying Naprosyn. Hope it works.
marion holt - 05/21/98 13:31:11
My Email:nickholt@mich.com
frank - 05/21/98 02:55:50
My Email:lafamilia@softcom.net
I have recently been diagnosed as having sciatic nerve problem. The pain is very hard to deal with at times. Taking medication and using a TENS unit.Will write back with more info.
- 05/20/98 04:53:42
karine - 05/20/98 03:56:57
My Email:paillardka@aol.com
thanx for your web site which is very informative and makes me feel like i'm not completly insane.I think I have sciatica although I haven't officially diagnosed. I have been going to acupuncture latetly but the pain is growing worst. To help it all, I a
currently waitressing, meaning no health insurance and no sick days. Do you know of any association or research center that help for a low fee? Please let me know of any additional info you can think of. I had to go home before my shift even started toda
... pain killers are just not sufficient anymore.
Thanx again for your help... This web site is a great idea.
M Hudson - 05/20/98 03:55:16
My Email:mhudson@flash.net
Good info Thanks for being here
Brian Olind - 05/20/98 01:41:22
My Email:brian@successunlimit.com
Your webb page is quite interesting. I feel concerned about your current orthopedic surgeon. You certainly should consider finding a more copassionate orthopedic physician. I would suggest going to the nearest medical school and speaking to the staff t
locate a physician who can help treat you symptomatically. Avoid surgery at all costs. The success rate of the first back surgery is approximately 50% and there is virtually no success rate if they do a second or third procedure. This means you only ha
e one chance with surgery to get it right. If surgery is necessary you want a very conservative and experienced surgeon. Surgery should be a last choice because of the many complications associated with back surgery. If you can't find a suitable orthope
ic surgeon you may want to send an e-mail to Bernard Morrey at the Mayo Clinic who is the most ethical Orthopedic surgeon in the U.S. I am sure he can refer you to a qualified surgeon in your state. I hope this information helps.
lee fritz - 05/19/98 13:54:40
My Email:fritzandco.com
Thank you for the time you have spent putting together your page! I have found the information quite helpful. Only suspected sciatica after looking through med. book last night, but now I am quite convinced that this is my problem. Mine started after s
ending too many hours in a car for three weeks going to visit my ailing father (which I do not regret doing). After reading some of the other comments you have received (and you certainly have received a lot!), have decided I must have an MRI done, or XR
ys at the least, asap. But no lumbar punctures! Thanks again, and I wish you continued success in your pain therapy.
pat haines - 05/19/98 13:51:11
My Email:phaines759@aol.com
please send me any info you can on sciatica.
Samara - 05/18/98 18:49:31
My Email:sama213@AOL.com
Please send me any information on Sciatica. I WILL beat this.
Ray - 05/18/98 12:05:21
My Email:Grouper11@AOL.COM
Phyllis Anderson - 05/18/98 04:46:04
My Email:PJWytko@webtv.net
joyce - 05/18/98 03:39:46
My Email:salted1j@webtv.net
i just discovered your page and have been reading on it. thank you for having all this great info and I do plan to go back and read some more of your great and helfull information
Tom Schafer - 05/18/98 00:49:16
My URL:http://mindspring.com
My Email:schafert
M.McNeil - 05/17/98 15:33:51
My Email:mcneilm@roche.com
Thanks for the info on these pages!
- 05/17/98 03:12:29
thank you it helped!
Vera M. Pete - 05/17/98 03:10:50
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:vpete@hotmail.com
I, too am a sufferer of sciatica and have pain most everyday. It's really bad when I work, I am a housekeeper in a nursing home and am constantly on my feet on concrete. The pain is sometimes so unbearable that I just don't think I can make it one more h
ur. The doctors say that I have two bulging disks. I have taken prescription medication and over the counter medicine but nothing relieves the pain except bedrest. Hope that you can tell me of some things that I may do to help.
Joe DeSouza - 05/16/98 18:02:43
My Email:muzik@msn.com
I would like to thank you for putting together such a GREAT Web Site!!!
I don't have any Sciatica problems, but my mother recently developed some so I extremely grateful to see someone put together such a well thought out and helpful web site.
Kellie McMahon - 05/16/98 14:43:22
My Email:misskellie@webtv.net
Hi there! Trying to figure out what the problem with my leg pain is and more and more I think it's sciatica. Your page has been very informative.
Twenty eight year old female in alot of pain!
George Morris - 05/15/98 21:39:01
My Email:gmorris@ao.net
Linda Baker - 05/15/98 19:18:42
My Email:lindainshelton@hotmail.com
I have been suffering with sciatica since January this year, have rcd. 6 steroid injections to no avail. I am looking at possible surgery and searching for information on success and alternatives, would appreciate any advice. Thank you Linda
HARRIET BADESHEIM - 05/13/98 03:40:35
My Email:harrietb@micron.net
Help! The sciatica has gotten me down. I will continue to contact you. Please continue to update with suggestions. Many thanks
Marianne - 05/13/98 02:35:23
My Email:mec9too@surfari.net
Great site! I was looking for info for my elderly mother who is having a horrible time with her sciatica.
Have you had any experience with acupuncture? She's tried chiropractic and that hasn't worked and is now going to look into the surgical route.
Margaret Lawson - 05/13/98 01:14:56
My Email:fantaview@globalserve.net
wonderful to tap into all this information and comments of those suffering with sciatica. My husband developed it a month ago, don't know why or how, but has suffered terribly with pain down both legs. He is taking physiotherapy, plus going to a masseus
(who really is helping greatly). Hopefully the worst is over. A very active man who can't tie his shoe laces at this point. Gives a person lots of time for reflection.
tracy - 05/12/98 21:33:44
My Email:brady0685@aol.com
joyce a casper - 05/12/98 18:16:12
My Email:jyccspr@aol.com
Thank you.
joyce a casper - 05/12/98 18:11:01
My Email:jyccspr@aol.com
Thank you.
J Reeder - 05/12/98 16:42:54
My Email:Reeder@cellone.com
Researching for a friend who has bad case of sciatica nerve pain.
Martha Hartman - 05/11/98 12:03:44
My Email:mvh5h@webtv.net
Krystyna Tatarkiewicz - 05/10/98 12:59:53
My Email:tatarkiewicz@earthlink.net
Thanks for PERFECT site with ready to use info! It helped my wife at least to relieve her terrible pain.
- 05/10/98 00:58:26
Norman Sams - 05/09/98 23:56:25
My Email:normsams@worldnet.att.net
I seem to come down with the problem every spring.Probably lawn-mowing related....which I've stopped doing. I've found a video "Tai Chi for Arthritis." I think the tai chi movements are helping me to longer and longer pain-free periods, but I can't be s
re that's what doing it. The video is an Australian production. One can find information at www.eastactonvideo.com.au.There is a U.S. source East Acton Video, P.O. Box 752, Butler NJ 07405.
Phone 973-283-9699. No, I have no relationship to the company. The video is "supported by The Arthritis Foundation of Australia." Demonstrations of the movements are very clear, (although I haven't worked my way all the way through the tape). Some of
he people doing the demonstrations are old enough, I'm sure, to be someones grandmother or grandfather, which might not appeal to some of the younger people who might benefit from the video. Anyway, thanks for your web page. I didn't realize there were
o many of us out there!
Shirley S. - 05/09/98 04:49:12
My Email:dsseaborn@aol.com
I am "relieved" mentally, if not physically, to find that the pain I have been experiencing has a name because when it hit, I couldn't imagine what was wrong with me. After suffering for about 6 wks, I gave in and went to the doctor. Bed rest helped and I
m slowly starting to increase my "exercise time". Thanks for this page!
Karleen Rogers - 05/08/98 21:44:00
My Email:DOCAN@aol.com
Experiencing Sciatica. I am very active and work at least five times a week. I do workouts varying from cycle, step to running 5ks. I have been seeing a chiropractor who has helped enormously and has shown me lots of good exercises but I still have thi
sciatica pain going down my right leg. I have learned to that part of my problem is sleeping incorrectly and that my right hip rotates to the right. I am very interested in reading more about this malady, hence I have found your web site.
jeff Levitan - 05/08/98 19:39:21
My URL:http://www.
My Email:avatar9@aol.com
Lots of people need good info on schiatica
I want to know why it reoccurrs
Latrelle Maxwell - 05/07/98 22:51:41
My Email:latrelle@almatel.net
Thanks for the information.
Latrelle Maxwell - 05/07/98 22:47:31
My Email:latrelle@almatel.net
D. Johnson - 05/07/98 14:28:10
My Email:wdjohns@aol.com
I started experiencing pain in the back of my thighs a couple months ago. Seems to be associated with sitting too long.
Thanks for your website. I'll try out some of your suggestions.
julia kouwenb - 05/06/98 23:21:13
Jennifer - 05/06/98 20:53:56
My Email:Jennifer_Del_Rosso@dbm.com
I am 25 years old and was diagnosed with Sciatica a year ago. It is currently acting up again after helping a friend of mine move (I guess it's from lifting). I am seeking out information so that I can learn to deal with this condition in the future. T
anks for the info!!
Roberta Rose - 05/06/98 18:30:39
My Email:Apopkarose@aol.com
Roberta Rose - 05/06/98 18:29:07
My Email:Apopkarose@aol.com
JP Henry, MD - 05/06/98 17:57:51
My URL:http://www.
My Email:John_P_Henry@Valley.Net
Looking for recent review on sciatica. JPH
RAYMOND M. SMITH - 05/06/98 16:30:07
My Email:MEGnRay@aol.com
none yet
SAMUEL STINSON - 05/06/98 14:05:50
My Email:go1sam@snet.net
joe fulton - 05/06/98 13:14:13
My Email:joe6462
I'm having an MRI done on 6-15 to determine if I have sciatica. From you site i have no doubt that is a correct diagnosis. I am a 58 year old male.
