about me
travel diary
contacting me

name: tai ho age: 22 race:chinese, staying in KL with coursemates,, currently studying



some background information:

i was born in sitiawan, perak and stayed there for about 2 years i think, taken care of by my paternal grandparents. then i stayed with my parents in seremban, negeri sembilan for a year and i was taken care of by this young lady whom i have never remembered. from the age of 3, i stayed in serdang with my family. my maternal grandmother stayed with us for sometime to take care of me.

i come from a family of 5, i am the eldest of 3 siblings, all males. my younger brother takes good care of me. i used to quarrel a lot with my family, but lately our relationship seems to be improving.

i was always curious who were my relatives now living in china, what were they like, what jobs did they do, do they remember us? however, my paternal grandfather was the only child and my paternal grandmother was also the only child and she was adopted. so then its kinda like hard to trace the family tree. interestingly, my maternal grandmother's mother was vietnamese. my maternal grandfather had passed away and he had a brother here in malaysia and also in china to whom he used to write letters to. so i thought of one day travelling to china and meeting some distant relatives who i have no idea about. but my dad said a lot of the chinese there are only interested in our money, though they may actually be richer than us.


i am not religious.

job experiences:

after my form 5, i taught tuition as a part time job for about 1 1/2 years, since i had a lot of free time.  i worked  before in McDonald's for 1 day but hated working at the counter and anyway the pay was $2.10 per hour. the other girls working there seem to enjoy touching the guys there and were fondling my butt (i consider that as being friendly, not harassment). that may be a plus point for some people for working there, so guys, if you want girls to fondle your butt, go work in McDonald's.


i love travelling and i do travel a lot, mostly within malaysia. my friends know that if they are having a trip somewhere and wants people to join, they can always call me and i won't say no. do check out my new travel diary section. i hope that one day i can go to egypt, africa, perhaps india, china... i am not very interested to see western or developed countries. i'll rather go to the poor countries to see the lifestyle of the people and their poverty. i like seeing everyday people living their normal lives. i love visiting temples, markets and beaches. for some reason, i like the seaside, i enjoy strolling at the beach thinking about sad things and past problems and regrets (i often think about sad things). when my friends see me at the seaside, they would say that i am in a world of my own.

besides that, i like going for disco and snooker and bowling and cycling or just go lepak (loafing) in my friends' houses or go for a walk or go out for supper... in short, i just like going out and wasting time. i hate being at home because i get bored there and anyway i would be quarreling with my family.

i spend a lot of money on newspaper and entertainment magazines or sometimes comics. i read a lot of non-academic stuff but would otherwise stay away from my medical textbooks.

i love meeting celebrities, actors and actresses and i especially love meeting politicians. i can't resist going to them to say hi and shake hands and if they are friendly, i would chat with them.


my childhood ambition was to be a doctor, for the money and glamour and social status. but there is one main reason why i would like to be a doctor but it is a secret, sorry....

my personality:

i am very extroverted. i enjoy making new friends and i like to be introduced to my friends' friends so that i can talk to them and say nasty things and gossip about the original friend. however, i don't really like talking to complete strangers since i don't have much topic to talk about.

i like being in small groups rather than big groups because when i am in small groups i tend to dominate. i am terrible in making conversation on general topics such as current events or politics or sports etc. i am fond of criticizing and saying bad things about people whether it is behind their backs or even if they are there with me.

i have a good sense of humour and i can laugh at myself. my jokes always seem to be twisted, derogatory and sarcastic but most people don't take offense once they get to know me better.

i make a lot of critical, nasty comments but it is not with an intention of hurting people or teaching people a lesson, it is just that i am that  way. once in a while my close friends would say 'why are you always criticizing us?' but usually they ignore my comments and don't take it personally, because they know that i am that type of person and i say bad things about everybody and everything and not just about them.

when i am unhappy about something or angry towards somebody i usually express myself. i often scold people working at fast food counters if i am unhappy with the food, or complain to the restaurant cashier when i feel that the food is expensive etc. customers like me are their nightmares.

