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April 21st
Mom is doing really good. She was up most of the night, which I expected considering all the sleep she has gotten. She is sleeping right now but did eat a good breakfast. The hospice nurse was very surprised at how well she is doing. All of her vitals are normal, they are now thinking that perhaps she was just sick, maybe a flu bug or something. Mom told me to make sure to wake her up in time for Days of Our Lives, so that she could watch it and be able to sleep tonight. Stranger things I've never known.

April 22nd
Well, I tried to wake mom yesterday as she asked but she would not get up. She stayed sleeping through the night, didn't wake up until 4:00pm this afternoon. I did convince her to get her house coat on and come out to the living room, where she still is, watching the news. I painted a few walls that mom always asked about and she noticed that they had been painted. She ate a fair dinner, not much and has been snoozing off and on all evening but, she is up. I really think the worst is over for now.

April 23rd
Mom has been in bed since last night at 11:30. She awoke at 7:00am for breakfast, 2:00pm for lunch and 9:00pm for dinner, She ate little or nothing each time. She says she feels fine just very tired, she doesn't have a fever, her pulse and BP are normal. I give her her B-12 shot tomorrow, maybe that will throw here into at least second gear.

April 24th
Mom still hasn't gotten up for any reason, not even to use the commode. I just got done setting her on the side of her bed to change it and her and give her a peanut butter sandwich, she was eating it and fell asleep sitting up, with me next to her. I got her back down in bed, closed off the main light, went out and turned right back around because she was banging on the wall. She wanted me to help her get into bed better, which I did, then she went back to sleep. I think she sleeps just long enough to get a little energy back then uses up more than she has and sleeps longer and stronger just to get some back again. Perhaps the worst isn't over.

April 25th
It is 9:30 am and mom is up in her chair. She has been awake since 4:00 this morning and decided it was time for her to go back to her house. She had toast and coffee for breakfast, all she wanted. She even asked if we could go out for lunch today. We will see what happens. Midnight, I just got mom back to bed. We had a wonderful day. The sun was out, it was warm and so pretty. Mom and I went to the Farmers Market at the Fair Grounds today and she picked out six different pansies and some marigolds for me to plant, I pushed her in her wheelchair. We then headed for the bread store, I got mom some donut holes which she loves. We ate lunch at McDonalds and had donuts for desert. Then it was off to Safeway for grub, mom stayed in the car watching all the people walking around while I shopped. We came home had a big dinner with Robert and Crystal and laughed until we hurt. Mom was being her regular dry humored self, saying the funniest things. We watched Selena on HBO and mom was rockin' out. I really do not think she is ready to kick the bucket just yet. I am sure she will sleep tomorrow, she was done in tonight.

April 26
Mom slept in until 3:00 pm. She got up and went to her chair for dinner and television watching. She said she was tucker out from our excursion yesterday (Surprised she remembered!) and was starving, although she didn't eat much of her dinner. I just can't figure mom out. She is so uncharacteristic of 'typical' Alzheimer's sometimes and other times not. For her to even be able to make the connection with being tired to going out is strange for AD, let alone recalling that she had gone any where. Puzzling.

April 27th
Mom got up at noon today and is still up waiting for the news to come on. She came outside for a while today and helped me plant the flowers that we got at the farmers market. She really enjoyed it. We had a good dinner and she ate it all. I guess she is to stubborn to lick the bucket just yet, thank God..He has heard all the prayers and answered them in His way.

April 28th
Mom was up at 9:00 am, had breakfast and went to her chair. She was very confused today but at least she was up and about. She is getting up from the chair on her own again and toileting herself, her appetite is good and she is drinking lots of fluids. She still complains about stomach pain, I think it is her hiatel(sp) hernia acting up again, I have another doctors appointment for her. Other than this mom is doing really good. Amazing.

April 29th
Mom exhausted herself yesterday and slept the whole day today. She finally got out of bed at 6:00 pm and had dinner, watche some t.v. and went to bed at midnight. She is doing so much better. The Hospice social worker is coming tomorrow to officially take her off Hospice care for now. I feel so relieved that she is better but dread having to go through this again. I am going to apply for a part time job outside the home, I really need an outlet and space from here for a little and I do need the money also. After being in the house for three years, almost every hour of that three years, I can really feel the strain of not having any interaction with others.

April 30th
Mom got up at noon today and is still up, until the news is over. We went up back to visit her friend Ora, me pushing her in her wheelchair UPHILL! Boy was I glad to get to Ora's house. We stayed an visited for awhile then came home in time to meet with the Hospice Social Worker. She was amazed to see mom up and about. After talking and doing an assesment we agreed that mom was not Hospice appropriate at this time. The SW feels that mom is having TIA's but no course of action is warranted. Mom and I have been talking about going to California this summer if she gets a little stronger and more able to walk. Boy would that be fun.

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