Thanks for your web site.
joe fulton - 05/06/98 13:12:10
My Email:joe6462
I'm having an MRI done on 6-15 to determine if I have sciatica. From you site i have no doubt that is a correct diagnosis. I am a 58 year old male.
Thanks for your web site.
van molle - 05/06/98 03:27:13
My Email:adolphe.vanmolle@sympatico.ca
thank you so mutch for your assistance and providing such usefull data on scatic problems
James B. - 05/06/98 03:05:59
My Email:shamus7@hotmail.com
i also do not fall into the age catagory,
i`m 29 and know the pain we all suffer.
Thanks for the info and know that you are not alone.<:
- 05/04/98 15:42:08
Kelley Grasser - 05/04/98 13:10:10
My Email:Poorkg
kathryn - 05/04/98 10:38:37
My Email:kathscot@orcon.co.nz
Hi i'm a 25yr old from New Zealand. i have had sciatica for the last three months and it has been hell. i have been doing the same stretches as you and have become on close terms with my physio!i find an anti inflammatory called voltaren works well and ha
e never bothered with aspirin - maybe i'll give that a go. i am a surgical nurse and can also relate to your diagnostic and surgeon experiences - your site is very informative and interesting to visit. -thank you.
b - 05/04/98 02:48:06
My Email:drbrs1
Kristy Graham - 05/03/98 23:05:51
My Email:KGKAT1@aol.com
Phil Steege - 05/03/98 17:10:58
My Email:steege@dreamscape.com
I am 52 and have been having problems with my right side for about a year now. I just surfed around the web and found your site. I was looking for some exercises to help ease the discomfort.
Thanks for making a page for this subject.
Cindi - 05/03/98 06:07:18
My Email:cdurchsl@ix.netcom.com
I've been experiencing pain in my right hip for about 3 weeks now and it is getting worse. My pain starts at the hip and travels down the quadricep and some times down the front of the shin. Could this be sciatica? I thought my hip was out of place, bu
the chiropractor reassured me that it was referred pain originating in my back. The past two nights I have taken a vicoden in the middle of the night just to get some ZZZ's. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you, Cindi
Jim Ton - 05/02/98 23:20:22
My Email:jton@lvdi.net
B. Thornton - 05/02/98 02:55:57
My Email:bthorntn@spss.sd59.bc.ca
I've had some minor back problems before, mostly from sports related injuries. I suppose the sciatica problem is a result of the same thing. Its nice to know the pain is a result of something common to mainy people. I am a teacher and so find myself often
in positions that agrivate this condition. I have heard that strengthening the abnominable muscles might be of some help, so I'm going to work on that.
- 05/01/98 19:10:36
julie lesh - 04/30/98 01:47:30
My Email:jewels@neo.lrun.com
Hi! I suspect I may have a problem with my sciatic nerve. I'm not sure....I have recently started losing weight, and I'm hoping that it subsides. Do you know what (if any) role weight may play in sciatica? Am i dreaming to think that my new lifestyle o
eating healthy and working out will fix the problem?
Your information has been quite helpful!
Julie lesh
BOB HILL - 04/29/98 23:21:28
My Email:boblhill@bellsouth.net
Cara - 04/29/98 14:01:51
My URL:http://cara.hypermart.net
My Email:cara@cxo.com
Thank you for sharing the excersises. I've been looking for some and am looking forward to giving them a try.
This sciatic nerve sure is a drag.
STEVE EDMONDS - 04/29/98 11:35:44
Edwin Boyer - 04/28/98 19:49:07
My Email:eddieb@lvcm.com
I just wanted to log my visit. Now I'll explore your links. Thanks, Ed
MIchelle - 04/27/98 18:28:19
My Email:MHurson691@aol.com
i can not take this pain any longer!!!
lem7247 - 04/27/98 04:40:45
My Email:lem7247@aol.com
diagnosed 3 days ago unbearable pain haven't slept six days
no insurance no money can't sit can't lie down what can i do
- 04/26/98 23:01:50
- 04/26/98 23:01:36
Lynn Forte - 04/26/98 20:56:40
My Email:Mjsale@aol.com
Elsie - 04/26/98 14:37:49
My Email:schartontl@aol.com
Clara Oldham - 04/26/98 02:50:16
My Email:choldham@flash.net
I have just logged in and haven't had a chance to read the material. I am experiencing frequent pain, taking a lot of motrin, and occasionally resort to a pain medication. Your information will be welcome.
Clara Oldham
Doreen Pertuit - 04/25/98 18:54:08
My Email:dper1956@bellsouth.net
I'm trying to get as much info as I can get about this problem.
rite - 04/25/98 17:26:09
- 04/25/98 02:04:53
gil garcia - 04/24/98 22:52:03
My Email:ggarcia@aol.com
thank you so much for the information contained in this site! i'm sure it will benefit me. i will pass this information to others that suffer with this dilema. god bless, ..peace gil
- 04/24/98 18:38:51
Marta Miller - 04/24/98 14:02:55
My Email:Pisces1711@aol.com
Sheryl - 04/24/98 04:16:47
My Email:segan@softcom.net
I have pain in my tailbone
judie mckenney - 04/24/98 02:45:46
My Email:jmckenney@deloitte.ca
Tory Smith - 04/24/98 00:23:18
My Email:vsmith@wfw.com
I was diagnosed with sciatica today. I have been experiencing excruciating pain since Friday evening. I am a healthy 24 year old (or at least I thought I was). The doctor has told me to seek physical therapy and return to him in 2 weeks. I am thinking
that I may also go to a chiropractor. I'm really pleased to have found your web-site as I came away from the doctor today not knowing much more than the fact that I have sciatica. He didn't explain what it was nor what I could do to help my situation.
t the moment I'm a little scared about all this as I've never really had any pain like this before.
ed Duggan - 04/23/98 16:56:43
My URL:http://newcombcsd.org
My Email:eduggan@
Vicki Galloway - 04/23/98 16:24:12
My Email:vraeg@soar.com
I am experiencing total numbness in my left foot and partial in leg up to knee. I had a major sciatic attack two months ago but my chiropractor has spent 2 months and 20 visits fixing all the rest. I have had 4 massage therepy visits and would like to h
ve my foot back. Any suggestions.
It feels like my toes are in a pencil sharpener and I have lots of muscle spasms.
michelle pheth - 04/23/98 15:35:59
My Email:stupidgirl
there is not good info you need more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 04/22/98 20:06:59
Mark Paris - 04/22/98 18:17:07
My Email:sigmund@geocities.com
Does anybody know anything about steroid injections at the herniated disc site?
That's my next stop.......
Mark Paris - 04/22/98 18:11:04
My Email:sigmund@geocities.com
I have sciatica too. It's not fun......
E.Alderman - 04/22/98 12:15:37
My Email:btaeliz344.com@worldnet.att.net
the problem I'm having with the sciatica now
is the pain is down the right leg and sometimes
the left leg. I walk 4 miles every day and do
yoga . I would like to know if there is something
else I could do. thanks.
martha - 04/22/98 06:52:47
My Email:EXTIGER@webtv.com
ouch!!!! This is the pits.
Susan Posner - 04/22/98 05:19:50
My Email:posner@cnnw.net
Your information is very insightful. I have just been diagnosed with sciatica and I originally injured my back about 16 years ago. I have had pain and problems on and off, but over the last six months, I have had two very bad episodes. I am in the mids
of one now. I have missed many days of work for these episodes and do not have a very understanding boss, so that adds to the stress. I am hoping to avoid surgery and have used accupuncture several times over the past eight years with success, but thes
two episodes have been doosies. Good luck with the new surgeon. Susan
Andrew Woodard - 04/22/98 03:35:28
My Email:BebopStop@aol.com
Charlene Green - 04/22/98 02:54:47
My Email:itscha@aol.com
DEB WEASNER - 04/22/98 01:49:50
My Email:weasned@gte.com
I have had problems with my back since 1981. In 1992, I had a ruptured disc that damaged my sciatic nerve. It was the L5-S1. The neurosurgeon said I had permanant damage and in ten years I would probably be in a wheelchair. The pain has not gotten any
etter,only worse. The one thing I would do different if I had to do it all over again would be to get an MRI done and have a specialist interperet it. The first reading of the MRI was that I had a "herniated" disc. I kept working for the next five week
only for the pain to increase severely. Then I took the same MRI to a neurosurgeon and he looked at it and said I had a ruptured disc. He put me in the hospital that night and operated the next day. It was too late. The damage was already done. It w
s not his fault. When the disc ruptured, it exploded, damaging the sciatic nerve. I have been on pain medication, sleeping medication and nerve medicine for the last six years. But no matter how much I rest or watch what I do I still have escruciating
ain. Sometimes it wakes me in the middle of the night. The pain has now worked its way down to the bottom of my feet. I have been to different doctors, hospitals, and pain clinics. But no one can undo what has already been done. This is something to
ot mess around with. The earlier the treatment, the better off you are. And X-rays can not show up the minute things that MRI'S can.
Deb Weasner - 04/22/98 00:50:23
My Email:weasned@gte.net
Bev Peterson - 04/21/98 20:51:01
Have struggled with sciatica for about 3 years now; agree that stretching exercises & anti-inflammatory medication every couple of days or so helps. ALSO, sleeping on an air bed has helped as it can be adjusted so pressure points aren't aggravated.
maria fox - 04/21/98 20:30:28
My Email:to follow
interested in surgical procedures
Bert Provost - 04/21/98 18:12:10
My Email:provostb@cadvision.com
Is my golfing finished- will let you know
Bert Provost - 04/21/98 18:08:10
My Email:provostb@cadvision.com
Gail Tangora - 04/21/98 15:00:42
My Email:atangora@prodigy.net
HELP!!!! The pain is overwhelming.