when i am angry with close friends i won't talk to them for days or weeks or months but usually i would tell them why i am angry. but of course, after the few days or weeks or months i would approach them again because i don't have many close friends and if i don't talk to people who i am angry or unhappy with, in the end i won't have anybody to talk to at all. that is because i get angry and unhappy easily when it comes to close friends. when it comes to 'hi bye' friends (superficial friends or friends i am not close with), i don't care about whatever they do or what they say about me. but when it comes to close friends, i am very sensitive about the things they DON'T do, such as not inviting me when they go lepak, or go for dinner or not getting me a birthday present though i have to treat them for a meal (its been many many many years since i last got a birthday present, and i have never gotten one from my so called close friends, how sad... ). i feel that they take me for granted. i often go to their houses to hang around but sometimes they don't pay much attention to me, since i am often at their place. they never appreciate the nice things i do for them, and they don't appreciate my cooking (yup, i cook for them). anyway, they have graduated from the university and are now living with their families all over the country. i hardly see much of them, except when someone organises a trip (we went for a cruise together in November, and are planning a trip in January). though i feel that they have been unkind, i miss them sometimes, especially when i am alone in my apartment (where i am staying with my coursemates to be near the hospital).

i am a very lazy person, and most untidy. my room is in such a mess, the floor is very dirty and there is a lot of hair all over, there is a dead cockroach next to my mattress right now, the rubbish in the dustbin is overflowing, my things are all over the place and the toilet is so damn filthy. my friend wanted to use my toilet but in the end he used my housemate's toilet because he said that he is so disgusted that he cannot urinate and that all the shit has gone back into his intestines. i am also lazy when it comes to studying. i do last minute preparations for my exams but i frequently do very well. i have good short term memory for memorising facts from books.

i also realise that i am very spoilt. i get upset and make a fuss when i don't get enough money to buy items i like (i like electronic items such as handphone, pager, digital watches, walkman etc). i don't have to help with the housework and i would only eat fruits such as mangoes if my mum remove their skin.

i am a very impulsive person, i just do things that i like without thinking about their consequences. my heart rules over my head. i say things and take actions without thinking first. but thanx to my impulsiveness, i always know exactly what i want without having to give a long thought.  so when i am in a restaurant, i never have to think about what i would like to eat and i would order straight away. but for the same reason, i often order food and drinks that i dislike because these are food that  i habitually order and i don't pause to  think that i should ask for something else since i dislike the food.

i also have paranoid and histrionic traits. paranoid in the sense that i often feel that there is a negative connotation with what a person say or doesn't say or what a person does or doesn't do. it is like, if i see that you are not talking to me, it means that you're angry with me or i have done something wrong or you no longer like me. or if you do not eat my cooking, it means that you do not appreciate me. because of these feelings, i often feel unsatisfied with the quality of  friendship and often quarrel with my friends and avoid them. i realise that i am very demanding as i feel that i am nice and i sacrifice a lot for my friends, so they should be the same way towards me. but often times they fall short of my expectations and then i would get upset and initiate the quarrel (i often start the quarrels, never the other party).

i have histrionic traits because i am attention seeking and love being in the limelight. i have already succeeded being on newspaper (my name appeared in the papers a few times, and  my photo once), television, radio and internet. i was hoping that someone can do a documentary on me and show it on tv. i often encounter tv camera crews as i go for a lot of performances and special events and i would hang around hoping that they would interview me or i would stand behind some VIP they are interviewing hoping that i would come out on air. i am also manipulative and am good are using emotional blackmail and making people feel guilty so that i can get what i want.

i do tell lies on and off, to boost my image or to please people. if you do meet me, do not believe everything that i say. my housemate and lecturer  says that i like to make shocking statements just for the shock value and the element of surprise.

oh yeah, i am also very very forgetful. when i go out, i have a tendency to leave things behind such as leaving my motorcycle helmet or my bag or one thing or the other. so i have lost lots of my things. but i don't really get upset over it because when i lose something i just buy a new one (i am spoilt, no?). my housemate says that i don't appreciate my things and don't take care of my things and that is why i spoil a lot of my stuff. just recently my computer printer, scanner and monitor broke down. now i am using my brother's computer monitor and printer. the cd-rom drive is making a lot of noise. my desk has a broken side and is completely unusable. my electric socket is short circuited a few days ago. the water in the toilet bowl will flow without stopping when i use the flush. my desk fan is also broken and i have exchanged with a new one from home. i wonder what will spoil next.