- 04/21/98 12:56:23
My Email:mandmj@prodigy.net
sorry about not including the entire address for orthopaedic exercises. the website is pretty large. The entire address is http://www.aaos.org/wordhtml/pat_educ/backpain.htm
- 04/21/98 12:49:51
My Email:mandmj@prodigy.net
There are more exercises for back pain at aaos.org which is a website for orthopaedic surgeons.
mary jo lefebvre - 04/21/98 12:47:28
My Email:mandmj@prodigy.net
Thanks for site. I use it all the time
Carrie Cervantez - 04/21/98 06:06:47
My Email:weasned@GTE.net
thank you! my mother has had a ruptured disk that has damaged her sciatic nerve. she is totaly dissabled and can not do much of anything anymore. now, social security is saying she is totaly competent to go back to work. she has only worked in a factory
and knows how to do no other work. besides that sitting, walking, bending, stooping, or just about any activity leaves her in pain for days. no doctor in our state or any other surrounding state will work on her any more. she recieves pain medicine fro
her counselor at Duke University. she still has trouble today dealing with this. in-fact, she has stayed in bed today because she was hurting. now, it is getting worse. she feels so alone and this dissability has left her with sever bouts of depressi
n. it is nice to know that there are others with the same problems.
Cheryl Smith - 04/20/98 21:10:32
TERESE DINEEN RHIEL - 04/20/98 11:52:35
Judy Itoh - 04/20/98 03:03:32
My URL:takeo_itoh@email.msn.com
My Email:takeo_itoh@email.msn.com
I am very happy to find your web page. I have suffered from sciatica for years and years. I was thrown off a horse at age 17. My mother had told me not to get on my friend's horses. She was a very strict mother. I got on the horse with my friend. It
threw both of us off, but since I was on the back end of it, I hit the ground in a sitting motion with strong impact. I was in a lot of pain for about 6 months, but I kept it to myself out of fear of my Mother finding out. After about 6 months, my back
nd shoulder finally stopped hurting. I thought I was okay, but then when I turned 30 years old, I started having terrible back aches. When it rains, changes from hot to cold or vice-versa, I suffer horribly. I moved to Japan in 1994 due to my husband's
necessity to return home. He is Japanese and I am American. They give a wonderful pain medicine here called Lepetan. They have it in America under a name that starts with a B. It is only available in I-V drip though. In Japan, I take it as suppositori
s. It helps alot. It is a drug antagonist so it is not suppose to be addictive. My understanding about it anyways. It is hard to get pain medicines in Japan so I am thankful that I found an American trained doctor that would prescribe that one for me.
In the US, I took darvocet, tylenol #3 and #4, and occassionally other medicines that doctors would prescribe, but I no longer remember the names. I also take Paxil everyday and have been on it for numerous years. Before I found any help for the pain,
became severely depressed to the point of not leaving my house, not getting dressed, not doing anything buy crying in pain lying on a sofa or on a hot pad in the floor. I went to different doctors trying to find help when I lived in the US. I was accus
d of being a drug addict by one doctor.I looked him squarely in the eye and said., "I wish!" I have nothing to get addicted too. I have never felt so humilitated in my life. Why do doctors treat patients who are in severe pain like they are low life thu
s who are only out to get stoned? It really opened my eyes. If I had it to do over again, I would have reported that jerk to the Board of Medical Ethics. He certainly had none!!!! Doctors must be educated in compassion It may noft be scientific, but p
rt of medicine has got to be in having compassion for the patients who walk in your door.
Helen Malone - 04/19/98 15:24:30
You aren't the only young person with this, I'm 22 and was daignosed also when I was 19. I just happen to fall right on my butt at work and ruputred a disk in my back, that in now pinching my nerve. I have had two very bad attacks where i was ber ridden
for weeks and could not walk, one just happenrd to be three weeks before my wedding.
Phyllis Florin - 04/18/98 18:24:14
My Email:phylora@aol.com
Helpful. Who are you? I don't see any bio material. I started a yoga class which really affected by sciatica and was wondering if I should continue, but from what I've read, it seems that the exercises you advise are very much like what we're doing in
oga. I think I way overdid it the first time not realizing.
Elena Meltzer - 04/17/98 21:22:58
My Email:boggled@worldnet.att.net
Just looked at your "ease the Pain" page. Will let you know what happens in a few months. Thanks for the info!
Nancy Thompson - 04/16/98 18:47:17
My Email:thompsn3@epo.gov.on.ca
I read your Web Site with interest as I have sciatica. My sciatica troubles began after trying to hoof the dog off the bed (while I was under the covers). At that time, I twisted and then ended up having sciatica. I didn't get it treated for a while.
I've been seeing a chiropractor since February 12th and have much improved. I also am doing back strenghtening exercises, go on the treadmill and now am using a stationery bike for my workouts. I go to the chiro twice a week now and probably can go down
to 1 visit a week. The chiropractor and (my exercising) has helped my problem. If I keep in shape and lose more weight, I am hopeful I will never get sciatica again because it's a "pain in the butt".
Tawnee Cowan - 04/16/98 17:35:05
My Email:cowcrusher@sinclair.net
I am pregnant and am in pain...any hints?????
D. David - 04/16/98 14:29:08
My Email:ddavid@nwu.edu
Thanks for the information. I was recently diagnosed with sciatica. Every symptom that you described, I pretty much have except for back pain. I am a bowl-a-holic and this has affected my game somewhat, but I am determined not to let it completed hind
r me from bowling.
pam - 04/15/98 17:44:38
teresa - 04/15/98 17:16:41
sharon teig - 04/15/98 03:35:38
My Email:julshar@webtv.net
thanks for your info....I saw an ad in prevention magazine about a new book out that claims miraculous help for sciatica..it was $l4.95 know anything about a new publication???thought a website might be cheaperand/or more effective...
roy hawkins - 04/15/98 01:27:55
- 04/14/98 20:30:15
Beki R. - 04/14/98 13:07:19
This is my third round with sciatica but I hope to get back to full mobility shortly. It's tennis season and I refuse not to have fun! Prayer, anti-inflammatories and chiropractors to the rescue.
Andrea Woodle - 04/13/98 20:55:19
My Email:ahwemw@hotmail.com
This info. should be helpful to my mom.
Chris Pogue - 04/13/98 15:22:38
My Email:spotts6@worldnet.att.net
Have had neck, low back, and TMJ problems and pain in past. Recently having sciatica and seeing a chiropractor in next few days. Your web page is pretty good so far...thanks. Chris
Lisa H. Davis - 04/13/98 02:00:24
My Email:landcdavis@clarksville.com
- 04/12/98 15:59:33
My Email:Badfeet
My first experience with sciatica with the usual pain starting in left buttocks and down my leg to my left foot. So far
- 04/12/98 15:58:20
My Email:Badfeet
My first experience with sciatica with the usual pain starting in left buttocks and down my leg to my left foot. So far
Dave johnson - 04/11/98 17:02:59
My Email:colt@globalnet.co.uk
I have had Sciatica for about two years now and have just started taking Glucosamine Sulfate. I have only been taking it for two days and a small but noticable improvement has occured. The improvement is only small and it may be "just a good day" or coinc
dence. You may like to try it yourself? I am thinking of taking Chondroitin Sulfate aswell. So far the results have been good and if they keep improving at the same rate Glucosamine could even be a cure!
Anthony Gill - 04/11/98 14:15:46
My Email:AJGILL@netcomuk.co.uk
I've not read your information yet - just printed it off so far. But thanks anyway.
Barbara Bertoldi - 04/11/98 03:27:58
My Email:maelei@mcleodusa.com
I've found out more about my husband's condition by reading your comments than I found out from the chiropractor(s) and osteopaths who have been treating him. Thanks
patty - 04/10/98 14:59:10
My Email:opal11@aol.com
Debby - 04/10/98 03:55:38
My Email:missdeb@earthlink.net
I am 36 and have buzzing and burning in both legs and it is worse on the left i am now taking neurontin following back surgery on L-3 thru S-1 and am doing accupunture..the accupunture helps..but can't sit long..this sucks..does it ever STOP??
LEE - 04/09/98 21:35:18
I,m glad that I'm not alone with this problem but at the same time I wish that no one had this type of pain.
Jack Guest - 04/09/98 17:10:52
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:popgues@aol.com
Have had sciatica for about twelve years. Back surgery, pain killers no help. Can you recommend MD in Phoenix AZ area that I can consult with?
judy - 04/09/98 02:05:01
My Email:pubear41@aol.com
Ken Morris - 04/08/98 16:32:33
My Email:m778089@ibm.net
Its' a bitch
pat o'neill - 04/08/98 15:27:42
My Email:poneill@compucel.com
Thanks for the venue.It's a great way to gain knowledge about something that's been misdiagnosed in me for years!Good luck in your endeavors.
- 04/08/98 14:38:46
R. Lunn - 04/08/98 07:15:02
My Email:redpuppy@mail excite.com
thanks for the information. having severe pain like you explain. aslong as iam mobile or walking around a okay,sit down wham pain.
R. Lunn - 04/08/98 07:11:26
My Email:redpuppy@mail excite.com
thanks for the information. having severe pain like you explain. aslong as iam mobile or walkig around a okay,sit down wham pain.
- 04/07/98 18:32:02
Debbie - 04/07/98 13:00:19
My Email:dndm@golden.net
WealthGoddess - 04/07/98 02:50:54
My Email:WealthGoddess@Prodity.net
Thanks, so much!!!
Bill Ferris - 04/06/98 11:23:14
My Email:talonins@flash.net
All the symptoms that you describe about sciatica ring true with me, including numbness down the right leg, and into the entire foot. Diagnosis includes two bulging discs, and two herniated discs. The herniated discs have supposedly resolved themselves (
RI's), but I'm still having major symptoms, perhaps due to the buldging discs, and "degenerative disc disease" in the L5-S1 lumbar. From what I've read so far, this suggests disc fusion. If this is true, I am not sure that I want to go through this proc
dure, as I have not heard of any success stories. Have you?
r parris - 04/06/98 00:15:50
My Email:rparris1@bellsouth.net
It is nice to find information about this ailment. My husband has suffered alot from this & we are at our wits end trying to get him relief. thanks.
kmonroe - 04/06/98 00:03:12
My Email:kmonroe@peds.uab.edu
just found your site. Sciatica for 14 years. agree completely
about without exercise, it never goes away. will try the exercises!
Sarah - 04/05/98 22:27:10
My Email:skhof@aol.com
Thanks for the helpful info, especially the descriptions of exercises!
B. Bond - 04/05/98 17:29:16
Julia Baker - 04/04/98 20:42:09
My Email:bakerj@marca-tn.com
I am not in my 40's or 50's either and experiencing this problem. I am 32 years old and moderately active. This back pain sent me to an emergency room where they tested me for kidney stones (I knew it was sciatica!) My left leg has been numb and very w
ak for 6 days now, and I finally am seeing an orthopedic doctor in 3 days. I am disgusted that I'm having such a painful disorder at this stage of my life. I have never done anything so strenuous that it should have caused a problem like this. Oh wel
! At least the pain is bearable right now. Hopefully, it will remain this way. Thanks so much for you information.
Louella Sheatler - 04/04/98 18:51:17
My Email:Sheatler@mail.csrlink.net
I have been having problems with my sciatica nerve for at least 2 years now and it is getting worse I go to a chiropractor which helps some, now I am also going to theropy ( I just started) I was told to take time off from work, which I am doing. Every
ne tells me there is nothing to help with my sciatica nerve I don't believe that there has to be something out there to help.It seems to just keep getting worse. I am 42. What do you think, is there anything that can be done. Tell me if there is somethi
g you think might help me . Thank You.
Mohamed - 04/04/98 07:27:01
My Email:mifflin@dhivehinet.net.mv
Hello, Im from the Maldives.
I just want to say thank you very much for the very useful informations. My wife is been going through a terrible time due to sciatica. Your advise and guidance has helped me a lot.
May god bless you
Nora-Lei - 04/04/98 01:37:23
My Email:fnck@epix.net
Francis Herring - 04/03/98 19:37:46
My Email:fcherring&webtv.net
Thanks for the help. My problem has been going on for nearly 2 months - finally went to the Dr. He prescribed DAYPRO - so far hasn't helped much.
- 04/03/98 12:19:41
- 04/02/98 21:58:46
Hello.. found this page very helpful and interesting. I have suffered from sciatica for about 5 years now. I went to physical theraphy, did not help. I was on naproxen, didnt help. It wasnt strong enough. My mom also has sciatica. She suggested I go on Or
vail. (sorry dont know how to spell it) sometimes the pain is sooo unberable that i cant even walk!!! i have found something that i think takes the pain away. Take a wash cloth, rinse it, and then put in the micro-wave. Then put the hot wash cloth, where
he sciatica hurts. many thanks for this wonderful site.
Ms. Dallas Boyd - 04/02/98 16:52:22
My Email:dallas3@webtv
I've suffered from Sciatica for almost 4 years now, with little to no relief. It's wonderful to see that there may be an answer out there. Thanks for your enlightenment!!
TPBeach - 04/01/98 12:36:51
My Email:beach113@Juno.com
Mary Tan - 04/01/98 08:33:33
My URL:/hotsprings/2914
My Email:mtan@geocities.com
Hello, all! Thanks for taking the time out to sign my guestbook. I'd just like to respond to a point raised by one guest who feels that the links on the left side of my web page are too dark. I first considered white links, but they were too "bright" on
the eyes. Should anyone have any suggestions as to what colour the links should be, please let me know. (I'm currently thinking of a pale yellow, but I'm confused at this point!)
P.S. I'll be updating my pages shortly, as a lot has happened to me since December of last year.
D. Raker - 03/31/98 03:59:51
My Email:37307@udel.edu
gil phelan - 03/29/98 19:16:49
My Email:phelan@pa.net
Gary Pfeiffer - 03/29/98 02:17:53
My Email:hrshoer@worldnet.att.net
Work all day shoeing horses does'nt bother.
A short walk at a store or hiking is just
painfull as can be.
Aching stabbing pain down left leg to just above
knee. I've been putting up with it for 2yrs now
Chiropractor cant seem to help.
considering acu-puncture soon.
elaine morris - 03/28/98 21:08:24
My Email:elmofla @webtv.net
I have just started to have Sciatica in the middleof my lower back. would appreiate any info you cou;d suggest tom help alleviate the pain?
carl boone - 03/28/98 19:33:40
My Email:wb6vin@lightspeed.net
- 03/28/98 03:43:02
- 03/28/98 03:31:28
J.Brown - 03/28/98 01:37:16
My Email:jcb2502@juno.com
After reading the comments, it's nice to know it's not all in my head! X-ray and MRI cannot pinpoint cause. Each day is different...some up, some down. My water exercise class helps. Relafen didn't; prednisone did.
Dorothy Rogers - 03/26/98 22:43:30
My Email:mdrogers@thecia.net
Everything you said about the pain is so true, I would not wish this kind of pain on my worst enemy.Ihave been going to therapy for awhile now and the exercises that I do have helped, but it is a slow process to get back to normal. I take 600 mg. of ibupr
fen 4 times a day.
Gary Nottingham - 03/26/98 19:17:38
My Email:gary.nottingham@steelox.com
I appreciate the information on Sciatica, as I have recently contracted what I beleive to be sciatica. I have an appointment with my MD on April fools day and have discussed this with my brother the Chiropractor.
rogerx - 03/26/98 17:31:30
My Email:xccvd
- 03/26/98 17:21:01
Lee - 03/26/98 05:26:59
My Email:facet@wordlnet.att.net
Jennifer Noyes - 03/26/98 04:46:28
My Email:jhnoyes@armstrong.com
Haven't viewed anything, but am looking forward to it. I hope you have something sports (running) related.
Lisa Gavin - 03/25/98 20:31:12
My Email:Lisa0314@aol.com
I have had 3 surgeries, and still can't bear the pain in my hip and leg. I wish I knew what to do to make it tolerable.
stan wieg - 03/25/98 17:52:39
My Email:stan_wieg@car.org
The blue color of the titles in the left margin make them almost unreadable.
- 03/25/98 17:09:06
Judy Baker - 03/25/98 17:00:26
My Email:jebaker@sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu
jean Norman - 03/24/98 20:50:37
My Email:jean@lasercom.net
thx for your informative site, I look forward to your updates and added information. While I am well past to 30-40 age bracket, my pain certainly is no less severe! This is my first experience with sciatica... and I wish it were going to be my last, but I
suspect that will not be the case!
stan - 03/24/98 18:51:38
My Email:fssachs@pacbell.net
thank you for your help I take relephin 1500mg afterbreakfast daily as well as stretching 4 times a day
stan - 03/24/98 18:41:48
My Email:fssachs@pacbell.net
Brigitte - 03/24/98 15:09:42
My Email:Biggus7@aol.com
I had twin sons by natural childbirth and the inherent pain was nothing compared to what I have been going through for the last five days. I have to return to work tomorrow and hope to find some useful information here.
Paul Buri - 03/24/98 14:18:22
My Email:Paul_Buri@bark.wnyric.org
janice - 03/23/98 23:53:47
My URL:http://www.geocites.com
My Email:volkmar@warwick.net
loved your web page. i dont know if i suffer from sciatica, but from reading all your comments, it sure sounds like it. what are your thoughts, please?
i began last week with a gripping pain in the back of my knee. mostly when i am sitting and i have to stretch my leg out, sometimes with only a little relief. now the pain "travels" down the front of my leg and up the back of my thigh. during the cours
of 24 hrs, it comes and goes - mostly when i am tired. does this sound like sciatica?
Lara Goldsmith - 03/23/98 18:37:52
My Email:becca@psln.com
I have been experiencing sciatic for over 3 years with little or no relief from ANYTHING. Lying in bed more thatn 6 hours hurts. Sitting and standing, impossible. Stooping, bending, walking up hill, down hill, etc., very bothersome. I have not found any o
e method/treatment to prevent or cure this "thing". I was finally diagnosed with piriformus syndrom (pain in the butt!). I continue on my quest for more answers. Do you have any info specifically associated with piriformus?
Jan - 03/23/98 02:39:08
My Email:wsrob@worldnet.att.net
Liked your website...very informative. I'm just experiencing sciatica...I've only had one appointment, but the physician thought it might be a combination of sciatic and a viral infection which had attacked my leg muscles?! Oh, well! I'm experiencing p
antar fascitis as well and feet, legs and sciatic area are all quite painful...I've just started seeing a physican and need to do the xrays, etc. to get a complete diagnosis, but found your page helpful. Thanks! Hope you are doing better! Did you see t
e info on the net regarding relief using acupuncture?
Bob Fletcher - 03/22/98 14:59:04
My Email:treborf@aol.com
Dr. Scholl has a foot insert that is very helpful.
It is called DYNASTEP and costs $14.95. It is specfically for sciatic problems.
I highly recommend it.
ann cabral - 03/22/98 14:50:37
My Email:foegaybins@aol.com
How is your page cominG?