i often reflect the bad things that have happened in the past, the things that i should have done and shouldn't have done and then all these feelings of guilt and regrets would sometimes be overwhelming. i get depressed very often after quarreling with my friends or family and i get depressed too when i am lonely or bored. sometimes i get these ideas of suicide but i try to brush them off. only lately do i have a friend who i feel i can confide in, but anyway i do not tell him a lot of things. i do not want people to think that i am a weak or bad or problematic person.


none and never had one, i guess i am unwanted. and anyway, i am very choosy. i want a girl who is pretty, model-like, tall, rich, studying medicine, law or engineering. her personality is not important at all.  i want a person who i can bring around with pride, a person who would make my friends say 'wow, what a lucky guy, i wonder what has he done to deserve her'. so far i have yet to meet someone like that. if you fit into my descriptions, e-mail me!


i hope to be married by the age of 24. i would like an arranged marriage. that way, if the marriage doesn't turn out well then  i can say that it is my parents' fault for choosing that girl.

though i hope that she would be pretty and rich and all that, i can't be sure that is what i would get. however, i want a wife who is lowly educated. someone who would be grateful that she is lucky to marriy a rich doctor. just as long as she can cook, stay at home to care for the kids and makes sure the house is tidy when i come home from work,  that's fine with me. someone who would let me make all the decisions and agree with me all of the time and would not quarrel with me. so you see the criteria for a wife is slightly different from a girlfriend.


i want to have 2 baby boys. in chinese culture, when girls get married,  they then 'belong' to the husband's family. so you lose your female children when they get married. however, when your sons get married, you 'gain' additional family members (which is your daughter-in-laws). anyway, if my wife gives birth to girls, you can have them.

i have already decided on my kid's english and chinese names. at first i had thought of Terry and Gary, but now i no longer like the sound of the names. and anyway, people say that terry sounds like a gay name, or it sounds 'terryble' or reminds people of Teri Hatcher.

so now i have decided on Ryan and Isaac. but my junior said isaac sounds like a jew name.

as for their chinese names, i would name them after my friends.

how i would raise the kids:

my kids would be lucky in the sense that i would pamper them and spoil them and buy them anything that they want. when they are old enough, i would get them handphones, credit cards and cars and what nots.

i would not send them to tuition or extracurricular classes unless they ask for it as i believe that children's work is to play. it is okay not to be academically inclined. i think that they should have schooling at least to form 5 and after that they can start working if they are not interested in studying. just like i believe i should be able to choose my lifestlye, my kids should be able to do the same too.

 in the future, if my children do not like me and don't come to visit when i am old, then that is fine; it is just my bad luck or fate that my kids are this way.

goals for the distant future:

i hope to own a business, perhaps a restaurant business or maybe a cybercafe. i do not want to stay long in the medical line, it is tiring and can be boring.

i have thought of being a tour operator and bring people to travel all over the world. or maybe as a dj in a disco, and play techno songs till the morning, that would be cool.

i want to make tonnes of money, and donate some to charitable organisations. i want a double or triple storey bungalow with a large yard and beautiful swimming pool. the house must have 5 maids. one can cook, the other can clean the house, the third can help take care of the kids, another to do gardening and the last one can .... er, i'll think of something for her to do. and of course, i want to have a driver to drive my big, expensive car.

what i am good at:

- making new friends

- writing slogans for competitions (i've won lots of prizes !)

- cooking (chinese girls are very bad cooks)

- drawing, painting, computer graphics.

- website designing (don't you think so?)

- last minute studying for exams

- telling crude, nasty jokes about friends

what i am bad at:

- keeping friends

- saying sorry

- making conversations on general topics

- controlling my spending habits (it is driving my mum nuts)

what i want in the year 2000:

- people to remember my 23rd birthday, send me a card or e-mail or call me. if i get a present, that is even better (by the way, it is on the 22nd of december)

- have sex with my fav. junior

- see my precious number one

- better health perhaps. i am getting cough and cold very often these few months. and i get diarrhoea about once every 2 weeks for many years already since i am very sensitive to the food i take.

- oh yeah, a StarTac V handphone to replace my old StarTac !