Linda - 03/22/98 07:41:58
My Email:Muffin4952@aol.com
Cherie - 03/21/98 23:31:52
My Email:echdina@aloha.net
Aloha! I am a 38 year old female that has been diagonised with sciatia. I have had two surgeries conerning the cervical spine,trauma related,but also diagnosed as spondylosis. Can an injury result in spondylosis after an old injury? Thank you for your
help. Hurt in Hawaii
Cherie - 03/21/98 23:31:31
My Email:echdina@aloha.net
Aloha! I am a 38 year old female that has been diagonised with sciatia. I have had two surgeries conerning the cervical spine,trauma related,but also diagnosed as spondylosis. Can an injury result in spondylosis after an old injury? Thank you for your
help. Hurt in Hawaii
D Pitzler - 03/21/98 18:02:19
My Email:pitzlerd@vcss.k12.ca.us
Bill Alcocer - 03/21/98 07:16:42
My Email:bilalcocer@aol.com
I've had sciatica for over 9 months now. I've been to a docter, chiroprator, specialist, physical therapist. But to my amazement, a acupuncturist using a machine not needles really helped me out. I'm not where I want to be yet. But at least I don't ge
leg cramps every time I stand up. Not sure what I'm going to do next. But I noticied your article and thought it interesting. Anyway any questions just e-mail me. Bill A.
Joseph H. Kirk - 03/20/98 17:57:16
My Email:mary_kirk@willbros.com
Paul K. - 03/15/98 18:05:02
My Email:target11@prodigy.net
Great Site. Thanks for the insight. I have been stricken by this for the last 2 months and have not had any relief yet. This is helpfull in forming a plan of attack.
Thanks again
Jane Stone - 03/15/98 08:14:41
My Email:jmstone1@prodigy.net
I am a 56 year old female whose hip almost gives way sometime. The dr. says it's "just" degenerative Arthritis, and not much I can do for it except get a shot in that area once in a while, might work and might not. I just suffer through, and find that e
ercise is helpful. If I've had a particularly long day sitting at work, it tends to make the problem worse. Can't let it get me down, have to keep going, even if it's with a limp. Thanks for listening, will be checking back at your site for any new inf
rmation. Thanks.
Nancy Hummer - 02/02/98 13:17:53
My Email:lakesys@erols.com
Bless you for taking the time to put this together. It feels so good to interact with other sciatica sufferers and learn from the experiences of others. You are all in my prayers for healing. May the peace of Christ be with you all!
David J. Shattuck - 02/02/98 03:34:08
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/shattuck/
My Email:shattuck@sprynet.com
I tried some of the exercises you listed and they have seemed to help a great deal in relieving my lower back pain. Thanks. I welcome you to visit my web site.
hi... just wanted to check your web for a friend ill pass the information along.. thanks
Cathy Torgerson - 01/24/98 10:30:06
My Email:leetorg@inquo.net
Thanks for the information. After a year with this nightmare I'm almost at wits end. Only other suffers understand the extreme pain and misery. Nights are awful with very little sleep.I've been to several doctors so far and hope to use your suggestions fo
some relief. Thank you.
Veda Stephens - 01/22/98 09:40:57
My Email:vedastep@inet.att.co.kr
I've been suffering for the past three weeks, this time. Husband told me it sounded like "neuropathy" and I said it was my sciatic nerve. I guess we are both right. This is the first time it has cause numbing and pain in my foot. Last time I had a flai
up I was in my 30's, so maybe age does have something to do with it, since I am now 43! Gonna try the exercises you suggested and will go to the flight surgeon next. Really appreciate your thorough write up. Thanks. Veda
- 01/19/98 04:33:15
Peter Bernson - 01/19/98 04:30:04
My Email:PBer103339@aol.com
I would greatly apreciate any imformation that you might think would be benaficial for a very bad case of sciatica that has been going on for two years . I am a recovering quadroplegic since 1986. I have regained 65% return of my bodily functions. This
is a wonderful thing, but the sciatica is killing me.
- 01/17/98 03:43:50
brenda pace - 01/17/98 00:42:19
My Email:bpace@laker.net
i'm desperat. i know what i have, but don't know how to treat it. pls answer me on the net or my e-mail.
brenda pace - 01/17/98 00:40:49
My Email:bpace@laker.net
i'm desperat. i know what i have, but don't know how to treat it. pls answer me on the net or my e-mail.
clint - 01/15/98 20:07:13
My Email:clnt@gcnet.net
Can this be the result of a simple twist of back during 1st few days of season of cross-country skiing? For ageing men? Sciatica pain, that is.
clint - 01/15/98 20:07:09
My Email:clnt@gcnet.net
Can this be the result of a simple twist of back during 1st few days of season of cross-country skiing? For ageing men? Sciatica pain, that is.
clint - 01/15/98 20:07:05
My Email:clnt@gcnet.net
Can this be the result of a simple twist of back during 1st few days of season of cross-country skiing? For ageing men? Sciatica pain, that is.
Bill Warren - 01/13/98 19:38:51
enjoyed your exercise list!
Robyn West - 01/12/98 06:56:57
My Email:wattykins@hotmail.com
Thanks for the information and for creating an informative web site. Keep up the good work!
Cheri Rutherford - 01/10/98 16:41:39
My URL:http://www.utk.edu
My Email:vida@utkux.utcc.utk.edu
I'm gathering info for my sister, who has
recently started suffering from sciatica.
Thanks for the great info!!
Cheri Rutherford
Uncle Ray - 01/09/98 00:01:44
My Email:coterw@nu.com
The most painful time is at bed time... sometimes it is very painful....night time
CINDY T. - 01/07/98 05:53:01
My Email:ptoenjes@juno.com
I am 32 years old, to young for this kind of pain!! I just got back the results of my MRI yesterday. I have herniations at the L4-L5 and the L5-S1 discs. I have had this pain since the week b4 Thanksgiving and it is absolutely unbearable unless I have m
dicine in me. My Dr. put me on Darvocet N-100(pain kiler), Motrin 800mg (anti-inflammatory), and Flexiral (a muscle relaxer. Even with all that junk in me I still feel the pain but it is only tolerable for about 4 hours, then I have to take another pain
killer. This is a horrible thing to have. I am going to see an orthopedic surgeon this coming Friday. I am terrified of having a myleogram, the test where they put the ink in your spine. Please be honest and tell me if it hurt when they put the needle
in your back and took fluid out, or was the worst part the migranes afterward. Please e-mail me back and let me know, i'd really appreciate it. Take care, I'll check back with you soon. Great page !!
Joe Gallagher - 12/22/97 17:07:42
My Email:triciad@internetoutlet.net
I appreciated reading your synopsis of this affliction. At 49 and just starting downthe raod to recovery--hopefully without surgery, it was good to read it all in plain English.
charles cambridge - 12/19/97 06:21:01
My Email:ccambrid@carbon.cudenver.edu
Sigrid Vickery - 12/12/97 20:02:17
My Email:sigrid@gulftel.com
Diana Leppanen - 12/11/97 03:10:39
My Email:dither@ica.net
Hi Mary!!!! I finally got through to your web pages! You've had a lot of visitors to this site 'eh? Cool and very interesting. I'm gonna leave you another message on your other site. bye.
Linda Lund - 12/09/97 21:42:30
My Email:llund@micronet.net
So glad to find your page. I really thought there was no help for sciatica and it's beginning to be a real problem!!! Keep it coming.
Mike for my friend Tracey - 11/18/97 20:00:58
My Email:stones@sprint.ca
She seems to be at wits end with her pain. Here's hoping your web site and advice will help her out. I'll get back to you later on her progress.
N Eidson - 11/09/97 04:47:22
Thank you for your supportive effort. I'm searching for ways to help my husband get some pain relief. We are in the early stages.
Your site will help. I'll be back.
David Harrington - 11/08/97 14:32:46
My Email:mharrington@sat.net
This is my first experience with sciatica, and I really need some help.
paul mcmullen - 11/03/97 21:27:05
My Email:pmcmullen@sprint.ca
developed sciatica as a resutl of a car accident
25 sessions of chiropractic didn't seem to help.
It was the doctors decission to change me from
chiro to rehab. Now I am taking rehab on a daily basis. Little results as yet. Some methods
being used are spinal strethcing, tems, and extensive exercising.
The pain gets quite extensive from the lower back down the left side to the ankle.
Any otlher suggestions for pain management?
This pain prevents me from doing my daily job which is driving. may have to change jobs
can only sit in a car for about 10 mminutes at a time.
suggestions would help
Paul McMullen
- 11/02/97 02:51:52
Shirley O'Brien - 10/30/97 17:46:37
My Email:sobrien@pica.army.mil
Appreciate the advice--have had over 4 months;
previously diagnosed with 2 herinated disks many years ago--have had flare-ups but not this long. Currently seeing a chiropractor 3x week and trying to keep at bay with aspirin and Advil.
Diane Gentry - 10/14/97 01:20:57
My Email:gentryd@ucsub.colorado.edu
Searching to see if sciatica is what I have. Am a competitive distance runner and have been hobbled by "hamstring' pain for the past 3 months. Tried to do alternative exercise such as cycling, but the pain continued or got worse. Have a lot of pain when I
sit for more than about 20 minutes. No pain in back, however...help...
Herb Stefan - 10/07/97 14:00:13
My Email:hstefan@scanners.bellhowell.com
Thank you for the info on your web site. I am a m suffering from scaitica too. Thinking about VAX-D( vertebral axial decompression). Can't find anyone that has even heard of it much less had it done. Will try to live with the pain right now.
M.K. BROADNAX - 09/17/97 17:53:57
600-800mg. of Advil and bed rest seems to bring relief. I read that chocolate makes the pain worse
and sure enough it does, did not know until after I had eaten the huge chocolate fudge brownie!
Thanks for you site.
Rommel - 09/17/97 02:39:56
My URL:http://www.davao.amacc.edu.ph/~mhel
My Email:mhel@davao.amacc.edu.ph
Ur page is very helpful to people who suffers from sciatica. I am also suffering from sciatica since i was 19. I had this for 3 years now and i thank u for ur tips. Ill try it.
- 09/16/97 20:06:56
Virginia - 09/16/97 00:19:30
My Email:ginni2@gte.net
Hi -- Am anxious to see your page when you get it ready -- I am a R.N. and have several elderly clients who are looking for various approaches for sciatica problems
- 09/13/97 13:58:31
Joan Sadler - 09/12/97 19:21:52
My Email:jsadler@worldnet.att.net
LINDA FINK - 09/11/97 15:31:43
Gary McLean - 09/11/97 13:28:17
My Email:gmclean@zebra.net
Good web site, lots of good info
Cleve Townsend - 09/10/97 21:38:53
My Email:cgtownsend@earthlink.net
Great page. I just had a pretty bad episode and thought I would search the web for help before I went to see an MD. I'll try the exercises, and sleeping suggestions and let you know how it goes. Thanks very much for the information.
- 09/10/97 12:31:37
Ivan Chadwick - 09/10/97 12:30:54
My Email:ikc@lineone.net
Hi,I'm 56 and started getting pains in my back and right thigh at the end of July '97. I'm constantly on pain-killers (Distalgesic Co-proxamol) they help cope with the crippling pain and I'm now awaiting an M.R.I scan.
Ivan Chadwick - 09/10/97 12:24:35
My Email:ikc@lineone.net
Tracey Van Hook - 09/10/97 12:21:02
My Email:gto@supernet.net
Thank you! I am 27 and I heard of this for the first time last night reading prevention magazine. THank you for your page it was helpful!
Mark Watrous-Heyliger - 09/10/97 01:56:41
My Email:mlwh@slip.net
Like you I have been suffering from scitica since I was 27 and been trying to find releif from it instead of using drugs.
Petra - 09/10/97 00:00:10
My Email:petrabil@nrtco.net
I'm newly pregnant and after much research I decided that I have sciatica. All of my pain is in the buttocks and is next to unbearable. I'm very concerned that It won't get it under control and that labour and delivery will be a nightmare...sneezing is
oooo painful right now!
I'd greatly appreciate some info. on this
Mandy Naughton - 09/09/97 20:56:13
My Email:daniel.naughton@virgin.net
I got sciatica last year when training for a half and full marathon. This stopped me in my tracks, and it took about 6 months to get back to normal, with physio and exercises. In the long run, there was nothing the physio could do and I was left to it.
He said what didn't help was my overall posture, which has always been bad... Anyway, I started getting back into exercise, and have entered the same half marathon this year that I should have run last year. I have been fine with my training until last
eek when I got a warning pins and needles in the back of my left heel. However, as the run is on Sunday, I am determined to do it pain or not! Does anyone know if you always get pain in one leg and is it always the same one? Mine is always in my left l
Pat Cabrey - 09/09/97 17:43:22
My Email:patcab@aol.com
just sent you an e-mail.
Charles O. Adams - 09/09/97 04:22:50
My Email:c.o.adams@worldnet.att.net
How can I get your definition and treatment information?
sfowler - 09/09/97 00:10:25
My Email:sfowler@wizzards.net
I injurd my back in 91 working as a emt. I had surgery in 91 due to extreme sciatica[herniated disc at L-4L-5] I got much better after some time a lot of PT, pain, and my karate kata's put me back on trac. I have flair ups now and then, I also have a bulg
ng disc above and below the site of injury, which causes additional sciatica. A PT program one that gets you into shape can not be overstated. I work 40 hrs a week in addition to teaching others karate and firearm instuction, I could'nt do all this if I w
s'nt in condition not to mention I would hurt a lot worse if I was'nt.So get into shape[yes it will hurt some] and be on the road to a better outlook.
Hed - 09/07/97 17:40:38
My Email:HDBB@aol.com
Heather - 09/07/97 16:18:43
My Email:scamper1@gte.net
I was glad to see your site because all my doctor has told me was that I could go to a massage therapist. Way too expensive for me! Where did you find these exercises? I'm going to try them and see what happens- Can't be any worse than it already is!
Jan Pelzer - 09/05/97 22:22:34
My Email:jpelzer@chicago.avenew.com
Your site has been helpful. I am experiencing my first sciatica attack and after 5 days of pain and difficulty sleeping, I was glad to be able to find out some information including the exercises.
Thanks for putting your page on the internet.
lorie thompson - 09/04/97 20:12:41
Vivienne Merriott - 09/04/97 14:33:33
My Email:merriott@pilot.msu.edu
I have had a ruptured disc at L5 and S1 since January of l994. Surgery is not necessary but some pain relief is. I have learned to cope with most of the day to day pain. There are times when
I need more relief for brief times. My concern is what to expect for the future, I am a 49 year old female. Can you offer any advise on how to prevent any further damage. My problem is not from an injury but probably arthritis and degenerative damage.
I will be watching your website for information with much interest. Thank you so much for the information that you have already provided.
Charlotte deLeon - 09/04/97 13:03:11
My Email:www.kuointl.attnet.com
Thanks for all the info.
Charlotte deLeon - 09/04/97 12:51:44
My Email:www.kuointl.att.net.com
chelsea fink - 09/03/97 18:43:12
My Email:flower@ptialaska.net
Thanks for info. I am 42 and never experienced this! it's awful!! I have gained 20 lbs. and have OI (brittle bone dis.) Not good! but with OI it seems you get chunky!! I tried everything to lose with no success! my lower back and at times legs just kill m
. With 6 kids (4teens and 2 little ones) I just feel like I can't rest and it is getting worse!! I will try the excercises etc..
Thank again Chelsea
Mary - 09/03/97 03:12:59
My Email:anna@panacom.com
Can you help me? My lower back and hip buttocks, and leg has been killing me. It came on suddenly and I have spent over $800.00 over the last four weeks. The Dr. has recommended surgery, but without health insurance, surgery is out of the question. Any i
formation you can share with me to help manage this pain will be appreciated.
- 09/03/97 01:37:23
Lori Burton - 09/02/97 17:06:46
My Email:loriken@juno.com
Dave Collin - 09/02/97 08:38:05
My Email:106077.2671@compuserve.com
Thanks for the exercises.
Ulrich - 09/02/97 05:52:27
My Email:Ulrich.Rayer@t-online.de
Thanks. - I found your information very helpful for my first appointment at my doctor.
nellie - 09/02/97 01:17:06
My Email:mom@chesapeake.net
very nice i found a few excersizes i did not
know about......also my therapists had me doing
this one
lie on back
hold right knee and bring to chest and try to
push knee against hand gently, release do sets
of 5 or more...he explained that it contracts
and releases the muscle in the leg helping it
to relax.....see if that one helps you i also
do in the tub with hot water when i have great
pain. thanks again
Wanda Scott - 09/01/97 04:05:22
My Email:103333.3152@compuserve.com
Owen Oakeshott - 08/31/97 16:50:06
My Email:owenoakeshott@msn.com
Hi. Glad to meet a fellow sufferer...assuming mine IS sciatica. It's currently v.bad. However, it hasn't been officially diagnosed as sciatica by the the prof's, since - they argue - it could reasonably be a number of other things aswell. Mine will always
come on after a bout of stomach-strengthening exercises which, as an actor, I need to do to keep in shape. So, this thing is certainly getting in the way of my career. I'm going to see an oesteopath tomorrow. Will he help? My difficulty seems, principally
in walking...Any suggestions...?
Jeannie Gard - 08/30/97 04:58:46
My Email:jmgard@aracnet.com
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Hi again. Should have read the guestbook first. I wouldn't venture to diagnose or prescribe, but
can tell what I experience and do. An episode
feels like a pair of vice grips around my hips. I don't have pain anymore, but a terrible weakness of the muscles and numbing in the foot. Makes one
very vulnerable.
Triggers for me are: lack of sleep (muscles only
heal when you sleep), intense stress (former cop),
not doing my excercises everyday, certain positions like sitting and standing up while bending forward.
Exercises: I do the ones you described plus
mini sit-ups or crunches. You have to keep the
stomach muscles tight. I sleep on my side with
a pillow between my knees.
I wouldn't dream of letting a chiropractor touch
my back. Or a surgeon.
I take Orudis, which is now available otc in my
I'm 43 years old and have been working at a UPS
competitor, unloading trucks and moving freight around. I can still outwork most people half
my age
Jeannie Gard - 08/30/97 04:40:42
My Email:jmgard@aracnet.com
Thank you for putting up this page. I found
another that has pictures of what you were
referring to (exercises). I'll send you the
url when/if I find it again. I've had problems
with sciatica for the last 10 years.
Colleen Schira - 08/30/97 01:57:55
My Email:cschira@ciee.org
Colleen Schira - 08/30/97 01:53:54
My Email:c.schira@ciee.org
Norm Kent - 08/30/97 01:18:26
My Email:nkent@ix.netcom.com
The single knee to the shoulder seems to work for me. My problems started when my heel snagged on a stairstep, hten slid off and threw all my weight down hard on that leg.
I'll try the other exercises.
Steve Strubbe - 08/30/97 01:18:24
My Email:strured5@aol.com
Dealing with my first and hopefully only bout with sciatica, Chiropractor only seemed to irritate it more. Have seen Orthopod twice, not much help other than physical therapy. Will keep you informed about that. Great site.
Thedra McMillian - 08/29/97 16:57:49
My Email:thedra.mcmillian@jpl.nasa.gov
Loretta VanBussel - 08/29/97 15:44:26
My Email:dreed@julian.uwo.ca
I am almost 4 mons pregnant with my second child. During my first preg. I had mild sciatica during the last trimester, but nothing serious. This time I am already uncomfortable and feeling the 'pins and needles' sensation in my legs and toes. It seems to
come and go. I picked up your exercises, but my tummy is already uncomfortable to lay on, and after 4mons you shouldn't lay on your back. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your site.
Loretta VanBussel
- 08/29/97 02:53:49
Dennis Mayer - 08/27/97 22:51:48 GMT
My Email:mayer@gj.net
Such a common disease
Good basic information--thanks. I am a new Internet person. This is my first attempt to procure info about sciatica.
Billy R. Rose - 08/27/97 21:17:59 GMT
My Email:br1229@usit.net
I have butt and leg pain, started 2 wks ago, can't get any relief from the pain. I am a Paramedic with ambulance service, I've never experienced any pain like this before. I've had back pain, but nothing like this. If you have any advice for me I would lo
e to hear from you. Thank You!
jo - 08/27/97 16:08:55 GMT
My Email:jotdok@juno.com
Just starting to browse in your area. Just survived my first bout with sciatica, and I'm not too proficient with this computer technology, but thanks for being there.
jo - 08/27/97 16:01:49 GMT
My Email:jotdok@juno.com
jean schott - 08/27/97 00:44:06 GMT
My Email:stripe1@erols.com
carol b. - 08/23/97 20:32:04 GMT
This is the second episode of what I believe to be sciatica. I am relieved to know I am not alone, although I feel sorry for all of you. Most of all, concerned about the right level of exercise. Great page - Thank you (seeing an orthopedist this week ?
- 08/22/97 19:32:13 GMT
Michael Shaw - 08/21/97 20:21:19 GMT
My Email:michael@gizmo.idiscover.co.uk
I was given a cortisone lumbar epidural following a severe painful sciatic episode. I was pain free after two hours
Michael Shaw - 08/21/97 20:14:16 GMT
My Email:michael@gizmo.idiscover.co.uk
Many tganks for your kind advice
- 08/21/97 18:38:26 GMT
Mike - 08/21/97 02:20:58 GMT
My Email:Brock2980@Juno.com
Julio Rodriguez - 08/20/97 10:28:32 GMT
My Email:jrodrigu@mwr.kic.or.jp
I am a 37 year old Marine who fought a long, and ardous battle with sciatica 1 year ago. The pain started while I was jogging. Within 2 weeks I was in excrutiating pain every waking minute. The pain was usually lessened after a good night's sleep
ut worsened during the day making it unberable to do anything but lay down in the evening. My condition seemed to be different than most people I eventually met with it. I was bent forward at the waist and could only take small, calculated steps, making
me walk like an old man. I did everything that I was told; special diet, stretching exercises, chiropractic help, but nothing helped. After a year of living with the pain I decided to go for X-rays and found out that I had a herniated disk. Once I found
out that surgery had a good chance of relieving my pain, I decided for it. After approximately 13 months of pain I got up from the surgery table with absolutely no pressure or pain. It was like a miracle. A year later, I am 100% cured. I am not saying
that surgery is always the answer, but I do believe that a young person diagnosed with a herniated disc causing the sciatic pain should definitively discuss the possibilities with his or her Doctor.
Just thought you might like to know.
Alan Lefkowitz - 08/20/97 00:30:50 GMT
My Email:azllaw@andrew.cmu.edu
Someone said that leg pain could be sciatica, so I checked in. Got 967 hits, you were in the first ten and talked about exercise and diet. My doctor has given me only one of two choices. Either lose weight or......grow seven inches. I'll enjoy wondering a
ound and urge to to continue.
VICKI MAY - 08/19/97 22:30:38 GMT
susan graham - 08/19/97 21:12:56 GMT
My Email:pinetree@netdoor.com
Theresa Manchego - 08/19/97 21:07:18 GMT
My Email:Theresa.Manchego@spot.Colorado.edu
My Mom has sciatica and I am trying to find some methods for her to relieve the pain. Thanks!
Michelle Vardeman - 08/19/97 15:50:17 GMT
My Email:mvardema@post.smu.edu
When you get a chance, i'd really appreciate your contacting me. I don't really know if I have sciatica or not. My pain seems to originate in my right hipbone and manifests as a sharp, shooting pain from the hip down through the leg. It doesn't linger. It
s overwhelming, then it's gone. I don't really notice any severe back pain preceding it, although I do know that certain positions, such as crossing my legs while sitting at my computer for long hours (or my ankles while lying in bed) seems to bring it on
although it comes when it wants to. Is that sciatica? Or do you know of anything else it might be? Thanks! And what a great information page you've got here!
Michelle Vardeman - 08/19/97 15:40:49 GMT
My Email:mvardema@post.smu.edu
Stacy - 08/19/97 14:47:02 GMT
My Email:luvshack9@aol.com
Thanks for your site! I have had sciatica for about 3 yrs and I am 33. The pain was particually intense, so i thought i would search for some answers. Anyway I appreciate your site and thanks for the tips.
Dave Morris - 08/18/97 17:59:15 GMT
My Email:morris@raydirks.com
I think my sciatica is stenosis related.
It only hurts when I awake in the morning
or when I sit in a very soft chair. I have not had an MRI but it does not appear 2b disc related
from the x-rays. I wonder if any medical interven-
tion is too risky.
Frank - 08/17/97 15:47:02 GMT
My Email:feinb005@tc.umn.edu
Not a chronic sufferer (at least not yet), sort of just a pain in the ass (both the sciatica, and me, according to my wife). Am 52, exercise with decent regularity, running 20 minutes/biking/or something on the treadmill 3-4 times a week, depending on th
time of year. Thanks for your efforts.
Michelle Head - 08/17/97 15:30:00 GMT
My Email:mhead@law.harvard.edu
I'd like to see more exercises geared toward pregnant women. (Pregnant women often get sciatica and aren't supposed to exercise on our backs after the fourth month of pregnancy.)
John Eterno - 08/17/97 04:59:30 GMT
My Email:jeterno@worldnet.att.net
I've read about the causes of disk problems, but not the mechanisms for cures. How do any of the exercises, foods, manipulations, etc. actually get a ruptured or bulging disk to retract or repair itself?
- 08/16/97 12:03:35 GMT
Mona - 08/15/97 19:03:33 GMT
My Email:monag@capital.net
Great site! I was recently diagnosed and am in
physical therapy. The exercises I'm doing are very similar to yours. I also hot pack with a hydroculator at least once every day. That seems to help. My job sometimes keeps me at my computer for hours at a time. I have not found a chair that is at al
comfortable. Do you (or anyone) have any suggestions?
David J. Shattuck - 08/15/97 02:25:55 GMT
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/shattuck/
My Email:shattuck@sprynet.com
I have been suffering lower back pain for about a month. It seems to be worst when I sit for too long. I found your page very informative and plan on trying the exercises you suggested. Thanks!
John Klatt - 08/14/97 22:00:23 GMT
My Email:JDKlatt@ix.netcom.com
I have had good luck with neurosurgery, and subsequently reinjured myself doing "healthy activity". I am making a gradual comeback. I would like to suggest to the folks in the guestbook that some attention to your sitting (get a good chair!) and your slee
ing (ditto the bed)are a start. Moving around helps me, and sitting or lying too long is definitely a negative. Exercises that strengthen the back are painful at first, but they do more for me than any amount of ibuprofin. A good bookstore will have at le
st book devoted to these exercises. Chiropractic can get you loosened up enough to do the exercises; massage is great if you can get it. Good luck!
Sharon Smith - 08/14/97 06:51:46 GMT
My Email:shsmith#guidant.com
Have had problems for years with back, legs, and finding no way to sit, stand, and or lay without pain. Should I see a chiropractor, or continue with a regular M.D.?? Are there exercises that will ease or perhaps even prevent these occurances? Thank yo
Sharon Smith
Chris Aitken - 08/13/97 13:39:04 GMT
My Email:aitken@net1.nw.com.au
John Highet - 08/13/97 11:32:58 GMT
My Email:john@clear.net.nz
Good Work
- 08/12/97 20:17:35 GMT
Alan Millet - 08/11/97 13:27:23 GMT
My Email:alan@erie.net
Thanks for the page.. I am 41 and have suffered from sciatica on and off for years.
I have gained weight over the years, and am now 60 pounds overweight. I would like to see information on how the onset of weight can throw the back out of alignment and start these bouts with sciatica.
Gwen Averitt - 08/11/97 09:13:33 GMT
My Email:WAZD10A@Prodigy.com
Thanks! I found your article very helpful.
Sherr - 08/09/97 04:51:11 GMT
My Email:Durgee@ix.netcom.com
Great article. I was recently diagnosed with
sciatica and I am only 31. It hurts like hell and
I'm wondering how long this will last? I've found
that caffeine irritates it. You have a lot
of good info and it's right on the money! Thanks
Teresa - 08/06/97 21:52:23 GMT
Mary Tan - 08/06/97 14:19:06 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/2914
My Email:mtan@geocities.com
Hi, Steve,
I'm not sure if there was a problem with my web page, but try clicking the "Helpful Exercise" link today. I know that by clicking the words in purple, it won't do anything. In any event, let me know if you have any difficulties. Thanks! :)
Steve Herald - 08/06/97 02:28:29 GMT
My Email:steve@hcc.cc.il.us
I couldn't get the "Helpful Exercises" link to work, but I enjoyed your homepage and I'll return again and try the link once more.
Robert Klein - 08/05/97 23:59:10 GMT
My Email:rsk82@erols.com
Robert Klein - 08/05/97 23:52:48 GMT
My Email:rsk82@erols.com
Mike B - 08/05/97 18:12:17 GMT
My Email:angiej@istar.ca
I am 27 years old and I have been suffering from sciatica for over 3 years. The pain comes and goes. It was so bad once that I actually passed out. I thought it was just a muscle cramp or something. I will definitly try some of your suggestions. Until n
w, its been a whole lot of Tylenol 3.
Diane Vossler - 08/05/97 15:59:04 GMT
My Email:vossler@bigvax.alfred.edu
Thanks for the information! Exercises should prove to be helpful too.
Sigrid Vickery - 08/04/97 23:51:18 GMT
My Email:sigrid@gulftel.com
I have struggled with sciatica for the past three years. Mostly, I have problems with numbness in my feet. Acupuncture helped a lot two years ago and I am giving it a try again. I am looking for good exercises to realign the spine and prevent further n
Thomas Ellis - 08/04/97 19:05:42 GMT
My Email:tellis@ebicom.net
I appreciate your page and comments. I will try the exercises immediately.
Joe Berman - 08/04/97 16:25:22 GMT
My Email:hwvs32a@prodigy.com
Thank you for definition. This is my first experience and it has not been any fun.
- 08/04/97 06:31:52 GMT
My Email:chambo@netzone.com
I started have a problem with my sciatica when I got pregnant 4 1/2 years ago. I have had a problem with it ever since. I have even gone to the doctor who told me nothing except to take a few Tylenol before I go to bed at night. I seem to have a prob
em with it everytime I sit or lie down. I sleep with a pillow under my knees which I have been doing for 15 years. At this point nothing seems to help. I am wondering if this problem stemmed from my pregnancy. Any comments?
Pat Pulley - 08/04/97 05:05:46 GMT
My Email:ppulley@ptd.net
My Mother was recently diagnosed with sciatica in
both legs. She has been miserable. There is a
remedy called castor oil packs, this remedy was used by Edgar Cayce, apparently it helps tremendously. My Mother has found that a heating pad and tiger balm will give some relief.
Ilene Miner - 08/04/97 04:53:37 GMT
My Email:IDMiner@aol.com
I'm just glad I am not alone in this-- I can't sleep at night...taking 5 advil. the pain starts mostly when I get into bed in my favorite sleeping position... and sometimes when I am sitting too long...
It's the not sleeping that is making me absolutely nuts.
thanks for listening
mark chis - 08/03/97 19:31:13 GMT
My Email:mabf16@dial.pipex.com
my Dad is just recovering from sciatica and is very aprehensive as to what to do and not to do so as not to get it back again.
would appreciate any suggestions.
He has been to physio and has suggested excersises which he does but still gets twinges from time to time. He also went to an osteopath for a few weeks but after a while he felt it to be too sore.
He has been very active in the d.i.y. side of things and his work, though in management and sits at a p.c. a lot also gets to do some hands on work when it is very busy i.e. making artificial limbs.
Can you help us with things he shouldn't be doing.
peter robson - 08/03/97 16:39:32 GMT
My Email:pongopete@msn.com
Ellin Halper - 08/03/97 14:27:55 GMT
My Email:Ellin@ipofinancial.com
James Zrimsek - 08/03/97 02:51:45 GMT
My Email:jez@atlantic.com
Jeannine - 08/02/97 00:00:16 GMT
My Email:jet@ny.frontiercomm.net
kent m. jackson - 08/01/97 18:26:21 GMT
My URL:http://www.coinet.com/~trihouse
My Email:kjackson@ultranet.com
Sara - 07/30/97 18:52:08 GMT
My Email:Neft+@pitt.edu
Just been diagnosed. Very painful. Don't know if
chirapractor is the right move or not.
- 07/29/97 18:39:32 GMT
Grady Campbell - 07/29/97 03:27:14 GMT
My URL:http://cmg.health.ufl.edu/~grady
My Email:grady@cmg.health.ufl.edu
Dan Alles - 07/28/97 02:49:11 GMT
My Email:dan@compubell.com
I have herniations at the L4-L5 and the L5-S1 disks. The L5-S1 disk is pressing on a nerve root as indicated by an MRI. I take pain killers throughout the day and at night. Those of you with sciatica pain that cannot sleep at night should try Tylenol P
. It works for me. Also, does anyone know if spinal manipulation does additional harm to the back with herniations/sciatica?
Pauline Scott - 07/27/97 20:41:55 GMT
My Email:TracyScott@compuserve.com
Pauline Scott has suffered from Sciatica for the last year, forcing her to quit work.
she is scheduled to visit her local hospital in the hope that they may be able to help...but her appointment is not for another two years which we find disgusting...unfortunately that is the national health service in england.
this information is very helpful, thank you
Tom Wilson - 07/27/97 16:52:40 GMT
My Email:tjwilson@bigfoot.com
David Pilborough - 07/27/97 03:49:34 GMT
My Email:103741.1044@compuserve.com
Like anyone I am looking to obtain relief or just stabilise a flaky back. I have had surgery on L4-L5 and L5-S1 (89) then again L5-S1 (91), but the disc spaces have narrowed as well. Physio Therapy worked best; Chiropractic helps as long as the 'manip
lation' holds.
I had 8 weeks Physical Therapy blown out by a 45 minute cycle ride. Oh well, back to the Advil.
Jan Weiss - 07/25/97 19:57:56 GMT
My Email:Janet Weiss
Russ Kaye - 07/25/97 19:35:46 GMT
My Email:Robsox@msn.com
- 07/25/97 05:56:32 GMT
Roland J. Soderholm - 07/25/97 02:00:37 GMT
My Email:rollie@livenet.net
I have three bulging disks in the lumbar area
of which is causing right leg pain. Seeing
neurosurgeon at present time
J - 07/25/97 01:57:40 GMT
What about exercise?
Nadine Allee - 07/24/97 17:32:25 GMT
Renee Gooden - 07/24/97 05:44:56 GMT
My URL:http://na-na.swbell.com
Help! My hip pain is unbearable. I have no
insurance so diagnosis by a doc isn't possible.
Please hurry with exercises. This is no way to
live. Renee'
tamara derry - 07/23/97 17:14:25 GMT
My Email:tamara@mail.netropolis.net
I was diagnosed with sciatica over a year ago. My treatment has consisted of cortizone injections in the sciatic socket, physical therapy, and some type of hip contraption that binds my hip joints and restricts movement. I am practically crippled from
his now and I am only 44 years old. I would welcome any suggestions you might have - my insurance does not cover chiropractic services and limited benefits for physical therapy.
I am desperate now - I cannot even sleep.
Can you help me?
Alan Vukas - 07/22/97 20:31:03 GMT
My Email:alanvukas@hotmail.com
Thanks for your page...it has been the most concise I have found and describes my experience entirely.
Don - 07/22/97 00:56:34 GMT
My Email:elk1519@gate.net
How closely do the symptoms of "shingles" mimic
those of a sciatica disorder? I have a history of
of pelvic problems, and now I have all the symptoms of sciatica, but I also have the rash of shingles? It is very confusing. I guess I'll have to wait a week or so to see if the antibiotics work. If not I'll have to see a chiropractor.
James Lang - 07/21/97 23:33:28 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/1152
My Email:jameslang@slb.com
No comment yet, this was the first thing I had to do..
- 07/18/97 15:20:40 GMT
Margaret Watt - 07/17/97 15:27:30 GMT
My Email:106511.2324@compuserve.com
Dean R warwick - 07/14/97 13:34:25 GMT
My Email:Van-goghs-ere@msn.com
Karen Hood - 07/12/97 14:15:19 GMT
My Email:HoodHome
Thanks for your comments on Sciatica. Taking antinflammatory drugs every 2 days is very helpful. Also, I understand from my resea
ch that sciatica can be helped by strengthening the back muscles. I as looking for exercises that would do this without aggravating the sciatica. Can you help with this?
Karen Hood - 07/12/97 14:13:16 GMT
My Email:HoodHome
Thanks for your comments on Sciatica. Taking antinflammatory drugs every 2 days is very helpful. Also, I understand from my resea
ch that sciatica can be helped by strengthening the back muscles. I as looking for exercises that would do this without aggravating the sciatica. Can you help with this?
Carol Palatini - 07/11/97 19:46:31 GMT
My Email:caropal@regent.edu
I've been suffering for about 2 months now. The
pain in my hip and down my leg starts about 2 or
3 minutes after I sit or lie down. Aspirin helps
me get some sleep, but not much. HELP, what are
good exercises and what kind of diet. I'm ready
to throw in the towel!!!!!
Steve Herald - 07/09/97 15:47:59 GMT
My Email:steve@hcc.cc.il.us
I've had problems with sciatica for about two years, ever since I recovered from a very bad fracture of my
eft ankle. Chiropractic has brought some relief. but sciatica remains a recurring problem.
Brahmma - 07/08/97 17:43:47 GMT
My Email:rdnb@micro.lucent.com
I have very little Sciatica. I do swimming quite
often. I feel much relieved. I need more help and
tips, information about how to get rid of it and
what are the possibilities with which I can avoid
operation. In addition, I have Spondylo Lysthesis
too. Please help me with more options
kelly - 07/08/97 04:18:20 GMT
My Email:kelvos@rocketmail.com
Hi! Just starting my journey of dealing with sciatica pain. I have been "down" for about 6 weeks with rea
aweful pain but have noticed a problem last September...not realizing just what my problem was/is. It has been a real learning experience and an ordeal I will never forget. Thanks for having a homepage I can use!!! I may write more as I continue readi
g your page. Kelly/31/female
Eva J Szmigiel - 07/07/97 23:16:06 GMT
My Email:wieva@worldnet.att.net
Ryan Finlay - 07/06/97 22:57:36 GMT
My Email:Yamato@sympatico.ca
Monica Donohoe - 07/04/97 18:18:38 GMT
My Email:donohoes@earthlink.net